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1、大学英语精读第三册教案三单元Unit-3-Why-I-Teach 1. Warm-up questions1)Would you like to be a teacher? Why or why not?2)2) What are the advantages of being a teacher, what are the disadvantages?3)3) Do you think teaching is easy? Why?4)4) What qualities does a good teacher need?5)5) Which teacher do you like best,

2、why?Words and expressionspalm tree 棕榈树Do the rewards of teaching outweigh the trying moments?outweigh: v. be more important or valuable than sth. else比重(在重量上);比重要;比有价值The benefits of this treatment far outweigh any risks.profession: n. 职业;同行业的全体人员I dont know what profession would suit me.He left the

3、 teaching profession to set up his own business.Teaching as a profession is very underpaid.Hes a doctor by profession.convince:convince: v v. . make someone feel certain that sth. is true; persuade sb. to do sth.The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way.I hope t

4、his will convince you to change your mind.The lawyer tried to convince the jury陪审团of his clients当事人innocence.n nNordoIteachbecauseIthinkIknowanswers,orbecauseIhaveknowledgeIfeelcompelledtoshare.SometimesIamamazedthatmystudentsactuallytakenotesonwhatIsayinclass!Why,then,doIteach?Chinesecompel vt. 强迫强

5、迫, 使不得不使不得不 lOnly by self-respect will you compel others to respect you.nMy girlfriend compelled me to meet her mother. n nIteachbecauseIlikethepaceoftheacademiccalendar.June,July,andAugustofferanopportunityforreflection,researchandwriting.Iteachbecauseteachingisaprofessionbuiltonchange.Whenthemater

6、ialisthesame,Ichangeand,moreimportant,mystudentschange.Chinesereflection: n.1.映像映像, 倒影倒影 2.反映反映 3.深思深思; 考虑考虑; In Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water.The fact that soldiers are on the streets is a reflection of how terrified the government is.On reflecti

7、on, I decided I had been wrong.build on: base on; use as a base for further developmentAll research builds on work by previous reseachers.Her conclusion is built ona careful analysis of current international affairs.n nI teach because I like the freedom tomakemyownmistakes,tolearnmyownlessons, to st

8、imulate myself and mystudents.Asateacher,Immyownboss.IfIwantmyfreshmentolearntowritebycreatingtheirowntextbook,whoistosay I cant? Such courses may be hugefailures, but we can all learn fromfailures.Chinesestimulate: vt. 刺激刺激; 激励激励; 鼓励鼓励 The government plans to cut taxes in order to stimulate the eco

9、nomy.Good teachers should ask questions that stimulate students to think.Besides reading materials, the use of films and multimedia can stimulate students interest in a subject.distributedistribute: v.分发,散布,配销He distributed sweets to all the children in the class.At the moment he has to take the job

10、 of distributing leaflets传单to promote products for a cosmetic company.n nSo teaching gives me pace, and variety,and challenge, and the opportunity tokeep on learning . I have left out, however, the mostimportantreasonswhyIteach.Chineseleave out 遗漏遗漏, 省略省略, 删去删去; 未顾及未顾及, 忽略忽略 Ive made a list of names

11、 I hope I havent left anyone out.She left out an important detail in her account. switch: 转变,转换;开关She started studying English at college, but switched to Accounting in her second year.Would you please switch the TV off?a light switchCan you flip the switch?analysis: n. 分析The artical provides a deta

12、iled analysis of the root causes of the accident.analysis 的复数形式是的复数形式是analyses, 动词动词形式形式为为analyse或或analyze与其有相似与其有相似变化的化的词还有:有:basisbasescrisis-crisesn nApromotionoutofteachingwouldgive me money and power. But I havemoney. I get paid to do what I enjoy:reading,talkingwithpeople,andaskingquestionlike

13、,Whatisthepointofbeingrich?AndIhavepower.Ihavethepowertonudge,tofansparks,tosuggestbooks,topointoutapathway. Whatotherpowermatters?Chinesematter: 事情;问题;重要,要紧事情;问题;重要,要紧whats the matter with your car?Could I talk to you about a personal matter?Three of our players were ill, and to make matters worse,

14、 our main scorer had broken his ankle.I know Charles doesnt think this project is important, but it matters to me.Text Analysis Global analysisStructureDiagram1.Question2Noteasy5-11SomeRs12-17MajorRs18-20Love4Question3Notexpert21MygrowthnotbecausebutbecuaseQuestionAnswerWhyITeachthe opportunity to s

15、hare with his students the happiness of their success6. _the opportunity to teach his students to play their roles in the real world5. _the freedom to be his own boss (the freedom to do things in his own way)3. _the variety (Teaching is a profession built on change.)2. _Directions: Go over the text

16、quickly and find out the reasons why the author teaches.the pace of the academic calendar1. _ the opportunity to keep on learning4. _Scanning Reasons to Teachthe power to help his students grow and changethe love teaching offers, the love of learning, of books and ideas and the love a teacher feels

17、for that rare student who walks into a teachers life and begins to breathethe feeling of remaining young while teaching10. _8. _ the joy of seeing his students grow and change in front of his eyes7. _9.Find out the concluding sentence in this part that summarizes the reasons why the author teaches.D

18、irections: Sentence DetectingSo teaching gives me pace, and variety, and challenge, and the opportunity to keep on learning. 1) The two most important reasons why the author teaches are: 2) The names of his students that offer the reasons why the author teaches. The author helps his students to moul

19、d their characters.His students grow and change in front of him.A. _B. _VickyGeorgeJeanneJacquiListing1) _2) _3) _4) _Part onePara. onePara. one1. What is the goal most Americans are taught to aim for in their life?2. Deos the author want the same as most Americans do?3. Why was the authors friend p

20、uzzled?4. What does the expression “step up” mean? “Step up” means “promotion”, which can bring him money and power. 所所有有美美国国人人受受的的教教育育是是长大大成成人人后后应该追追求求金金钱和和权力力,而而我我却却偏偏偏偏不不要要明明明明是是朝朝这个个目目标“迈进”的工作,他的工作,他为之大惑不解。之大惑不解。PresidentVice-presidentThe dean of a collegeThe chairman of a departmentSupport staf

21、fPara. twopara. 2para. 21. Which profession is most difficult for the author? teacher, mechanic, carpenter or writer? 2. How do you know?I dont teach because teaching is I dont teach because teaching is easy for me.easy for me.在形式上允许两种语义的解在形式上允许两种语义的解释:释:1)I dont teach because teaching is easy for m

22、e. (Teaching is easy for me, so I dont teach.)2) I dont teach because teaching is easy for me. ( I teach, but it isnt because teaching is easy for me.)not becausenot because 结构结构not一般修一般修饰because,但也可修但也可修饰not后面后面的内容。的内容。视上下文而定。上下文而定。For examples:I dont take fast food because I like it; I have got to

23、 save time. Bob was not here because he lost his way.Teaching is the most difficultParaphrase I have tried many other ways to make a living. I have worked as a mechanic, a carpenter, a writer, and now I am working as a teacher. Of all these professions, teaching is the most difficult for me.What doe

24、s the author mean by calling teaching a red-eye, sweaty-palm, and sinking-stomach profession?1. Teaching is a profession that makes my eyes red for lack of sleep.2. Teaching is a profession that my palms are sweaty because of nervousness.3. Teaching is a profession that my stomach sinks because I of

25、ten feels so disappointed with my lectures. What does “stomach” mean here?Here, “stomach” means “spirit, heart”. A persons stomach sinks when he is upset, disappointed.convinced convinced convinced 引引导的是的是过去分去分词短短语,作伴随状,作伴随状语。More Examples:The student left the classroom, disappointed at the teachers

26、 decision.The mother couldnt eat or sleep, worried about her sons safety. More practice on P 57.Para. threePara. three1. Does the author think he is knowledgeable? 2. How does he feel when he sees his students take notes in his class? Why?Part (para. 411)1. In this part, how many reasons were given

27、to us about why the author teaches?2. Find out the concluding sentence in this part that summarizes the reasons. Question + Reasons+ ConclusionParallelismI teach because . I teach because I teachI teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to stimulate myself

28、and my students.Para. 51. What does the author think of the school calendar? The author likes the academic calendar.2. What does he do in the summer vacation? Reflection, research, writingPara. 6What does the author mean when he says “ teaching is a profession built on change”?Even if I use the same

29、 textbook I have used before, I always teach in a different way as I may have new ideas about the subject.Each year I have new students who are different from the ones I have taught before and therefore I have to change my way of teaching according to meet their needs.Para. 7What does the author mea

30、n he says “As a teacher, Im my own boss”?Para. 81.What does “bad questions” refer to? It refers to careless questions or simple questions that every student can answer easily without difficulty.2. Translate this sentence into Chinese. 我我们这个个世世界界有有无无穷无无尽尽的的正正确确答答案案来来对付付拙劣的拙劣的问题。Para.9 & 10 1. What do

31、es the author mean by saying “out of the ivory tower and into the real world”?2. Why did the author and his students do in the ivory tower and what did they do in the real world?Ivory towerIvory Tower是根据圣圣经旧旧约雅歌雅歌(the Old Testament, song of songs)里,睿智富有的以色列睿智富有的以色列王所王所罗门(Solomon)曾)曾诗歌歌1005首,其中首,其中雅雅

32、歌歌都是都是爱情之歌。在第五首歌中,新郎是情之歌。在第五首歌中,新郎是这样赞美新娘的,“Your neck is like an ivory tower.”Institutions like universities and colleges are often referred to as “ivory towers” where professors and their students engage in pursuits that are disconnected from the practical concerns of everyday life .Summary for the

33、 first period1. Transferred negative: not.because2. Parallelism: I teach because3. 连词省略:I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic, carpenter, writer.4. Metonymy(转喻): My students read Emerson, Thoreau, and Huxley.5. Metaphor: ivory towerPart (Paras. 12-17)1.Pleasefindoutsomespecialpersonstheauthor

34、hastaught.2.Whatarethemostreasonstheauthorgivesforchoosingteachingashisprofession.Listing1)The two most important reasons why the author teaches are:2) The names of his students that offer the reasons why the author teaches. Vicky, George, Jeanne, JacquiA. _B. _His students grow and change in front

35、of him.The author helps his students to mould their characters.Language pointsAbout Vickyan occasional nudge occasional: now and then, not regular nudge: suggestions or encouragementI was there when she .Paraphrase: What was really rewarding was to be there whenAbout George who started as an enginee

36、ring student, then switched to EnglishParaphrase who began as an engineering student and then changed his subject to EnglishBecause he decided he liked people better than things. A student of English studies mainly literature, which reflects mans life and thought, while an engineering student focuse

37、s on the making of things.Engineering Chemical Engineers Electrical EngineersEnvironmental engineeringMechanical engineeringAbout Jeannecivil rights lawyerIn the U.S. A variety of state and federal civil rights laws have been passed to protect persons against discrimination by individuals and organi

38、zations, as well as by the government. If a U.S. citizen is denied these rights in any way, he has the right to take the matter to court, and those lawyers who devote all their time to “civil rights” cases are called civil rights lawyers.About Jacquia cleaning woman who knows more by intuition than

39、most of us learn by analysis.Paraphrase:a cleaning woman whose intuition enables her to make more correct judgments than most of us can do with all that we have learned by analysis.Difficult Sentence in Para.17 Beingateacherisbeingpresentatthecreation, when the clay begins tobreathe. According to th

40、e Bible, man was created by God out of clay. When God breathed the breath of life into the clay, it became alive and the creation of man was completed. Here the author compares the job of a teacher to the work of God.What can we infer from it? Wecaninferfromthissentencethatthe author implies that th

41、e teacherhelpsthestudentto becomearealmanorwoman. Para. 18 & Para.19As a teacher, the author says that he also has money and power. Can you explain in detail?Para. 18What is the point of being rich? = What is the use of being rich? point: use; purposePara. 19 I have the power to nudge, to fan sparks

42、, to suggest books, to point out a pathway. to nudge: to give my students a gentle push in the right directionto fan sparks: to arouse their interest and curiosity, to give them spark of good ideasto suggest books: to recommend good booksto point out a pathway: to point out the way to greater achiev

43、ementsPart para.20What does teaching offer besides money and power?what does “rare student” refer to?Why does the author say “love is the wrong word”?In Para.20, what does “rare student” refer to? “Rare student” refers to that exceptionally good student who becomes part of a teachers life and begins

44、 to grow and change in front of him.Why does the author say “love is the wrong word”? Perhaps the word “love ” is not sufficient to describe what teaching offers.In Para. 21, how do you understand the only sentence in it?When I see that my students are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I

45、from time to time find myself growing and changing with them too, as if new life were being breathed into my body.1. 行政职务行政职务 2. 创办公司创办公司3. 熬夜熬夜 4. 校历校历5. 凭直觉凭直觉6. 省去省去7. 期末期末8. 提供机会提供机会an administration positionset up a corporationstay upthe academic calendarby intuitionleave outthe end of a semest

46、eroffer an opportunityUseful Expressions 9. 学术刊物学术刊物10. 记笔记记笔记learned journalstake notes11. 吸取教训吸取教训 12. 指点迷津指点迷津13. 激发才智激发才智14. 被迫做被迫做 15. 努力做,努力做, 苦干苦干 16. 谋生谋生17. 寄出,送出寄出,送出 18. 确信确信learn ones lessonspoint out a pathwayfan sparksbe compelled to do labour atearn ones living send offbe sure19. 写书写书

47、 20. 喘息,屏息喘息,屏息work on a bookcatch ones breathIdontteachbecauseteachingiseasy.: Sentence StructureWhenIleavetheclassroom,IwasconvincedthatIwasevenmoreboringthanusual.Iteachnotbecauseteachingiseasy.IleavetheclassroomconvincedthatIwasevenmoreboringthanusual.Ifindmyselfcatchingmybreathwiththem.Find+one

48、self+pp1.ManyAmericanstudentsapplyforgovernmentalloanstopayfortheireducation/tuition.2.Besidesreadingmaterials,theuseoffilmsandmultimediacanstimulatestudentsinterestinasubject.3.Theattorney/lawyertriedtoconvincethejuryofhisclientsinnocence.4.Askingquestionsoftengeneratesthesparkofcreativity.: Transl

49、ation PracticeIhavesentoffmyresumetoseveralcorporations,buthaventyetreceivedareply.Herconclusionisbuilt/basedonacarefulanalysisofcurrentinternationalaffairs.Wecametothemeetingfullofexpectations,yetweleftverydisappointed.Atthemomenthehastotakethejobofdistributingleafletstopromoteproductsforacosmeticc

50、ompany.: Translation Practice5678FindtheTopicSentence: Guided Writing见外教社见外教社PPTPPTWhy I chose to attend collegeAparagraphismadeupofagroupofsentencesaboutthesametopic.Themainideaoftheparagraphisusuallygiveninthefirstsentenceorlastsentenceoftheparagraph.Thissentenceiscalledthetopicsentence.I.because.

51、I.notbecause.Ifind.Exercise page. 53/54Writing assignment Why I chose to attend college 1.Your decision to go to college2.Main reasons for choosing to go college3. a. Burning thirst for more knowledge and keen interest in learning4. b. Opportunities a college education may provide for all-round deve

52、lopment5. c. A necessary step to a good career. Global analysisStructureDiagram1.Question2Noteasy5-11SomeRs12-17MajorRs18-20Love4Question3Notexpert21MygrowthnotbecausebutbecuaseQuestionAnswerWhyITeachGrammar Full Inversion Partial InversionInversion 1.表表示示方方式式或或方方位位的的副副词词或或介介词词短短语语here,there,out,in,

53、up,down,away,on,now,then,intheroom,onthewall等等置置于于句句首。首。2.表语提前的句子表语提前的句子形容词形容词分词分词介词短语介词短语such置于句首置于句首(注:主语须为名词)(注:主语须为名词)4. 现在轮到我了。现在轮到我了。4. Now comes my turn.ExamplesofFullInversion:1. In came a policeman. 2. Out rushed the girl.3. There lived a poor man.5. Under the tree lay several dogs yesterda

54、y afternoon.1. In he came. 2. Out she rushed.2. 那个女孩冲了出去。那个女孩冲了出去。1.only修修饰饰副副词词、介介词词短短语语或或状状语语从从句句,且放在句首时。且放在句首时。2.否定副词:否定副词:never,seldom,hardly,little,rarely,not,nowhere,bynomeans,atnotime等放于句首时。等放于句首时。(注:(注:only修饰其他结构时,不倒装)修饰其他结构时,不倒装)3.六个重要的固定句型:六个重要的固定句型:so/neither/norbe/have/助动词助动词/情态动情态动词词+主语


56、疑问句,感叹句疑问句,感叹句3.直接引语放于句首时直接引语放于句首时4.表祝福的倒装表祝福的倒装5.often,innotime,manyatime等位于句首时等位于句首时4. 街道的两边都是鲜花和树。街道的两边都是鲜花和树。3. 大厅的前排坐着一个大厅的前排坐着一个20多岁的漂亮多岁的漂亮 女孩。女孩。1. 格林先生出席了会议。格林先生出席了会议。1. Present at the meeting was Mr.Green.ExamplesofFullInversion:4. On both sides of the street are flowers and trees.2. Hangi

57、ng on the wall is my raincoat.5. Such was his wish.3. Seated in the front of the hall is a pretty girl in her twenties.5. Only was he worthy of the honor given.4. Only was his brother right.whichofthefollowingsentenceiscorrect?1. Only in this way can we solve the problem.4. Only his brother was righ

58、t.2. Only when the war ended was he able to return home.3. Only then did I know I was wrong.5. Only he was worthy of the honor given. 强强 化化 练练 习习 1 _the plane. A Down flying B Down was flying C Down flew D Flew down 2 Under a big tree _,half asleep. A fat man sat B a fat man sat C a fat man sitting

59、D sat a fat man CD3. Not only _a promise, but also he kept it. A has he made B does he make C he made D did he make4. Not until he got off the bus _that he had got his wallet stolen.A he found B did he find C he had found D had he found5. Only in this way _progress in your English. A you make B can

60、you make C you be able to make D will you able to makeDBB6. _and caught the mouse. A Up the cat jumped B The cat up jumped C Up jumped the cat D Jumped up the cat7. -Where is your father? -Oh,_. A here he comes B he here comes C here does he come D here comes heCA8. Little _ when I took the trip and

61、 _ did my brother.A have I known; so B had I know;neitherC do I know; so D did I know; neither9. Was it not _ you arrived at his house _ you discovered that he was on holiday?A when; that B until; did C until; that D when;didDC10. She is not fond of cooking,_ I. A so am B nor am C neither do I D nor

62、 do11. Early in the morning _ the news _ the Chinese Team defeated the Japanese Team.A comes; what B. came; thatC comes; that D came; whatBB 13.Not once _their plan. A did they change B they changed C changed they D they did changed 14.I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life _so happy! (NMET200 A.did I feel B.I felt C.I had felt D.had I feltAD谢谢观赏!2020/11/587



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