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1、BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayPart FourENTERBTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI. Word Study II. Phrases and Expressions III.Word BuildingIV. Grammar Language StudyBTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word StudyWord list:1.clutch2.convince3.vast4.intricate5.overlook6. variety7. revolve8.present9.trace10.dazeBTLEWLesson 1 Half

2、a DayI.Word Study1. clutch (1) vt. to hold sth. or sb. tightly, esp. because you are frightened, in pain, or do not want to lose somethingExamples: The boy clutched the toy and ran away. A woman clutching a baby stole an elderly womans purse.Synonymshold seizegripgraspgrabsnatchTo be continued on th

3、e next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Studyclutch at (2) to try hard to hold sth., esp. when youre in a dangerous situationExample:A drowning man will clutch at a straw. (to try hard to find a sign of hope or a solution, even when they are not likely to exist in a difficult or dangerous situati

4、on)Synonymcatch atBTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study 2. convince vt. to make sb. feel certain that sth. is trueExamples: I couldnt convince him of his mistake. How can I convince you of my sincerity? I managed to convince them that the story was true. a convincing argument convincing evidenceBTLEW

5、Lesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study3. vast (1) a. extremely large; spreading a great distance Examples:The vast plains of this country spread for hundreds of miles.He is very valuable to his employer because of his vast experience in the business.hugeimmenseenormousgiganticmassive giantcolossal mammotht

6、remendoustitanicSynonymsTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWExamples: The group of actors was brought from New York to London at vast expense. The refugees came across the border in vast numbers. The vast majority of young people dont take drugs.vast (2)Lesson 1 Half a DayI.Word StudyBTLEWLesson 1

7、 Half a DayI.Word Study a. containing many detailed parts which make it difficult to understandExamples: It is an intricate idea and would need a lot of intricate work. A touch of paranoia is not a bad thing to bring to the computer-software business, where shifting alliances, rapid technological ch

8、anges and intricate co-dependencies make plotting long-term strategies hazardous.4. intricateTranslation踏入电脑软件这个行业,带点妄想并不是件坏事,因为在这个行业里,业者间分分合合,科技日新月异,互依的关系错综复杂,制定长期发展策略反倒危险。BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study5. overlook vt. a. to have a view of sth. from above b. to fail to see or notice; pay no at

9、tention to Examples: Our room overlooks the ocean. My garden is overlooked by the neighbours. Im afraid I overlooked your name; Ill add it to the list immediately. Ill overlook your mistake this time.Synonymsneglect ignoreBTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study6. variety (1) n. number or range of diffe

10、rent thingsExamples: The T-shirts are available in a wide variety of colors. The students come from a variety of different backgrounds.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study There was little she could do to add variety to her daily routine. She didnt like the work, bec

11、ause it lacked variety; she was doing the same things all the time. Variety is the spice of life. (=Doing a lot of different things, meeting different people, etc. is what makes life interesting.)variety (2) n. quality of not being the same, or not being the same at all timesWord formationsvary (v.)

12、various (a.)varied (a.)variable (n. & a.)variation (n.)variant (n.)ExamplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study Translation1) Customs vary from country to country.2) Human nature, in all its many and varied forms, is very complex and hard to understand.3)Of all the v

13、arious ways of cooking an egg,4) I like boiling best.4) There are wide regional variations in house price.5) There are too many variables in the experiment to predict the result accurately.6) Consumers preferences are so variable that planning is almost impossible.To be continued on the next page.BT

14、LEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study 1) 风俗随国家不同而有所风俗随国家不同而有所变化变化。2) 人类本性,多种多样,人类本性,多种多样,变化多端变化多端,复杂难解。,复杂难解。3) 在在各种各样各种各样做鸡蛋的方法中,我最喜欢煮鸡蛋。做鸡蛋的方法中,我最喜欢煮鸡蛋。4) 房价有很大的地方性房价有很大的地方性差异差异。5) 实验存在太多的实验存在太多的变量变量,无法准确预测实验结果。,无法准确预测实验结果。6) 消费者的喜好是如此消费者的喜好是如此反复无常反复无常以致于不可能形成以致于不可能形成 什么计划。什么计划。BTLEWLesson 1 Half a D

15、ayI.Word Study7. revolve v. a. to spin around or make sth. spin around, on a central point b. (fig.) to think aboutExamples:The metal disc revolves at high speed.The earth revolves round the sun.The story revolves around a young girl who runs away from home.He revolved the matter in his head/mind.Sy

16、nonyms spin rotate whirl BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study 8. present (1) v. (reflex) to appear; attendExamples:When the chance to study at Harvard presented itself, I jumped at it.He was ordered to present himself at the chairmans office at nine oclock next morning.Word formationspresentation (n

17、.)presentable (a.)To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study present (2) v. a. to give; offer; put forward; submit b. to show or reveal c. to put on; produce (a play)Davids manager presented him with the award for best sales in the region.His sudden resignation presents us

18、 with a tricky situation.The National Theatre is presenting “King Lear” next month.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study9. trace (1) n. a. a small sign that shows that sb. or sth. was present or existed b. very small amount It vanished/disappeared/without trace. Petras lost all trace of her German ac

19、cent. Age has left its traces on his face. There are traces of poison in the mans blood. A mere trace of smile passed over her face.aabbaSynonymstrackvestigeTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word Study trace (2) v. a. to follow the marks to find sb. or sth. b. to find the or

20、igin of sth. c. to study or describe the history, development or progress of sth. Examples:She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter.The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences.His book traces the changing nature of the relationship between men and wo

21、men.Synonymsdiscoverfind track downWord formationtraceable (a.)BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayI.Word StudyExamples: Ive been wandering around in a daze all day. If someone gave you a heavy blow on the head, you would probably feel dazed. Dazed survivors staggered from the wreckage. 10. daze n. a confused s

22、tate of mind v. to make (sb.) feel stupid or unable to think clearlyThe end of Word Study.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayII. Phrases and Expressions 1. throw sb. into/out of a place2. make (a useful man) out of a boy3. there is no good to be had in doing sth.4. cling to 5. burst into6. a matter of 7. fool

23、around8. bring about 9. give rise to10. resort to 11. take advantage of12. in vain 13. find ones way to14. show off 15. let upList:BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayII.Phrases and Expressions1. throw sb. into/out of a place to force sb. to enter/leave a placeExamples:Theyll throw me out (of school) if I fail

24、three exams.Nick got thrown out of college in the second year for taking drugs.Anyone who opposes the regime is liable to be thrown into jail/prison.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day 2. make (a useful man) out of a boy to make a boy become usefulII.Phrases and ExpressionsExamples: The army made a man of him.

25、 The four brothers all made a success of their lives. He said the Government were frightened of nothing. The real trouble was that we were making a mountain out of a molehill (小题大做小题大做).BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayExamples:There is no good to be had in buying a boat when you dont have enough spare time

26、to use it. I dont see there is any good to be had in downsizing the company.3. There is no good to be had in doing sth. = It is no good/use doing sth.II.Phrases and ExpressionsRelated phrasesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Dayit is no (not much) goodit is no (not any, hardly an

27、y, little) useit is uselessit is not the slightest useit is worth (worthwhile)there is no (good, use)Example:There is no good denying that women are playing an important role in the world today.II.Phrases and Expressions+doingBTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day to hold tightly; not release ones grip onExamples

28、:The little child clung to his mother for comfort.Some of the victims of the fire climbed out of the building, clung to the window ledges for a minute or two and then dropped to their death a hundred feet below.4. cling toII.Phrases and ExpressionsCollocationsTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLe

29、sson 1 Half a DayII.Phrases and ExpressionsCf.cling to the beliefcling to the hopecling to ones own viewcling to the habitcling to ones possessionsCf.固守信念固守信念抱着一线希望抱着一线希望坚持己见坚持己见固守着某种习惯固守着某种习惯坚守财产不肯放弃坚守财产不肯放弃BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayII.Phrases and Expressions5. burst intoto begin, suddenly and/or vio

30、lently, to cry, laugh, sing, etc.Example: Aunt Annabel, who has been nervous and jumpy lately, suddenly burst into tears.CollocationsTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day As the comic got into his stride, the audience burst into hoots of laughter/a guffaw. The aircraft crashed in

31、to the hillside and burst into flames. The orchards seemed to have burst into blossom overnight. The entire hall burst into thunderous cheers/applause. Everyone on the bus burst into song as we got closer to home.1.哄堂大笑哄堂大笑2.突然起火突然起火3.竟相开放竟相开放4.发出雷鸣般的欢呼发出雷鸣般的欢呼/掌声掌声5.突然唱起歌来突然唱起歌来6.Similar expression

32、sTranslationII.Phrases and ExpressionsTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day I mentioned the incident later to a friend and he burst out laughing/crying.II.Phrases and ExpressionsBTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayExamples: Learning is a matter of seeing much, suffering much and studying muc

33、h. The Kings mental state was becoming a matter of concern. Personally I cant stand rock music, but I suppose its all a matter of opinion. I cant say which wine is bestits a matter of personal taste.6. a matter ofa subject/situation that involves sth.II.Phrases and ExpressionsBTLEWLesson 1 Half a Da

34、y to waste time behaving in a silly wayExamples:He spent the whole afternoon just fooling around.Stop fooling around otherwise youll never amount to anything.7. fool around/aboutRelated expressionsII.Phrases and ExpressionsTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayCf.He noticed a stra

35、nge-looking person hanging about the bus stop.I hung around the station for an hour but he never showed up.The children lingered on at the zoo until the closing time.II.Phrases and ExpressionsTranslation1. 闲逛;闲荡闲逛;闲荡2. 等候等候3. 逗留逗留BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day to make sth. happenExamples: Computers have b

36、rought about many changes in workplace. I offered to act as mediator and try to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties. That unpopular measure finally brought about the downfall of the government.8. bring aboutII.Phrases and Expressions“bring” phrasesTo be continued on the next page.BT

37、LEWLesson 1 Half a DayII.Phrases and ExpressionsCf.bring downbring forthbring forwardbring onbring outbring off bring inbring home to sb.Cf.打倒;打倒; 击落;降低击落;降低使产生使产生提出;使涌现出;显示提出;使涌现出;显示引起,导致;使发展(或前进)引起,导致;使发展(或前进)使(意义等)明白表示出来使(意义等)明白表示出来使成功;完成使成功;完成收(庄稼)等;引来,引进(风收(庄稼)等;引来,引进(风尚等)尚等)使某人深切地感到(或清楚地认使某人深切

38、地感到(或清楚地认识到)识到)BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Dayto be the reason why sth. esp. sth. bad or unpleasant happensExamples: Two phenomena are giving rise to world-wide concernmass unemployment and mass migration into cities. Most people argued that poverty had given rise to the crimes in the town. 9. give rise to

39、II.Phrases and ExpressionsBTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day to make use of ; to turn to sth. (esp. sth. bad) as a solutionExamples: There is no right to resort to violence when you dont get your way. Terrorists resorted to bombing city centers as a means of achieving their political aims. Differences and dis

40、putes should be resolved through dialogue and negotiation rather than by resorting to force or terrorist actions.10. resort toII.Phrases and ExpressionsBTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day to use a particular situation to do or get what you wantExamples: I took advantage of the weather to paint the shed. Dont l

41、end them the cartheyre taking advantage of you!11. take advantage of II.Phrases and Expressions欺骗或捉弄欺骗或捉弄某人某人More phrasesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day For certain types of work wood has/ gains/wins advantages over plastic. New tax regulations had given them an advantage o

42、ver their commercial rivals. You have the advantage of me. Candidates with computer skills will be at an advantage. Do take more exercise. It is to your advantage.II.Phrases and Expressions Translation 1. 胜过胜过; 优于优于 2. 给某人优势给某人优势 3. 较某人有利较某人有利; 比某比某 人强人强 4. 处于优势处于优势 5. 对某人有利对某人有利; 有利有利 于某人于某人BTLEWLe

43、sson 1 Half a Day without the desired resultExamples: I tried in vain to get Sue to come with us. Dont let your time go by in vain. In vain did he try to convince the jury of his innocence.II.Phrases and Expressions12. in vainBTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day to arrive or get to a placeExamples: After being

44、lost for two days, the little dog finally found its way back to its owners house. Because of the dense fog, the traveller couldnt find his way to his camp.13 find ones way toII.Phrases and ExpressionsRelated phrasesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Daymake ones way to/towards the

45、 doorbow her way out of the roompush her way out of the hallshoulder her way through the crowdworm his way into the organizationbeg her way back homeinch ones way up the mountainII.Phrases and Expressions Translation1. 艰难地向门走去艰难地向门走去2. 边鞠躬边退出房间边鞠躬边退出房间3. 挤出大厅挤出大厅4. 推搡着挤出人群推搡着挤出人群5. 混入组织混入组织6. 一路乞讨回家

46、一路乞讨回家7. 一步一步挪上山一步一步挪上山BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day a. to attract attention to b. to try to impress people and make them admire your abilities, achievements or possessionExamples: It was said that Mrs. Perkins only went to church to show off her new clothes. She was always at any function or gathering w

47、here her accomplishments could be shown off. Pay no attention to Susanshes just showing off.14. show offII.Phrases and ExpressionsBTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day a. to stop or become less strong or serious b. to slacken ones effortsExamples: When will the rain let up? Keep plodding away at your task, no ma

48、tter how difficult it is; dont let up on it.15. let upII.Phrases and ExpressionsThe end of Phrases and Expressions.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayIII.Word BuildingList:1. Prefix: uni-2. over-3.2. Root: var(i)BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayIII.Word Buildinguni-: uni-: one; singleone; singleuniaxialunicornunicamera

49、lunicellularunicycleunidirectionalunilateralunipedunipodunipolarunisexual(有)单轴的(有)单轴的独角兽独角兽(议会)一院(制)的(议会)一院(制)的单细胞(组成)的单细胞(组成)的单轮脚踏车单轮脚踏车单向性的单向性的一方的;单边的一方的;单边的独脚的;独腿的独脚的;独腿的独脚架独脚架单级的单级的单性的;雌雄异体的单性的;雌雄异体的BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Dayovertalkoverpraiseoverpayoveruseoverdrinkovereatoverworkovercharge过分多言过分多

50、言过奖过奖多付(钱款)多付(钱款)使用过度使用过度饮酒过甚饮酒过甚吃得过多吃得过多过度劳累过度劳累索价太高索价太高over- (1): over- (1): to excess; too muchto excess; too muchIII.Word BuildingTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Dayover- (2): over- (2): above; across; beyondabove; across; beyondIII.Word Buildingoverbridgeovercoatovershoeov

51、erflyoversea(s)overleapoverlook跨线桥;天桥跨线桥;天桥外套;外衣外套;外衣套鞋套鞋飞越飞越海外的海外的跳过跳过俯视俯视To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Dayover- (3): over- (3): upset upset III.Word Buildingoverturnoverthrowoverset倾覆,倾倒倾覆,倾倒推翻推翻翻转;翻倒翻转;翻倒BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Day Root: var(i): diverse;to change III.Word Bui

52、ldingvaryvariationvarious varietyvariedvariablevariant(使)不同;(使)变化(使)不同;(使)变化变异;差异变异;差异不同的;各式各样的不同的;各式各样的变化性;多样性变化性;多样性各种不同的;多变化的各种不同的;多变化的变量;变数变量;变数不同的;变异的;替换的不同的;变异的;替换的The end of Word Building.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayIV.Grammarmodal verbmodal verbwouldwould1. to express past habits On Sundays he u

53、sed to/would get up early and go fishing. He used to/would spend the whole day by the river and in the evening used to/would come home with marvellous stories of the fish he had nearly caught.2. to express a characteristic action, usually one which annoys the speaker Bill objects/objected.He would o

54、bject! (He always objects.)“Would” is used to describe a past routine.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a Daymodal verbmodal verbwouldwouldIV.Grammar3. to comment on a past action He actually got a job as an astrologer. I wouldnt have thought that it was possible to do that.4. to e

55、xpress past intention He knew he would be late. He said that he wouldnt lend me a penny.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 1 Half a DayIV.Grammarmodal verbmodal verbwouldwould5. would think so/not Will it be expensive? I would think so./I should think it would. (= probably “Yes”) or: I wou

56、ldnt think so./I would think not. (= probably “No”)By this sort of answer the speaker implies that he doesnt really know but that this is his impression. Itis less confident than I think.The end of Grammar.BTLEW Lesson 1 Half a DayPart FourThis is the end of Part Four. Please click HOME to visit other parts.



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