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1、备考2025安徽省铜陵市铜官山区中学教师公开招聘高分通关题型题库附解析答案一单选题(共60题)1、2017年2月国务院印发“十三五”促进就业规划(以下简称规划)。规划提出到2020年,实现就业规模稳步扩大,就业质量进一步提升,城镇新增就业共计5000万人以上,全国( )控制在5以内。A.调查失业率B.实际失业率C.农村登记失业率D.城镇登记失业率【答案】 D2、学校有目的、有计划、系统地对学生进行德育的基本途径是()。A.各学科教学B.政治课C.班主任工作D.共青团工作【答案】 A3、Khalidas fathersays shes 9-or maybe 10. As much as Saye

2、d Shah loves his 10 children, thefunctionally illiterate Afghan farmer cant keep track of all their birthdates. Khalida huddles at his side, trying to hide beneath her chador andheadscarf. They both know the family cant keep her much longer. Khalidasfather has spent much of his life raising opium, a

3、s men like him have beendoing for decades in the stony hillsides of eastern Afghanistan and on thedusty southern plains. Its the only reliable cash crop most of those farmersever had. Even so, Shah and his family barely got by: traffickers may prosper,but poor farmers like him only subsist. Now hes

4、losing far more than money.I never imagined Id have to pay for growing opium by giving up mydaughter, says Shah. The family s heartbreak began when shah borrowed$2000 from a local trafficker, promising to repay the loan with 24 kilos ofopium at harvest time. Late last spring, just before harvest, a

5、governmentcrop-eradication team appeared at the familys little plot of land in Laghmanprovince and destroyed Shahs entire two and a half acres of poppies. Unable tomeet his debt, Shah fled with his family to Jalalabad, the capital ofneighboring Nangarhar province. The trafficker found them anyway an

6、d demandedhis opium. So Shah took his case before a tribal council in Laghman and beggedfor leniency. Instead, the elders unanimously ruled that Shah would have toreimburse the trafficker by giving Khalida to him in marriage. Now the familycan only wait for the 45-year-olddrugrunner to come back for

7、 his prize. Khalidawanted to be a teacher someday, but that has become impossible. Its myfate, the child says.A.traffickers canmake great money from the poppiesB.poppies are morereliable and suitable to grow in this placeC.no governmentfunded credit was offered for small farmersD.growing poppiescan

8、earn more money than other crops【答案】 A4、七年级兴趣小组准备以“古代封建统治者加强思想控制的措施”为主题办一期黑板报。下列内容符合这一主题的是( )。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B5、下列关于细胞呼吸产物的叙述中,只适用于有氧呼吸的是()。A.产生ATPB.产生丙酮酸C.产生C02D.产生水【答案】 D6、清明奠英烈,精神永传承。2017年4月5日,西北大学研究生支教团组织陕西省富平县杜家小学、田村小学14名留守儿童祭扫杨虎城将军烈士陵园。杨虎城24岁自赋诗:“西北山高水又长,男儿岂能老故乡。黄河后浪推前浪,跳上浪头干一场。”这首诗至今仍激励着无数华夏儿女。

9、下列选项与该诗句蕴含哲理一致的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B7、品德构成的基础是()。A.道德观念B.道德情感C.道德意志D.道德行为【答案】 A8、影响消费者购买行为的主要因素有()。A.文化因素B.社会因素C.个人因素D.心理因素E.经济因素【答案】 A9、著名史学家钱穆在其A.“以天下为主.以君为客”B.“天下不能一人而治,则设官以治之”C.“人之一心,天理存则人欲亡,人欲胜则天理灭”D.“天子亦遂不敢自为是非,而公其是非于学校”【答案】 C10、 在马丁?路德宗教改革中,宗教音乐也出现了新形式的圣咏合唱()。A.众赞歌B.尚松C.猎歌D.牧歌【答案】 A11、公园里有草地和灌木丛

10、,下列关于这两个群落中动物分层现象的叙述,正确的是()。A.草坪和树林中的动物都具有分层现象B.草坪和树林中的动物都没有分层现象C.只有草坪和树林混杂在一起时动物才具有分层现象D.草坪中的动物没有分层现象,而树林中的动物具有分层现象【答案】 A12、2017年4月,中共中央、国务院决定设立河北雄安新区。疏解北京非首都功能,这是继深圳经济特区和上海浦东新区之后又一具有全国意义的新区。据此完成题。 A.珠三角工业基地B.沪宁杭工业基地C.京津唐工业基地D.辽中南工业基地【答案】 C13、清代初期“四王”的艺术特点都是主张( )A.创新B.道法自然C.变形D.仿古【答案】 D14、I recentl

11、y went to a charity party. At the end of the visit our host told us that the following Monday was his birthday. He asked21, as a gift to him, we would do something kind for someone else on that day. I thought that was a terrible birthday 22 !A.askedB.thoughtC.rememberedD.reminded【答案】 C15、盲人的听觉、嗅觉和触觉

12、一般都特别灵敏,这说明人的身心发展具有()。A.顺序性B.阶段性C.不平衡性D.互补性【答案】 D16、根据以下材料,回答A.He felt annoyedB.He enjoyed the attentionC.He wasn t aware that she existedD.He was crazy about her【答案】 A17、I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it.

13、This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends, and 13 even my own daughter. Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 15 as well. Then one day my daughter told me in anger, Dad, please just read a book one 16 at a time like everyone else!A.forgottenB.leftC.k

14、eptD.regretted【答案】 B18、-Will it snow tomorrow?-_.Then we can make a snowman.A.I hate itB.I hope soC.No,it won tD.I dont think so【答案】 B19、根据以下材料,回答题A.SeeingB.ReadingC.WatchingD.Observing【答案】 B20、 ()是歌剧、清唱剧、舞剧、其他戏剧作品以及声乐套曲、器乐套曲的开始曲。A.引子B.序曲C.前奏曲D.奏鸣曲【答案】 B21、When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarshipHaving been a Straight A student, I believed I could_16_tough



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