七年级英语下 unit 6 Mian Task课件牛津版

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1、Unit 6 PetsUnit 6 PetsMain taskMain task1. 请再喂金鱼一些鱼食。请再喂金鱼一些鱼食。2. 你应当保持鸟笼的干净。你应当保持鸟笼的干净。Please feed the goldfish some more fish food.You should/ought to keep the cage clean.Translation3. 你必须要确保这洞不能太大也不你必须要确保这洞不能太大也不能太小。能太小。4. 不要在雨中遛狗。不要在雨中遛狗。You must make sure the hole is not too big or too small.Do

2、nt walk the dog in the rain.6. 如果你有充分的时间如果你有充分的时间, 你应该每天至你应该每天至少带她出去到公园两次。少带她出去到公园两次。7. 不要在桌边喂狗是很重要的。不要在桌边喂狗是很重要的。If you have enough time, you should take her out to the park at least twice a day.Its very important not to feed the dog at the table.8. 她很怕蛇她很怕蛇, 不要吓她。不要吓她。9. 大多数的时候大多数的时候, 我的猫喜欢睡在橱我的猫喜

3、欢睡在橱顶上顶上, 否则它会制造很多噪音。否则它会制造很多噪音。She is very afraid/frightened of snakes.Dont frighten her.Most of the time, my cat likes sleeping on top of the cupboard,or shell make much noise.Translations :1.1.如果你想要他们健康,一天一次到公园散步是必须的。如果你想要他们健康,一天一次到公园散步是必须的。2. 2. 不要给他太多食物是非常重要的。不要给他太多食物是非常重要的。3. 3. 我不知道该买哪种宠物。我不知

4、道该买哪种宠物。4. 4. 你应该买本关于正确照顾鸟的方法的书。你应该买本关于正确照顾鸟的方法的书。Its necessary to walk them in the park once a day if you want them to be healthy.Its very important not to give him too much food.I dont know what kind of pet to get.You should get a book about the right way to look after birds.1.The teacher 叫Peter 别

5、沉迷于玩电 脑游戏2.Tom总是喜欢捉弄他的同学。3.你能帮我开一下门吗?4.冰箱里没有足够的食物了,我需要再买一些。5. 你务必要把你的狗拴起来,小心不要咬着别人。6.大多数的狗不喜欢拴起来。7. 牌子上写着什么? 够必须拴起来。8.乌龟有一个壳,四条腿,但行动缓慢9.从这个故事中我了解到乌龟至少能活200 年。10.你们务必明天6.30到校。11.你的宠物晚餐喜欢吃什么? 单项选择单项选择( )1. Would you please teach me _ first. 1. Would you please teach me _ first. A.danceA.dance B. danci

6、ng C. dances B. dancing C. dances D.toD.to dance dance ( ) 2. Kitty is _a mouse in her hand. ( ) 2. Kitty is _a mouse in her hand. A.takingA.taking B. holding C. carrying B. holding C. carrying D.givingD.giving ( ( ) 3. Nick often teaches his parrot to _ .) 3. Nick often teaches his parrot to _ . A.

7、tellA.tell B. talk C. speak D. say B. talk C. speak D. say ( ) 4. _goldfish swim around is very interesting. ( ) 4. _goldfish swim around is very interesting. A.WatchA.Watch B. To watching B. To watching C.WatchesC.Watches D.WatchingD.Watching DBCD1. noise un. Dont make much noise. noisy adj. 这条街道多么

8、闹啊这条街道多么闹啊! ! How noisy the street is! noisily adv.吵闹地吵闹地 How noisily the cats are playing!2. shy adj. 害羞的害羞的. a shy girl shyly adv.害羞地害羞地The girl looked at me shyly.She looks shy.3. basket n. 4. string n.sleep in a basketplay with balls and pieces of stringdifferent petsparrotrabbitdogmousecatgoldf

9、ish/u/ / /i/D/U/I/dragonfly 蜻蜓蜻蜓shark 鱼鱼鲨鱼鲨鱼butterfly蝴蝶蝴蝶lion狮子狮子1.Whats Amys favourite pet?2.What does it look like?Reading (para 1-3)(para 1-3) Q1:Who is the owner of Poppy?Q2:How old is Poppy?Q3:How does Poppy look?Q4:What will Poppy do if she is hungry?Reading (para 4-6)(para 4-6)Q1: What does P

10、oppy eat?Q2: Where does Poppy like sleeping?Q3: What does Poppy hate?Q4: Why does Poppy never worry?外貌外貌 she has _, _fur and _ paws. Her eyes are _. She is small and weighs _kg. 个性个性She is _ and _.生活习性生活习性 She eats _, but she likes_ best. She drinks _. She sleeps in a _ and plays with _ and _. She d

11、islikes _ and hates_.如何照顾如何照顾 Feed her _, give her_, brush her_ sometimes.喜欢的原喜欢的原因因She is a good friend and she never _.shortgreywhitegreen2friendlyquietcat foodfishmilkbasketballsstringdogsthe rainevery dayclean waterfurworriessmall, green eyes, grey fur, tail, white paws, lovely, clever, quiet, f

12、riendly, happy, lazyappearancepersonalityAmys cat.basket plays with balls and pieces of string, does not like dogs and rain.lifestyle1.food2. sleeping places3. activities (like/dislike)cat food, fish or, milkHow to look after itDont frighten it.Brush her fur every day.Dont give her fish bones.Give h

13、er enough water.Dont pull her tail.Dont give her a shower.Keep her warm.Dont chase a cat.You should play with herFor some time every day.You must feed her every dayYou mustnt feed her too much.我喜欢的宠物is a cat.She 属于我祖父的.她的名字is Poppy.and she is 3岁.She has短灰色的毛and白色的爪子.她的眼睛are green and she 重约2公斤She is

14、 usually很友好and安静.We never从不吓唬她拉她的耳朵.If she饿了,she 喵喵叫.Usually, she 吃罐子里的猫食She 喜欢牛奶。if天不冷。She喜欢睡在篮子里 .When she is 不再睡觉,she玩球 and线团.She不喜欢狗 and she讨厌雨I 每天喂Poppy_and 给她干净的水Sometimes ,I 给她刷毛and she 很喜欢Poppy is 一个好朋友but she 有时懒惰! She 从不担心because we 照看好她1、我的宠物很安静,她从不对人粗鲁。、我的宠物很安静,她从不对人粗鲁。2、你知道你狗的重量吗?他重、你知道

15、你狗的重量吗?他重10斤。斤。3、我们从不吓唬我最爱的狗或者给他太多的食、我们从不吓唬我最爱的狗或者给他太多的食物。物。4、艾迪真的喜欢从一只碗里吃狗粮。、艾迪真的喜欢从一只碗里吃狗粮。My pei is very quiet, and she is never rude to people. Do you know the weight of your dog? He weighs 10 kilograms.We never frighten my favourite dog or give him too much food.Eddie really likes eating dog fo

16、od from a bowl.5、小猫非常喜欢玩球和线段。、小猫非常喜欢玩球和线段。6、你应该给你的扇尾金鱼足够的食物和干净的水。、你应该给你的扇尾金鱼足够的食物和干净的水。7、露西是个勤奋的女孩,所以她的老师从不担心她、露西是个勤奋的女孩,所以她的老师从不担心她的学习。的学习。8、米莉足够聪明能学好英语,但是有时她不尽力。、米莉足够聪明能学好英语,但是有时她不尽力。9、我讨厌吃胡萝卜,因为尝起来糟糕的。、我讨厌吃胡萝卜,因为尝起来糟糕的。Little cats are very fond of playing with balls and pieces of string.You shoul

17、d give your fantail goldfish enough food and clean water.Lucy is a hard-working girl, so her teacher never worries about her studies.Millie is clever enough to learn English well, but sometimes she doesnt do her best.I hate eating carrots, because they taste terrible.IntroductionWhat kind of pets: a

18、 cat/a dogMain body1. Appearance 2. Its Personality3. Its food, its home, its likes and dislikes4. How to look after itConclusionWhy your favorite pet is special?l我最喜爱的宠物是一只叫做露露的狗。她我最喜爱的宠物是一只叫做露露的狗。她3岁了。岁了。l她有褐色的长毛。她的眼睛是黑色的,而且很大,她有褐色的长毛。她的眼睛是黑色的,而且很大,大约重大约重1.5千克。千克。l她很有趣。我们从不拉她的尾巴和耳朵。她饿的时她很有趣。我们从不拉她的尾巴和耳朵。她饿的时候会叫。候会叫。l她最喜欢的食物是肉。她喜欢凉的牛奶。她讨厌下她最喜欢的食物是肉。她喜欢凉的牛奶。她讨厌下雪天。雪天。l我每天带她去公园散步半小时。我每天带她去公园散步半小时。l露露从不需要担心,因为我们把她照顾的很好露露从不需要担心,因为我们把她照顾的很好。Please write about your favorite pet.



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