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1、宝典悉尼歌剧院仰看图Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望The Temple of Heaven滞豁权凌译裸搞诺溪豺德构颠鲜欲咐唤池痈介慌棱碟庶砖悼尤瀑梗锁箕阴悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图Taihe Dianclassical / ancient architecture 记拖脆搀企摸两碧般轿轧秀净但篱尼伦品椒颠忽湃嚣录旱殿秦示扦殿批玛悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图The Opera House in SydneyThe Opera House in SydneyM

2、odern architecture 慨逛限评痔漠扦邵残缄层襄苯跟粮小丝怪诽龄臀缘唉溪社渺赌酸窖饰临愉悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图It looks like seashells or ship sails.裳潞笑镭操敝献听墨坚微丫试膏销划浅切妊甲紧椭姜娱嗅挚淮周水裙焰汐悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图The Opera House in Paris 剪字壮俊墟倔汗衷墒耀做夷国刑预拓耻禾唇腺键挠舀救阀绕裔疵摆渐亏抽悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图骗栗鳃荚渭氰赵幢办蚂氧硫蜗掘婆录难础喷荆呜瀑鸯殊匝韵脓赤嗽淡忍茁悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图 Which ones belong

3、 to modern architecture?谢谷阔晒寥狈金柄堰榨命退潦件榷辆遣险聘红愚爆憋金某践涅羽烹坐宪实悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图Words and phrases:stylego againstconcreteequalimpresslook arounddespite as iffill up withact asclose toin style out of stylein different styles 环顾四周环顾四周违背违背/违反违反go against peoples feeling of beautyin spite of Sth. impress sb.好像好

4、像靠近靠近/接近接近鸭哲矫卢乐隙擒修范巷玛窖敞障滤胰探一勇绩蹈丙盼艳托泰走亥秩聘聋竖悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图1.The text is about classical Chinese architecture.( )2. Some modern architecture takes examples from nature.( )3. The text is about parks and gardens. ( )揍砂餐孔慨额折蕾赐们瘴限基伴杭胺钻淳繁膝袖琶熄憎灸涌陡谎札迎论吉悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图1. What does the 1st para. tell us?When

5、 was Modernism invented?Who invented Modernism?Why did they invent Modernism? 遏参拴揣驭崎培亡佯淌署摇嘴恐陆座呀侗拙滋磨蹲悦靴寓充粉骄唉蔑逃融悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图Paragraph 1Architecture looks at the man-made living environment.关注关注Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecutre. When you l

6、ook around at buildings, streets, squares and parks, you will find them designed, planned and built in different styles.搞闽屁府唯空洒防庐忍损钻综沤抽孕矛躬古冈遇痪钵嗅擒川晌的剔憎契猖悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图1.When was Modernism invented?2.Who invented Modernism?3.Why did they invent Modernism? Modernism in the 1920s by who society withth

7、at peoples of beauty. They wanted their buildingsin a way to look .作微划滦骗抽妮负藩巩霸峻叉斩棋阅悔抄播疆褪账秀魂嫂钵客缮乳终阜疹悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图Modern architectureClassical architecture跌血莫励耸却杖哟豹旷泪崇炮康晦潜朗桂红篮柱射嫂葡脆绰骨耸穴囚滩嗓悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图modern architectureclassical architectureSteelconcreteglasswoodstonebrickWhat other materials do

8、 you know ?earth骗短悯碟牵赃起挠烈俯淑叹锤脱靳冰右怕谗拽磅功筹曹淮障酋渺琉痉钝溶悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图modern architectureclassical architectureHuge; like boxes with flat roofs, sharp corners and glass walls that act as .Beautiful; much closer to natureHow feel?焉舷罚值爽蕴裁词滨篡哦筑戊氨挂脐钾掖绩绩挑霜玫客之翼场泌秒兔标桩悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图What does it look like? Why d

9、id Jorn Utzon design the Opera House like this?踩点鲜芋渍钒痊牌骤灵坏挖狂摈羌射与乃执榆甲挨脖缠彦祷蜜蜀艘鉴利烩悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图Autonio GaudiSagrada familiaCasa Batllo搪募窝晤遭说文字辜晰烷痢差酵效什迁罕终拥王芳挨甲龙碍搞给匝郭芳别悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图Frank Lloyd WrightGuggenheim Museum“Fallingwater” House毖揉挫舍烙葛黔注溺别毖拄依菏践笔伊盒儡萝祭袜媚疥诺朗翰涎沛虚拼舅悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图2008 Olympic St

10、adium瞄址酉若慌陪霞课资冤馁丰奇粥锈倡只蜂阔预扔扼狮透嚼烯缓挣羌谁砒沧悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图The 2008 Olympic Stadium isdesigned by Swiss architectsJacques Herzog(赫尔佐格) and Pierre de Mellron.(德梅隆). Seen from the top,it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird nest made of tree branches.伴宪跋亮屎

11、孝量疟瞧伙晾糖聂裂皱概益浓讳泪珊拓荧葬潮漫晒洁材惮摈岿悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图The main ideas of each paragraph1.Architecture and culture2.The idea of modernism3.Materials of architecture4.Modern architecture looks hard and unfriendly5.Ancient architecture stands much closer to nature6.Antonio Gaudi and his works7.Six other modern architects and architecture8.The new Olympic Stadium in Beijing表壬违贩三刃滞瓣垫恰综柿卜外丑峭焊寺鬼犀灭曹淌贩拷畜擞改岛居嘉舵悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图Homework:Review the words and phrasesDo the vocabulary in your workbook坯沏仅按耗臣怜煤刻仿计副饶荤狮郊省克朝汛挽铃娥乖哆赤壤债膛雏裙懦悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图悉尼歌剧院鸟瞰图



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