Unit 3 Language in use习题课件

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1、Module 8 AccidentsUnit 3Language in use. 根据句意及提示完成单词。1. Daming h_ (击)the ball with the bat this morning. 2. Please t_(扔) the rubbish into the dustbin. 3. An a_(交通事故) happened to the man over there. His left foot was broken. 4. You should pay a_ (注意力)to your pronunciation. 5. Dont be careless! Think

2、about the r_(规则)of the traffic. ithrowccidentttentionules. 单项选择。6. My dog often _ at my feet,but this morning it _ beside the fireplace. A. lied;layB. lies;layC. lay;lain D. lies;lainB【点拨点拨】 lie(躺躺)的过去式是的过去式是lay,过去分词是,过去分词是lain,现在分词,现在分词是是lying。第一空前有。第一空前有often,用一般现在时,主语是第三人称,用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数故用单数故用l

3、ies;第二空;第二空this morning是过去时间,是一般过去是过去时间,是一般过去时用时用lay。故选。故选B。7. They were smoking _ the teacher appeared in front of them. A. where B. while C. what D. whenD【点拨点拨】句意:他们正在抽烟,这时老师出现在他们面前。句意:他们正在抽烟,这时老师出现在他们面前。when这时,那时。这时,那时。while正当正当的时候,后跟进行时态。的时候,后跟进行时态。where哪里,哪里,what什么。因为什么。因为appear是短暂性动词,不能表是短暂性动词

4、,不能表示动作的延续,故选示动作的延续,故选D。8. You can drive along this street,turn left _ the second corner. A. of B. at C. in D. to9. Jessica promised _ an article on detectives for our school newspaper. A. writing B. to write C. wrote D. not writingBB【点拨点拨】句意:你可以沿这条街行驶,在第二个拐角左转。句意:你可以沿这条街行驶,在第二个拐角左转。词组:词组:at the cor

5、ner在拐角处。故选在拐角处。故选B。10. The young man fell _ his bike and his knees hurt. A. from B. into C. off D. off fromC【点拨点拨】句意:那个年轻人从自行车上掉下来伤到了膝盖。句意:那个年轻人从自行车上掉下来伤到了膝盖。fall off从从掉下来,相当于掉下来,相当于fall down from。故选。故选C。. 用所给词的适当形式填空。11. When the lights were red,we must stop _ (walk). 12. Guo Zhongfan caught the _

6、(fall) girl when she jumped from a building. 13. Sam _ (hide) behind the door when his mother came in. 14. The weather was getting _ and _ (bad). 15. I think the snake is a _ (danger) animal. bad, climb out, medicine, a few, liewalkingfallingwas hidingworse worsedangerous相相约约点点拨拨训训练练情情系系安安徽徽学学子子心心驻驻黄黄山山之之巅巅梦梦栖栖皖皖水水江江畔畔



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