七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(第6课时)Section B(3aself check)教案 人教新目_小学教育-小学课件

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七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(第6课时)Section B(3aself check)教案 人教新目_小学教育-小学课件_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(第6课时)Section B(3aself check)教案 人教新目_小学教育-小学课件_第3页
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《七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(第6课时)Section B(3aself check)教案 人教新目_小学教育-小学课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend(第6课时)Section B(3aself check)教案 人教新目_小学教育-小学课件(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 第六课时 Section B3a-self check P72 Learning Goals: 一、话题:熟练掌握运用过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情 二、功能:谈论一般过去时 三、语法:谈论一般过去时和动词的规则变化与不规则变化 四、学习策略:能以日记的形式记录一天的活动并表达感想 Teaching Procedures: Step Ilearning Aims 展示目标 Tell the students the learning aims: to talk about past events and learn

2、how to write articles about past events. Step II Pre-writing activities写前活动 Task 1 Lead in:Talk about the things what you did T: Look at the pictures, what did you do last weekend? Encourage Ss to talk about what they did according to the pictures like this: A: How was your last weekend? B: It was g

3、reat. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I. camped by the lake went to the beach played badminton flew a kiteput up a tent fed some sheep (设计意图:通过图片进行两人一组的对话,学生比较感兴趣,再次让学生熟悉句型,能轻松谈论自己上周末所做的事情, 引导学生讨论自己干什么, 激活学生头脑中关于一般过去时的知识,为写作积累语言效果会比较好。) Task2 Look at the pictures and remember well in 3a on P72.

4、1. Talk about the pictures (看图说话) T: Let s see some pictures I remember well. What did you do on weekends? Show some pictures and ask students to talk about them . (设计意图:提供的上述图片,学生比较关注,通过讨论,开阔了学生的思维,为写作提供了背景知识。老师根据实际情况提供一些语言帮助,学生也可用汉语讨论。) 2. Fill in the blanks短文填空 I had a busy weekend. On Saturday m

5、orning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I _. It was a little difficult. On Saturday night, I stayed at home and _ cook dinner. On Sunday morning, I _. I read a book about history. Then in the afternoon, I _ with my friends. On Sunday night, I _. I saw an interesting talk show. Have the Ss check

6、 their answers with their partners first. Then choose several Ss to show their answers blank by blank. ( Answers: cleaned my room,did my homework, helped my mother, went to the library, playedfootball, watched TV) Give the students time to read the completed passage. ( 帮助学生大声读出完整的文章提高语感。) 3. Let s d

7、iscuss : How to write this passage? (The students works with the teacher together to find the answer) 1) write in a timeline. 2) Use the past tense. 3) write about the feelings. 4) the topic sentence. Step III While-writing activities写中活动 Write about what you did last weekend. Work on 3b on P72. 1.S

8、how the standards展示标准 T: Let s talk about what you did last weekend (1)What did you do on Saturday morning? 和动词的规则变化与不规则变化四学习策略能以日记的形式记录一天的活动并表达感想展示目标写前活动设计意图通过图片进行两人一组的对话学生比较感兴趣再次让学生熟悉句型能轻松谈论自己上周末所做的事情引导学生讨论自生比较关注通过讨论开阔了学生的思维为写作提供了背景知识老师根据实际情况提供一些语言帮助学生也可用汉语讨论短文填空帮助学生大声读出完整的文章提高语感写中活动展示标准设计意图引导学生关注

9、中列出的内容思考并为同学互相帮助修改并完善所写内容丰富自己的语言通过合作目的是让学生借鉴更多的同伴资源帮助学生打开思路要求学生从提供的个方面进行讨论为学生提供了语言支架鼓励同学之间相互进行讨论设计意图引导学生讨论自己的周末(2) What did you do on Saturday afternoon? (3) What did you do on Saturday night? (4)What did you do on Sunday morning? (5)What did you do on Sunday afternoon? (6)What did you do on Sunday

10、night? ( 设计意图:引导学生关注 3b 中列出的内容,思考并为下面的写作打开思路。) 2.Talk about your last weekend谈论实际 T: I am a teacher. I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I washed the clothes. On Saturday afternoon, I cleaned my room.Finish 3b by yourself and then work in groups of four and talk about your weekends (设计意图: 老师可

11、以先说自己繁忙的周末,然后让学生先独立完成 3b, 然后组内分享,小组内同学互相帮助,修改并完善所写内容,丰富自己的语言。通过合作目的是让学生借鉴更多的同伴资源,帮助学生打开思路。要求学生从 3b 提供的 6 个方面进行讨论,为学生提供了语言“支架”。 鼓励同学之间相互进行讨论。) 3. Choose several students to talk about your weekends orally to the rest of the students. At the same time write some key words on the blackboard (设计意图: 引导学生

12、讨论自己的周末,先口头表达。黑板上的关键词,便于学生们借鉴和思考。 Step IVPractice: Write the students weekends. Work on 3b on P72. 1.Write an outline拟定提纲 Help the Ss make sure the composition must include the following things before they start to write their weekends. On Saturday morning,Iwashed the clothes. On Saturday afternoon,

13、I On Saturday night, I On Sunday morning, I On Sunday af ternoon, I On Sunday night, I Tense: the past tense. ( 设计意图: 一起学习写作要求和注意事项, 引导学生关注篇章结构和语篇标记词汇, 帮助学生整理写作信息。鼓励有能力的学生创新思维,丰富写作内涵。) 2.Write the first draft起草初稿 T: I will give you several minutes to write your own weekends Choose one student to wri

14、te his/her weekends on the blackboard. My last weekend was kind of busy. I washed my clothes on Saturday morning. On Saturday 和动词的规则变化与不规则变化四学习策略能以日记的形式记录一天的活动并表达感想展示目标写前活动设计意图通过图片进行两人一组的对话学生比较感兴趣再次让学生熟悉句型能轻松谈论自己上周末所做的事情引导学生讨论自生比较关注通过讨论开阔了学生的思维为写作提供了背景知识老师根据实际情况提供一些语言帮助学生也可用汉语讨论短文填空帮助学生大声读出完整的文章提高语感

15、写中活动展示标准设计意图引导学生关注中列出的内容思考并为同学互相帮助修改并完善所写内容丰富自己的语言通过合作目的是让学生借鉴更多的同伴资源帮助学生打开思路要求学生从提供的个方面进行讨论为学生提供了语言支架鼓励同学之间相互进行讨论设计意图引导学生讨论自己的周末afternoon, I went to the library. I read a book there. I cooked dinner in the evening. On Sunday morning, I used the computer. On Sunday afternoon, I played ping-pong. On

16、Sunday evening, I did my homework. ( 设计意图: 让一个学生把他的例文书写在黑板上,引起所有学生的注意,全体学生一起修改。) . Post-writing activities写后活动 Step V Make comments on the Ss movie reviews. 1.Presentationand evaluation(典型展示, 师生评价) T: Let s see the composition together.( 利用投影仪展示学生作文) My last weekend was kind of busy. I washed my clo

17、thes on Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon, I went to the library. I read a book there. I cooked dinner in the evening. On Sunday morning, I used the computer. On Sunday afternoon, I played ping-pong. On Sunday evening, I did my homework. T: What do you think of your classmatescomposition? Why?

18、 ( 先要求学生对这篇文章进行评论,然后教师点评) (设计意图:通过投影展示,点评学生习作。目的是使学生尽力领会教师对文章的点评,培养学生选词和用词的能力,指导学生多模仿好文章的优点,纠正共同的缺点。) 2.Students mutual evaluation 生生互评 T: Now lets check your partners composition according to the above evaluation scale. ( 设计意图:采用生生互评的方式,既可发现问题,提出改进意见,也可在学生间建立真诚友情。有利于学生提高对学习状况的自我反思能力提高学生学习的积极性和主动性。)

19、 Step VI I am a reporter 新闻采访 Interview one of your friends in our class and and give a report. .Time/name:_ How was your weekend? What did you do? Saturday afternoon Saturday afternoon Saturday evening Sunday morning Sunday afternoon Sunday evening ( 设计意图:鼓励学生归纳总结所学的知识,同时完成Self Check 部分相应的内容。) Step

20、 VII Emotional Education T:Look at the picture,lets discuss what they did and how was their weekend. Played computer games for 24 hours drank wine 和动词的规则变化与不规则变化四学习策略能以日记的形式记录一天的活动并表达感想展示目标写前活动设计意图通过图片进行两人一组的对话学生比较感兴趣再次让学生熟悉句型能轻松谈论自己上周末所做的事情引导学生讨论自生比较关注通过讨论开阔了学生的思维为写作提供了背景知识老师根据实际情况提供一些语言帮助学生也可用汉语讨论

21、短文填空帮助学生大声读出完整的文章提高语感写中活动展示标准设计意图引导学生关注中列出的内容思考并为同学互相帮助修改并完善所写内容丰富自己的语言通过合作目的是让学生借鉴更多的同伴资源帮助学生打开思路要求学生从提供的个方面进行讨论为学生提供了语言支架鼓励同学之间相互进行讨论设计意图引导学生讨论自己的周末 Smoked played cards T:It was not good, unhealthy ( 不健康的). It s important to arrange( 安排) weekend reasonably and meaningfully. Everyone should learn h

22、ow to make full use of time 。 Step VIII Self Check P72 1. Complete the phrases.Then use some of them in the past forms to write a story after class. out with friends for a walk apples Photos fly a milk a Campthe lake study a test (Answers: go go pick take kite cow by for) .2.Complete the conversatio

23、n. A: I had a school trip last week. B: Really. _ (go)? A: I visited the fire station. B: _ (go with)? A: I went with my classmates. B: _ (do)? A: We watched the firefighters worked. What an interesting job they have! B: _ (learn anything)? A: Sure. We learned how to call the fire station and what t

24、o do when there is a fire. Answers: Where did you go Whodid you go with What did you goDid you learn anything Step IXHomework Write a short story about your great weekend. Blackboard Design 和动词的规则变化与不规则变化四学习策略能以日记的形式记录一天的活动并表达感想展示目标写前活动设计意图通过图片进行两人一组的对话学生比较感兴趣再次让学生熟悉句型能轻松谈论自己上周末所做的事情引导学生讨论自生比较关注通过讨论

25、开阔了学生的思维为写作提供了背景知识老师根据实际情况提供一些语言帮助学生也可用汉语讨论短文填空帮助学生大声读出完整的文章提高语感写中活动展示标准设计意图引导学生关注中列出的内容思考并为同学互相帮助修改并完善所写内容丰富自己的语言通过合作目的是让学生借鉴更多的同伴资源帮助学生打开思路要求学生从提供的个方面进行讨论为学生提供了语言支架鼓励同学之间相互进行讨论设计意图引导学生讨论自己的周末 和动词的规则变化与不规则变化四学习策略能以日记的形式记录一天的活动并表达感想展示目标写前活动设计意图通过图片进行两人一组的对话学生比较感兴趣再次让学生熟悉句型能轻松谈论自己上周末所做的事情引导学生讨论自生比较关注通过讨论开阔了学生的思维为写作提供了背景知识老师根据实际情况提供一些语言帮助学生也可用汉语讨论短文填空帮助学生大声读出完整的文章提高语感写中活动展示标准设计意图引导学生关注中列出的内容思考并为同学互相帮助修改并完善所写内容丰富自己的语言通过合作目的是让学生借鉴更多的同伴资源帮助学生打开思路要求学生从提供的个方面进行讨论为学生提供了语言支架鼓励同学之间相互进行讨论设计意图引导学生讨论自己的周末



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