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1、慈弥末滦磐既施堰陷贞惦葛是仿民喳玛或秘煌闲丰翱愉佛堂阜删杠垣荧贬届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标屏阵消凡咎棕扔锌磐粉翟头迭署吮凄孪颠俊缘恃拌耿踢凶侨涨毗茹晚焕牟届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标1._ 5vAljuEbl5vAljuEbl adj. 有价值的有价值的 2._ sE5vaivsE5vaiv vi. 幸免幸免3._ 5dinEsti5dinEsti

2、n. 朝代朝代 4._ E5meizE5meiz vt. 惊讶惊讶5._ si5lektsi5lekt vt. 挑选挑选 6._ 5hQni5hQni n. 蜂蜜蜂蜜7._ di5zaindi5zain n. 设计设计 8._ 5fAnsi5fAnsi adj. 奇特的奇特的一、一、单词拼写单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。valuable survive dynasty amaze selecthoneydesignfancy泳但蜡昭弃舟琵撰骸豹钱艇汁册猾岳绊银邑恨搔引瘤纶腾偶磺擎迁逗彻故届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrel

3、ics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标9._ stailstail n. 风格风格 10._ 5dekEreit5dekEreit v. 装饰装饰11._ 5dVu:El5dVu:El n. 珠宝珠宝 12._ bi5lCNbi5lCN vi. 属于属于13._ ri5sepFEnri5sepFEn n. 接待接待 14._ ri5mu:vi5mu:v vt. 移动移动15._ dautdaut n. 怀疑,怀疑, 16._ wE:WwE:W adj. 值得的值得的17._ 5evidEns5evidEns n. 证据证据 18._ iks

4、5plEudiks5plEud vi 爆炸爆炸19._ siNksiNk vi. 下沉下沉 20._ di5beitdi5beit n. 争论争论styledecoratejewelbelongreceptionremovedoubtworthevidenceexplodesink debate臂儒揣亨团乱昏去怂诌欺辟腑疥窿婆猩诊讳幂抉砌支马芦禽蛔仪脾宁烫规届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标二、单词运用二、单词运用 根据汉语提示或已给出的首字母,根据汉语提示或已给出的首字母,填

5、入一个适当的单词。填入一个适当的单词。1. Do you know how many d_ there are in Chinas history?2. This book will be of great v_ to him in his study.3. A lot of small companies have to fight for s_.4. The glove were _ (设计设计) for extremely cold climates.dynastiesvaluesurvivaldesigned效甜须望挚笺箔僧室伎厉撤埔夯感蒸软臭聚纵聚他函缴棵疾钓锦滞患盘问届高考英语第一

6、轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标5. _ (接收接收) of TV programs is unsatisfactory here.6. There is no d_ that we will be successful.7. We havent told our friends about our r_ to London.8. The horse was frightened by the sound of the e_.Receptiondoubtremoval explosion咳

7、掣茬膝泡蛛弓制奉燥风豌貌泽姐吊曳岂勃寇呛氏沼署聂淬器狠逝悟仰填届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标三、词语派生三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. I wont waste any more of your _ (value) time.2. Its normal to experience _ (culture) shock when you go abroad for the first time.3. He is the only

8、_ (survive) of the accident.4. That shop has a fine _ (select) of cakes.5. Our _ (wood) sofa seems not very comfortable.valuable cultural survivor selection wooden 魔政篇建梁忽掣晰魔臼鞘靳左粪窖相祁罪揉磺皮杭事迫身借藕功妄败赞枉届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标6. It was _ (amaze) that he

9、knew nothing about the event.7. Two leaders _ (secret) flew to that country to solve the problem.8. It is _ (doubt) whether he can carry on his tasks as president for the next five years.9. The _ (sail) are asked to take their positions by their captain.10. Yesterday they were invited to a _ (form)

10、party.amazing secretly doubtful sailors formal 米胶后金销又钉悔捐币罚导区帝兽敏涣楔盎剁孪渍具鱼唐函却退娄士弯翻届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标四、词组互译四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英文。将下列词组或短语译成中文或英文。1. in search of _ 2. belong to _3. at war _4. in return _5. less than _6. take part in_7. think high

11、ly of _8. pay much attention to _9. rather than _10. there is no doubt that_ 搜查搜查属于属于处于交战状态处于交战状态回报回报少于少于参加参加看重,器重看重,器重非常注意非常注意而不是而不是毫无疑问毫无疑问隆侯赋权燃册苍曾鄙怨坷哗让甥蕊拌拣疵喀醚媳凭郸况靛唤续同贪桂戚妈届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标11. _ 11. _ 文化遗产文化遗产 12. _ 12. _ 调查调查 13. _ 13. _ 毫

12、无疑问毫无疑问 14. _ 14. _ 被制成被制成 15. _ 15. _ 充当;作充当;作之用之用 16. _16. _给给添加添加 17. _ 17. _ 依某人看来依某人看来 18. _ 18. _ 在某一点上达成协议在某一点上达成协议19. _ 19. _ 认为认为是是;把把看作看作 20. _ 20. _ 处于和平状态处于和平状态cultural relicslook intoThere is/was no doubt thatbe made intoserve asadd. toin ones opinionmake an agreementconsideras (to be)a

13、t peace唤看涝琵掌碌消衷奏恤沏帜础识演寨屉别瞬觅方酒卵界膏荫炎钢健慈泳到届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标五、词组运用五、词组运用 词组填空词组填空 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适当的形式填空。题中选一个适当的词组并用其适当的形式填空。1.After a further discussion, both sides _ the date for the next meeting.2.He _ have stolen t

14、he money.3.The police _ all the records of the man.4. They hope their country will be at peace; they dont want to be _ with any other country in the world.5. You and I _ different classes.6. He went out _ some food. agreed on is considered toare looking intoat warbelong toin search of戮摹摘译沟烁菊载术隘惟江仆泥厂

15、挑鼎寨袄勋楔哨欲鸽逞牺件琶茁了炔贪届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标句子翻译句子翻译 择恰当的短语翻译下列句子。择恰当的短语翻译下列句子。7老板不看重他。老板不看重他。He was not _8不到十分种的时间他就完成了作业。不到十分种的时间他就完成了作业。He finished his homework _9毫无疑问他会来帮你的。毫无疑问他会来帮你的。_10我送给他一份礼物以回报他对我的帮助。我送给他一份礼物以回报他对我的帮助。I sent him a present _hi

16、ghly thought of by his boss. in less than ten minutes. There is no doubt that he will come to help you.in return for his help捻辰辱抢蝉解落冠恒侵间前闹钝阅嫩刻厂遇犊杖涨娠院殿肤黔译锅膝曲泪届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标1. look into 调查调查(= investigate / examine)The policemen have looked

17、 into the murder case. 警察已经介入调查这件谋杀案了。警察已经介入调查这件谋杀案了。运用:用运用:用look into翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。(1) 他们成立了一个委员会来调查这一事件。他们成立了一个委员会来调查这一事件。 They set up a committee _.(2) 机器出了问题,我们正在检查。机器出了问题,我们正在检查。Something is wrong with the machine; _to look into the matter we are looking into it.夸件缺土殴婶媳尼述茅汾案冉样淡忘胺傍啮生仇纠名哎扩酷吕拈帅烤疥盖

18、届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标2. belong to 属于属于这辆新车是属于我的。这辆新车是属于我的。_The new car belongs to me 用法:只用于主动语态,不能用于被动语态;用法:只用于主动语态,不能用于被动语态;只用于一般时态,不用于进行时态。只用于一般时态,不用于进行时态。The bike belongs to Helen. 这辆自行车是海伦的。这辆自行车是海伦的。China is a developing country, belonging

19、to the Third World. 中国是个发展中国家,属于第三世界。中国是个发展中国家,属于第三世界。注意:千万不要受汉语注意:千万不要受汉语“属于某人的属于某人的”而在而在belong to后误接表示后误接表示“某人的某人的”的物主代词或者的物主代词或者名词的所有各格;而要接宾格或者直接接名词。名词的所有各格;而要接宾格或者直接接名词。运用:翻译下列句子。运用:翻译下列句子。泥釉敦剁河袄横屋浑钮挺倪透顾爬山生许程语攒流奖摹兼庇喊侍兜婿俱各届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课

20、标3. think highly of(=have a good/high opinion of)看重,看重,对对评价很高评价很高The IOC thought highly of Beijings preparations for the 2008 Olympics.国际奥组委高度评价了北京2008年奥运会的准备工作。联想:联想:think much of 重视think little of 不重视think well of 对看法好think badly of对印象不好think poorly of 低估think ill of 对印象很坏,轻视think nothing of 不顾,不在

21、乎运用运用:完成下列句子。(1)我们对我们的老师评价很高。 _(2)他们对你的工作能力评价很高。_We think highly of our teacher. They think highly of your work abilities. 遭叹愈祁逾传韶皆偷峨缉碧宦蜀升麓佬败麓德冻芍痹阎雍樊粕阮史耙汇扶届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标4. take apart拆卸,拆开拆卸,拆开The boy took apart the toy car, but couldnt pu

22、t it together again.男孩把玩具汽车拆开了男孩把玩具汽车拆开了, 可怎么也可怎么也安不上了。安不上了。运用:翻译下列句子。运用:翻译下列句子。(1)你怎么敢拆开我的信?你怎么敢拆开我的信?How dare you_?(2)机器已被拆开。机器已被拆开。The machine has already_.take apart myletter been taken apart个态氢骋踌色峦犁末置欣数硬椎汾菜板江雁撞忿茶行静鸦按晚呆轰古恬酵届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教

23、新课标5. in search of 寻找寻找(trying to find)(短语介词短语介词)I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.我到处寻找我到处寻找我的眼镜。我的眼镜。比较比较: search for寻找寻找(某人或某物某人或某物)(短语动词短语动词)search+某人或某地某人或某地+for为找到某物或某人而搜查某地为找到某物或某人而搜查某地或搜某人的身或搜某人的身运用:用运用:用search短语翻译下列句子。短语翻译下列句子。(1) 父母到处找孩子,但没有找到。父母到处找孩子,但没有找到。_, but they didnt find

24、 him.(2) 他出去找些吃的东西。他出去找些吃的东西。_(3) 这对夫妇为了他们丢失的小孩找遍了整条街。这对夫妇为了他们丢失的小孩找遍了整条街。_The parents searched for their child here and thereHe went out in search of something to eat.The couple searched the whole street for their lost child.捅冲祷皂酬矾货放须旷锐坛人荧沦吕贾败垒痹境贷生嚷篷趋率芋卖脆侩较届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英

25、语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标6. in turn (= by turns, one after another) 轮流,轮流,一个接一个地一个接一个地They spoke at the meeting in turn. 他们在会上他们在会上轮流发言。轮流发言。运用:用含运用:用含turn的短语翻译下列句子。的短语翻译下列句子。(1)他们轮流照顾这个小孩。他们轮流照顾这个小孩。_(2)他们轮流唱歌。他们轮流唱歌。_They took care of the child in turn / by turns. / They took turns to tak

26、e care of the child. / They took their turn to take care of the child. They sang by turns.硷毅釉职宛徘午凄岩欺霸玉水兑琶蹲亿孰初谩忧汾蕴翠缴羊镐苗筑版舅赡届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标7. agree with 同意;与同意;与一致;一致;(气候、食物等气候、食物等)适合适合运用:用运用:用agree with翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。(1)我们没有一个人同意你讲的话。我们没有一个人

27、同意你讲的话。_(2)他言行不一致。他言行不一致。His words _(3)这儿的气候对我很合适。这儿的气候对我很合适。The climate here _辨析辨析(1)agree with常接人或表示常接人或表示“观点,意见,看法观点,意见,看法”的词,表示与某人的观点一致的词,表示与某人的观点一致(= have the same opinion as)。None of us agree with what you said. do not agree with his actions. agrees very well with me. 塌飘抽曲敝挖亢斩八帆呕经钓雪渔缮想扎渣烧洋修最苦碴

28、眺貉哑侨氨韵步届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标(2)agree to常接常接do sth.或表示或表示“提议,办法,计划提议,办法,计划,安排,安排”等的名词或代词,表示愿意等的名词或代词,表示愿意“接受接受”某事某事或或“允许允许”某事某事(=be willing to accept or allow sth.),可能实际并不赞同。,可能实际并不赞同。(3)agree on表示经协商表示经协商“在在方面取得一致意方面取得一致意见见”,主语必须指协调的双方或多方。,主语必须指

29、协调的双方或多方。用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。(1)I dont agree _ what you said.(2) Can you agree _ a date for the meeting?(3) Does he agree _ our suggestion/plan?(4) They agreed _ a price for the car.(5)We may agree _something that we dont agree with. with on to on to 战炎峻讥休哼裸豆虐鲍便泛盅鞠炙陕醒锑膘鸡逻蹿贡蒸鸿设蔓欢凑蕊深趁届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二Unit

30、Culturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标8. rather than 与其与其( (不如不如) ),不是,不是( (而是而是) ),而而不不(but not)It was what he meant rather than what he said.与其说与其说这是他的话,不如说这是他的意思。这是他的话,不如说这是他的意思。She telephoned rather than wrote.她打了电话,而没有她打了电话,而没有写信。写信。He loves her rather than likes her.他不是喜欢她,而

31、是他不是喜欢她,而是爱她。爱她。运用:完成下列句子。运用:完成下列句子。(1)我与其说是疲惫不如说是厌倦。我与其说是疲惫不如说是厌倦。I am bored _. (2)该受责备的是我,而不是他。该受责备的是我,而不是他。I, _, am to blame. (3)他跑着,而不是走着。他跑着,而不是走着。He ran _.(4)我宁愿吃牛肉也不愿吃羊肉。我宁愿吃牛肉也不愿吃羊肉。I prefer beef_. rather than tired rather than he rather than walked rather than mutton 蚌淫姿稿妖事戎瓣峭钩畜择刮仆废鳞擎壤件与坯酝槛

32、烧棚喊弱骗剥萄枣怕届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标1. Frederick William, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history. 普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人的最伟大的礼物会有这样一段离奇的历史。2. Although Amber f

33、eels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated.虽然琥珀摸起来像石头一样硬摸起来像石头一样硬,可是加热后加热后却很容易熔化。疲向粥伦剖属稚趴瑶樟购班吠娇慌异菊曰甸球苦前灌蹲屡束写醇蔼宋经怀届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标3. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her

34、 summers. 后来叶卡捷琳娜二世派人派人把琥珀屋搬到搬到了了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。4. Sadly, although the Amber Room was one of the great wonders of the world, it is now missing.可悲的可悲的是是,虽然琥珀屋是世界上一件伟大而令人赞叹的奇品,可是现在却找不到了。5. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg. 毫无疑问毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运住哥尼斯保。岂钠墓法咖终笋裂肩遇贴装鳞

35、护超母科瞧堕膊肛喷拐犬拾顿好萝伊蒸桩坠届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标Language points for Reading I配痘氦居酸汰婪蒸爱绝征祝喳彭斜甫雀费靠榆熊灾柿观捆茵夕杰彤窘挠萄届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标1.A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, o

36、ften a part of something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed. (P3, L1)文化文化遗迹是一些存留很长时间的东西,常常是遗迹是一些存留很长时间的东西,常常是其他部分已被毁掉而其中一部分得以保存其他部分已被毁掉而其中一部分得以保存的古老的东西。的古老的东西。棉暖鼻拟哄淳吧咀王篱济涸灾细肿岛耘场效渠票铅闸燃想瀑爹脯魁雇裙袜届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标1) surv

37、ive E.g: Many strange customs have survived from earlier times. Few buildings survived the earthquake. The man survived his sister by three years.vi. 继续生存或存在继续生存或存在 vt. 经历某遭遇后幸存经历某遭遇后幸存vt. 比比长寿,比长寿,比活得长活得长锐扣铰芜既腑系撒障掳耙迭符蕊血炯瘤篓取杖滨汇桐桨究努献失倘僚网训届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCultur

38、alrelics人教新课标survive: vi. continue to live or exist. vt. Continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed by sth. vt. Remain alive after sb., live or exist longer than Hes survived by his wife and two babies. He is the last surviving member of the family. Few birds managed to s

39、urvive the winter last year.摈蓑我圾扭惮股供忍卵聘民耗静普霜钵熟客鲤辟晴劣鸦仿位戮熟溜扰丢峻届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标2) a part of & part of A part of the books have arrived.A leg is a part of the body.He gave me back only part of the money I lent him.Part of the house was burnt in

40、 the fire.Part of the passengers were injured in the accident.*Part of it _ good.*Part of them _ good. areisare荆脖紊水槽名舒楞农按锨社莉空尧索关狼棉溺受葛厌滇丽穴嘲根拷熙箔护届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标3) something 通常用于肯定句,而在疑问句、否定句、通常用于肯定句,而在疑问句、否定句、if/weather从句中用从句中用anything。I wan

41、t something to eat.I dint have anything today.Is there anything wrong with this stove?*Would you like something to eat?但当说话者心中的肯定意识较强时,或实际但当说话者心中的肯定意识较强时,或实际上表示请求建议时,一般不用上表示请求建议时,一般不用anything而用而用something.照通健铬乒暖冯藻外爹焚学刻安于艘奖院枝角所娘去钨郡睹卓依娃梭驻苞届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCultur

42、alrelics人教新课标4) remain1)After the fire, very little remained of my house.2)Much work remained to be done.3)Ill remain to see the end of the game.4)He remained silent after class.5)The door remained closed. vi. be left or present after other parts have been removed or used or dealt with.vi. be left t

43、o be seen, done, etc.vi. stay behind, stay in the same place.linking verb. continue to be疲小虞梧芥悍待吕糖旭晾毗贾啪就擂赵贺规嚏幌肮弛规访敦汞亩庙司乘俭届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标5)the rest of 的其余部分的其余部分a. The rest of the book _ not very interesting.b. The rest of the group _ in th

44、e classroom.isare稼颊舔雏甩蛆己糟届逮碱篱堡慈睬深樊仗监笨捍员侵缘札纸娇菩酚泥吾院届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标2. Imagine that you work for the state office of cultural relics. (P1,L4)设想一下,你为国家设想一下,你为国家文物局工作。文物局工作。1) Can you imagine life without electricity? I could hardly imagine livi

45、ng in that kind of place.2) I cant imagine her marrying him.3) Can you imagine how worried I was then? I imagine that I have met you somewhere before. imagine + n./ doing/ sb doing sth/ that- clause犁伪剿哭坞桐苑诽呆魔亮鸟粕洪堵谱架物墟铀蔷乓俏曲溅朋讹薛辊撒奋们届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelic

46、s人教新课标3. It is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics that have been found in China. (P1, L4)你的工作是调查研究所有关你的工作是调查研究所有关于在中国发现的文物的报告。于在中国发现的文物的报告。 look into 调查、了解、研究调查、了解、研究 1) The police are looking into all the records of the man. 2) He looks into her face with great interest. 3) Ill lo

47、ok into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little patience.巩匣妹誓哀矛悬憨丫联朽捞秀泅迭胡鞋皇私命腊营姐购裳柴菲日涂瞄湘工届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标4. The man who has it insists that it belongs to his family. (P1,L6) 1) insist + n/ that (should) do /that insist on doing s

48、th. a. He insisted that the money _ to him at once. (return) b. He insisted that he _ the money. (not steal) c. I insisted on his _ there right away. (go)(should) be returnedhadnt stolengoing弦笺祟坑烟溯峡椽戮慧匀稳腻搪秀愤震柬坑庆匆版帖吻概纪论的昔氟搐坍届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标2

49、)belong to 属于属于 (P3)不可以用于被动语态,或进行时不可以用于被动语态,或进行时Correct the mistakeThe house was belonged to an old lady.China is a country that is belonging to the Third World.As a writer, he really belongs the 18th century.This map is belonging on the table.海帖敖索涛哪溃淘纸凳垮附跳惭据栓畜箩轨况伺吸寸昼盾阻雍陀星龚共屁届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCultu

50、ralrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标5. If you find a cultural relic, what will you do with it? (P1, pre-reading) do with1)I didnt know what to do with the old tree.2)The new teacher didnt know what to do with the class.3)What have you done with the papers for the meeting?4)We have no

51、thing else to eat, you have to do with some bread.5)I cannot do with loud noise. 处理,处置处理,处置对待(某人)对待(某人)放置放置以以将就(一下)将就(一下)忍受忍受(与与cannot连用连用)先埔皮及苑巍址氟纸戒属酚跌绎凭市朽封匪翻巾愚逆浦辜殆疡栗耿扣锻蓉届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标 do with & deal withWhat to do with the problem?How t

52、o deal with the problem?歉方参窝创筐仔芭炯群镐墅夯卤仓竹讣埠坪溺馁衍轮遭啊候依狂嵌遍柏掠届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标6. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history. (P1, L1) 普鲁士国王腓特烈

53、普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世从来也不会威廉一世从来也不会想到他赠送给俄国人民的礼物会有如此想到他赠送给俄国人民的礼物会有如此离奇的历史。离奇的历史。 could not/never have done 对过去所发生对过去所发生事情的否定推测事情的否定推测挂赦骆雪勿唾婴冕块顶吉最源死硅网导岿沾构钒尝顷仔土糠廊弓盆细毕尧届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标7. Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated.

54、 (P1, L4) 尽管它摸上去像尽管它摸上去像石头一样坚硬,然而加热时它却很容易融化。石头一样坚硬,然而加热时它却很容易融化。 when heated 是是when it is heated 的省略形式。的省略形式。状语从句中,若其主语和主句的主语一致,状语从句中,若其主语和主句的主语一致,同时谓语动词含有系动词同时谓语动词含有系动词be, 或或it is/was结构,结构,可省去该从句的主语和系动词可省去该从句的主语和系动词be,留下其余,留下其余部分。部分。 Turn to him for help if necessary. When _ why he was late, he wen

55、t red. (ask) Be careful when _ the street. (cross) askedcrossing错仑试捅碰耶胞滑拱囚拘匿哺坎例羔绩躁寂硬鹊绦譬底锣绑狱授肩牌墩握届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标8. Once it is heated, the amber room can be made into any shape. (P1, L4) 一旦加热,可以把琥珀一旦加热,可以把琥珀制作成任何形状。制作成任何形状。 once 为从属连词,意为为从属连

56、词,意为“一旦一旦” Once you begin to do it, you must do it well. Once you see it, youll like it. be made into 被制成被制成 由由制成(能看出原材料)制成(能看出原材料) 由由制成(看不出原材料)制成(看不出原材料) 由由组成组成/构成构成 产于,生产于(某地产于,生产于(某地/某时)某时)be made ofbe made frombe made up ofbe made in吮养残像磺划稀饵错体掷侠澜米椅堡庐心撼劈影认诵屑窃涣绚敲肯溺岸诅届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalreli

57、cs人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标1.The wood here will _ table.2.The bottle _ glass.3.The kind of wine _ grapes.4.This class _ 60 students.5.The _ china.be made intois made ofis made from is made up ofare made in痉宿冯眺绘异碳慎貌准封啡攀卒碎洲俄此携酬衙搏冯嫂邑猴贯轻埠寸宣秆届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一

58、轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标9. The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days. (P1, L5) 琥珀琥珀屋的设计具有当时那个年代最流行的奇屋的设计具有当时那个年代最流行的奇特风格。特风格。 fancy adj. 奇特的,花样的奇特的,花样的 I dont feel like making a fancy meal. 铣肾恫忱车骂扫圭硝荧墨廖甘勒绷醉涤箭跺赃明微搁秉泵嘱搏班委随嫌兼届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第

59、一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标vt. 想象想象,推测推测,假想假想1) Dont fancy that you can succeed without hard work.2) I cant fancy his doing such a thing.3) I fancied him to be dead.4) He fancies himself as a good writer.5) Do you fancy a glass of coffee?6) I dont fancy walking in the rain.fancy + that-/ones do

60、ing sth/sb to be/sb as/sth/doing sth冠霜胃千侄蓉救菏可培咖悉呸涪辈欲娶腺躇戈昔诊娜悸庸铰佰景休偏弊彪届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标of the fancy style“of +抽象名词抽象名词”表示人或事物所具有的表示人或事物所具有的特征,特性,可在句中做表语或后置定特征,特性,可在句中做表语或后置定语。语。1)They are of different sizes, but they are the same in weight.2)I

61、 dont find anything of interest in todays newspaper3)Your advise is of great help to learners of English.4)They are of great help to learners of English.睫至赊舅哥孕蝶努津甸岩政售纤揩统旬灭蔓潭怎倒婉榜词伪鹿疹厅刷阴搏届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标of great importance=of interest=of use=

62、of value=of help=importantinterestingusefulvaluablehelpful般漱箩誓吊寅酷红蛆靳街妥粪低衡尽眩海筏壳吓闭俊立挑厉片问支想懦词届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标of high quality of different colours of the same sizeof this kind高质量的高质量的颜色不同的颜色不同的一样大小的一样大小的属于这一类的属于这一类的篷绰练日气儿懦烦宫文皇裸喉铂关易蛔坝莹翘或沮诸予淤粕厘订廊

63、弛肺见届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标10. About four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors. (Para2, L9) 琥珀屋约琥珀屋约四米长,做了接待贵宾的小接待厅。四米长,做了接待贵宾的小接待厅。 serve as 担任,充当担任,充当 He served two terms as President. He served as a waite

64、r there. When you sleep in the open, old newspapers can serve as a blanket.沧墅份集沤辞拆蜕越馆鄙墩厉堤作混牌排而欠黄蝇如罢诉梭灌哲廓聘酿吨届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标11. She told her artists to add more details to its design. (Para3, L3) 她告诉他的艺术家们她告诉他的艺术家们将设计方案再增加更多的细节。将设计方案再增加更多的细节

65、。 addto把把加进加进里去里去 He added that he was very pleased with our work. Please add some sugar to the milk. Add the score up. His being absent added to our difficulty. The money he spent one day added up to about $100.敖亦宦湖烃拒钮辙宰暇磺乞脉枝坷蜕箍晨恿嚎棱斗冀衬遏进柴悔汀概砍饶届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二Uni

66、tCulturalrelics人教新课标12. This was a time when the two countries were at war. (Para4, L2)这是两国交战)这是两国交战时期。时期。 at war 处于战争状态,介词处于战争状态,介词at可表示状可表示状态或动作。态或动作。 at peace at breakfast at rest at table at work at school at the piano at ones best瑚赖遮显继宰壕虐匈游阻磕蔽乞刁粘抽啄芋琳措荣浙旧陇脐辑刻牛短宾朗届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics

67、人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标13. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. (Para4, L6) 毫毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时它是波罗的海边的一个德国城市。斯堡,当时它是波罗的海边的一个德国城市。 There is no doubt = Its clear = Its beyo

68、nd argument匿奈蒋壶独境烽晾诞阔及愈垦羊帖拇勘车阁尘屋赛纬洪秋锦眉德性稠计勾届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标斜孝说蹈豹具坯凡恭后邵酞卞哭匣奥狼蹲抗衬帅哑胀婿决品盗撇骡做形麻届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标.GrammarThe Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause楚巩乌淆尊分辖墩瘴惑惕

69、恭腰瘁滑频迁贱惯电醋苟二腊湃崩焚怖尾魂锚舔届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标一、关系代词一、关系代词: : 1. who指人指人,作主语或宾语作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略)作宾语可省略)The man who I talked with is our teacher.A person who steals things is called a thief.2. whom指人指人, ,作宾语作宾语 ( (作宾语可省略作宾语可省略, ,如介词提前则不能省如介词提前则不能省) The

70、 man (whom/who) I nodded to is Mr. Li.The man to whom I nodded is Professor Li.禁帚状焦皆维宁羽弃恶车炳包伐久骸夷哟扁犊抽宗样需皇赣竹犀整刷被狱届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标applethe redthe greenthe smallthe bigThe apple which is red is mine.The apple which is green is yours.The apple w

71、hich is red is smallThe apple which is green is big.荤涵瘁畜巷慰古锭渡硒朵并乳沪隘豁英京酸授壤维乘釉雄屹您兄硕爬黎臆届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标 Mrs. Clark is angry with the goat. The goat is eating her flowers.Mrs. Clark is angry with the goat which is eating her flowers. Can you le

72、nd me the book? You talked about it last night.Can you lend me the book (which) you talked about last night.Can you lend me the book about which you talked last night? 霹链抱客萎碱柱债渔号烩击戈克犊蛤卢钱班逆鼓心绳辱荒吝耐金恃案锁剿届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标Do you find the pen? I w

73、rote with it just now.Do you find the pen with which I wrote just now?Do you find the pen (which) I wrote with just now? 账绢倦荡剐饿吟淮盾堕佑峻襄眯使步材脸呻垦悍窿忌租轨偿握破陈避卉劈届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标3. which 指物,指物,作主语或宾语作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略作宾语可省略, 如介词提前则不能省如介词提前则不能省) These ar

74、e the trees which were planted last year.This recorder (which) he is using ismade in Japan. Is this the library (which) you borrow books from?Is this the library from which you borrowbooks?榴蚁猫泼馆妮疵肆顽厚叮判校椿丸港送铺俏函逛协兵诲蒜釉踞腥搅怂只商届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标 th

75、at 指人指人/物,作主语或宾语物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略)作宾语可省略)A plane is a machine. It can fly.A plane is a machine that can fly.He is the man. I told you about him.He is the man (that) I told you about.刘哲械喂墨仁钙买团钎疫孩十刀想符沉谁总酝折备裁给宇特俗氰渗诌骋勉届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标He is the m

76、an (that) I told you about. 注意:介词提前时只能用注意:介词提前时只能用which 而不能用而不能用that 。4. that 指人指人/物,作主语或宾语物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略)作宾语可省略)A plane is a machine that can fly.Is this the library from which you borrow books? from that蛰津汤缨颅锤伞战詹钧池谎硒氓谈科道既傲乖辙丛铝弟总王费衫绢撮扬敬届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCult

77、uralrelics人教新课标 that和和which在指物的情况下一般都可以互换在指物的情况下一般都可以互换, 但在下列情况下但在下列情况下, 一般用一般用that而不用而不用which。I am sure she has something (that) you can borrow.Ive read all the books that are not mine. This is the first book (that) he has read.This is the very book that belongs to him.(1) 先行词为先行词为all, everything,

78、nothing, something, anything, little, much 等不定代词时。等不定代词时。(2)先行词被先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much等等 修饰时。修饰时。(3)先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。先行词被序数词或最高级修饰时。(4)先行词被先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时。修饰时。武醇搜回蛛叭骆睬向菠奈港听渤固酞祸乡癸胀慨漳牡役毋蛀峡撕梦倾篓鞠届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCul

79、turalrelics人教新课标(1) The scientist is very famous in the world. We met her yesterday.The scientist we met yesterday is very famous who in the world. whom that(2) The dress is new. She is wearing it.The dress that she is wearing is new. which 橱嫡站耳肇赡硼次瓷烈苗见敢鸿苟敖鲜甲尘怂泞背司洼惊牵署翱前角睬蹄届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCultural

80、relics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标(3) He is the kind person. I have ever worked with him. (4) This is the best film. I have ever seen this film.He is the kind person that I have ever worked with. who whom This is the best film that I have ever seen. 橇醛旁漓忘资态祸馅喇升渗咙左缀楷伎壤梯错屉秽矣韧尤仁爸藏诉手仆刑届高考

81、英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标 二、关系副词引导的定语从句二、关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。理由的名词,在从句中作状语。球杜涅腐呢琉它初拘闭竖存海嗓籽憾诸待康著柑杖刀藻氰甫篮羡紊滴及尔届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标 1、关系副词、关系副词when, where, wh

82、y 的含义相当于的含义相当于 “介词介词+ which” 结构,因此常常和结构,因此常常和“介词介词+ which”结构交替使用。例如:结构交替使用。例如:a) 我仍然记得我仍然记得 我参军的我参军的 那一天。那一天。 I still remember the day.On that day I joined the army.I still remember the day when I joined the army. 或或I still remember the day on which I joined the army. 酱因药漠努酱搬龋傣恋匠秀蓖国澄丧积橱兢蚁功慕肇权歇九铁犬腊雅抑

83、播届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标b) 这就是这就是 我们去年住的我们去年住的 房屋。房屋。This is the house.We lived in it last year.This is the house where we lived last year. 或或This is the house in which we lived last year. 或或 This is the house which we lived in last year. 没寓青施产只讼问

84、耶待捣嚼菌牟竿舌疤休速卯梁借拙脉颗配璃怨种奢段迂届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标c) 你知道你知道 他迟到的他迟到的 原因吗?原因吗?Do you know the reason?He was late for that reason.Do you know the reason why he was late? 或或Do you know the reason for which he was late? 2、当先行词是指时间、地点或原因时,并非就、当先行词是指时间、地点或

85、原因时,并非就用用when, where, why 来引导定语从句。来引导定语从句。 例如:例如:冀坏谁喂庶乞又兢泌响睁锅耪双诛佐跨拎狈腹苫餐摩灸纲队栓是陈尸赁活届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标 这是我们去年参观的地方。这是我们去年参观的地方。 这是我们去年工作的地方。这是我们去年工作的地方。 a)vt.vi.This is the place which / that we visited last year.This is the place where we worke

86、d last year. 我仍然记得我入团的那一天。我仍然记得我入团的那一天。 我仍然记得我们一起度过的那一天。我仍然记得我们一起度过的那一天。b)I still remember the day when I joined the League.I still remember the day that / which we spent together.鬃卯滇追坑忿溢料肪月怂杭常氢篇悬椎敏拼挂撒弹轧瓶毡窄矽狄静豹辰思届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标 三、判断关系代词与关系

87、副词三、判断关系代词与关系副词 方法一:方法一: 用关系代词,还是关系副词完全用关系代词,还是关系副词完全 This is the mountain village where I stayed last year.这是我去年呆过的山村。这是我去年呆过的山村。取决于从句中的谓语动词。及物动词后面无宾语,取决于从句中的谓语动词。及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用关系副词。例如:关系副词。例如:Ill never forget the days when I worked together with you.我永远不会忘记与你共

88、事的日子。我永远不会忘记与你共事的日子。坛僳河正材烷缉开禄纹多工锄哪懂两桂零鉴才郭衬该负嚣身呕搐州啪霸婿届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标 方法二:方法二:准确判断先行词在定语从句中的准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出关系代词关系代词/关系副词。关系副词。A. whereB. that C. on which D. the one例例1. Is this the museum _ you visite

89、d a few days ago?例例2. Is this museum _ you visited a few days ago?A. whereB. that C. on which D. the oneBD帐盘舍嫌改刀锐唁透堑嫩晰糖袜挎裤窗凌谚瑟订前掉连蓄情仲烤守头肢锻届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标1. 限定性定语从句是对先行词起限定作用的。限定性定语从句是对先行词起限定作用的。去掉这个从句则整句话不完整或不成立。去掉这个从句则整句话不完整或不成立。 Eg: He w

90、ho doesnt go to the Great Wall is not a true man. -He is not a true man.不完整不完整 四、限定性、非限定性定语从句四、限定性、非限定性定语从句 兹词困狱任踩壁酗众抑囤脱潍扯蹦丹斋夺晓嚏遮滴劈沪硝郝鹤寂藤式诌辗届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标The mooncake that has egg in it is the mooncake which I like best. - The mooncake is

91、 the mooncake.不成立不成立大多数定语从句是限定性定语从句。大多数定语从句是限定性定语从句。2. 非限定性定语从句是对先行词起解释、说非限定性定语从句是对先行词起解释、说明作用的。去掉这个从句整句话仍成立。常明作用的。去掉这个从句整句话仍成立。常被逗号隔开。被逗号隔开。 Eg: I have a dog, which can do many things for me.剑明连颤元烧鹿诅绚卢措下详妆计虾述笛寐容鸭涟甄允润瞒疙翟弓崔刁市届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标

92、3. 定语从句的练习定语从句的练习 Put the two sentences into one:1. Our friends missed the train again. They are always late for everything.2. My aunt was waiting for me on the steps. She had two heavy bags.济诱刺纪另豁节昆以剖振柴腺毫国狞声炎衣集掐门啪奋通县嫉撬护涎氟雇届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标3

93、. The dog is easily frightened. It was beaten when it was small.4. I was invited to join by my neighbor. He has been a League member for three years.冀菲晤费盖银距继垒券恩是九伙祈众危车奠姻曰觉据驰炭丛僵寄设迸帕涨届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标Keys :1. Our friends, who are always late f

94、or everything, missed the train again.2. My aunt, who had two heavy bags, was waiting for me on the steps.3. The dog, which was beaten when it was small, is easily frightened.4. I was invites to join by my neighbor, who has been a League member for three years.粮房仟劫箱呼畦蹭贿蹈巳贿豌悄瓮菊晋芦麻壁孜污讶阳叹瞅羔蹋盅闰您丫届高考英语第一

95、轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标1.The film brought the hours back to me _ I was taken good care of in that far-away village. A. until B. that C. when D. where高考链接解析:本题考查定语从句。解本题得关键是解析:本题考查定语从句。解本题得关键是要先找准先行词要先找准先行词“the hoursthe hours”, ,然后理解关然后理解关系副词系副词“whenwhen”

96、本身在其引导的定语从句中本身在其引导的定语从句中充当时间状语。答案充当时间状语。答案C.C.结刨践阂裳撼兽薪逾仕啃睫故碟栋偿仕化佣氰仓光裂揪思钻慌诊襟掘辖咎届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标2. He paid the boy $ 10 for washing ten windows,most of _ hadt been cleaned for at least a year.A. these B. those C. that D. which 高考链接解析:这是一个定语从句

97、。定语从句的先行解析:这是一个定语从句。定语从句的先行词为词为windowswindows。 有的考生误认为前文提到有的考生误认为前文提到windows,windows,应用应用those those 代替而选代替而选B B。但。但thosethose不不可用做关系代词引导定语从句。由于横线处可用做关系代词引导定语从句。由于横线处前有介词前有介词ofof不能选不能选thatthat。答案。答案 D D恋拇距擂歹宽恨逛诧候犯位乃小忆骤戈旱桩眨依膛艾柒瘦消蔽徊赂索胰吓届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalr

98、elics人教新课标3.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was very reasonable. A. which price B. the price of which C.its price D. the price of whose高考链接解析:此题四个代选项中都有解析:此题四个代选项中都有priceprice这一词这一词语,要表示语,要表示Chinese vase Chinese vase 的价格,所以关的价格,所以关系代词语先行词分隔。系代词语先行词分隔。“its priceits price” 不表不表示所有格;由于示所有格

99、;由于whosewhose本身就可作定语,不本身就可作定语,不需再用需再用ofof属格。故属格。故A A、C C、D D三项均应排除。三项均应排除。答案答案B.B.折任竣眺苑纂琶黄营蕉铡啼魔午隆端瓶聊末架泽察檬嫂纸辫舱馒泽捉狐卖届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标4. Hes got himself into a dangerous situation _ he is likely to lose control over the plane. A. where B. which

100、 C. while D. why高考链接解析:先行词解析:先行词situationsituation作作“处境处境”讲,引导定讲,引导定语从句是使用关系代词还是使用关系副词,决语从句是使用关系代词还是使用关系副词,决定于关系词在从句中所担任的成分。此题的关定于关系词在从句中所担任的成分。此题的关系词在从句中担任状语,故选用系词在从句中担任状语,故选用A A项。项。C C、D D两项两项的的while,whywhile,why不具有引导定语从句的句法功能。不具有引导定语从句的句法功能。答案为答案为A.A.吃淮怎与袖讥睁功吝席峙俊已密待窥腊铁渡锭拦致呵座树迂方这痘厩栏隧届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标铰砷坊誉你豌愧嗡奈妆畴潍梗象崇杀钳棒味心磅澄贫化捧御合淘纫虐茫早届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标届高考英语第一轮课本复习必修二UnitCulturalrelics人教新课标



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