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1、【话题解读话题解读】 旅游交通包含两个方面的话题:旅游和旅游交通包含两个方面的话题:旅游和交通。旅游话题通常涉及景点介绍、旅游交通。旅游话题通常涉及景点介绍、旅游计划、行程安排、游记等;交通话题通常计划、行程安排、游记等;交通话题通常涉及个人出行方式、各种交通方式的比较、涉及个人出行方式、各种交通方式的比较、交通安全、交通与环保的关系等。有的中交通安全、交通与环保的关系等。有的中考作文会同时涉及这两个话题。考作文会同时涉及这两个话题。【实例讲解实例讲解】 在英语课上,老师组织了在英语课上,老师组织了“A trip to the countryside or to the city”的话题讨论。

2、请根的话题讨论。请根据小组讨论结果,写一篇英语短文,介绍两据小组讨论结果,写一篇英语短文,介绍两者的不同特点,并写出你的选择与理由。者的不同特点,并写出你的选择与理由。CountrysideCityrelaxing, fresh air .not easy to take public transportation .exciting .crowded, expensive .注意:注意:1) 短文必须包含记录表中的信息,并短文必须包含记录表中的信息,并 适当发挥;适当发挥;2)文中不能出现真实的校名、姓名等信文中不能出现真实的校名、姓名等信 息;息;3)词数词数80100,所给的文章开头供选

3、,所给的文章开头供选 择,不计入词数。择,不计入词数。 In the English class, we had a discussion on the topic of having a trip to the countryside or to the city. _【分析分析】 通过审题可知该写作任务要求对比通过审题可知该写作任务要求对比“a trip to the countryside”和和“a trip to the city”,介,介绍两者的不同特点。介绍时要分别从优、缺点绍两者的不同特点。介绍时要分别从优、缺点两个方面来写。表格中已经列出了比较的方面,两个方面来写。表格中已经列

4、出了比较的方面,包括心情感受、空气质量、交通状况、购物消包括心情感受、空气质量、交通状况、购物消费等,写作时应围绕这几个方面重点阐述并有费等,写作时应围绕这几个方面重点阐述并有一定程度的发挥。最后记得要给出自己的选择一定程度的发挥。最后记得要给出自己的选择并陈述理由。并陈述理由。【标准范文标准范文】 In the English class, we had a discussion on the topic of having a trip to the countryside or to the city. Having a trip to the countryside can be re

5、laxing. You can go fishing or hiking there. And the air is fresh. But its not easy to take public transportation in the countryside. Having a trip to the city can be an exciting experience. You can go to different places and try different kinds of food. But it can be crowded in the city and things t

6、here are usually expensive. Id like to have a trip to the city. Why? Because I like shopping and I want tobuy a lot of things.【高分突破高分突破】 In the English class, we had a discussion on the topic of having a trip to the countryside or to the city. Having a trip to the countryside can be a relaxing exper

7、ience. And the freshair is good for your health. However, you might not have many choices intransportation. A trip to the city also has its advantages and disadvantages. If you like shopping, its very exciting to wander in large malls. However, you might have to spend a lot because things are expens

8、ive in the city. And the traffic jam might let you down. As for me, a trip to the countryside is surely my top choice. I like places where I can get close to nature and breathe fresh air.【高分揭秘高分揭秘】 1. 该习作要点齐全,段落层次清晰,语言该习作要点齐全,段落层次清晰,语言地道优美;地道优美;2. 作者在第三段用了一句作者在第三段用了一句A trip to the city also has its

9、advantages and disadvantages, 起到了承上启下的作用;同时起到了承上启下的作用;同时also, however, and 等词的使用也使习作读起等词的使用也使习作读起 来连贯、流畅;来连贯、流畅;3. 作者在结尾部分表达自己的选择和理作者在结尾部分表达自己的选择和理 由时,话语简明扼要,由时,话语简明扼要,my top choice 更是用得准确而贴切。更是用得准确而贴切。【素材积累素材积累】 1. 词汇词汇 旅游:旅游:go on a trip, take a trip, place of interest, relaxing, be impressed with

10、, exciting 交通:交通:crowded, red light, traffic rules, traffic jam, public transportation2. 句子句子Traveling makes us get close to nature.Traffic in cities is getting heavier and heavier.Our schedule for today is to visit the GreatWall.I cant wait to share the fantastic experience with my friends.Traveling is a great way to learn about yourself and the world.



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