九年级英语上册 Unit 5 Going to the theatre 课件 牛津广州版

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1、PRE-READINGHave you ever been to the theatre?There are many well-known theatres in the world. Have you heard Nation Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing ?WHAT KIND OF PLACE DO YOU THINK THE THEATRE IS?theatreoperaorchestraplayconcertpuppetmovieSTARS ARE SINGING AND DANCING IN THE CONCERT.MUSICA

2、L PERFORMANCES WERE ALSO WIDESPREAD.The actors wear costumes in the play.Puppet started from Tang Dynasty.READING A THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERAThe last paragraphs :Christines kindness made the Phantom cry with joy. He let Raoul go, and told him to take Christine to safety. Some people from the theatre

3、arrived and were ready to kill him. But the phantom magically disappeared and was never seen again.FIRST READING: USING YOUR SHORT-TERM MEMORY TO ANSWER THE QUESTION1.When did the story happen?2.The story is probably_. A. true b. not true3.The Phantom is probably _. A. an animal b. a man c. a young

4、woman4.What happened to the Phantom at the end of the story? A. He disappeared. b. He was caught.One hundred years ago.B B A SECOND READING: PUT THE EVENTS IN CORRECT ORDERa The Phantom disappeared.b The Phantom fell in love with Christine.c Christine kissed the Phantoms face.d The Phantom was force

5、d to leave home.e The Phantom kidnapped Christine.fThe Phantom sang to Christine.g The Phantom captured Raoul.h The Phantom let Raoul go.tThe Phantom built his home on the island.937154682THIRD READING:1 The Phantom was ugly_. a because of an accident b because of his mothers cruelty c from when he

6、was born2 At first, Christine could not see the Phantom because _. a he stayed out of her sight b he always wore a mask c he was a ghostc a 3. The Phantom kidnapped Christine and captured Raoul. These things tell us that the Phantom _.a lived inside the Opera.b had a powerful voicec was a jealous ma

7、n4. We can guess from the passage that the Phantom _.a was one of the singers in the Operab often talked to people in the Opera Housec was really a lonely manc c 5 Christine gently kissed the Phantom, because she _. a was in love with him bfelt sorry for him c was forced to 6 When Christine kissed t

8、he Phantom, it made him _. a become handsome b disappear c change his mindb c Retell the story. You can use A3 to help you.What can we learn from the story?1. He was so ugly at birth that his own mother made him wear a mask. 他出生时太丑了,他妈妈给他带上面具。 at birth 意思是“出生时”。 e.g. She weighed eight pounds at birt

9、h. 她出生时重八磅。2. She forced him to leave home while he was still a child. 当他还很小的时候,他妈妈就把他赶出家了。force somebody to do something 意思是“迫使某人做某事;强迫某人做某事”。相当于make somebody do something,但带有更多的强制意味。 e.g. My parents never force me to do what I dont like. 我父母从不强迫我做我不喜欢的事。课文讲解课文讲解3. The Phantom fell in love with Chr

10、istine, a beautiful young singer at the Opera. 幽灵爱上了歌剧院的一位年轻漂亮的歌手克莉丝汀。fall in love with somebody 意思是“喜欢上;爱上”,指“爱上”这个过程。be in love with somebody意思是“喜欢;爱着”,指“爱着”的状态。 e.g. He fell in love with her when he first saw her. 他第一次看见她的时候就喜欢上了她。 He was in love with her for quite a long time. 他喜欢她很久了。4. When th

11、e Phantom learnt about this, it broke his heart. 当幽灵得知这个消息时,他的心都碎了。 learn about意思是“得知;获悉”。也可说learn of。 e.g. I learned about the accident only yesterday. 我昨天才听说这个事故。 break somebodys heart 意思是“使某人很伤心”。 e.g. The bad news broke her heart. 这个坏消息使她很伤心。课文讲解课文讲解5. He kidnapped her from the stage in front of

12、 the whole audience. 他当着所有观众的面,将她从舞台上绑架走。audience意思是“(戏剧、音乐会或演讲等的)观众;听众”,作整体看待时,动词可用单数形式,看作许多人时,动词用复数形式,有时两种形式都可以用。 e.g. It was late, but the audience was increasing. 天色已晚,但观众越来越多。The audience are dressed in a variety of ways, some in suits and dresses, some in jeans. 观众们衣着多样,有的穿套装、礼服,有的穿牛仔裤。The aud

13、ience was / were excited by the show. 观众看了表演很激动。6. In the Phantoms home, Christine finally pulled off his mask. 在幽灵的家里,克莉丝汀终于拉下了他的面具。pull off 意思是“拉下;扯下”。 e.g. She came up and pulled off the poster. 她走上前,一把扯下了海报。课文讲解课文讲解7. She was shocked at his horrible face, with yellow eyes and no nose. 她对他长着黄眼睛、没

14、有鼻子的恐怖的脸感到震惊。be shocked at 意思是“对感到震惊”。 e.g. We were shocked at her death. 听到她的死讯,我们都很震惊。8. But she felt sorry for him. 但她很同情他。feel sorry for somebody 意思是“怜悯;同情”。 e.g. He lost his right leg in the accident. I felt sorry for him. 他在事故中失去了右腿,我很同情他。9. She understood how lonely he must be. 她明白他一定非常孤独。句中从

15、句how lonely he must be作动词understood的宾语。此处must表示肯定猜测,意思是“一定;肯定”。 课文讲解课文讲解1. The Phantom spent years _ around Paris until he built his home on the island. (wander) 2. Three famous _ will come to the concert in our city next weekend. (sing) 3. The mother _ put the baby on the bed. (gentle) 4. Im very g

16、rateful for your _. (kind) (一)用所给单词的适当形式填空。(一)用所给单词的适当形式填空。wanderingsingersgentlykindness5. _, such a little boy could lift such a big stone. (amazing)(二)单词拼写。(二)单词拼写。1. The babys b_ brought great happiness to its parents. 2. Everything around was covered b_ heavy snow.3. She wont study hard if her

17、mother doesnt f_ her. Amazinglyirtheneath / yorce4. He k_ his wife on the cheek, then got into the car and drove away. 5. How u_ the monster is! Its horrible! (三)完成句子。(三)完成句子。1. 他一出生就失去了妈妈。 He lost his mother _ _.2. 露西爱上了古典音乐。 Lucy _ _ _ _ classical music.issedgly at birth fell in love with3. 请把墙上的旧

18、地图扯下来。 Please _ _ the old map on the wall.4. 别同情他,他在说谎。 Dont _ _ _him. Hes telling a lie. 5. 你知道她现在有多伤心吗? Do you know _ _ _ _ now? pull off feel sorry for how sad she is The Phantom was so u_ at b_ that his mother made him wear a mask. She f_ him to leave home when he was very young. He w_ around Pa

19、ris for years and then built his home on an island near the Paris Opera House. The Phantom was a monster of a man but a_, he loved singing and had a wonderful voice. He fell in l_ with Christine, a beautiful young s_ at the Opera. He helped her to become the most popular singer there. (四)根据课文和首字母写出所

20、缺单词。(四)根据课文和首字母写出所缺单词。 glyirth orced andered mazingly ove inger Though she couldnt see him, she thought he must be an a_. When the Phantom learned that Christine had agreed to marry Raoul, it broke his h_. He k_ her and locked Raoul away. When Christine p_ off his mask, she was shocked at his horrible face. She felt very s_ for him and gently k_ his face. Christines k_ moved the Phantom deeply. Finally he let them go and he himself m_ disappeared. ngel eart idnapped ulled orry issed indness agically



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