高中英语 Unit5 Meeting your ancestors Reading课件 新人教版选修8.ppt

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《高中英语 Unit5 Meeting your ancestors Reading课件 新人教版选修8.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit5 Meeting your ancestors Reading课件 新人教版选修8.ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What are they?Terra cotta warriors and horses (兵马俑兵马俑)Inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells (甲骨文甲骨文)A clay lamp from GreeceA musical instrument(Chinese chimes)A stone/jade axeA face of an Egyptian Pharaoh(death mask)What is archaeology?These objects above are finds of _. archaeologyArchaeology is

2、 the ancient civilizations by scientific analysis of physical remains found in the ground. But unlike history it often has to deal with civilizations that have no written records. What job should an archaeologist do?excavateidentify and analyze collectWhats the job like?It is specific significant sy

3、stematic accurateThanks to archaeology/ archaeologists, were able to follow the dream of meeting our ancestors. Peking manHow much do you know about Zhoukoudian Caves? It is on the Longgu Mountain, Fangshan District, Beijing. It is famous for Peking Man, a complete skull (头盖骨头盖骨)of an ape-man(猿人猿人)

4、dating back 600,000 years.1.What kind of life did Peking Man live?2.Did they suffer from cold, starvation or disease?3.What may Peking Man have done and used thousands of years ago?A Visit To The Zhoukoudian CavesSkimming The text is about a visit a group of students from _ paid to the Zhoukoudian c

5、aves, from which they learned a lot about the _ of the early people living there.EnglandlifeRead the text quickly and complete its main idea.Topic 1:Topic 2:Topic 3: Life in the cave the needle the necklaceScan to write down the three topics of the dialogue. Learning tips: Pay attention to the pictu

6、res.II. Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.1. Where do the caves lie? A. In the forest. B. On the seaside. C. At the foot of the hill. D. Higher up the hill.2. What is the right order of early people making clothes?a. removing the skinb. rubbing salt onto the skinc. removing the fat

7、and meat from the skind. cutting up animals e. cutting the skin and sewing the pieces together A. a-c-d-b-eB. d-a-c-b-e C. a-c-b-e-dD. d-c-b-a-e3. The following things were used by early people to make clothes EXCEPT _.A. sharpeners B. needles C. salt D. knives4. Which of the following shows us the

8、earliest people and the modern people have something in common? A. People hung animal skins to keep out the coldB. People never grew their own cropsC. People use scienceD. People care about their appearance5. From the conversation we can infer that the earliest people in the Caves were very_ . A. bu

9、sy and rich B. idle and lazy C. clever and hard working D. stupid and cruelA group of students came to Zhoukoudian for a _.An archaeologist showed them around. He told them it was here that they found_ of the earliest people who lived in this _of the world, and it was reasonable to _they had lived i

10、n these caves, regardless of the cold.visitevidencepartassumeWe had discovered _ in the center of the bones of tigers and bears.It seemed that they might have use_ stone tools to cut_the animal and _their skin to sew the pieces together. Maybe there was _between early people. They didnt_their own crops, but picked fruit and killed animals.fireplacessharpenedupremovetradegrow



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