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1、Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.定义:定义:在句子中起名词作用的各种从句,统称为名词从句。在句子中起名词作用的各种从句,统称为名词从句。 根根据它们在句中所起的语法作用,这类从句又可分为主语从据它们在句中所起的语法作用,这类从句又可分为主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句。句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句。1. Who will go with us has not been decided.2

2、.Dont be satisfied with what you have achieved.3.That is what we agreed on at the meeting.4.No one can deny(否认)否认)the fact that he has made much progress.从句做主语从句做主语从句做宾语从句做宾语从句做表语从句做表语从句做从句做同位语同位语Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspos

3、e Pty Ltd.在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫做名词性从句。名词性从句主语从句 表语从句 宾语从句 同位语从句 Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 连接代词连接代词 who, whom, whose, which, what, whatever连接副词连接副词 how, why, when, where however, wherever连接词连接词that, whether, if, because

4、as if /as though(不充当从句的任何成分) 引导名词性从句的关联词引导名词性从句的关联词Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.主语从句:主语从句:1. How we can raise our production remains a problem.句中句中 how引导的从句做主语,故被称为主语从句。引导的从句做主语,故被称为主语从句。主语从句可以直接放在主语位置,也可以用主语从句可以直接放

5、在主语位置,也可以用“it”做形做形式主语,而将从句放在句末(尤其是当谓语较短时),式主语,而将从句放在句末(尤其是当谓语较短时), that 引导的主语从句用引导的主语从句用it作形式主语尤为多见。作形式主语尤为多见。Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.1. That light travels in straight lines is known to all.It is known to all t

6、hat light travels in straight lines.2. Whether the meeting will be called off has not been announced.It has not been announced whether the meeting will be called off.Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.在名词性从句中一律用陈述句的语序,即使在

7、名词性从句中一律用陈述句的语序,即使从句表达的是疑问含义从句表达的是疑问含义。 The problem is what he has done to the little boy. 问题是他对那个小男孩做了些什么。问题是他对那个小男孩做了些什么。 Who will win the match is still unknown. Where the English evening will be held has not yet been announced. That he stole a bike was true. 单个的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式单个的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词

8、用单数形式。Where and when he was born has not been found.Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.有些用有些用“it”作形式主语的主语从句结构已经形成固定用作形式主语的主语从句结构已经形成固定用法和译法法和译法。常见的有下面。常见的有下面4种:种:1)It is +名词名词+从句从句e.g It is a fact that 事实是。事实是。 It is good

9、 news that 。是个好消息。是个好消息 It is common knowledge that 。是常识。是常识2) It is +形容词形容词+从句从句e.g. It is necessary that 有必要。有必要。 It is clear that 很清楚。很清楚。 It is (un)likely that 很(不)可能。很(不)可能。Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.3)It is

10、+过去分词过去分词+从句从句 e.g. It is said that 据说。据说。 It is reported that 据报道。据报道。 It has been proved that 已证明。已证明。 It must be pointed out that 必须指出。必须指出。4)It +不及物动词不及物动词+从句从句 e.g. It seems/appears that 好象是。好象是。 It happened that 碰巧。碰巧。 It follows that 由此可见。由此可见。 It has turned out that 结果是。结果是。Evaluation only.C

11、reated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.1. Will you tell me how I can keep fit?2. I dont know where Tom got the stick.3. I thought it strange that he failed in the exam.4. I dont think you are right. 5. Pay attention to what the teacher said.

12、6. Im afraid I cant accept your invitation做及物动词后面的宾语做及物动词后面的宾语做介词后面的宾语做介词后面的宾语某些形容词的宾语某些形容词的宾语2. 宾语从句Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.1.)由连接词that引导的宾语从句由连接词that引导宾语从句时,that在句中不担任任何成分,在口语或非正式的文体中常被省去,但有两个以上宾语从句时,第二个分句tha

13、t不可省。 . He said (that) the text was very important and that we should learn it by heart.2)当主句是I/ We think (suppose, expect, believe, guess, imagine) 时,其后的宾语从句如果是否定形式,常把否定词not从从句中转移到主句中成为否定的转移。 We dont believe that he will win the game. I dont think he will do so. Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.

14、Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.3)连接代词whoever,whatever,whichever可引导名词性从句,相当于anyone who, anything that等。它们也可以引导让步状语从句,相当于 no matter who/ what/ which。 Whoever breaks the law should be punished. 3. 表语从句引导表语从句的关联词与引导主语从句的关联词大致一样,表语从句位于连系动词后,有时用as if, because

15、 引导。其基本结构为: 主语 + 系动词 + 连接词 Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.The fact is that we have lost the game. Thats just what I want. This is where our problem lies. That is why he didnt come to the meeting. It looks as if it is

16、going to rain. This is because he missed the train by one minute.需要注意的是,当主语是reason 时,表语从句要用that引导而不是because。 The reason why he was late was that he missed the train by one minute this morning. Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose P

17、ty Ltd.4. 同位语从句同位语从句说明其前面的名词的具体内容。 同位语从句一般跟在某些表示抽象概念 的名词后,如 news, idea, information, fact, hope,thought, belief 等,用来说明名词所表示的具体内容, 引导同位语从句的连接词通常有that, whether和连接副词when, where, why, how;连接代词who,what,whose,which通常不引导同位语从句。 I have no idea when she will be back. Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides

18、 for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.I had no idea that you were here.Have you got the idea(that)this book gives you of life in ancient Greece?(that引导同位语从句,不能省略)(that引导定语从句,作宾语,可以省略)Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile

19、right 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.DifferenceDifference: : 同位语从句同位语从句相当于一个相当于一个名词名词,对前面的名词起,对前面的名词起解释和说明解释和说明作用;作用;引导同位语从句的引导同位语从句的that不等于或不能替换不等于或不能替换前面的名词,前面的名词,无实义无实义不作句子成分不作句子成分,只起连接作用,且,只起连接作用,且不可省略不可省略。定语从句定语从句相当于一个相当于一个形容词形容词,对前面的名词、代词起,对前面的名词、代词起修饰限制修饰限制作用;作用;That在定语从句中就是先行词的在定语从句中就是先行词的替身替身,在定语

20、从句中不但,在定语从句中不但起连接作用,而且起连接作用,而且充当一个句子成分充当一个句子成分, ,作宾语时可省作宾语时可省。( )The suggestion that he should not go there is of great value.The suggestion that he made is of great value.Rule: that +完整句子完整句子 同位语从句同位语从句 that +不完整句子不完整句子 定语从句定语从句定语从句和同位语从句的区别:定语从句和同位语从句的区别:Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides

21、for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.1. The news that the plane would take off on time made everybody happy.2. The news that is spreading around the airport is that a heavy storm is coming.3. The suggestion that students should learn something practical is worth con

22、sidering.4. The suggestion that they are considering is that students should learn something practical.(同位语)(同位语)(定语从句)(定语从句) (同位语)(同位语) (定语从句)(定语从句) ( )Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.1.He said the text was very impor

23、tant and we should learn it by heart.2. My worry is that he can get there on time.3. The reason why he failed was because he hadnt studied hard.4. I wonder if it is true or not.5.The problem is that what we should do next.6.That is all what I know.whetherthatwhetherthat或或what 改成改成that Evaluation onl

24、y.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.1. The photographs will show you _(MET1989) A.what does our village look like B.what our village looks like C.how does our village look like D.how our village looks like Evaluation only.Created with A

25、spose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.2.考查引导词that与what的区别高考题例示: 1. _we cant get seems better than _we have. (NMET1996)A. What; what B. What; that C. That; that D. That; whatEvaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile

26、pyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.2. No one can be sure _ in a million years. (MET1991)A.what man will look like B. what will man look like C. man will look like what D. what look will man like Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose P

27、ty Ltd.3.考查it在名词性从句中作形式主语或形式宾语的用法高考题例示: 1. _ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. (NMET1995)A. There B. This C. That D. ItEvaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.Exercises:I.Choose the best an

28、swer1.Can you tell me the railway station ? A. how I can get to B. how can I get to C. where I can get to D. where can I get to2. He asked me his story. A. I liked B. did you like C. if did I like D. if I liked3. Tim told his teacher that he born in 1986. A. was B. had been C. is D. has beenEvaluati

29、on only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.4. It is suggested that we _ to the park later. A. will go B. went C. go D. has gone 5. Mother asked the kid with his toy car. A.what the matter was B. what was the matter C. what the matter is

30、D. what the matter is6. She told me that she_ you in London a year before. A. had met B. met C. would meet D. has metEvaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.1 -I drove to Zhuhai for air show last week. -Is that _ you had a few

31、 days off? A. why B. when C. what D. where2 His health is getting worse and worse. The reason is _ he drinks too much. A. why B. what C. that D. howACEvaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.高考链接1.-Are you still thinking about

32、yesterdays game? -Oh, thats_ . (2003北京春季北京春季)A. what makes me feel excitedB. whatever I feel excited about C. how I feel about it D. when I feel excited A解析解析: 这是由这是由what 引导的一个表语从句,在引导的一个表语从句,在从句中充当主语,这句话的意思为:那是使从句中充当主语,这句话的意思为:那是使我感到兴奋的事。故答案为我感到兴奋的事。故答案为A。Evaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides

33、for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.2.When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule: Always give the monkey exactly_ he wants . (2002上海春季上海春季) A.what B.which C.when D.that 解析解析:这是一个宾语从句这是一个宾语从句,wants后面缺少宾语后面缺少宾语,Always give the monkey exactly what he wants是一句谚语是一句谚语,意思是意思是永远给予他人他确实想要永远给予他人他确实想要的东西的东西。故答案为。故答案为A。AEvaluation only.Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.



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