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1、采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物English RhetoricBy Song PingfengBy Song Pingfeng Chapter Seven Phonetic Figures of Speech采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净

2、无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物7.1 Introduction7.2 Alliteration(押头韵)(押头韵)7.3 Assonance(押元音韵)(押元音韵)7.4 Consonance(押辅音韵)(押辅音韵)7.5 Onomatopoeia(拟声)(拟声)7.6 Aposiopesi(话语中断法)(话语中断法)7.7 Apostrophe(呼语)(呼语)7.8 Pun(双关)(双关)Contents of This Chapter2采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用

3、管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物7.1 Introduction (1) All languages have sound. Orators in ancient times knew how to use the sounds of their language for maximum rhetorical effect, and classical rhetoric had a number of sound devices based on the

4、“echoing” or the rhyming of sounds. Modern English has inherited some of these devices. These devices are also called phonetic figures of speech.(2) A good knowledge of some English phonetic figures of speech is helpful not only to students of EFL as writers, but also as readers of English articles.

5、 (3) The basic features of English sounds:u English sounds are classified phonetically into vowels and consonants, and the pronunciation of words is done by combinations of vowels and consonants. The vowels and consonants not only have phonetic qualities, but also have some sensory qualities, which

6、suggest certain impressions.3采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物For example:1)The short, lax, spread vowel /i/ is supposed to convey bright, light, fleet, happy impression, as in: Spring, the sweet Spring,

7、 is the years pleasant king; Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring, Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing. (T. Nash: “Spring”)2) The sounds /:/ and /o/ are considered more pleasant to the ears, as for example in “doll”, “holiday”, “lark(嬉戏嬉戏, 玩乐玩乐)”, “dance”, “hearty”, etc.3) Mo

8、st people feel that the consonants /k/, /g/ and their clusters /kl/, /kr/, /gl/, /gr/ are suggestive of unpleasantness or ugliness, as in “kick”, “kill”, “clack(唠叨,喋喋不休唠叨,喋喋不休)”, “crack”, “groan”, “glut(暴食:过暴食:过量地吃或过度耽溺于,沉湎于量地吃或过度耽溺于,沉湎于)”, “haggle(讨价还价,争论不休讨价还价,争论不休)”, “anger”, etc.4采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水

9、设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物 7.2 Alliteration (押头韵)(押头韵)(1)Definition: The word alliteration derives from Latin, meaning “repeating and playing upon the same letter”. Therefore, alliteration is the repetition of i

10、nitial consonant in two or more words. It is a very old rhetorical device, and the first figures of speech adopted in English.(2) Applicable areas: In Poetry In prose In newspaper headings In proverbs In tongue twisters In advertisements and slogans5采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂

11、直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物E.g. (1)In prose Next to health, heart, home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile. We should not demean贬低贬低 our democracy with the politics of distraction, denial and despair.(Al Gore) 我们不可用消解、拒绝和绝

12、望的托辞贬屈我们的民主。 Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden. (John F. Kennedy)(2) Newspaper headlines: Bread Not Bombs Cut Crime with Jobs-Not Jails Battle for Balanced Budget对于好动的美国人来说,幸福不仅取决于健康、爱情、舒适和温暖的家庭,还取决于汽车。6采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给

13、水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物 (3) Proverbs Time and tide wait for no man. Many a man, many a mind. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Death pays all debts.(4) In tongue twister Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. She sells

14、 sea-shells on the sea-shore. Cut Costs Without Cutting Corners. (advertising for cars)人多心不齐。人多心不齐。不教不成材;不打不成器不教不成材;不打不成器一死百了一死百了 时不我待时不我待 ;机遇不可错过;机遇不可错过 7采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物(5) In advertis

15、ements and slogans标语标语 Vitamins for Vim and Vigor (advertising for vitamins) Sea, Sun, Sand, Seclusion -and Spain! (advertising for spanish seashore scenic pots.)8采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物(3) Adv

16、antages:u As a figure of speech, it is good for sound rhyme, musical effect and significant emphasis. For example, 1) The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free; We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea. 2) Bye, Bye, Balanced Budget 3) Gunk Grounds the Second S

17、huttleAlliteration is a great help to memory. By highlighting the sounds of words, alliteration catches the attention of the audience and makes the idea impressed deeply on the audience and thus easier for them to remember. For example, 9采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转

18、,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物E.g. Penny wise, pound foolish. 小处精明, 大处浪费; 小事聪明, 大事糊涂 Practice makes perfect. 四川人有句俗语非常好,把天上飞的,地上跑的,水里游的叫做四川人有句俗语非常好,把天上飞的,地上跑的,水里游的叫做“陆空陆空”,翻,翻译成英语应该叫译成英语应该叫“feather,feet or fin”,就长羽毛的、长脚的,还有长鳍的。,就长羽毛的、长脚的,还有长鳍的。 Far fowls have fa

19、ir feathers. (远处的鸟羽毛更美丽)(远处的鸟羽毛更美丽)“远来的和远来的和尚会念经尚会念经”。说某人。说某人“面善心恶面善心恶”,英语是,英语是A fair face hides a foul heart;说说“酒后说胡话酒后说胡话”,英语是,英语是When wine sinks, words swim; 现在许多人择偶条件中有一条,要求对象既有现在许多人择偶条件中有一条,要求对象既有“才才”,还要有,还要有“趣趣”,有,有“才才”有有“趣趣”用英语表达就可以用上头韵技巧:用英语表达就可以用上头韵技巧:“a man of wisdom and wit”。如果遇上如果遇上a man

20、 of wisdom and wit,可要错过机会,嫁给他做,可要错过机会,嫁给他做wife吧。吧。 More Examples:10采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物在翻译中,恰如其分地运用押头韵的手法可以使译文增色不少。在上海世在翻译中,恰如其分地运用押头韵的手法可以使译文增色不少。在上海世博会的申办报告中,原文有博会的申办报告中,原文有“上海迅速发展成为一个上海迅速

21、发展成为一个充满生机和希望充满生机和希望的城的城市市”,我们把它翻译为:,我们把它翻译为:“Shanghai has been developing rapidly into a city full of vigor and vitality and showing a great promise.”其中,其中,“充满生机充满生机”的译文的译文 full of vigor and vitality 就是了押头韵的技巧。就是了押头韵的技巧。 11采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔

22、接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物例如:例如:The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection. (Lexus automobile) 译文:追求完美,近乎苛求;凌志轿车,永不停歇!译文:追求完美,近乎苛求;凌志轿车,永不停歇! 这是这是Lexus牌牌汽车汽车广告,其基本含义为广告,其基本含义为“近乎苛求地追求完美近乎苛求地追求完美”。这则广告。这则广告一组押头韵词语是围绕一组押头韵词语是围绕/P/这个辅音展开的:这个辅音展开的:Pursuit和和Perfection. Pursuit和和Perf

23、ection都属该语篇的核心词汇,所构成的押头韵使整个语篇显得富有韵律和都属该语篇的核心词汇,所构成的押头韵使整个语篇显得富有韵律和节奏感。汉语译文采用了四字格形式的排比结构,由两部分构成:第一部分描述节奏感。汉语译文采用了四字格形式的排比结构,由两部分构成:第一部分描述了源语语篇核心词汇所含的主要概念意义了源语语篇核心词汇所含的主要概念意义“追求完美追求完美”,和源语语篇副词所含的,和源语语篇副词所含的概念意义概念意义“近乎苛求近乎苛求”;第二部分首先写出商品品牌,在品牌;第二部分首先写出商品品牌,在品牌 “凌志轿车凌志轿车”后后加了加了“永不停歇永不停歇”,以表示汽车制造者的决心和志向。四

24、个并列的四字词语,使,以表示汽车制造者的决心和志向。四个并列的四字词语,使译文语言显得明快流畅,节奏优美和谐。译文语言显得明快流畅,节奏优美和谐。 12采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物某扫描仪广告某扫描仪广告: Slim,stylish,silver. 译文译文1:银色线条显精简,时尚光辉在闪现:银色线条显精简,时尚光辉在闪现译文译文2:外显精简之美,内藏时尚韵味。:外

25、显精简之美,内藏时尚韵味。 这则广告语篇属于描述体语篇体裁,由三个关系过程小句的省这则广告语篇属于描述体语篇体裁,由三个关系过程小句的省略形式构成。三个用来描述这种扫描仪器特点的形容词都以辅音略形式构成。三个用来描述这种扫描仪器特点的形容词都以辅音/s/开头,构成押头韵修辞,语言简洁工整,令人倍感时尚。开头,构成押头韵修辞,语言简洁工整,令人倍感时尚。 13采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保

26、持熔接部位干净无污物(4) However, alliteration, used to excess, can be laughable and harmful to the conveyance of thought.E.g. 1) a. Perhaps his puny profits pose no persistently serious problem. 2) b. It is unlikely that his small profits will become a serious difficulty.14采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好

27、PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物7.3 Assonance (押元音韵)(押元音韵)(1)Definition: Assonance is the repetition or resemblance of vowel sounds in the stressed syllables of a sequence of words, preceded and followed by different consonants. For examp

28、le, “late and make”, “fish and chip”, “a deep green stream”, “a hot copper sky”, “children just let loose from school”, etc.(2) Applicable areas:u Assonance is often used in poetic language to create musical rhythm for a particular effect of euphony. For example, I shall never see her more where the

29、 reeds and rushes quiver, Shiver, quiver; Stand beside the sobbing river, Sobbing, throbbing, in the falling To the sandy lonesome shore. (Jean Ingelow: The High Tide on the Cost of Lincolnshire (1571)15采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直

30、角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物u Assonance is not only used in poetry but also used in prose, speech, advertising, news report, etc. E.g. Everyone will tell you that during the 1980s the mood of Britain changed. Now everything is leaner and meaner, cleaner and keener. Concrete gives way to glass,

31、sex gives way to money.(Malcolm Bradbury, The New York Times Magazine, Dec. 11, 1988)u Assonance is even more common in proverbs.E.g. Spend a dime, save you time. Haste makes waste. Great boast, small roast. Creditors had better memories than debtors.欲速则不达欲速则不达 说得天花乱坠,成事微乎其微。说得天花乱坠,成事微乎其微。债主的记性比债户强。

32、债主的记性比债户强。 16采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物7.4 Consonance (押(押辅音韵)音韵)(1)Definition: Consonance refers to the repetition of the final and identical consonants whose preceding vowels are different. For

33、example, sing-rang, won-ran, dash-fish, laugh-tough, add-read, odds and ends, first and last, a stroke of luck, last but not least, etc. (2) Applicable areas:u Consonance is often employed in poetry.u Consonance is also commonly used in prose, slogans and newspaper headings.E.g. Women: Dont Agonize,

34、 Organize Farms Not Arms When I lent I was a friend, when I asked I was unkind.17采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物With how sad steps, O moon Philip SydneyWith how sad steps, O Moon, thou climbst the skie

35、s! How silently, and with how wan a face! What, may it be that een in heavenly place That busy archer his sharp arrows tries!Sure, if that long-with-love-acquainted eyes Can judge of love, thou feelst a lovers case, I read it in thy looks; thy languishd grace, To me, that feel the like, thy state de

36、scries.Then, een of fellowship, O Moon, tell me, 18采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Is constant love deemd there but want of wit? Are beauties there as proud as here they be? Do they above love to be lov

37、ed, and yet Those lovers scorn whom that love doth possess? Do they call virtue, there, ungratefulness?19采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物月啊,你用悲哀的步伐月啊,你用悲哀的步伐-菲利普菲利普锡德尼锡德尼 多么悲哀的脚步啊,月亮,你爬上天空多么悲哀的脚步啊,月亮,你爬


39、轻蔑真爱着她的人?在天界,是否负心被称作美德?在天界,是否负心被称作美德? 注:菲利普悉尼(Philip Sidney 15541586)英国诗人 与月亮谈心,和天神对话,借以发爱情之遐想、述思辨的哲理。 20采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物7.5 Onomatopoeia(1)Definition: Onomatopoeia is a term used to des

40、cribe the phenomenon of language sounding like the thing it refers to. For example, moo, meow, bow-bow, hiss, roar and baa are respectively imitative of the cries or calls of cows, cats, dogs, snakes, lions and sheep. In the same way, trains toot, doors bang, windows rattle, fire crackles, machines

41、clang, and racing cars go vroom-vroom, etc. (2) Applicable areas:Onomatopoeia is very common in verse and fairly common in prose and literatures at all times. 21采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物(3) Advan

42、tages: Onomatopoeia helps make description lifelike. It is often used for the purpose of adding vividness or vitality to the description. For example, in each pair of the following sentences, sentence b is more vivid and more lifelike than sentence a:1)a. The stream flows through the woods. b. The s

43、tream murmurs through the woods.2)a. Dasi started laughing. b. Dasi started giggling.3)a. The door was pushed open. b. The door banged open.4)a. Heavy rain drops fell on the tent. b. Heavy rain drops began pitter-pattering on the tent.22采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,

44、以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物(4) Classification:According to the sound-maker, onomatopoeia can fall into different kinds:u Human beings and movementE.g. ouch, ow, pooh, uoh, boo, mumble, grunt, giggle, whimper, chuckle, patteru Different animalsE.g. Wow-wow, Mew

45、-mew, Grunt-grunt, Quack-quacku Natural objectsE.g. Swish, Splash, Squelch, Plop, Gurgle23采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物7.6 Aposiopesis(说话中断法说话中断法)(1)Definition: Aposiopesis is the rhetorical device o

46、f suddenly stopping in mid-sentence, as if to say more would be superfluous, or as if words fail one, or as if the listener or reader would now be able to complete the sentence suitably. Aposiopesis is usually used in the moments of emotion for the true representation of a speakers tone and mood.(2)

47、 Classification: Aposiopesis generally falls into three categories:u The speaker abruptly halts halfway in a sentence, either being too excited to give further articulation to his thought or trying to impress readers with a vague hint of an idea. 24采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直

48、角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物u The speaker intentionally leaves the rest of a sentence unsaid, implying a strong sense of menace or intimidation. In such context, the audience can easily figure out what is left unsaid. For example, 1) The guard said

49、to the prisoner, “Stop! Another step forward and you will” 2) “If only I knew who killed that cherry tree,” he cried, “I would yes, I would” 3) “If only I knew who killed that cherry tree,” he cried, “I would. Yes, I would.”u The speaker does not finish his words on purpose, leaving suspense on the

50、listener. 25采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物7.7 Apostrophe (呼呼语)(1)Definition: Apostrophe refers to the orators turning aside from his immediate audience to address some other person, whether he is phys

51、ically present or not, as “Judge, O you gods” in the following: For Brutus, as you know, was Caesars angel. Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar loved him. (Shakespeare)Another example, O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumns being. (P.B. Shelly)26采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直

52、角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物7.8 Pun(1)Definition: Pun is, in nature, a word-play. A pun involves the use of a polysemous word to suggest two or more meanings, commonly literal meaning versus figurative meaning, or involves the use of homonyms. The w

53、hole point of a pun is the users intent to produce a humorous or witty effect from the juxtaposition of meanings.(2) Homonym, Homophone & Homographu A homonym is a word that is identical to another word in pronunciation and spelling but not in meaning.E.g. arms (part of the body) arms (weapons) lie

54、(to make) an intentional false statement lie ( to have ones body in a more or less horizontal position along ground of surface27采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物u A homophone is a word that is identical

55、to another word in pronunciation but not in spelling and meaning.E.g. bale (a large bundle) bail (to remove water from a boat) meet (to come upon by chance or arrangement) meat (the edible flesh of animals)u A homograph is a word that is identical to another word in spelling but not in pronunciation

56、 and meaning.E.g. Wind (air in more or less rapid natural motion) Wind (go in circular, spiral course)28采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物(3) Puns based on homonymsE.g. If we dont hang together well hang

57、separately. (Benjamin Frankling) Whats the difference between a soldier and a young girl? One powders the face, the other faces the powder. Ben Battle was a soldier bold And used to wars alarm; But a cannon ball shot off his legs. So he laid down his arms.An ambassador is an honest man who lies abro

58、ad for the good of his country. English has always broken loose(挣脱挣脱) from the English, just as Latin broke loose from the Romans.29采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物E.g. It is better to live rich than to

59、 die rich. With IBM we have the power to manage the power. Tommy went to law school and passed the bar, and I went off to town and bought a bar. A man sits down at a table in a restaurant and asks, “Do you serve crabs here?” The waiter says, “Sure, sit down, we serve anybody.”Crab:螃蟹螃蟹, 类似螃蟹的动物类似螃蟹的

60、动物;脾气乖戾的人脾气乖戾的人, 吹毛求疵吹毛求疵30采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物(4) Puns based on homophones Sign on a Mens Gym door: “We have courses to make grown men young and young men groan.” Whats increasingly lucrati

61、ve, however, is selling naming rights. It may not make sense, but it makes some cents. Americans care about money. On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday they prey on you. When a woman complained to a butcher that these sausages tasted like meat at one end but like bread crumb at the other, he re

62、plies, “Madam, in times like these, no butcher can make both ends meet.”31采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物“Waiter!” “Yes, sir.” “Whats this?” “Its bean soup, sir.” “No matter what its been, what is it n

63、ow?” “Waiter, there is a hair in my soup.” “So sorry, sir. Did you order it without ?”32采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物(5) Puns are closely linked with other figures of speechFor example:- “Where have

64、you been for the last four years?”- “At college taking medicine.”- “And did you get well?”33采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物(6) Pun is a device of humor. Puns are often used in riddles, jokes, newspaper

65、 headlines, advertisement, etc. For example, How do you keep cool at a football game? - Sit next to a fan. Why should a man never tell his secret in a corn field? - Because it has so many ears. The purest audio for the audio purist. (Ad. for SHARP, 2002) Why is a crow a brave bird? -Because it never

66、 shows a white feather (胆怯胆怯,白羽毛白羽毛(怯懦的象征怯懦的象征).34采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物Hows Business?-Tailor: Just sew-sew.-Electrician: Its pretty light.-Farmer: Mine is growing.-Dustman: Its picking up.-Re

67、frigerator Salesman: Not so hot.-Astronomer: Its looking up.-Lift operator: It has its ups and downs.-Optician: Its looking better.-Author: Mine is all write.35采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物E.g.Custom

68、er: I would like a book, please.Bookseller: something light?Customer: That doesnt matter. I have my car with me. (light “轻轻”的,的,“轻松的轻松的”Why is the Middle Age also called the Dark Ages?Because there were many Knights.“向前向前(钱钱)看看”“气(妻)管炎气(妻)管炎”“电线杆上绑鸡毛电线杆上绑鸡毛”好大掸子(胆子)好大掸子(胆子)“孔子搬家孔子搬家净书净书” 净输净输36采用采用P

69、P管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物趁早下斑(班),不要痘(逗)留!趁早下斑(班),不要痘(逗)留!某化妆品广告某化妆品广告聪明的妈妈会用锌(心)。聪明的妈妈会用锌(心)。某补锌产品广告某补锌产品广告Red Bull gives you wings (win).Red Bull 广告广告没有联想,世界将会怎样?没有联想,世界将会怎样?联想广告联想广告37采用采用PP管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好管及配件:根据给水设计图配置好PP管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物管及配件,用管件在管材垂直角切断管材,边剪边旋转,以保证切口面的圆度,保持熔接部位干净无污物



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