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1、Unit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later.odule 3odule 3HeroesHeroes第一课时 ettingready&vocabulary课前导学课前导学includingmedalattendabroaddoctordegreewhateveramazingwillvictorysimplyplay table tennisstart doing/to dostop doingafter thatonce againseven years latergive upat first开始的时候,她的英语不够好

2、。无论做什么,她都不放弃!真了不起!邓(亚萍)说她并不比别人聪明,但是她有非常坚强的意志。嗯,我觉得她不仅是一个出色的运动员,而且还是一个好学生。要点梳理要点梳理教材例句教材例句重点词汇精析stop的用法 She stopped playing when she was twenty-four. 她24岁时退役了。(教材第18页) stop doing sth.表示“停止做某事”,doing是stop的宾语,是要停止的动作。stop to do表示“停下来开始做某事”, to do是stop的状语,表示目的,是要开始做的事情。用法用法举例举例 The two girls stopped tal

3、king when they saw me. 那两个女孩一见到我就停止了讲话。The two girls stopped to talk to me when they saw me. 这两个女孩一看到我就停下来和我说话。应用应用( )1.Dad, Im really tired and hungry.Why not stop _ and eat some cookies?A. to do your homeworkB. do your homeworkC. doing your homework D. did your homework( )2.In the end, we felt tir

4、ed, so we stopped _ a rest.A.having B.to haveC.had D.haveCB2 enough的用法 Her English wasnt good enough when she began. 开始的时候,她的英语不够好。(教材第18页) enough此处用作副词,意为“足够地;充足地;充分地”,只能放在所修饰的形容词或副词之后。常用于“be(not) + 形容词 + enough to do sth.”结构中。 enough做形容词时,意为“足够的;充足的”,通常置于名词前做定语,有时也可置于名词后。教材例句教材例句用法用法举例举例 The boy i

5、s strong enough to lift the box. 这个男孩足够强壮,能举起这个箱子。She doesnt have enough time/time enough tofinish the work. 她没有足够的时间去完成这项工作。助记助记: : enough在句中的位置:“修饰名词很自由,可置前来可置后。若是修饰形或副,一定后置要记住。”应用应用 根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词1.他的房间足够大,我们可以睡。His room is _ _ for us to sleep in. 2.他对情况了解得非常清楚。He knows the situation _ _.3.有足够

6、的座位让他们都坐下。There are _ _ for them all. large/bigenoughwell/clearlyenoughenoughseats教材例句教材例句whatever的用法;give up的用法 Whatever she does, she never gives up! 无论做什么,她都不放弃! (教材第18页)句中的whatever相当于no matter what,意为“无论什么;不管怎么样”,引导让步状语从句。用法用法举例举例 Whatever you do, you must do it well. = No matter what you do, yo

7、u must do it well. 无论你做什么,你都得把它做好。give up意为“放弃”,give up doing sth.意为“放弃做某事”,give up后若跟动词,只能跟动名词。You d better give up smoking.你最好戒烟。用法用法举例举例拓展拓展与give相关的短语应用应用1.根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词“_ (无论什么)happens, Ill look after my father well.” The Most Beautiful Filial Child(最美孝心少年)Liang Weiyue said.( )2.When Liu Xia

8、ng announced that he would _ running forever, he burst into tears.A. give away B. give upC. give out D. give inWhateverB教材例句教材例句4as well as的用法 Well,I think shes a good student as well as a good player.嗯,我觉得她不仅是一个出色的运动员,而且还是一个好学生。(教材第18页) as well as表示“不仅而且”,强调as well as前面的内容。as well as连接主语时,其谓语动词的人称和

9、数应与as well as之前的名词或代词保持一致。此外,as well as还可表示“和一样好”。用法用法举例举例 We all want to visit Beijing as well as Jinan. 我们都既想去济南,又想去北京。 Tom as well as his brothers is coming to see me. 汤姆和他的弟弟们将来看我。 Lucy sings as well as Lily. 露西和莉莉唱得一样好。应用应用 同义句改写1.Not only his wife but also his children were invited to the part

10、y.His children _ _ _ his wife were invited to the party.2.I like singing as well as dancing.I like singing. I like dancing _ _.aswellasaswell常用句型辨析教材例句教材例句“because引导的原因状语从句”的用法 Shes my hero because shes one of the best table tennis players in the world 她是我心目中的英雄,因为她是世界上最好的乒乓球运动员之一(教材第18页) 这是由连词becau

11、se引导的原因状语从句,because通常用来回答why提出的问题,与so(因此)不能同时使用。用法用法拓展拓展because of意为“因为”,其后可接名词、代词、动名词以及由what引导的从句等。表示“的原因是”时,一般要用句型The reason why is that I did it because they asked me to do it! = They asked me to do it, so I did it. 我做这件事是因为他们让我做!He didnt go to school because of illness. 他因为生病没去上学。He knew she was

12、 crying because of what he said. 他知道她因为他说的话正在哭。The reason why he cant come is that he is tired. 他不能来是因为他累了。举例举例应用应用1. 用because或because of填空(1)I didnt buy it _ it was too expensive. (2)He is here _ you. 2. 同义句改写We stayed at home because of the rain.We stayed at home _ it rained.( )3._ I dont have eno

13、ugh money, _ I cant afford the car.A. /; so B.Because; soC./; and D./; becausebecausebecause ofbecauseA课堂练习课堂练习一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词1. Three students went to the meeting, i_ Linda.2. My brother a_ university when he was 17 years old. Four years later, he got a job in a big city. 3. Susan was born in C

14、hina, but now she lives a_ with her family. 4. W_ Jane does, she always believes in herself. 5. Did Tom win a gold m_ at last?Of course. He plays tennis very well. ncludingttendedbroadhateveredal二、根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词1.我将再一次告诉你怎样使用这部照相机。I will tell you how to use this camera _ _.2.我弟弟已经决定放弃跳舞。My brothe

15、r has decided to _ _ dancing. 3.林涛不仅会说英语而且会说法语。Lin Tao can speak French _ _ _ English.onceagaingiveupaswellas4.刘英是我们班最受欢迎的学生之一。Liu Ying is _ _ the most popular students in our class. 5.请停止说话,咱们开始上课。Please _ _. Lets start the lesson. oneofstoptalking三、单项填空( )1.Ma Yun, head of Alibaba, is one of _ per

16、sons in the world.A. rich B. richerC. richest D. the richest( )2.Weve worked for the whole morning.Lets stop _ a break.A. to have B. have C. having D.had( )3.In the song I Bet My Life, the US rock band Imagine Dragon tells people never to _ catching their dreams.A. give up B. give outC. give in D. g

17、ive offDAA( )4._ you are, I will miss you.A. Whatever B. WheneverC. However D. Wherever( )5.Audrey Hepburn, one of the greatest actresses, was _ to take on challenges in her life.A. enough brave B. brave enoughC. stupid enough D. enough stupidDB第二课时 Listening&speaking课堂练习课堂练习一、听对话 听教材P18 Activity3 L

18、isten and read的对话录音,回答第13小题。( )1. Who is Damings hero?A. Liu Xiang. B. Zhai Zhigang.C. Deng Yaping.( )2. When did she stop playing table tennis?A. When she was twelve.B. When she was twenty-four.C. When she was thirty-one. ( )3. What makes her successful?A. Her coach. B. Her cleverness.C. Her strong

19、 will.CBC二、听填信息 听教材P18 Activity 3 Listen and read的对话录音,完成下列信息表。startedplayingwonUniversitydoctorsnever三、朗读单词和词组5遍,然后翻译成汉语1. including _2. medal _3. abroad _4. whatever _5. start doing _6. stop playing _7. play table tennis _8.seven years later _9. give up _10. at first _包含;包括奖牌;奖章在国外;到国外无论什么;不管什么开始做停止做打乒乓球七年之后放弃(努力)起初



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