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1、学习必备 欢迎下载 数词专项复习 英语中的数词包括基数词和序数词两大类,为了便于同学们系统地复习数词,现就小学阶段数词的主要内容作以下归纳。 一、基本构成 (一) 基数词(表示几) 1.1 12 的基数词是独立的单词,即: one,two,three ,four ,five ,six ,seven ,eight , nine ,ten ,eleven ,twelve 。 2.13 19 的基数词以-teen 结尾,但 13,15,18 较特殊, 13thirteen 15fifteen 18eighteen 。 3.20 90 的整十位均以-ty 结尾。 但 20, 30, 40, 50, 8

2、0 较特殊, 20twenty , 30thirty, 40 forty ,50fifty ,80eighty 。 4. 十位数与个位数之间要加连字符号“-”,如:28 twenty-eight,96 ninety-six。 5. 百位和十位( 若无十位则和个位) 之间加 and,如:148one hundred and forty-eight ,406four hundred and six。 6.hundred( 百) ,thousand( 千) ,等前面即使有具体的数词,也不能在它们的后面加 s。如:600six hundred, ( 二) 序数词由基数词转变而来,表示“这是第几个” 1

3、. 口诀巧记基数词变序数词: “一、二、三,特殊记, (第一 first 第二 second 第三 third ) 八去“t”,九去“e”, (eight eighth nineninth ) “ve”要用“f”替, (five fifth,twelve twelfth) 见 y 变成 i 和 e,词尾加上 th (twenty twentieth,forty fortieth) 若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。(twenty-fivetwenty-fifth) 2. 其余情况均在基数词后加th 3.序数词有时用缩写形式: First 缩写 1st, twentysecond 缩写 22th.

4、 二、基本用法 ( 一) 基数词的基本用法 用基数词来修饰可数名词时,一定别忘了用该名词的复数形式。 如:十八个男孩 eighteen boys ( 二) 序数词的基本用法 1. 序数词前面一般要加定冠词 the( 或物主代词) : Autumn is the third season in a year. 2. 如果数字较长,序数词总避免使用,而且读的方法也常常简化: 第201房间: Room 201 第 319 页: page 319 3. 在谈编了号的东西时,我们可以用基数词表示顺序: the first part-part one 三、特殊数字的表示法 ( 一) 年 月 日表示法 1.

5、 年代前用 in. ( in ) 1905 读作(in ) nineteen and five ( in ) 1800 读作( in ) eighteen hundred 2. 月份开头第一个字母须大写,表示“在某月”时,月份前面用 in 。 ( in ) January Jan. ( in ) March Mar. ( in ) December Dec. 3. 日期 用序数词( 前需要加 the) 表示; “ 在某日”,前面用介词 on. ( on ) October the first 4. 某年 某月 某日 in Sep. 1954 on Oct. 1, 1949(读作 on Octo

6、ber the first, nineteen forty-nine) ( 二) 时刻表示法 1. 在具体时刻前通常用 at 。如: ( at ) six or six oclock 2. 如说几点几分,常将时和分钟分别读出来,如:7:40 读作 seven forty 注: 上午可以用 am表示, 下午用 pm表示,例如:9.50am 11.05pm ( 三) 一些数学加减的读法: 3+8=11 three plus eight is eleven. 9-7=2 nine minus seven is two. 专项练习题 一、英汉互译 第六课 _20 个鸡蛋_6 月 2 日_ on Mar

7、ch 20,2004 _seven thirty_ 96 把椅子 _ No. 5 Middle School _6 :40 _ four times _ 二、把下列基数词改成序数词。 one_two_three_nine_fourteen_twenty_ thirty-five_ five_ eight_twelve_ forty-one 学习必备 欢迎下载 三、选择题 1. We are going to learn _ this term. A. book six B. six book C. the book six D. Book Six 2. Jenny was born ( 出生)

8、 _. A. on July 10, 1987 B. in July 10, 1987 C. in 1987, July 10 D. on 1987 3. Autumn is _ season in a year. A. the fourth B. the third C. a third D. the threeth 4. There are _ days in a year. A. three hundreds sixty-five B. three hundreds and sixty-five C. three hundred sixty-five D. three hundred a

9、nd sixty-five 5. There are _students in our school. A. eight hundreds and forty-six B. eight hundred and forty-six C. eight hundred forty-six 6. My brother is in_. A. Three Class, One Grade B. Class Three, Grade One C. Grade One, Class Three D. class three, grade one 7. Please turn to _ . Lets read

10、the text. A. Page two B. the page two C. second page D. page second 8Danny lives in _ Aroom 404 BRoom 404 C404 room D404 Room 9Whats the date today? _ AIts Saturday BIts July CIts fine DIts July 15 10What time do you get up every day? AIts seven oclock BSeven oclock time CAt seven DOn seven 11.My ho

11、me is about away from the school. A. three hundred metre B. three hundreds metres C. three hundred metres D. three hundred metre 12.We are learning now. A.the twenty-first lesson B.Lesson Twenty-first C.the 21th lesson D.Lesson 21 st 13.This is her birthday, I think. A.twenty B.twentieth C.the twent

12、ieth D.the twentys 14.September is TeachersDay. A.the ten B the tenth C.the tens 15. My grandmother is_ old. A. seventieth B. seventy year C. seventy years D. seventies 16. Monday is the second day, and_. A. Tuesday is the fourth B. Thursday is fifth C. the second day is Tuesday D. the second day is

13、 Thursday 17. There are _months in a year. December is the _month of the year. A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelveth 18. Whats the date today? It is _. A. Friday B. time to go C. cloudy D. June 4th 19. What is five and eight? A. Twelve B. Thirteen C. Fourteen D.

14、 Fifteen 四、根据句意和有关常识,用英文数词填空。 1. Fifty-one plus thirty-eight is _. 2. There are _ days in a week (星期)。 3. W is _ letter in the alphabet(字母表). 4. Thirty divided by (除以)five is _ 5、Bill is (14)years old , he is in Class (2)Grade (6). 6、My birthday is on the (3)of March . 7、September is the (9)month in

15、 a year . 8、Which boy is thinner , the (1)one or the (2)one ? 9、There are (55)students in our class . 10. We have_(12)months in a year.December is the _(12)one. 11. This is my_ (1)bag. 12. My birthday is Dec._ (21). 13. I have_(3)books. I like my_ (3) book. 为了便于同学们系统地复习数词现就小学阶段数词的主要内容作以下归纳一基本构成一基数词表示几如果数字较长序数词总避免使用而且读的方法也常常简化第房间第页在谈编了号的东西时我们可以用基数词表示顺序的基数词是独作读作十位数与个位数之间要加连字符号如月份开头第一个字母须大写表示在某月时月份前面用百位和十位若无十位则和个位之间加如日期用序数词前需要加表示在某日前面用介词百千等前面即使有具体的数词也不能在它们的后某特殊记第一第二第三在具体时刻前通常用如八去九去如说几点几分常将时和分钟分别读出来如读作要用替注上午可以用表示下午用表示例如见变成和词尾加上三一些数学加减的读法若是遇几十几只变个位就可以其余情况均在基数词



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