2019届高考英语一轮优化探究话题部分话题1必修5 Unit4Makingthenews课件新人教版.ppt

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1、核心考点突破随堂巩固提升基础知识回顾目录ONTENTSC必修5Unit 4 Making the news基础知识基础知识 回顾回顾process acquire assess approval update inform demand approve assist concentrate assistant assists assistance deliberately meanwhile delighted delight delighted eager thorough admirable admired admirable accurate admirable guilty guilt

2、y gifted gifted case colleague profession professional profession appointmentappointment 照片照片 递交;呈交;呈递(文件等文件等) 业余余爱好者好者 最后期限最后期限 怀疑的疑的 (进退两退两难的的)困境;窘境困境;窘境 部分;部分;节 家庭主家庭主妇 版版(本本);版次;版次 擦亮;磨光;擦亮;磨光;润色色 on of in concentrated on to on of so as to to work accused ofahead Keep in mind appointment depend

3、on to ahead of neverhave we been there together before is to increase where it is difficult for them 核心考点核心考点 突破突破as without based what interviewed an deliberately had tried it angry did concentration accused for to pay marry information informed approval approving demanding in great demand (should) free 随堂巩固随堂巩固 提升提升delighted informed on In going journalists a which/that have been published guilty inform you of the next learning program Never will you learn Tang poems well should we give up our dreams her advice is to influence their decision where they can gain experience for social



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