Unit 1 - Introduction to the secretarial profession

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《Unit 1 - Introduction to the secretarial profession》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 - Introduction to the secretarial profession(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、商务英语实务商务英语实务 陈玫陈玫 Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionIntroduction of the CourseTeaching Arrangement:nChapter One 商务秘书实务商务秘书实务(5*2) Corporate Secretarial PracticenChapter Two 商务交际商务交际(4*2 ) Business CommunicationnChapter Three 外事实务外事实务(3*2) Practice in Foreign AffairsnChapter F

2、our 外贸函电外贸函电(3*2) Foreign Trade LettersChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionTeaching Materials :n全书按照秘书工作的实际情况,分为5个模块18章,另加一个附录,使用浅显、地道的英语,教授给学生.n商务交际本书分八个单元分别讲述了商务交际的各个环节:交际、电话、演讲、会展、谈判、求职、客户交际和身体语言交际。Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial profession外事实务旨在培养外事工作第一线亟需的应

3、用型英语人才。本教材共分为十五个单元,涵盖接待、观光、购物、祝词、新闻发布会、谈判、投资环境等外事接待和商务活动,覆盖面广,信息量大。通过学习,学生将熟悉外事接待的基本程序、礼仪及禁忌,掌握日程安排、晚会组织、谈判等技能。本书介绍外贸业务进出口流程中的主要环节:建立业务关系、资信查询、询盘与回复、促销、发盘与回盘、订购与确认订购、支付、包装、装运、.Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionTeaching Objectives:1.Understandtherelevantthoeriesorprincipleswhi

4、chthecoursecovers2.GraspsomecertaintacticsofBusinessEnglishPractice3.Mastersometerminologiesrelatedtothecertainfieldswhichthecoursecovers4.Todocasespractices&simulationsChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial profession成绩构成 General Scoresn期末成绩期末成绩(Final Exam) 50%笔试试卷50%(Papers)n平时成绩平时成绩( eva

5、luation of process) 50%模拟实践10%(finalsimulation)章节书面作业10%(assignmentsinunits)案例演示10%(presentationsofcases)课堂表现20%(presence&performancesinclass)Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial profession Chapter OneCorporate Secretarial PracticeChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial profession

6、Unit 1: Introduction to the Secretarial ProfessionLearning objectivesnThe major role and tasks of a secretarynThe changing status of a secretarys rolenThe personal qualities and skills required of a competent secretarynThe importance of forming a good working relationship with your bossnThe need to

7、acquaint yourself with the business of your companyChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionContents in Unit1Part 1: IntroductionPart 2: TasksPart 3: Skills Part 4: Personal qualitiesPart 5: Important pointsChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionIntroductionChapte

8、r 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionGroup discussionDo you want to be a secretary?Do you want to be a secretary?Why(not)?Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionChanging office professionalsupervising other secretaries or stafftraining staffChapter 1 The role and sc

9、ope of the secretarial professionnTypingnMakescoffeeandtea,sendsfaxes,makescopiesandorganizesfilesnOrganizing,supervisingandtrainingnOfficeProfessionalsnThefaceofthecompanyChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionSohowtomakeyourselfA PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY?Chapter 1 The role and sco

10、pe of the secretarial professionWhat is the major role of the secretary?Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionMajor Role:Themajorroleofa Secretaryistoprovideassistancetoa Manager or ManagersTheendofPart1Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionTasksChapter 1 The

11、role and scope of the secretarial professionTasks of the secretarynResearchnTypingnProducingflyersnFilingnDictaphonetranscriptionnScreeningtelephonecallsnAppointmentsnLiaisingwithclientsandstaffmembersChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionAny other tasks ?nAttendingmeetingsnTakin

12、gminutes/memosnTranslationnComposinglettersnMakingtravelbookingsnSupervisingnTrainingstaff(includingyourboss)nOrderingflowersandgiftsnEtc.TheendofPart2Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionSkillsChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionSkillsnImmaculate(整洁的)appea

13、rancenSolidcommandofMandarinandEnglishnAbilitytocommunicateclearlynAbilitytotypequicklyandaccuratelyChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionnFamiliaritywithofficeequipmentandstationeriesnAbilitytotakeinstructionsandcarrythemoutundernormalconditionsnEfficientorganizationskillsTheend

14、ofPart3Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionPersonal qualitiesChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionPersonal qualitiesGroup discussionGroup discussionProfessional ethics Business etiquettePersonality AttitudeEmotional character CommitmentTheendofPart4Chapter

15、1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionPersonal qualitiesnAwareness and possession of solid secretarial professional ethicsnGood sense of business etiquettenPleasant demeanor and personalitynPositive attitudenBalance emotional characternCommitment to thorough and reliable performanceChapt

16、er 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionBossStaffs SecretaryexternallyinternallyChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionImportant pointsChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionPoint 1:What is of primary importanceimportance: Form a good working relati

17、onship with your BossChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionnWhathisorherrolesandobjectivesarewithinthecompany;nWhatinformationheorshewouldlikeyoutorefertohimorher;nTimesofthedayheorshepreferstotakehisorhercalls.Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionPoint 2:Wha

18、t should we know as a secretary?nThewaythecompanyoperatesnTheroleofothercompanypersonnelnCompanypoliciesTheendofPart5Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionconclusionnInteresting,challengingandundergoingmanychangesnNolongerlow-rankemployernBosssecretarystaffsnMenandWoman appealing

19、Office professionalsSex discriminationChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionBossStaffs SecretaryexternallyinternallyChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionPPT worknSummarize the changes that are occurring to the secretarial profession today.nSummarize the responsibilities and tasks of a modern-day secretary.nWhat is your impression of the secretarial profession in the modern world? Chapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial professionChapter 1 The role and scope of the secretarial profession



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