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1、GrammarFuture Passive Voice一般将来时的被动语态一般将来时的被动语态Definition:英语动词除时态外,还有语态。语态指的是句子中主语英语动词除时态外,还有语态。语态指的是句子中主语和谓语动词的关系。当主语是动作的和谓语动词的关系。当主语是动作的执行者执行者时,谓语动时,谓语动词的形式就是词的形式就是主动语态主动语态。当主语是动作的。当主语是动作的承受者承受者时,谓时,谓语动词的形式就是语动词的形式就是被动语态被动语态。They serve Chinese food here.Chinese food is served here (by them).People

2、 took the earliest family names from place names.The earliset family names were taken from place names.Lets review!一般现在时的被动语态一般现在时的被动语态1. the present passive voice结构:结构:am / is / are + 过去分词过去分词 e.g. Tom breaks the beautiful kite.The beautiful kite is broken by Tom. 一般过去时的被动语态一般过去时的被动语态2.the past pas

3、sive voice结构结构: was / were + 过去分词过去分词e.g. Our ancient people built the Great Wall.The Great wall was built by our ancient people.Have a try! Fill in the blank with the right form of the verb given.Their house _ (paint) last week.Visitors _ (request) not to take photos in this museum.This terrible di

4、sease _ (spread) in 2003.Students _ (tell) to work hard everyday.was paintedare requestedare toldwas spreadedLets find!Turn to page 13 and do the Exercise1.Please look at the tense used in the sentences you have picked out and think over the following question: What is the structure of the future pa

5、ssive voice?The Future Passive Voice【含义含义】 表示表示将要发生将要发生的的被动动作被动动作,后常跟表,后常跟表示将来时的时间状语。示将来时的时间状语。【结构结构】 ? ? ?Summing up the future passive voicethe future tensethe passive voiceshall / will + dobe + p.p.Shall / will + be + p.p.shall只用于第只用于第一人称,一人称,will可可用于所有人称用于所有人称They will complete the hospital next

6、 month.The hospital will be completed (by them)next month.Notes:注意下面句型由主动语态变:注意下面句型由主动语态变被动语态的方法。被动语态的方法。1.1.主语主语 + + 谓语谓语 + + 宾语宾语主动:We will build a new house next year.被动:A new house will be built ( by us ) next year.2.2.主语主语 + + 谓语谓语 + + 间接宾语间接宾语 + + 直接宾语直接宾语(含有双宾语的主动语态,在变为被动语态(含有双宾语的主动语态,在变为被动语态

7、时,可将其中一个宾语改为主语,另一个时,可将其中一个宾语改为主语,另一个不变。不变。习惯上把间接宾语改为被动语态的习惯上把间接宾语改为被动语态的主语主语。)。)主动:My mother will give me a T-shirt.被动:I will be given a T-shirt ( by my mother ).注意:如果把直接宾语改为主语,则在间注意:如果把直接宾语改为主语,则在间接宾语前加接宾语前加toto或或forfor。主动:My mother will give me a T-shirt.被动:A T-shirt will be given to me ( by my mo

8、ther).主动:My mother will buy me a new coat.被动:A new coat will be bought for me ( by my mother ).3.3.主语主语 + + 谓语谓语 + + 宾语宾语 + + 宾补宾补主动:We will ask him to help you.被动:He will be asked to help you ( by us ).注意:含有复合宾语的主动句变为被动句注意:含有复合宾语的主动句变为被动句时,将其中的宾语变为主语,宾补不变时,将其中的宾语变为主语,宾补不变(这时的宾补变成主补)。(这时的宾补变成主补)。 一般

9、将来时的被动语态在各种句式中的用法一般将来时的被动语态在各种句式中的用法The 31st Olympic Games will be hosted by Rio de Janeiro in the year 2016.否定式:否定式: The 31st Olympic Games will not be hosted by Rio de Janeiro in the year 2016.一般疑问式:一般疑问式: Will the 31st Olympic Games be hosted by Rio de Janeiro in the year 2016?特殊疑问式:特殊疑问式: When w

10、ill the 31st Olympic Games be hosted by Rio de Janeiro ?主语主语+will/shall not be doneWill +主语主语+be done?特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+will+主语主语+be done?Lets practice!1.The rabbits will eat the carrots.被被动形式:形式:被被动句的一般疑句的一般疑问句:句:Will the carrots be eaten by the rabbits?对被被动句划句划线部分提部分提问:What will be eaten by the rabbits?被

11、被动句的否定式:句的否定式: The carrots will be eaten by the rabbits. The carrots will not be eaten by the rabbits.practice一般将来时的其他常见的被动语态形式一般将来时的其他常见的被动语态形式1be going to do sth. be going to be done常用来表示按计划或安排将来要发生的常用来表示按计划或安排将来要发生的被动动作。被动动作。The old library is going to be pulled down soon.E.g.:那座旧的图书馆很快要被拆除了。那座旧的

12、图书馆很快要被拆除了。E.g.:他的新书下个月就要出版了。他的新书下个月就要出版了。His new book is going to be published next month.2be to do sth. be to be doneYour homework is to be handed in tomorrow.E.g.:你们的家庭作业明天必须要交上来。你们的家庭作业明天必须要交上来。E.g.:这个任务要在这个任务要在10分钟之内完成。分钟之内完成。The task is to be finished in ten minutes.3be about to do sth. be abo

13、ut to be done The wall is about to be painted by the worker.E.g.:工人将要去粉刷那堵墙。工人将要去粉刷那堵墙。 1.They will give her a gold medal.(被动语态)(被动语态) 2.The construction workers are going to put down the old temple.(被动语态)(被动语态) 3. We are to repair the machine tomorrow.(被动语(被动语态)态) 4. These trees are going to be cut

14、 down (否定式)否定式)She will be given a gold medal.The old temple is going to be pulled down.The machine is to be repaired by us tomorrow.These trees are not going to be cut downLet us practice5.Many new sport venues will be built for the Olympic Games.(一般疑问句)一般疑问句)Will many new sport venues be built for

15、 the Olympic Games?6. The sports meeting is to be held on Dec. 5.When is the sports meeting to be held?7.The football match is going to be held in our school next week . Where is the football match going to be held next week?Lets summarise!take tell ” for exampleI will ( shall ) You will He / She /

16、It will We will ( shall )You / They will be told AffirmativeNegativeI will ( shall ) You will He / She / It will We will ( shall )You / They willbe told notInterrogative Will ( Shall ) IWill youWill he / she / itWill ( Shall ) weWill you / theybe told 使用一般将来时的被动语态时,应注意以下两点:使用一般将来时的被动语态时,应注意以下两点: 1 1

17、在时间、条件状语从句中,应使用现在时表示在时间、条件状语从句中,应使用现在时表示将来时。将来时。同样,应使用同样,应使用现在时的被动语态现在时的被动语态表示将来表示将来时的被动语态。例如:时的被动语态。例如: He says he will leave the company if he is punished for this When the dam is completed,the Changjiang River will be controlled 注意事项注意事项 2 2使用一般将来时被动语态时,学生易遗漏被动式使用一般将来时被动语态时,学生易遗漏被动式中的中的be be。例如。例如: 【误误】A new film will shown at the cinema next week 【误误】Is this bridge going to completed before the end of this year? 【正正】A new film will be shown at the cinema next week【正正】Is this bridge going to be completed before the end of this year?



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