国际经济学英文课件:ch18 The International Monetary System, 1870–1973

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1、Slides prepared by Thomas BishopCopyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Chapter 18The International Monetary System, 18701973PreviewGoals of macroeconomic policiesGold standardInternational monetary system during 1918-1939 Bretton Woods system: 1944-1973Collapse of the Bretton Woo

2、ds systemInternational effects of U.S. macroeconomic policies2Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Macroeconomic Goals“Internal balance” describes the macroeconomic goals of producing at potential output (or at “full employment” or with sustainable and effective use of resource

3、s) and of price stability (or low inflation).An unsustainable use of resources (over-employment) tends to increase prices and an ineffective use of resources (underemployment) tends to decrease prices.Volatile aggregate demand and output tend to create volatile prices.And volatile prices makes plann

4、ing for the future more difficult, imposes a cost of adjusting prices, and arbitrarily redistributes income between lenders and borrowers. 3Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Macroeconomic Goals (cont.)“External balance” describes a current account that is not “too” negative

5、or “too” positive.A large current account deficit can make foreigners think that an economy can not repay its debts and therefore make them stop lending, causing a financial crisis.A large current account surplus can cause protectionist or other political pressure by foreign governments (ex., pressu

6、re on Japan in the 1980s and China in the 2000s).4Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Macroeconomic Goals (cont.)“External balance” can also mean a balance of payments equilibrium: a current account (plus capital account) that matches the non-reserve financial account in a giv

7、en period, so that official international reserves do not change.5Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Gold Standard, RevisitedThe gold standard from 18701914 and after 1918 had mechanisms that prevented flows of gold reserves (the balance of payments) from becoming too positiv

8、e or too negative.Prices tended to adjust according the amount of gold circulating in an economy, which had effects on the flows of goods and services: the current account.Central banks influenced financial asset flows, so that the non-reserve part of the financial account matched the current accoun

9、t in order to reduce gold outflows or inflows.6Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Gold Standard, Revisited (cont.)Price specie flow mechanism is the adjustment of prices as gold (“specie”) flows into or out of a country, causing an adjustment in the flow of goods.An inflow of

10、 gold tends to inflate prices. An outflow of gold tends to deflate prices.If a domestic country has a current account surplus in excess of the non-reserve financial account, gold earned from exports flows into the countryraising prices in that country and lowering prices in foreign countries. Goods

11、from the domestic country become expensive and goods from foreign countries become cheap, reducing the current account surplus of the domestic country and the deficits of the foreign countries.7Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Gold Standard, Revisited (cont.)Thus, price spe

12、cie flow mechanism of the gold standard could automatically reduce current account surpluses and deficits, achieving a measure of external balance for all countries.8Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Gold Standard, Revisited (cont.)The “Rules of the Game” under the gold stan

13、dard refer to another adjustment process that was theoretically carried out by central banks:The selling of domestic assets to acquire money when gold exited the country as payments for imports. This decreased the money supply and increased interest rates, attracting financial inflows to match a cur

14、rent account deficit.This reversed or reduced gold outflows.The buying of domestic assets when gold enters the country as income from exports. This increased the money supply and decreased interest rates, reducing financial inflows to match the current account.This revered or reduced gold inflows.9C

15、opyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Gold Standard, Revisited (cont.)Banks with decreasing gold reserves had a strong incentive to practice the rules of the game: they could not redeem currency without sufficient gold.Banks with increasing gold reserves had a weak incentive to p

16、ractice the rules of the game: gold did not earn interest, but domestic assets did.In practice, central banks with increasing gold reserves seldom followed the rules.And central banks often sterilized gold flows, trying to prevent any effect on money supplies and prices.10Copyright 2009 Pearson Addi

17、son-Wesley. All rights reserved.Gold Standard, Revisited (cont.)The gold standards record for internal balance was mixed. The U.S. suffered from deflation, recessions and financial instability during the 1870s, 1880s, and 1890s while trying to adhere to a gold standard.The U.S. unemployment rate 6.8

18、% on average from 18901913, but it was less than 5.7% on average from 19461992.11Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Interwar Years: 19181939The gold standard was stopped in 1914 due to war, but after 1918 was attempted again.The U.S. reinstated the gold standard from 19191933

19、 at $20.67 per ounce and from 19341944 at $35.00 ounce, (a devaluation the dollar).The UK reinstated the gold standard from 19251931.But countries that adhered to the gold standard for the longest time, without devaluing their currencies, suffered most from reduced output and employment during the 1

20、930s.12Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Bretton Woods System: 19441973In July 1944, 44 countries met in Bretton Woods, NH, to design the Bretton Woods system: a fixed exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and a fixed dollar price of gold ($35 per ounce).They also establish

21、ed other institutions:1.The International Monetary Fund2.The World Bank3.General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), the predecessor to the World Trade Organization (WTO).13Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.International Monetary FundThe IMF was constructed to lend to cou

22、ntries with persistent balance of payments deficits (or current account deficits), and to approve of devaluations.Loans were made from a fund paid for by members in gold and currencies.Each country had a quota, which determined its contribution to the fund and the maximum amount it could borrow.Larg

23、e loans were made conditional on the supervision of domestic policies by the IMF: IMF conditionality.Devaluations could occur if the IMF determined that the economy was experiencing a “fundamental disequilibrium”.14Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.International Monetary Fun

24、d (cont.)Due to borrowing and occasional devaluations, the IMF was believed to give countries enough flexibility to attain an external balance, yet allow them to maintain an internal balance and stable exchange rates.The volatility of exchange rates during 19181939, caused by devaluations and the va

25、garies of the gold standard, was viewed as a source of economic instability.15Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Bretton Woods System: 19441973In order to avoid sudden changes in the financial account (possibly causing a balance of payments crisis), countries in the Bretton W

26、oods system often prevented flows of financial assets across countries.Yet, they encouraged flows of goods and services because of the view that trade benefits all economies.Currencies were gradually made convertible (exchangeable) between member countries to encourage trade in goods and services va

27、lued in different currencies.16Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Bretton Woods System: 19441973 (cont.)Under a system of fixed exchange rates, all countries but the U.S. had ineffective monetary policies for internal balance.The principal tool for internal balance was fiscal

28、 policy (government purchases or taxes).The principal tools for external balance were borrowing from the IMF, restrictions on financial asset flows and infrequent changes in exchange rates.17Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Macroeconomic GoalsSuppose internal balance in the

29、 short run occurs when production at potential output or “full employment” equals aggregate demand:Yf = C(Yf T) + I + G + CA(EP*/P, Yf T)(18-1)An increase in government purchases (or a decrease in taxes) increases aggregate demand and output above its full employment level.To restore internal balanc

30、e in the short run, a revaluation (a fall in E) must occur. 18Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Macroeconomic Goals (cont.)Suppose external balance in the short run occurs when the current account achieves some value X:CA(EP*/P, Y T) = X (18-2)An increase in government purch

31、ases (or a decrease in taxes) increases aggregate demand, output and income, decreasing the current account.To restore external balance in the short run, a devaluation (a rise in E) must occur. 19Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Macroeconomic Goals (cont.) Fiscal expansion(

32、G or T )Exchangerate, EXXII1Internal balanceachieved: outputis at its full employment levelExternal balance achieved: the currentaccount is at its desired level20Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Macroeconomic Goals (cont.)But under the fixed exchange rates of the Bretton Wo

33、ods system, devaluations were supposed to be infrequent, and fiscal policy was supposed to be the main policy tool to achieve both internal and external balance.But in general, fiscal policy can not attain both internal balance and external balance at the same time.A devaluation, however, can attain

34、 both internal balance and external balance at the same time.21Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Macroeconomic Goals (cont.) Fiscal expansion(G or T )Exchangerate, EXXII13Devaluation that results in internal and external balance: by making domestic goods cheaper, aggregate d

35、emand, output and the current account increase.24Fiscal policy that results in internal or external balance: by reducing demand for imports and output or increasing demand for imports and output.At point 2, the economy is below II and XX: itexperiences low outputand a low current account22Copyright

36、2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Macroeconomic Goals (cont.)Under the Bretton Woods system, policy makers generally used fiscal policy to try to achieve internal balance for political reasons.Thus, an inability to adjust exchange rates left countries facing external imbalances over t

37、ime.Infrequent devaluations or revaluations helped restore external and internal balance, but speculators also tried to anticipate them, which could cause greater internal or external imbalances. 23Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.External and Internal Balances of the U.S.

38、The collapse of the Bretton Woods system was caused primarily by imbalances of the U.S. during the 1960s and 1970s.The U.S. current account surplus became a deficit in 1971.Rapidly increasing government purchases increased aggregate demand and output, as well as prices.Rising prices and a growing mo

39、ney supply caused the U.S. dollar to become overvalued in terms of gold and in terms of foreign currencies.24Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Fig. 18-3: U.S. Macroeconomic Data, 19641972Source: Economic Report of the President, 1985. Money supply growth rate is the December

40、 to December percentage increase in M1. Inflation rate is the percentage increase in each years average consumer price index over the average consumer price index for the previous year.25Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Fig. 18-3: U.S. Macroeconomic Data, 19641972Source: Ec

41、onomic Report of the President, 1985. Money supply growth rate is the December to December percentage increase in M1. Inflation rate is the percentage increase in each years average consumer price index over the average consumer price index for the previous year.26Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesl

42、ey. All rights reserved.Problems of a Fixed Exchange Rate, Revisited Another problem was that as foreign economies grew, their need for official international reserves grew to maintain fixed exchange rates.But this rate of growth was faster than the growth rate of the gold reserves that central bank

43、s held.Supply of gold from new discoveries was growing slowly.Holding dollar denominated assets was the alternative.At some point, dollar denominated assets held by foreign central banks would be greater than the amount of gold held by the Federal Reserve.27Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All

44、 rights reserved.Problems of a Fixed Exchange Rate, Revisited (cont.) The Federal Reserve would eventually not have enough gold: foreigners would lose confidence in the ability of the Federal Reserve to maintain the fixed price of gold at $35/ounce, and therefore would rush to redeem their dollar as

45、sets before the gold ran out.This problem is similar to what any central bank may face when it tries to maintain a fixed exchange rate.If markets perceive that the central bank does not have enough official international reserve assets to maintain a fixed rate, a balance of payments crisis is inevit

46、able.28Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Collapse of the Bretton Woods System The U.S. was not willing to reduce government purchases or increase taxes significantly, nor reduce money supply growth.These policies would have reduced aggregate demand, output and inflation, and

47、 increased unemployment.The U.S. could have attained some semblance of external balance at a cost of a slower economy.A devaluation, however, could have avoided the costs of low output and high unemployment and still have attained external balance (an increased current account and official internati

48、onal reserves).29Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Collapse of the Bretton Woods System (cont.) The imbalances of the U.S., in turn, caused speculation about the value of the U.S. dollar, which caused imbalances for other countries and made the system of fixed exchange rates

49、 harder to maintain.Financial markets had the perception that the U.S. economy was experiencing a “fundamental equilibrium” and that a devaluation would be necessary.30Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Collapse of the Bretton Woods System (cont.)First, speculation about a de

50、valuation of the dollar caused investors to buy large quantities of gold.The Federal Reserve sold large quantities of gold in March 1968, but closed markets afterwards.Thereafter, individuals and private institutions were no longer allowed to redeem gold from the Federal Reserve or other central ban

51、ks.The Federal Reserve would sell only to other central banks at $35/ounce. But even this arrangement did not hold: the U.S. devalued its dollar in terms of gold in December 1971 to $38/ounce.31Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Collapse of the Bretton Woods System (cont.)Sec

52、ond, speculation about a devaluation of the dollar in terms of other currencies caused investors to buy large quantities of foreign currency assets.A coordinated devaluation of the dollar against foreign currencies of about 8% occurred in December 1971.Speculation about another devaluation occurred:

53、 European central banks sold huge quantities of European currencies in early February 1973, but closed markets afterwards. Central banks in Japan and Europe stopped selling their currencies and stopped purchasing of dollars in March 1973, and allowed demand and supply of currencies to push the value

54、 of the dollar downward.32Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.International Effects of U.S. Macroeconomic PoliciesRecall from chapter 17, that the monetary policy of the country which owns the reserve currency is able to influence other economies in a reserve currency system.I

55、n fact, the acceleration of inflation that occurred in the U.S. in the late 1960s also occurred internationally during that period. 33Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.International Effects of U.S. Macroeconomic Policies (cont.) Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation

56、and Development. Figures are annual percentage increases in consumer price indexes.34Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.International Effects of U.S. Macroeconomic Policies (cont.)Evidence shows that money supply growth rates in other countries even exceeded the rate in the U

57、.S.This could be due to the effect of speculation in the foreign exchange markets.Central banks were forced to buy large quantities of dollars to maintain fixed exchange rates, which increased their money supplies at a more rapid rate than occurred in the U.S.35Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley.

58、 All rights reserved.Table 18-2: Changes in Germanys Money Supply and International Reserves, 19681972 (percent per year) 36Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Summary1.Internal balance means that an economy enjoys normal output and employment and price stability.2.External ba

59、lance roughly means a stable level of official international reserves or a current account that is not too positive or too negative.3.The gold standard had two mechanisms that helped to prevent external imbalancesPrice specie flow mechanism: the automatic adjustment of prices as gold flows into or o

60、ut of a country.Rules of the game: buying or selling of domestic assets by central banks to influence flows of financial assets.37Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Summary (cont.)4.The Bretton Woods agreement in 1944 established fixed exchange rates, using the U.S. dollar as

61、 the reserve currency.5.The IMF was also established to provide countries with financing for balance of payments deficits and to judge if changes in fixed rates were necessary.6.Under the Bretton Woods system, fiscal policies were used to achieve internal and external balance, but they could not do

62、both simultaneously, so external imbalances often resulted.38Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Summary (cont.)7.Internal and external imbalances of the U.S.caused by rapid growth in government purchases and the money supplyand speculation about the value of the U.S. dollar i

63、n terms of gold and other currencies ultimately broke the Bretton Woods system.8.High inflation from U.S. macroeconomic policies was transferred to other countries late in the Bretton Woods system.39Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Additional Chapter Art40Copyright 2009 Pea

64、rson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Fig. 18-1: Internal Balance (II), External Balance (XX), and the “Four Zones of Economic Discomfort”41Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Fig. 18-2: Policies to Bring About Internal and External Balance42Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-W

65、esley. All rights reserved.Table 18-1: Inflation Rates in European Countries, 19661972 (percent per year)43Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.Fig. 18-4: Effect on Internal and External Balance of a Rise in the Foreign Price Level, P*44Copyright 2009 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.



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