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1、并购和重组交易服务并购和重组交易服务企业成长阶段、产品/业务组合IPOM&AStrategy&Business RestructuringCISCO1993CISCO1993年以来的兼并收购InfospaceIPO以来的兼并收购及股票价格l l美国在线利用高估的股票市值换股收购时代华纳美国在线利用高估的股票市值换股收购时代华纳 2000 2000年年1 1月月1010日日AOLAOL与时代华纳宣布合并前的交易与时代华纳宣布合并前的交易日股票市值为日股票市值为$1682.8$1682.8亿,超过时代华纳市值亿,超过时代华纳市值($759.1($759.1亿)与迪斯尼市值(亿)与迪斯尼市值($64

2、4.3$644.3亿)之和。亿)之和。l lT T 分拆受股票市场追捧的短信业务分拆受股票市场追捧的短信业务l lTCLTCL集团整体上市,又公告将分拆集团整体上市,又公告将分拆TCLTCL移动在香港移动在香港上市。上市。l l如果控股股东认为公司股价被明显高如果控股股东认为公司股价被明显高估,可以利用投资者的过度热情增发估,可以利用投资者的过度热情增发股票,支持公司业务战略。股票,支持公司业务战略。l l如果控股股东认为公司股票价格被股如果控股股东认为公司股票价格被股票市场不合理地严重低估,可以回购票市场不合理地严重低估,可以回购部分股票,甚至退市(华润五丰行私部分股票,甚至退市(华润五丰行

3、私有化,中粮鹏利国际退市私有化)。有化,中粮鹏利国际退市私有化)。l l公司可利用高估的股票作为支付手段,公司可利用高估的股票作为支付手段,兼并收购;或者分拆被股票市场高估兼并收购;或者分拆被股票市场高估的业务单元。的业务单元。重组:重组:放弃、退出与公司战略不符合或缺乏竞争放弃、退出与公司战略不符合或缺乏竞争优势、资本收益优势、资本收益 资本成本的资本成本的“ “现金陷阱现金陷阱” ”业务业务或所或所在地区。在地区。山东华能上市后的盈利既价格表现 1997 199719991999年,山东华能每股盈利逐年下跌。年,山东华能每股盈利逐年下跌。19991999年每股年每股盈利较盈利较199719


5、( (百百万港币万港币) )474474474474489489489489525525525525577577577577410410410410每股收益每股收益0.7620.7620.7620.7620.7860.7860.7860.7860.8430.8430.8430.8430.9280.9280.9280.9280.6590.6590.6590.659派息比率派息比率% %32.832.832.832.831.831.831.831.830.息率息率% %3.313.313.313.313.31

6、3.313.313.313.313.313.313.313.713.713.713.713.资本回报资本回报% %3.973.973.973.973.463.463.463.463.433.433.433.433.473.473.473.472.992.992.992.99上海实业上海实业上海实业上海实业税后利润税后利润( (百百万港币万港币) )1153.81153.81153.81153.81011101110111011113411341134113412031203120312031126112611261126每股收益每股收益1.3651.3651.365

7、1.3651.1451.1451.1451.1451.2731.2731.2731.2731.3381.3381.3381.3381.22441.22441.22441.2244派息比率派息比率% %24.1724.1724.1724.1728.8328.8328.8328.8332.息率息率% %2.842.842.842.842.842.842.842.843.533.533.533.534.资本回报资本回报% %7.747.

8、747.747.746.756.756.756.757.837.837.837.838. 3. .证券投资增值服务证券投资增值服务l l企业现金证券投资增值需求l l各类投资机构证券投资需求l l富有的个人资产增值管理需求家庭金融资产组合国际状况l l投资银行业务(投资银行业务(IIIIII)资产管理)资产管理 : 管理投资客户管理投资客户(包括各种公开募集的基金、政府机构和富有的私(包括各种公开募集的基金、政府机构和富有的私人或家族基金)的信托资产,为机构投资者客户设人或家族基金)的信托资产,为机构投资者客户设计和实施投资战略,提

9、供专业化的投资服务。包括计和实施投资战略,提供专业化的投资服务。包括宏观、产业和公司分析宏观、产业和公司分析, ,提供研究报告和投资建议。提供研究报告和投资建议。l l投资银行业务投资银行业务(V V)证券交易:二级证券市场交易证券交易:二级证券市场交易经纪经纪4.4.投资银行业务投资银行业务(IVIV)- -财务风险管理财务风险管理风险管理:为金融企业和非金融企业设计风险管理:为金融企业和非金融企业设计风险管理战略和工具,减少现金流波动。风险管理战略和工具,减少现金流波动。三、金融系统证券化环境三、金融系统证券化环境下的投资银行机构与服务下的投资银行机构与服务全球著名投资银行l lGoldm

10、an Sachs (Goldman Sachs (高盛高盛高盛高盛) )l lMerrill Lynch(Merrill Lynch(美林美林美林美林) )l lMorgan Stanley Dean Witter(Morgan Stanley Dean Witter(摩根士丹利添惠摩根士丹利添惠摩根士丹利添惠摩根士丹利添惠) )l lSalomon Brother Smith Barney CitigroupSalomon Brother Smith Barney Citigroupl lJ.P.Morgan-chase Manhattan(J.P.J.P.Morgan-chase Manh

11、attan(J.P.摩根摩根摩根摩根- -大通曼大通曼大通曼大通曼哈顿哈顿哈顿哈顿) )l lBear Steans(Bear Steans(贝尔贝尔贝尔贝尔 斯第恩斯斯第恩斯斯第恩斯斯第恩斯) )l lShearson Lehman Brother(Shearson Lehman Brother(雷曼兄弟雷曼兄弟雷曼兄弟雷曼兄弟) )欧洲著名投资银行l l CS First Boston( CS First Boston(瑞士信贷第一波士顿瑞士信贷第一波士顿瑞士信贷第一波士顿瑞士信贷第一波士顿) )l l Deutsche Morgan Grenfell( Deutsche Morgan G

12、renfell(德意志摩根建富德意志摩根建富德意志摩根建富德意志摩根建富) )l l ABN AMRO( ABN AMRO(荷银浩威荷银浩威荷银浩威荷银浩威) ) l l SBC Warburg( SBC Warburg(瑞银华宝瑞银华宝瑞银华宝瑞银华宝) )l l Credit Lyonnais( Credit Lyonnais(里昂信贷里昂信贷里昂信贷里昂信贷) )l l不同的投资银行机构业务范围有很大差别不同的投资银行机构业务范围有很大差别, ,有的投有的投资银行可能只专注某一项业务领域资银行可能只专注某一项业务领域 (the smallest (the smallest boutiqu

13、es)boutiques),而大的投资银行则可能涉及上述全,而大的投资银行则可能涉及上述全部业务部业务(Large Full-Service Firms)(Large Full-Service Firms)典型国际投资银行组织机构 执行委员会股票交易及销售部投资银行部 资产管理部固定收益证券交易部全球投资 研究部运营、技术、财务支持部衍生证券交易及风险管理部全球化地区性全能服务专项Jardine FlemingE TradeAmeritrade高盛、美林摩根士丹利添惠Salomon-CitigroupJ.P.Morgan-Chase Manhattan CSFB,UBS全能投资银行业务机构全能

14、投资银行业务机构Goldman Sachs (Goldman Sachs (Goldman Sachs (高盛高盛高盛高盛高盛高盛) ) )Merrill Lynch(Merrill Lynch(Merrill Lynch(美林美林美林美林美林美林) ) )Morgan Stanley Dean Witter(Morgan Stanley Dean Witter(Morgan Stanley Dean Witter(摩根士丹利添惠摩根士丹利添惠摩根士丹利添惠摩根士丹利添惠摩根士丹利添惠摩根士丹利添惠) ) )Salomon Brother - Smith Barney-CitigroupSal

15、omon Brother - Smith Barney-CitigroupSalomon Brother - Smith Barney-CitigroupChase Manhattan- J.P.Morgan (J.P.Chase Manhattan- J.P.Morgan (J.P.Chase Manhattan- J.P.Morgan (J.P. 摩根摩根摩根摩根摩根摩根) ) )l l全能银行被认为比专业银行更具备优势。可以为企全能银行被认为比专业银行更具备优势。可以为企业提供范围更广的金融产品,更容易与企业建立长业提供范围更广的金融产品,更容易与企业建立长期稳定的关系,有利于形成规模经

16、济优势。全能银期稳定的关系,有利于形成规模经济优势。全能银行可以分析企业运用各种金融产品的表现,而监督行可以分析企业运用各种金融产品的表现,而监督企业支票账户情况,从而获得更多的信息,并运用企业支票账户情况,从而获得更多的信息,并运用到各个方面,而不仅仅用来支持贷款决策。此外,到各个方面,而不仅仅用来支持贷款决策。此外,通过提供各种各样的服务,综合性银行在设计融资通过提供各种各样的服务,综合性银行在设计融资合同的过程中拥有更多的选择工具,并且对企业的合同的过程中拥有更多的选择工具,并且对企业的管理决策有更多的影响手段。管理决策有更多的影响手段。THE ESSENCE OF A GREAT IN

17、VESTMENT BANKl lReputation is the most important assetReputation is the most important assetl lIntegrity, power, discretionIntegrity, power, discretionl lThe best peopleThe best peoplel lThe best clientsThe best clientsl lThe best dealsThe best dealsl lConsistency of performanceConsistency of perfor

18、mancel lHigh ROEHigh ROEl lTimeliness of adviceTimeliness of advicel lCreative solutions to tough problemsCreative solutions to tough problemsl lInternal strengthsInternal strengths1. Our clients interests always come first. 1. Our clients interests always come first. Our experience shows that if we

19、 serve our Our experience shows that if we serve our clients well, our own success will follow. Our clients well, our own success will follow. Our goal is to provide superior returns to our goal is to provide superior returns to our shareholders. Profitability is critical to shareholders. Profitabil

20、ity is critical to achieving superior returns, building our achieving superior returns, building our capital, and attracting and keeping our best capital, and attracting and keeping our best people. Significant employee stock people. Significant employee stock ownership aligns the interests of our o

21、wnership aligns the interests of our employees and our shareholders. employees and our shareholders. 2 Our assets are our people,and reputation. 2 Our assets are our people,and reputation. If any of these is ever diminished, the last If any of these is ever diminished, the last is the most difficult

22、 to restore.Our is the most difficult to restore.Our business is highly competitive, and we business is highly competitive, and we aggressively seek to expand our client aggressively seek to expand our client relationships. But Integrity and honesty relationships. But Integrity and honesty are at th

23、e heart of our business. We make are at the heart of our business. We make an unusual effort to identify and recruit the an unusual effort to identify and recruit the very best person for every job. In a service very best person for every job. In a service business, we know that without the best bus

24、iness, we know that without the best people, we cannot be the best firm. people, we cannot be the best firm. 3 We stress creativity and imagination in 3 We stress creativity and imagination in everything we do. While recognizing that everything we do. While recognizing that the old way may still be

25、the best way, we the old way may still be the best way, we constantly strive to find a better solution to constantly strive to find a better solution to a clients problems. We pride ourselves on a clients problems. We pride ourselves on having pioneered many of the practices and having pioneered man

26、y of the practices and techniques that have become standard in techniques that have become standard in the industry. we would, if it came to a the industry. we would, if it came to a choice, rather be best than biggest. choice, rather be best than biggest. l lPersonal financial planning Personal fin

27、ancial planning l lSecurities underwriting Securities underwriting l lTrading and brokering Trading and brokering l lInvestment banking and advisory services Investment banking and advisory services l lTrading of foreign exchange Trading of foreign exchange l lCommodities and derivatives Commodities

28、 and derivatives l lBanking and lending Banking and lending l lInsurance Insurance l lResearch Research Salomon-Smith Barney-Citigroup整合后的业务与产品l l全球消费金融服务业务全球消费金融服务业务CitibankingCitibanking:4242个国家的个国家的20002000万客户,万客户,11001100家分支机构,家分支机构,2424小时、每周小时、每周7 7天营业,提供各天营业,提供各种电子支付系统。种电子支付系统。Private BankingP

29、rivate Banking:在:在9797个办事处、个办事处、3232个国家或个国家或地区为富有者提供金融服务,管理的资产为地区为富有者提供金融服务,管理的资产为10001000亿美元。亿美元。Salomon-Smith Barney-Citigroup整合后的业务与产品l l全球公司与投资银行业务全球公司与投资银行业务Salomon Smith BarneySalomon Smith Barney投资银行与资本市场业务投资银行与资本市场业务Citibank Citibank 新兴市场业务新兴市场业务Citibank Citibank 全球关系银行业务:为跨国公司全球经全球关系银行业务:为跨

30、国公司全球经营和财务管理提供商业支付服务。营和财务管理提供商业支付服务。商业财产和灾害保险业务商业财产和灾害保险业务Salomon-Smith BarneyCitigroup整合后的业务与产品l l信用卡业务:信用卡业务:49004900万成员,收购万成员,收购AT&T AT&T UniversalUniversal信用卡业务部,与美国航空公司加强信用卡业务部,与美国航空公司加强战略联盟战略联盟l l全球资产管理业务:为机构投资者客户设计和全球资产管理业务:为机构投资者客户设计和实施投资战略,提供研究报告和投资咨询实施投资战略,提供研究报告和投资咨询 客户分布在客户分布在100100多个国家多

31、个国家 管理的资产超过管理的资产超过34903490亿美元亿美元投资银行专业服务机构l l Robertson Stephens Robertson Stephens Robertson Stephens is an international Robertson Stephens is an international investment banking firm focused exclusively investment banking firm focused exclusively on growth companies. Our primary clients on growth

32、 companies. Our primary clients are companies for which the firm offers are companies for which the firm offers investment banking services and institutional investment banking services and institutional investors for whom it provides investment investors for whom it provides investment recommendati

33、ons and trade execution. Our recommendations and trade execution. Our goal is to fuel the growth of great companies.goal is to fuel the growth of great companies.Robertson Stephensl lOur success is driven by our ability to Our success is driven by our ability to identify quality growth companies and

34、 our identify quality growth companies and our commitment to providing comprehensive commitment to providing comprehensive financial services through every stage of financial services through every stage of the business life cycle. the business life cycle. Robertson Stephens Our mission is to channe

35、l capital into the Our mission is to channel capital into the most exciting companies in the world by most exciting companies in the world by providing: providing: l lSuperior investment banking and Superior investment banking and brokerage services to growth companies brokerage services to growth c

36、ompanies worldwide. worldwide. l lSuperior research to growth investors Superior research to growth investors worldwide. worldwide. l lSuperior corporate and venture services.Superior corporate and venture services. 财务收购之王KKR KKR KKR由由Jerry KohlbergJerry Kohlberg、Henry Kravis Henry Kravis 和和George G

37、eorge RobertsRoberts三个犹太后裔三个犹太后裔19761976年年5 5月月1 1日合伙创立,专日合伙创立,专门以门以LBOLBO模式从事公司控制权交易。在杠杆并购中模式从事公司控制权交易。在杠杆并购中最为成功和著名。最为成功和著名。 70 70年代最大的年代最大的LBOLBO交易由交易由KKR1979KKR1979年完成年完成3.433.43亿亿美元收购美元收购HoudailleHoudaille公司。美国公司。美国8080年代年代1010亿美元以上亿美元以上的的2121笔笔LBOLBO交易中,交易中,KKRKKR占占8 8席,最大的席,最大的LBOLBO交易交易由由KKR

38、KKR完成完成248248亿美元收购亿美元收购RJR NabiscoRJR Nabisco公司。公司。 三人原来都就职于三人原来都就职于Bear SteansBear Steans投资银行。早在投资银行。早在6060年年代中期,代中期,Jerry KohlbergJerry Kohlberg就注意到有两类企业希望就注意到有两类企业希望出售股权:出售股权:(1) (1) 二战后成功的家族企业;二战后成功的家族企业;(2) (2) 多元多元化经营的企业集团。当时的资本市场尚无合适的化经营的企业集团。当时的资本市场尚无合适的方式可以满足这两类企业股权出售的特殊要求。方式可以满足这两类企业股权出售的特

39、殊要求。Jerry Kohlberg Jerry Kohlberg 敏锐地发现了这一机会,设计了杠敏锐地发现了这一机会,设计了杠杆并购方案,对传统并购方式进行了大胆革新。杆并购方案,对传统并购方式进行了大胆革新。 当时,华尔街著名投资银行如没有注意这一业务领域。当时,华尔街著名投资银行如没有注意这一业务领域。而且,他们在并购方面主要是为并购交易中的一方扮而且,他们在并购方面主要是为并购交易中的一方扮演独立财务顾问角色,自己并不投入资本,也不对被演独立财务顾问角色,自己并不投入资本,也不对被并购企业股权结构、管理层激励和治理模式进行调整。并购企业股权结构、管理层激励和治理模式进行调整。而而KKR

40、KKR在收购交易中,既是财务顾问,又投入自己的在收购交易中,既是财务顾问,又投入自己的资本,成为合伙人,资本,成为合伙人, 同时给被并购公司的管理层分同时给被并购公司的管理层分配股份,与参与股权投资的其它有限责任合伙人配股份,与参与股权投资的其它有限责任合伙人( (通通常是机构投资者常是机构投资者) )一起共担风险。与风险资本关注成一起共担风险。与风险资本关注成长初期、缺乏经营现金流的企业相反,长初期、缺乏经营现金流的企业相反,KKRKKR关注处于关注处于成熟阶段、经营现金流比较充分的公司。成熟阶段、经营现金流比较充分的公司。 80 80年代,年代,KKRKKR借助另一位犹太后裔借助另一位犹太

41、后裔MilkonMilkon推出的推出的垃圾债券垃圾债券(Junk bond)(Junk bond)进行大规模债务融资,开展进行大规模债务融资,开展敌意敌意LBOLBO,并使,并使LBO/MBOLBO/MBO方式蔚然成风。方式蔚然成风。 KKR KKR的成功诱导了一批财务收购者的创立,华尔的成功诱导了一批财务收购者的创立,华尔街著名投资银行也纷纷成立股权投资部或商人银街著名投资银行也纷纷成立股权投资部或商人银行部,形成了一股巨大的财务收购力量。目前,行部,形成了一股巨大的财务收购力量。目前,KKRKKR仍是美国最大的财务收购者。仍是美国最大的财务收购者。RJR Nabisco LBO融资结构1

42、. Senior Debt: Bank Financing1. Senior Debt: Bank Financing $600m Bankers Trust $600m Bankers Trust 750m Chase Manhattan 750m Chase Manhattan 600m Citibank 600m Citibank 750m Manufacturers Hanover Trust 750m Manufacturers Hanover TrustSubtotal $2.7bSubtotal $2.7b2. $14.5b Bank Syndicate to banking i

43、nstitutional investors2. $14.5b Bank Syndicate to banking institutional investors3. Mezzanine Financing 3. Mezzanine Financing $3.5b Senior subordinated loan from Drexel Burnham Lambert $3.5b Senior subordinated loan from Drexel Burnham Lambert $1.5b Bridge loan from Merrill Lynch $1.5b Bridge loan

44、from Merrill Lynch4 4. . Equity FinancingEquity Financing $1.5b KKR investor group/limited partnership $1.5b KKR investor group/limited partnership Total $24.8b Total $24.8b典型的LBO结构1999年美国年美国10大财务收购大财务收购企业股权资本管理规模企业股权资本管理规模 企业名称企业名称 管理的股权资本规模管理的股权资本规模( (亿美元亿美元l lKohlberg, Kravis, Roberts Kohlberg, K

45、ravis, Roberts 92.00 92.00l lMorgan Stanley Capital PartnersMorgan Stanley Capital Partners 42.81 42.81l lE.M. Warburg, Pincus E.M. Warburg, Pincus 36.75 36.75l lClayton, Dublier & RiceClayton, Dublier & Rice 29.85 29.85l lStonington PartnersStonington Partners 29.00 29.00l lThomas H. Lee Thomas H. Lee 27.21 27.21l lHellman & FriedmanHellman & Friedman 27.04 27.04l lChemical Venture PartnersChemical Venture Partners 25.00 25.00l lGS Capital Venture PartnersGS Capital Venture Partners 25.00 25.00l lThe Blackstone GroupThe Blackstone Group 20.81 海量资料免费下载



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