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1、love-and-marriage(love-and-marriage(爱情爱情与婚姻与婚姻) )爱情可以排除万难,排除之后,又爱情可以排除万难,排除之后,又有万难。有万难。 张小娴张小娴“Men always want to be a womans first love - women like to be a mans last romance.” Oscar Wilde What is the love? Different people in different times have different definitions to love. Nowadays, people def

2、ined it as :based on certain material conditions and the common ideal of life, two people in their heart form the most sincere admiration for each other, and eager to become hisher lifelong partner .It is the strongest, most stable and specific feelings.The essence of love“L”Loyal(忠诚) Be loyal to yo

3、ur lover, which is essential for the true love. Without loyalty,love would not exist. “O”Observant(用心) It is the bridge of love, which can lead one to the depths of the soul of another. To understand love by your heart, it can make love more solid.忠于你的另一半,这是真正的爱情必不可少的,没有忠诚也不会有爱情.用心是爱情的桥梁,通过它能到达彼此心灵的

4、深处。用心去理解爱情,才会让爱情更加的牢固.“V” Valued(尊重) When you have dispute in something ,you can not impose your own will on heshe.You should respecte hisher opinion or choice.“E” Excuse(宽容) There is no perfect man in this world ,and no one will never make mistakes, forgiving hisher shortcomings and mistakes, which

5、 can make love more longer. 当你们有分歧时,你不能把自己的意志强加于他她,而应尊重他她的观点,尊重他她的选择.世界上没有完美的人,也没有人永远不会犯错,原谅他她的缺点和错误,可以让爱情更持久. The essence of marriageLove each other( 相爱)This is the most important in a marriage. And it should include loyalty、responsibility and understanding.Live together (共同生活)This is the purpose o

6、f marriage. It include the combination of the spirit ,the body and the household.Have baby(延续自己的生命)Having children is a natural development of marriage , and to reject it may lead to cracks to marriage.Three questions about marriage:QQ1What do you think the romantic and realistic? QQWhat do you thin

7、k marry stand for ?Whats your view about marry?What do you think the romantic and realistic? Young people tend to think that real life as dramatic(激动人心) and fascinating(迷人的) as it is in the novels and movies, while more experienced adults disregard this opinion. Adults think this kind of naive(天真的)

8、daydream will only be destroyed by later experiences and every one should learn to get used to tedious(适应) everyday life.Whats your view about marriage? Many couples live a happy life because their marriage is based on true love .On the contrary, some people marry for money only, and their marriage

9、is destine to be a failure. Marriage based on true love lasts and cannot be easily split up whereas marriage without love does not endure(持续) and may end in divorce.What do you think marry stand for ?1. Marriage stands for some responsibilities. If you get married withsomebody, you should be honest

10、to him or her, and not do anything that is not faithful to your love.2. Love is marriages mother, but there are always some poor orphans(单亲).People marry for different reasons and not only for love. Maybe theymarry for money, for promotion, for repayment, for parents or someothers orders, and even j

11、ust for sex. The relationship between love and marriageSome think marriage is the tomb of love. The others think love is a prelude to marriage, marriage is the ultimate goal of loveI think love is the final goal that marriage, if your love is not to marry, its not represent that your love finally re

12、sults well, I think most of people are married with the intention of it, so I think that love is the process, of course, the purpose of marriage is another new starting point. Whats your choice the one you love or the one love you?I know it is difficult to choose. Everyone has his own idea about the choice. But I hope everyone can find a man he or she loves, and the man also loves him or her. To love and to be loved are happy do you agree with me on this point ? Thank you!结束结束



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