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1、In Search of the Amber RoomGroup 2 Class 4目录单击此处添加标题文字单击此处添加标题文字单击此处添加文字内容单击此处添加文字内容 单击此处添加文字内容单击此处添加文字内容 单击此处添加文字内容单击此处添加文字内容Words & Phrases定语从句定语从句击此处添加文字内容击此处添加文字内容 单击此处添加文字内容单击此处添加文字内容 单击此处添加文字内容单击此处添加文字内容Important Sentences单击此处添加文字内容单击此处添加文字内容 单击此处添加文字内容单击此处添加文字内容 单击此处添加文字内容单击此处添加文字内容History of

2、 the Amber Room1701年,普鲁士国王腓特烈一世想拥有一件珍品年,普鲁士国王腓特烈一世想拥有一件珍品 一个壁上嵌满琥珀的房间一个壁上嵌满琥珀的房间1743年,俄罗斯女皇伊丽莎白一世将琥珀屋的琥年,俄罗斯女皇伊丽莎白一世将琥珀屋的琥珀罩层放到了位于圣珀罩层放到了位于圣彼得堡的冬宫的一个房间里彼得堡的冬宫的一个房间里1717年,国王威廉一世将所有做好的琥珀屋部件作为年,国王威廉一世将所有做好的琥珀屋部件作为外交物送给了俄罗斯皇帝彼得一世。外交物送给了俄罗斯皇帝彼得一世。designn. 设计;图案;图样;式样The building is poor in design.这座建筑物在设

3、计上欠佳。I like the design of your furniture.我喜欢你的家具式样。vt. & vi. 设计;筹划;作图案A new highway between the two cities is being designed. 一条两城市之间的高速路正在设计之中。Words & Phrases by design 故意地(故意地(by accident / by chance) 偶然偶然 Do you think the building was burnt down by accident or by design? 你认为大楼被烧是意外事故呢还是有意为之?你认为大楼

4、被烧是意外事故呢还是有意为之? be design to do be design for The experiment is designed to test the new drug. This house is designed for a large family.目的是;打算给目的是;打算给用用fancy adj. 奇特的;异样的;别致的I bought a fancy neck tie for my husband.我给我丈夫买了一条很别致的皮带。vt. 想象;设想;爱好He fancies (that) she likes him.他认为她喜欢自己。She doesnt fanc

5、y the idea of staying up late.她不喜欢熬夜这个主意。n. 想象力;设想;幻想;爱好;鉴赏力;审美观点The poet Emily Dickinson is know for her brillian fancies.诗人Emily Dickinson 以其丰富的想象力而闻名。1. 限制性定语从句限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句与主句关系密切,若去掉从句,主句意义不完整,甚至不合逻辑。 I was the only person in our class that praised by the headmaster at the meeting.2. 2. 非限制性定

6、语从句非限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句是指与主句关系不十分密切,只对主句中的先行词起补充说明作用的定语从句。其标志是主句和从句之间常由逗号隔开。 This is our headmaster, who I think has something important to tell you.定语从句定语从句(1)引导非限定性定语从句的关系代词指人时用who, 指物时用which。Whose既可用来指人也可用来指物。 My elder sister has become a doctor, which I wanted to be.(2)引导非限定性定语从句的关系副词有when, where。当

7、先行词指时间时用when;指地点时用where。 He left his hometown in 1992, when he was only 12 years old.belong to 属于;为的一员;与有关In fact,I dont know which dictionary belongs to me.事实上,我不知道哪本字典是我的。Tiger and cats belong to the same family of beasts.虎和猫属于兽类的同一科。注意:注意: belong to 为不及物动词短语,不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时 ,其中 to 为介词,后跟名词或者代词作宾语

8、。in return 作为交换;作为报答 He taught me English, and I helped him with maths in return. 他帮我学英语,作为回报,我帮他学数学。拓展:拓展:in return for 作为对的报答;以答谢in turn 依次;轮流;反过来in need 需要 in peace 平安的in particular 尤其是;特别是l Later, Catherine had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.(1

9、)Have/get sth.done 让别人做某事 Ill have my hair cut tomorrow. 明天我要理发。(2)遭遇;经历(此事违背主语的意愿)。Important Sentences He had/got his money stolen.他的钱被偷了。l have sb. do sth. get sb. to do sth. Dont worry. Ill have John do it for you. 别着急,我会让约翰替你做。让某人做某事让某人做某事让某人做某事让某人做某事 have sb./sth. doing sth. 让某人、某物持续处于某种状态How c

10、ould you have her standing in the cold the whole night?你怎么能让她整夜站在寒冷中?have sb do sth 使某人做某事; have sth to do 有某事要做。lThere is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. There is no doubt that. 毫无疑毫无疑问问 There is no doubt that

11、he can do the job well. 毫无疑毫无疑问问,这这份工作他会干得很出色。份工作他会干得很出色。doubt n. 怀怀疑;疑惑。疑;疑惑。 doubt doubt用在否定句中,后面接用在否定句中,后面接thatthat引引导导的同位的同位语语从句用在肯定从句用在肯定句中后面接句中后面接whetherwhether引引导导的同位的同位语语从句,此从句,此时时不能用不能用if if替代替代I have little doubt that he will pass the driving test. 我毫不我毫不怀怀疑他会通疑他会通过这过这次次驾驾照考照考试试。If you are

12、 in any doubt whether you should be doing the exercise, consult your doctor. 如果你拿不准是否如果你拿不准是否应进应进行行这这种种锻炼锻炼,咨,咨询询一下医生好了。一下医生好了。doubt vt. 怀疑,不信 在否定句和疑问句中,后接that引导的宾语从句 在肯定句中,一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句 I dont doubt that hes a brilliant scientist, but can he teach? 我不怀疑他是个出色的科学家,但他会教书吗? I doubt if that was w

13、hat he wanted. 我我怀怀疑那是不是他想要的。疑那是不是他想要的。without any doubt 毫无疑毫无疑问问的的 Beyond/out of doubt 毫无疑毫无疑问问地;确地;确实实地地 Ill be back on Friday without doubt. 我定会在星期五回来。我定会在星期五回来。 The truth of the story is beyond doubt. 这这个故事很真个故事很真实实,这这是毫无疑是毫无疑问问的。的。designdesign n.n. 设计;图案;图样;式样设计;图案;图样;式样 vt. & vi. vt. & vi. 设计;

14、筹设计;筹划;作图划;作图fancy adj.fancy adj. 奇特的;异样的;别致的奇特的;异样的;别致的 vt. vt. 想象;设想;想象;设想;爱好爱好 n. n.想象力;设想;幻想;爱好;鉴赏力;审美观点想象力;设想;幻想;爱好;鉴赏力;审美观点定语从句定语从句belong tobelong to 属于;为属于;为的一员;与的一员;与有关有关in returnin return 作为交换;作为报答作为交换;作为报答Have/get sth.doneHave/get sth.done 让别人做某事让别人做某事There is no doubt that.There is no doubt that. 毫无疑问毫无疑问ReviewThe clue of the storyThe clue of the storyFrederickFrederick Williampass downgiven as a giftPeter the GreatCatherinepass downNazistolenThe end,thank you!Power by



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