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1、Unit 2 Listening and Speaking1Step one Prelistening Talk about Chinese Putonghua and the Minnan dialect.English Putonghua Minnan dialectthing Dumping hotdirty 东西东西migia水水 饺饺zuigiao热热rua脏脏yiji2Step two Whilelistening Activity 1: Listen to the passage carefully and do the following exercises.Buford th

2、inks that Texas is _ A. a little town B. another country C. a mountainous village D. a little boy2. How large was the catfish? 3. Lester got out of the water quickly because he thought _4. The second speaker is _, and she is _ . She is from _. 5. Buford says “Hey, yall ” to greet you. What does the

3、second speaker say to greet you? A. hi B. Good morning C. Hello D. HeyBIt was almost the size of a house.The catfish would eat him.JaneBufords teacherBritain 3Activity 2: listen to the passage again and feel the difference between British English and American English.Listening text 听力原文 Hey, yall, t

4、his here is Buford. I come from a big oil town in Texas. Now, yall need to understand that we aint really a state, but a wholenother country. Now let me tell ya astorybout when I was just a pup. One hot summers day I was swimmin with my cousins Little Lester and Big Billy Bob. We was jumpin in the w

5、ater and feelin good. Then along comes this catfishbout the size of a house. Well, alright, maybe a little smaller than that. Little Lester starts to thinkin its goin to eat him sure nough. Man, you shoulda seen him! He got outta the water fast as lightning and climbed up a tree. Big Billy Bob and I

6、 just laughed and laughed. To this day, Lester wont go near that place.4 Amy Ladysubwaytwo blocks leftrightkeep going straightundergroundtwo streetsleft-hand sideright-hand sidego straight onActivity 1: Read the passage on Page 15 quickly and find out the words that were confusing Amy.5 Activity 2:

7、Show students the useful expressions in finding the way and giving directions. Finding the way: Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to Can you tell me where .is?Can you direct me to .?Is there a . near here?Im looking for Do you know?I wonder if you could help me. Im looking forWhere is the

8、(nearest) please?6Giving directions:Go down/along this street.Follow this road until you come to Go straight ahead till you see.Turn right/ left.Take the first turning on the right/left.Its near./ far from here.You cant miss it.7Step 3: Practicing One of you plays a stranger of a city and the other

9、one is a native. Make a dialogue with your partner about asking directions. Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the frogs home?Go straight on and you wont miss it.8Sample:A: Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel.B: Go straight ahead till you see a traffic ligh

10、t. Then you should turn left and go straight on. You wont miss it.A: Which bus should I take if I go there by bus?B. Just take the No. 2 bus . It will take you there directly.A: Thank you. B: You are welcome. 9Page 48 Listening2. Listen and answer the following questions.1.What TV program is Zhao Li

11、 watching?2.What does Zhao Li think will improve her English?3.What does Zhao Li think of Cao Ri? What kind of English does he use?4.How will listening to a good speaker of English help you?5.What should you do if you find it difficult to understand a native speaker?CCTV9s World Wide Watch.She think

12、s that listening to TV programs will improve her English.She thinks Cao Ri is a good speaker. He uses American English.The more listening practice you have, the better your listening skill will get, especially if you hear a variety of speakers.You should be patient and keep trying. Soon you will understand more and more.10Step five: homeworkWrite a letter to one of your classmate and direct him or her to your home.11



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