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1、中考英语语法知识专题中考英语语法知识专题1 1名词名词名词所有格名词所有格pptppt课件含答案课件含答案名词(一)名词的分类:名词是表示人或事物名称的词。它分为专有名词和普通名词。类别定义例词专有名词表示具体的人名,事物,地名,组织等名称的词。China,the Great Wall普通名词可数个体名词表个别人或事物的名称teacher,apple集体名词表若干人或事物的名称family,police不可数物质名词表物质或材料的名称water,bread抽象名词表感情等抽象概念的名称love,knowledge1(3)不可数名词:分为抽象名词和物质名词,表数量时要用“基数词或不定冠词量词of

2、不可数名词”,注意of后的名词只能用原形。如:a piece of news, two pieces of bread。物质名词食物bread,meat,rice,cheese,fish,beef饮料water,tea,coffee,wine,milk,cola自然物质wood,sand,soil,air抽象名词情感friendship,peace,joy,love概念news,population学科,语言maths,physics,geography,English5名词的形容词转换:nyrainrainycloudcloudysunsunnyluckluckyhealthhealthyn

3、 ful useuseful harmharmful beautybeautiful carecarefulwonderwonderfulthankthankfulnlessuselesscarecarelesshelphelplessnlyfriendfriendlylovelovelymonthmonthlynnAsiaAsianAmericaAmericanAustraliaAustraliannenwoolwoolenwoodwoodengoldgolden6(三)名词考点1集体名词:family,people,crowd,class,police(1)指整体时,视为单数,作主语时,谓

4、语动词用单数。(2)指成员时,视为复数,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。Her family is (be) very big.她家是一个大家庭。Her family are (be) football fans.她全家人都是足球迷。72man,woman 作定语修饰名词时,当表示复数意义时,man, woman 及所修饰的名词均要用复数形式。如:men teachers,women teachers。其余只有后一个名词用复数如:boy students,girl students, apple trees。3短语“a/this/that pair of 复数名词”作主语时,动词用单数。How mu

5、ch is (be) this pair of shoes?That pair of pants is (be )mine.4“名词介词(with/except.)名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数由介词前的名词决定。Lucy with her friends goes (go) to the park every Sunday.85表时间、金钱、距离的名词作主语时,视为一个整体,谓语动词用单数。Ten years is (be) a very long time.6常考的不可数名词roomspace 空间;空地There is no room to put the desk here.news,i

6、nformation,advice,weather,music,pollution, population.7exercise 作不可数名词,意为“锻炼”。作可数名词意为“练习;操”。We should take more exercise.Its good for our health.Doing more eye exercises is good for our eyesight.To get high scores we should do many math exercises every day.9名词所有格(一)名词所有格表示人或物的隶属和所有关系,有两种表示形式:1有生命的名词

7、后加-s。2无生命的名词后加of介词短语。类型构成方法例词有生命的名词 (人或动物)在词尾加-sTonys pen以-s结尾的名词只加-the students textbooks Teachers Day不规则复数名词在词尾加-sWomens Day Childrens Day两人共同拥有某物用A and BsLucy and Lilys mother两人分别拥有某物用As and Bs Lucys and Lilys beds无生命的名词时间、距离在词尾加-s或-twenty minutes walktodays newspaper其他用“of名词”结构a photo of my fami

8、ly双重所有格of-s所有格a friend of her mothersof名词性物主代词a friend of mine10(二)名词所有格考点1表几十分钟的路程的短语:ten minutes walka tenminute walk2双重所有格和一般所有格的区别:a photo of my sisters (照片属于我姐姐,但照片上的人不一定是我姐姐);a photo of my sister (照片上的人是我姐姐)3名词所有格表住宅,学校,店铺,诊所(这些名词常省略)the Greens 格林一家at the doctors在诊所11考点一名词的分类1(2016中考改编)The stu

9、dents didnt find much_about the topic on that website.()A. reportB article C information2(2016中考改编)Look at my stamps.They are very beautiful! Youve got a wonderful_.()A. instruction B description C collection3(2016中考改编)My favorite TV_is A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国)I like it, too. My mother often cooks de

10、licious food after watching it.()A. guidebook B program C instructionCCB124(2016中考改编)Someone called you just now.I know. But I was busy at that time. When I called back, there was no _. ()A. voice B soundC answer5(2016中考改编)He will have to watch his _because of his serious stomach problem.()A. styleB

11、 diet C smell6(2016中考改编)The Chinese saying “A tree cant make a forest” tells us that_ is very important in a football match.()AabilityB decision C teamworkCBC137(2016中考改编)A study shows that good habits play a very important_ in childrens education.I think so.()A. senseB partC reason8(2016中考改编)There

12、are a lot of_of bike riding.I agree. Its good for the environment and it saves money.()AinstructionsBinstrumentsCadvantagesBC14考点二名词的数1(2016中考改编)Mum, Ive heard that we cant eat_these days. Is it true?Take it easy. It is safe to eat cooked meat.()A. chickens B chickenC a chicken2(2016中考改编)I have grea

13、t_in finishing the work by myself. Can you help me?No problem.()A. funB successC difficultyBC153(2016中考改编)At night in Zunyi, we can see many colorful lights on both_of the streets. ()A. sidesB sideC sides4(2016中考改编)Im happy to see great_have taken place in my hometown. Many new roads have been built

14、. ()A. experiencesB changesC dreams5(2016中考改编)Being honest is the first_if you want to make friends with others.()A. stepB timeC handABA16考点三名词所有格1(2016中考改编)Toms watch is the same as his_.()A. brotherB brothersC brothers2(2016中考改编)Why did they help Mrs.Brown with her work?Because she was _.()Aan old

15、 friend of themBa good friend of theirsCthe friend of themCB173(2016中考改编)I dont think doing housework is just_work. ()A. womanB womens C women4(2016中考改编)_mother isnt at home, and she has traveled aboard. ()A. Alice and LilysB. Alices and LilysC. Alices and Lily5(2016中考改编) How far is it from here to

16、the police station? Its about_ride. ()A. forty minuteB. forty minutesC. forty minutes6(2016中考改编)_ fathers cant go to the class meeting because they have gone to business.()A. Jack and MikesB. Jacks and MikesC. Jacks and MikeBACB18adviceexercisesportsEight-year-oldFrenchGermansCACCCA19第三篇语法知识专题第三篇语法知

17、识专题第八节副词(一) 副词的功能:修饰动词、形容词或副词功能例子修饰动词The boy runs quickly.修饰形容词The story is really interesting.修饰副词You can do it quite well.(二) 副词的种类副词分类例子时间副词soon, now, early, finally, once, recently频度副词always, usually, often, frequently, seldom, hardly, never地点副词here, nearby, outside, upwards, above疑问副词how, where

18、, when, why方式副词hard, well, fast, slowly, excitedly, really连接副词how, when, where, why, whether, however,meanwhile程度副词almost, nearly, very, fairly, quite, rather 关系副词when, where, why(三) 副词考点感官动词feel,sound,look,smell,taste等后跟形容词,不用副词。This piece of music sounds well.(错题,应把well改为good)考点一副词分类及用法1(2016中考改编)

19、 In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money,_ during the Spring Festival.()AfinallyBluckilyCespecially2(2016中考改编)If you dont work_enough,I dont think your dream will come_.()Ahardly; trulyBhardly; trueChard; true3(2016中考改编) I_go to the theater,because I dont like operas at all. ()AalwaysBoften

20、CneverCCC4(2016中考改编) How_the children are playing!They even forget the time to go home! ()AhappyBhappilyCunhappy5(2016中考改编) Sometimes it rains_in Xian in summer.()AheavyBheavilyCstronglyBB考点二副词的比较等级1(2016中考改编) In the piano contest,my brother didnt play well and I did_.()Avery wellBmuch betterCeven w

21、orse2(2015中考改编) Did Kate do best in the final exam?No,but of all the students she did_.()Athe most careful Bmore carefulCmost carefully3(2015中考改编) What do you think of Toms speaking?No one does_in our class.()Agood BbetterCwellCCB4(2015中考改编) Which do you like_,tea,coffee or juice? Coffee.()Agood BbetterCbest5(2015中考改编) Study hard!_you study,_ results youll get. ()AHarder; betterBThe harder; betterCThe harder; the betterCCBexcitedAhardlyBmuchBreallyCtrue结束结束



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