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1、One day, if your mother opens your diary to read, what will you think of this One day, if your mother opens your diary to read, what will you think of this behavior ? behavior ? A. angry B. just as well C. happy 1The concept of privacy is actually an exotic, is on the English word, privacy translati

2、on. Privacy according to the Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary ( Fourth Edition ) translated as freedom from interference or public attention means without interference or public purpose: Private Rights: freedom of the individual freedom . 隐私这个概念实际上是个舶来品,是对英文单词,隐私这个概念实际上是个舶来品,是对英文单

3、词,隐私这个概念实际上是个舶来品,是对英文单词,隐私这个概念实际上是个舶来品,是对英文单词,privacyprivacy的翻译。的翻译。的翻译。的翻译。privacyprivacy根据牛津高阶英汉双解词典根据牛津高阶英汉双解词典根据牛津高阶英汉双解词典根据牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第四版)译为(第四版)译为(第四版)译为(第四版)译为freedom from interference or freedom from interference or public attention public attention 意为意为意为意为“ “不受干扰或不受公众目地自由:不受干扰或不受公众目地自由:不受干

4、扰或不受公众目地自由:不受干扰或不受公众目地自由:私人权利:个人自由私人权利:个人自由私人权利:个人自由私人权利:个人自由” ”。2Privacy is a kind of cultural attitudes, are in different cultures are used to regulate Privacy is a kind of cultural attitudes, are in different cultures are used to regulate and control their contact with the outside world for a mec

5、hanism. Western put and control their contact with the outside world for a mechanism. Western put privacy into four categories: 1 .solitude , is isolated from the outside world 2 .close privacy into four categories: 1 .solitude , is isolated from the outside world 2 .close (intimacy), only to close

6、friend or confidant privacy. 3. anonymity , is not expected to (intimacy), only to close friend or confidant privacy. 3. anonymity , is not expected to be others to recognize .4 .self restraint ( self-reserve ), refers to a psychological self be others to recognize .4 .self restraint ( self-reserve

7、), refers to a psychological self restraint to prevent unnecessary harassment. restraint to prevent unnecessary harassment. 隐私是一种文化态度,是处在不同文化中的人们用以调节和控制自己与外界接隐私是一种文化态度,是处在不同文化中的人们用以调节和控制自己与外界接隐私是一种文化态度,是处在不同文化中的人们用以调节和控制自己与外界接隐私是一种文化态度,是处在不同文化中的人们用以调节和控制自己与外界接触的一种机制。触的一种机制。触的一种机制。触的一种机制。westernweste

8、rn把隐私分为四类:把隐私分为四类:把隐私分为四类:把隐私分为四类:1. 1.隐居(隐居(隐居(隐居(solitude),solitude),即与外界隔绝即与外界隔绝即与外界隔绝即与外界隔绝 2. 2.亲亲亲亲密无间(密无间(密无间(密无间(intimacy),intimacy),即只向亲密朋友或知己泄露隐私。即只向亲密朋友或知己泄露隐私。即只向亲密朋友或知己泄露隐私。即只向亲密朋友或知己泄露隐私。3. 3.匿名(匿名(匿名(匿名(anonymityanonymity), ,即不即不即不即不期望被他人识别期望被他人识别期望被他人识别期望被他人识别 4. 4.自我克制(自我克制(自我克制(自我克

9、制(self-reserveself-reserve), ,即指一种心理自我克制以防止不必即指一种心理自我克制以防止不必即指一种心理自我克制以防止不必即指一种心理自我克制以防止不必要的骚扰。要的骚扰。要的骚扰。要的骚扰。3 In a foreign language school students and foreign exchange, a passionate female classmate of junior high school with an English speaking lady greeted each other after, introduction, for sh

10、e learned the English do further communication, the little girl to the visitor asked: How old are you? the foreign lady replied: Ah, its a secret! the little girl would feel nothing to say, communication is going. The little girl may not know, for British and American people, especially women, age i

11、s really a secret , they are not willing to easily take ages to tell others. 在一次外语学校的学生与外宾的交流活动中,一个热情的初中女同学在与一位讲在一次外语学校的学生与外宾的交流活动中,一个热情的初中女同学在与一位讲英语的老太太打了招呼,相互介绍之后,为了用她学到的那些英语做进一步的交流,英语的老太太打了招呼,相互介绍之后,为了用她学到的那些英语做进一步的交流,这个小姑娘向客人问道:这个小姑娘向客人问道:“How old are you ?”那位外国老太太回答道:那位外国老太太回答道:“ Ah, its a secr

12、et!”此时小姑娘就感到无话可说了,交流也就进行不下去了。小姑娘或许不知道,此时小姑娘就感到无话可说了,交流也就进行不下去了。小姑娘或许不知道,对英美人来说,特别是女性,年龄确实是个对英美人来说,特别是女性,年龄确实是个“秘密秘密”,他们是不愿意轻易把年龄告诉,他们是不愿意轻易把年龄告诉别人的。别人的。 4 1. Personal status ( income, age, job, marriage, children, work status of individuals ( age, income, marriage, children ) 2. Political ideas (for or against any party ) 3. Religion 4. Individual behavior trend ( to the place, and who exchanges, communication ) 5See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil67



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