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1、肺癌的诊治指南肺癌的诊治指南 肺癌的诊治指南肺癌的诊治指南l肺癌的诊断肺癌的临床诊断肺癌的组织病理学诊断肺癌的病期诊断l小细胞肺癌的病期诊断l非小细胞肺癌的病期诊断l肺癌的治疗小细胞肺癌的治疗方法和原则非小细胞肺癌的治疗方法和原则肺癌的诊断-临床诊断l病史采集和完整体检病史采集和完整体检l肺癌肺内临床表现肺癌肺内临床表现咳嗽(刺激性、持续性)咳痰(粘液痰、粘液性脓痰)咯血(痰中夹血、血痰、大咯血)胸闷气促(支气管狭窄、心胸腔积液、换气功能下降引起)哮鸣l专一性检查和组织专一性检查和组织细胞病理学检查细胞病理学检查l初步筛查初步筛查胸正侧位片胸正侧位片血常规项血常规项痰细胞血检查痰细胞血检查 肺




5、h尿钠尿钠200mgl血钙波动在增高的血钙波动在增高的20%左右左右l尿尿5羟吲哚乙酸定性羟吲哚乙酸定性肺癌的诊断-组织病理学诊断lWHO肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征1981年分类年分类1999年分类年分类临床病理特征临床病理特征良性良性不典型增生原位癌 侵袭前病变、原位癌鳞状细胞间变不典型腺瘤样增生弥漫性特发性肺神经 内分泌细胞增生 肺癌的诊断-组织病理学诊断lWHO肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征1981年分类年分类1999年分类年分类临床病理特征临床病理特征恶性恶性鳞状细胞癌变异型梭形细胞癌、鳞状细胞癌变异型乳头状透明细胞小细胞基底细胞

6、样( 免 疫 组 化CYFRA21/SCC)主要发生在段支气管,其次在叶支气管,因此约2/3为中央型肺癌癌侵犯支气管粘膜,易脱落,故痰中容易找到癌细胞而被早期发现肿瘤向管腔生长,使支气管狭窄,甚至阻塞,导致肺不张,脂质性肺炎、支气管肺炎或肺脓肿周围型鳞癌常可发生癌灶中心广泛凝固性坏死,可有空洞形成按癌细胞分化程度可分为分化好、中度分化和分化差三级肺癌的诊断-组织病理学诊断lWHO肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征1981年分类年分类 1999年分类年分类临床病理特征临床病理特征小细胞癌燕麦细胞癌中间细胞型复合性燕麦细胞癌小细胞癌、变异型复合性小细胞癌( 免 疫 组 化NS

7、E)主要发生在主支气管和叶支气管,约70%病例表现为肺门周围肿块肿瘤生长迅速和广泛转移。纵隔累及、远处转移常见小细胞癌为分化差的神经内分泌癌,而不是未分化癌的小细胞型肺癌的诊断-组织病理学诊断lWHO肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征1981年分类年分类1999年分类年分类临床病理特征临床病理特征腺癌腺泡性癌乳头状癌细支气管肺泡癌实性腺癌伴有黏液形成腺 癌 ( 免 疫 组 化 CEA/Ca125)腺泡癌乳头状癌细支气管肺泡癌非黏液性癌黏液性癌混合性黏液及非黏液性或不确定性实性腺癌伴有黏液形成腺癌伴混合性亚型变异型高分化的胎儿型腺癌黏液性(胶样)腺癌黏液性囊腺癌印戒细胞腺癌


9、断-组织病理学诊断lWHO肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征1981年分类年分类 1999年分类年分类临床病理特征临床病理特征腺鳞癌腺鳞癌必须存在确凿无疑的鳞状分化(角化或细胞间桥)和腺样分化(腺泡、小管或乳头结构),其中任何一种成分必须超过5%肺癌的诊断-组织病理学诊断lWHO肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征1981年分类年分类1999年分类年分类临床病理特征临床病理特征具有多形性、肉瘤样或肉瘤成分的癌具有梭形和(或)巨细胞的癌多形性癌梭形细胞癌巨细胞癌癌肉瘤肺母细胞瘤其他癌肉瘤是由恶性上皮和间充质两种成分混合而成的肿瘤,其中间充质成分必须为特殊

10、的异源性组织癌肉瘤是由恶性胚胎性腺体(类似宫内膜样腺体)和恶性母细胞性间质组成的肿瘤肺癌的诊断-组织病理学诊断lWHO肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征肺癌组织学分类及临床病理特征1981年分类年分类 1999年分类年分类临床病理特征临床病理特征类癌类癌典型类癌非典型类癌起源于支气管和细支气管粘膜上皮神经内分泌细胞。较少见,恶性程度低典型类癌和非典型类癌在区域淋巴结和远处转移率以及无瘤存活率有显著差别。微瘤性类癌是一种直径序贯;/选择其一局限期广泛期治疗原则C+RPCI/N0C+RSC+BRMHCRCRCR1(脑、脊柱、骨局部)C+BRM化疗反应率中位生存期2年生存率5年生存率RR/CR80%/50

11、-60%12-15M15-20%7%65-70%/10-20%8-12M5%序贯;/选择其中之一分期综合治疗方法综合治疗方法5年生存率年生存率(%)隐匿癌观察或化学预防0S0/L100100AT1S17565BT2侵及脏层胸膜 S155T2跨叶侵犯S2T2侵及主支气管 S3T2不能承受手术 R0非小细胞肺癌的治疗原则和方法(3)非小细胞肺癌的治疗原则和疗效注:+同时;序贯;/选择其中之一分期综合治疗方法综合治疗方法5年生存率年生存率(%)AT1N1S15040BT2N1S1-3C235-50T3S4C235T3R1+C1S4C2;R1S4C2最差AT1-2N2C1S1-3;C1+R1S1-3C

12、2;S1-3C2R25030T3N1R1+C1/R1S1-3C2;S4C235T3N2C1R1S1-3C2;S4C25非小细胞肺癌的治疗原则和方法(4)非小细胞肺癌的治疗原则和疗效分期综合治疗方法综合治疗方法5年生存率年生存率(%)BT4N0-2S3C2;C1/R1S3C2 1510T4N3C3+R35-10M1单器官 C3+R3/C3R3;BSC5R3;BSC注:+同时;序贯;/选择其中之一NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of occult lung cancer (Tx,N0,M0) In occult lung cancer, a diagnostic

13、evaluation often includes chest x-ray and selective bronchoscopy with close follow-up (e.g., computed tomographic scan), when needed, to define the site and nature of the primary tumor; tumors discovered in this fashion are generally early stage and curable by surgery. After discovery of the primary

14、 tumor, treatment is determined by establishing the stage of the patients tumor. Therapy is identical to that recommended for other non-small cell lung cancer patients with similar stage disease. NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of stage 0 (Tis,N0,M0)Standard treatment options: 1.Surgical resection

15、using the least extensive technique possible (segmentectomy or wedge resection) to preserve maximum normal pulmonary tissue since these patients are at high risk for second lung cancers. 2.Endoscopic photodynamic therapy.2,3 NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of stage (T1-2,N0,M0)Standard treatment op

16、tions: 1.Lobectomy or segmental, wedge, or sleeve resection as appropriate. 2.Radiation therapy with curative intent (for potentially resectable patients who have medical contraindications to surgery). 3.Clinical trials of adjuvant chemotherapy following resection.14,15 4.Adjuvant chemoprevention tr

17、ials.12,13,16 5.Endoscopic photodynamic therapy (under clinical evaluation in highly selected T1, N0, M0 patients).17 NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of stage (T1-2N1M0,T3N0M0,T1-2N1M0,T3N0M0,)Standard treatment options: 1.Lobectomy; pneumonectomy; or segmental, wedge, or sleeve resection as approp

18、riate. 2.Radiation therapy with curative intent (for potentially operable patients who have medical contraindications to surgery). 3.Clinical trials of adjuvant chemotherapy with or without other modalities following curative surgery.10 4.Clinical trials of radiation therapy following curative surge

19、ry.10NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of stage A (T1-3N2M0,T3N1M0,T1-3N2M0,T3N1M0,)Standard treatment options: 1.Surgery alone in operable patients without bulky lymphadenopathy.22-24 2.Radiation therapy alone, for patients who are not suitable for neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus surgery.1,2 3.Chemoth

20、erapy combined with other modalities.4-6,12NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of stage A (T1-3N2M0,T3N1M0,T1-3N2M0,T3N1M0,)Superior sulcus tumor (T3, N0 or N1, M0)Standard treatment options: 1.Radiation therapy and surgery. 2.Radiation therapy alone. 3.Surgery alone (selected cases). 4.Chemotherapy co

21、mbined with other modalities. 5.Clinical trials of combined modality therapy. 6. Concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy followed by surgery may provide the best outcome, particularly for patients with T4, N0 or N1 disease.26 Level of evidence: 3iiiDi NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of stage

22、A (T1-3N2M0,T3N1M0,T1-3N2M0,T3N1M0,)Chest wall tumor (T3, N0 or N1, M0)Standard treatment options: 1.Surgery.24,27 2.Surgery and radiation therapy. 3.Radiation therapy alone. 4.Chemotherapy combined with other modalities.NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of stage B (anyTN3M0,T4anyNM0,)anyTN3M0,T4anyN

23、M0,)Standard treatment options: 1.Radiation therapy alone.7 2.Chemotherapy combined with radiation therapy.1-3,9 3.Chemotherapy and concurrent radiation therapy followed by resection.13,14 4.Chemotherapy alone. NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of stage (anyT,anyN,M1,)anyT,anyN,M1,)Standard treatment

24、 options: (1)1. External-beam radiation therapy, primarily for palliative relief of local symptomatic tumor growth. 2. Chemotherapy. The following regimens are associated with similar survival outcomes: Cisplatin plus vinblastine plus mitomycin.14 Cisplatin plus vinorelbine.3,15 Cisplatin plus pacli

25、taxel.6,9 Cisplatin plus docetaxel.9,16 Cisplatin plus gemcitabine.9,17 Carboplatin plus paclitaxel.5,9,15 NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of stage (anyT,anyN,M1,)anyT,anyN,M1,)Standard treatment options: (2)3. Clinical trials evaluating the role of new chemotherapy regimens and other systemic agen

26、ts. Initial results suggest newer non-platinum-based chemotherapy regimens may produce response and survival results similar to those produced by standard platinum-based regimens.18 Further trials comparing platinum- and non-platinum-based regimens are ongoing. Information about ongoing clinical tri

27、als is available from the NCI Cancer.gov Web site. 4. Endobronchial laser therapy and/or brachytherapy for obstructing lesions.11NCI Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of recurrent NSCLCStandard treatment options: (1)1. Palliative radiation therapy. 2. Chemotherapy alone. For patients who have not receive

28、d prior chemotherapy, the following regimens are associated with similar survival outcomes: Cisplatin plus vinblastine plus mitomycin.16 Cisplatin plus vinorelbine.17 Cisplatin plus paclitaxel.18,19 Cisplatin plus gemcitabine.19,20 Carboplatin plus paclitaxel.19,21,22 Cisplatin plus docetaxel.19 NCI

29、 Guideline of NSCLC Treatment of recurrent NSCLCStandard treatment options: (2)3. Surgical resection of isolated cerebral metastasis (highly selected patients).6 4. Laser therapy or interstitial radiation therapy for endobronchial lesions.23 5. Stereotactic radiosurgery (highly selected patients).3,5 Changes to This Summary (09/29/2003)



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