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1、1(一一)名词的分类名词的分类3一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练专有名词名词个体名词 girl, desk, book集体名词 family, people, cattle, police, class, group, team物质名词 steel, tea, water, bread, beef, equipment, luggage, furniture抽象名词 happiness, hope, weather, education, fun普通名词可数名词不可数名词名词2(二二)可数名词变复数规则可数名词变复数规则3一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练1.一般名词只需在末尾加上-s, 清辅音

2、后读【s】、元音及浊辅音后读【z】。2.以s、x、sh、ch结尾的词加-es, 读【iz】。3.以辅音字母加y结尾的名词, 把y改成i, 再加-es, 读【iz】。4.以f或fe结尾的名词, 大部分要将f改成v再加-es, 读【vz】。5.以辅音字母加o结尾的名词多数加-es, 如下:6.Heroes and Negroes like to eat potatoes and tomatoes. 但photo, piano, kilo等只加-s。33一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练6. 下列属不规则变化变中间元音字母的词: tooth-teeth, mouse-mice有 些 名 词 单 复 数

3、 相 同 : sheep, fish, deer, Japanese, Chinese等。有些名词习惯用复数形式:trousers, clothes, shorts, shoes, stairs等。有些名词虽然以s结尾, 但是是单数概念, 如:physics, politics, maths, news等。(二二)可数名词变复数规则可数名词变复数规则43一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练7.合成名词的复数, 一般只将主体词变为复数, 如:two bus-drivers, two reading-rooms, three grown-ups等, 但如果有man 和woman 作修饰成分时, 两者都

4、变为复数, 如: some men drivers, several women writers等。(二二)可数名词变复数规则可数名词变复数规则53一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练1. 分类意义分类意义air pollution 空气污染 boyfriend 男朋友coffee cup 咖啡杯 income tax 所得税tennis ball 网球 Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖body language 肢体语言 road accident 交通事故(三三)名词作定语名词作定语2. 时间、地点、称呼等时间、地点、称呼等Doctor Jack 杰克医生 Professor Li 李教授ev

5、ening school 夜校 winter sleep 冬眠street dance 街舞 country music 乡村音乐China problem 中国问题 school education 学校教育63一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练3. 表目的、手段、来源、材料、所属意义表目的、手段、来源、材料、所属意义reception desk 接待台 book case 书架stone table 石桌 color TV 彩电weather report 天气预报(三三)名词作定语名词作定语名词作定语一般用单数形式, 少数用复数形式。作定语的名词常见的有: sports shoes (cl

6、othing, meeting), a sales girl (manager, woman)等。 注意注意73一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练(三三)名词作定语名词作定语4. 含有名词的合成词作定语含有名词的合成词作定语, 名词用单数。名词用单数。a five-pound note, a six-minute walk, a seven-year-old boy, an eight-storey building, a 1000-word article83一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练some coffee 一些咖啡 three coffees 3 杯咖啡some drink 一些饮料

7、a drink 一杯饮料his hair 他的头发 a few grey hairs 几根白发Glass 玻璃 a glass 一只玻璃杯Paper 纸 papers 报纸, 论文work 工作 works 著作, 作品; 工厂sand 沙子 sands 沙漠wood 木头 woods 树林force 力量 forces 军队(四四) 物质名词与抽象名词的双重性物质名词与抽象名词的双重性93一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 注意注意(1)有些抽象名词往往以复数形式出现, 起到一种丰富 语言感情色彩或强调某种特殊状态的作用。Best wishes to you!Congratulations!G

8、ive my regards to your parents.Many thanks for your kindness.After many failures, they finally succeeded.(四四) 物质名词与抽象名词的双重性物质名词与抽象名词的双重性103一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 注意注意(2)有些物质名词以复数形式出现, 表示数量多, 范围之广The boy burst into tears at the bad news.The rising waters did a lot of harm to the crops.The stone bridge brok

9、e down in heavy rains.(3)抽象名词具体化, 表示具体的人或事物。The party was a great success.What a surprise he gave me!The woman is a danger to society.(四四) 物质名词与抽象名词的双重性物质名词与抽象名词的双重性113一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练1. 有生命的名词的所有格, 在其词末加 “s”。the boys toy, mens work, the students reading room(五五) 名词所有格名词所有格2. 除用于有生命的人外, “s”格还可用于时间、度

10、量衡、 地域、天体及一些习语中。an hours drive 开车一小时的路程stones throw 投石之距离a miles journey 一英里的旅程ten pounds weight 10英镑的重量Beijings weather 北京的天气the earths surface 地球的表面123一.名词 精精 讲讲 精精 练练3.凡不能加“s”的名词, 都可以用“名词+of +名词”的结构来表示所有关系, 如:the title of the song 歌的名字。(五五) 名词所有格名词所有格131.The environmentalists said wild goats a_on

11、 the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.2.In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the c_ in personality.3.Chinese arts have won the a _of a lot of people outside China.4.With the address to help him, he had no d_ in finding the old mans h

12、ouse.3一.名词 精精 练练 精精 讲讲一、根据句意写出适当的名词一、根据句意写出适当的名词ppearanceonflictppreciationifficulty143一.名词 精精 练练 精精 讲讲5.I have come to know that k_ comes only from practice.6.Some famous singers live on the i _from their record sales.7.Shelly had prepared carefully for the English exam so that she could be sure of

13、 passing it on her first a_.8.What do you think of the s _that a meeting be held at once to discuss the tree planting program?nowledgencomettemptuggestion一、根据句意写出适当的名词一、根据句意写出适当的名词153一.名词 精精 练练 精精 讲讲9.She is in a poor s _of health, which worries her mother a lot.10.Please dont ask me to play the pia

14、no in the concert. Im out of p_.11.Though the car was bought ten years ago, it is still in good c_.12.The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a s_ of courage and power.tateracticeymbolondition一、根据句意写出适当的名词一、根据句意写出适当的名词163一.名词 精精 练练 精精 讲讲13.It was the chief e_ of the world that year th

15、at the USA army attacked Iraq.14.Put the bottle of medicine high enough to make it out of r _of the children.15.On hearing the shots, the birds flew away in all d_.venteachirections一、根据句意写出适当的名词一、根据句意写出适当的名词171.He said that _(两位女科学家) would come to our school the next day.2.The_ (屋顶) of the cottages

16、were covered with yellow_ (树叶).3.The old woman could not get on well with her_(女婿).4.The farmer had_(20头牛), which he valued very much.3一.名词 精精 练练 精精 讲讲二、根据句意翻译括号中词组二、根据句意翻译括号中词组two women scientistsson(s)-in-law roofstwenty heads of cattleleaves185.The astronauts were busy_(做准备) for the historic flig

17、ht to the moon.6.Before we moved into the new house, we bought_(好几件家具).7.Would you please pass me_(今天的报纸)?8.It surprised us all that he had_(取得这么大的进步).3一.名词 精精 练练 精精 讲讲二、根据句意翻译括号中词组二、根据句意翻译括号中词组making preparationsseveral pieces of furniture todays newspapermade such great progress199.Many scientists

18、 have believed that there may be_(生命的迹象) on Mars.10.He also indicated there was really _ (很多改善的空间).11.Buses are _ (一种主要的交通工具) in cities.12.The company manager visited _ (一间又一间工厂).3一.名词 精精 练练 精精 讲讲二、根据句意翻译括号中词组二、根据句意翻译括号中词组 a sign of lifemuch room for improvementfactory after factorya major means of

19、transportation2013.The professor has just finished _ (一件新的现代艺术作品).14.The teacher of my brothers lives in the town which is only about _ (5分钟的单车路程).15.Dont you think it is interesting that _ (我妻子和女儿的生日) both fall on February 2?3一.名词 精精 练练 精精 讲讲二、根据句意翻译括号中词组二、根据句意翻译括号中词组a new work on modern art five m

20、inutes bicycle ridemy wifes and my daughters birthdays211. 语法形式上一致语法形式上一致3二.主谓一致 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵循以下三条原则:循以下三条原则:(1)当主语带有前置或后置定语或插入语时, 注意确定主语, 以下句中画线部分为主语, 谓语应与其保持一致。The number of students in our school is 1, 700.More than one student has seen the play.M

21、any a boy has bought that kind of toy.Lots of damage was caused by flood.A number of students have gone to the countryside.22(1)当主语带有前置或后置定语或插入语时, 注意确定主语, 以下句中画线部分为主语, 谓语应与其保持一致。He, as well as the two girls, was absent from the meeting.The officer, rather than ministers, answers for it.Mary, along w

22、ith her friends, is going abroad.The girl like many boys is fond of football.Everyone here, including old people, likes reading.1. 语法形式上一致语法形式上一致3二.主谓一致 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵循以下三条原则:循以下三条原则:231. 语法形式上一致语法形式上一致3二.主谓一致 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵英语中谓语

23、在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵循以下三条原则:循以下三条原则:(2)分数或百分数 +of + 名词”构成的短语以及由“half of, all of, part of, the rest of, most of, some of, any of + 名词”构成的短语作主语时, 其谓语动词要与短语中of后面的名词的数保持一致。the food is fit to eat.the apples are fit to eat.work has been done.the works have been published. Most ofForty percent of the 241.

24、语法形式上一致语法形式上一致3二.主谓一致 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵循以下三条原则:循以下三条原则:(3)当量词作主语时, 谓语动词形式看量词的数而定。This pair of shoes needs mending.Two bottles of wine are needed.251. 语法形式上一致语法形式上一致3二.主谓一致 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵循以下三条原则:循以下三条原则:(4)当量

25、词作主语时, 谓语动词形式看量词的数而定。This pair of shoes needs mending.Two bottles of wine are needed. 注意注意如果并列主语指的是同一个人, 同一事物或同一概念时, 谓语动词用单数形式, 这时and后面的名词没有冠词。Truth and honesty is the best policy.To love and to be loved is the great happiness.261. 语法形式上一致语法形式上一致3二.主谓一致 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵英语中谓语在人称、

26、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵循以下三条原则:循以下三条原则:(4)当量词作主语时, 谓语动词形式看量词的数而定。This pair of shoes needs mending.Two bottles of wine are needed. 注意注意如果并列主语指的是同一个人, 同一事物或同一概念时, 谓语动词用单数形式, 这时and后面的名词没有冠词。Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.271. 语法形式上一致语法形式上一致3二.主谓一致 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵

27、英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵循以下三条原则:循以下三条原则:(4)当量词作主语时, 谓语动词形式看量词的数而定。This pair of shoes needs mending.Two bottles of wine are needed. 注意注意如果并列主语指的是同一个人, 同一事物或同一概念时, 谓语动词用单数形式, 这时and后面的名词没有冠词。A knife and fork is on the table.The thief and murder was sentenced to death.283二.主谓一致 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 英语中谓语在人称、数方面

28、必须与主语保持一致。主要遵英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵循以下三条原则:循以下三条原则:(1)某些集体名词如family、team等作主语时, 如果作为一个整 体看待, 谓语用单数, 如指集体中的成员时用复数Her family is small, but the family are advanced workers.这 类 名 词 常 用 的 有 audience, class(班 级 ), club, committee, company, crew(水 手 ), crowd, enemy, government, group, party, public, team

29、等。2. 意义上一致意义上一致293二.主谓一致 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵循以下三条原则:循以下三条原则:(2)当名词词组中心词为表示度量、距离、金钱、时 间、书 名等复数名词时, 常把这些复数名词看作一个整体, 谓 语用 单数。He is rich, so 1,000 dollars is a small sum of money to him.Five minutes is enough to finish the task.2. 意义上一致意义上一致303. 就近原则就近原则3二.主谓一致

30、 精精 讲讲 精精 练练 英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵英语中谓语在人称、数方面必须与主语保持一致。主要遵循以下三条原则:循以下三条原则:如果连词or, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, notbut等连接的并列主语, 如果一个是单数, 一个是复数, 谓语动词与靠近它的主语一致。Either you or I am mad.Not one student but ten students were late for class this morning.311.When and where to go_ (be) not dec

31、ided.Where to go and how to get there_ (be) still unknown.To try and fail_ (be) better than not to.To mean to do something and to actually do something_ (be) two different things.2.The teacher and headmaster_ (be) in the office at the moment.The teacher and the headmaster_ (be) in the office at the

32、moment.Bread and butter_ (be) a daily food in the west.Steam and ice_ (be ) different forms of water.is 精精 练练 精精 讲讲用括号中动词的正确形式填空用括号中动词的正确形式填空 is3二.主谓一致areare is isareare323.He is one of the students who_ (be) hard-working.He is the only one of the students who_ (be) hard-working.It was you not I, wh

33、o_ (be) to blame.4.Mr Smith, together with her two sons,_ (be) entering the park.The poor woman with her two children_ (be) seen begging in a street corner.Air as well as water_ (be) matter.The manager or his secretary_ (be) to give you an interview.is 精精 练练 精精 讲讲用括号中动词的正确形式填空用括号中动词的正确形式填空 is3二.主谓一致

34、areare is iswas335.Nobody but Jane and Mary_ (know) the secret.Many a child_ (have) lost their parents.6.The students each_ (have) a dictionary now.Each of the students_ (have) a dictionary now.7.7. No teacher and no student_ (want) to see the film.Every desk and every chair_ (be) made of wood.Many

35、a teacher and many a student_ (have) taken part in the heated discussion.8._ (be) not only you but also he going to Beijing?Not only you but also he_ (be) going to Beijing.is 精精 练练 精精 讲讲用括号中动词的正确形式填空用括号中动词的正确形式填空3二.主谓一致knowshasAre iswantshavehashas349.The United Nations_ (be) an organization of inde

36、pendent countries.Mathematics_ (be) the language of science.Every means_ (have) been tried.Some folk_ (be) never satisfied with what they have already had.10.Two hours_ (be) not long enough for this test.One dollar and eight-seven cents_ (be) all she had.is 精精 练练 精精 讲讲用括号中动词的正确形式填空用括号中动词的正确形式填空3二.主谓

37、一致has isare iswas3511.The Chinese people_ (be) a great people.The Chinese_ (be) brave and hardworking.The class_ (be) in the charge of Mr. Li.The class_ (be) listening attentively to the teacher now.12.The Browns_ (be) very kind to me when I was in the UK.The rich_ (be) not always as happy as they l

38、ook.13.None of the students_ (be) allowed to smoke.is 精精 练练 精精 讲讲用括号中动词的正确形式填空用括号中动词的正确形式填空3二.主谓一致 isare is/arearewereare3614.The number of people invited_ (be) fifty, but a number of them_ (be) absent from yesterdays party for one reason or another.15.A large quantity of money_ (have) been wasted on it.Large quantities of money_ (have) been wasted on it.This kind of books_ (be) good for children while books of that kind_ (be) not. 精精 练练 精精 讲讲用括号中动词的正确形式填空用括号中动词的正确形式填空3二.主谓一致 isarewerewashashave37谢 谢!小节课结束页湖南学海文化传播有限责任公司湖南学海文化传播有限责任公司链接返回主页38立足教育 开创未来版式设计:湖南学海文化传播有限责任公司版式设计:湖南学海文化传播有限责任公司39



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