高中英语 Unit 5 section 2 Learning about Language课件 新人教版选修8

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1、Meeting your ancestorsUnit 5Section Learning about Language Unit 5课堂要点探究课堂要点探究2课堂达标验收课堂达标验收3课后强化作业课后强化作业4课前新知预习课前新知预习1课前新知预习课前新知预习.词汇过关1_ n. 意义;重要性_ adj. 重要的;有意义的2_ adj. 有系统的,有条理的_ n. 系统3_ v. 吐出过去式:spat过去分词:spit4_ v. 删除5_ n. 学院,学会_ adj. 学会的,学院的6_ n. 接待员_ n. 接待处significancesignificantsystematicsystem

2、spitdeleteacademyacademicreceptionistreception.短语自查1_ 吐出来2_ 厌烦,厌倦spit outbe fed up with.语法练习用所给单词的正确形式填空1. Up to now, we_(receive)no news from her.2With the help of the teachers, he_(make) rapid progress in his studies.3With the rapid growth of population, the city_(spread) in all directions in the

3、past five years.4You should go to bed. You_(watch) TV for 5 hours.5I_(write) letters since breakfast.6I_(write) 3 letters since breakfast.7Sorry, but Mr. Smith_(leave) for Beijing.8I_(look) for him everywhere.Where can he be?9Joseph_(go) to evening classes since last month, but he still cant say“Wha

4、ts your name?”in Russian.10Who is Jerry Copper?_you_(not meet) him yet? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.答案:1.have received2.has made3.has spread4.have been watching5.have been writing6.have written7.has left8.have been looking9.has been going10.Havent; met课堂要点探究课堂要点探究1.significance n

5、. U意义;意思;重要性;重要意义Few people realized the significance of the discovery.很少有人意识到这一发现的重要性。What was the significance of her look?她那种表情是什么意思?知识拓展(1)be of significancesignificant 重要的;意义重大的(2)significant adj. 相当数量的;意义重大的(3)significantly adv. 意义深远地;意义重大地注意:be of抽象名词(significance, help,importance,value,use,b

6、enefit等)用来说明句子主语所具有的作用、重要性或意义。在这类抽象名词前我们可用一些形容词,如:great,little,some,any,no,much等来修饰抽象名词,用以说明程度。They are of great help to the learners of English.他们对英语学习者有很大帮助。The book will be of great value to the students of studying history.这本书对学历史的学生将很有价值。The meeting is of great importance.这个会议很重要。This medicine

7、is of no use.这种药无效。This matter is of no significance.这件事无关紧要。活学活用(1)补全句子_(有什么意义) of the speech?The new drug _ (意义重大) for the treatment of the disease.Its a decision_.(具有重大政治意义)(2)This discovery of oil is of great _ to this areas economy.AsignificanceBaccuracyCsatisfaction Dassumption答案:(1)Whats the

8、significancehas great significance/is of great significanceof great political significance(2)A句意:石油的发现对于这一地区的经济发展有着重要意义。be of great significance“有重要意义的”。accuracy“精确”;satisfaction“满足,满意”;assumption“假设”。(3)Youll find this map of great _ in helping you to go round London.Aprice BcostCvalue Dusefulness答

9、案:Cbe of great valuevery valuable。2somehow adv. 以某种方式;通过某种途径;不知怎么地Somehow we must get to Qingdao.我们得设法抵达青岛。Somehow, I dont feel I can trust him.不知什么缘故,我觉得不能信任他。知识拓展somehow or other以某种方法somewaysomehow以某种方式;不知怎么地somewhat adv.稍微;有点儿anyhowanyway 无论如何;尽管;即使这样The water was very cold but I took a shower an

10、yway.水很冷,不过我还是洗了个淋浴。活学活用(1)用somehow, anyhow或somewhat填空Im afraid we cant come, but thanks for your invitation _.I was _ surprised to see her._ or other I must get a new job.(2)I was overjoyed to pass the oral English test _,though I was not good at it.Aas a result BthoughCanyway Dsomehow(3)It wont be

11、 easy to get to the top of the mountain but well make it _.Asomewhat BsomewhereCsomehow Dsometimes答案:(1)anyhowsomewhatSomehow(2)D句意:我非常高兴不知怎么地我竟然通过了英语口语考试,尽管我并不擅长英语口语。somehow“以某种方式,不知怎么地”。(3)C句意:要到达山顶不容易,但我们一定会设法做到的。somehow“以方式”,符合题意。somewhat“稍微;有几分”;somewhere“某处”;sometimes“有时”。3systematic 有系统的;有计划的

12、;有条理的Science may be described as the art of systematic oversimplification.科学可以描述为有系统的高度简化的艺术。He is a systematic administrator.他是一位有计划的组织者。She went about her work in a systematic manner.她干工作时有条理。知识拓展system n. 体系;系统;制度;体制;秩序;规律systematically adv. 有系统地;有计划地;有条理地Your system must be rebooted to adjust sy

13、stem settings. Reboot now?必须重新启动系统调整系统设置,立即重新启动吗?Shall we adopt the roundrobin system or the knockout system?我们将采用循环制,还是淘汰制?I wish theyd organize the party more systematically.我希望他们把晚会安排得更加井然有序。活学活用(1)汉译英他们有计划地开展他们的研究。_答案:They carried out their research systematically.(2)In order to pass the entranc

14、e examination, each student made a_ arrangement.Asystematic BpartialCmeaningful Denergetic答案:Asystematic“有系统的,有计划的,有条理的”;partial“部分的,不公平的”;meaningful“有意义的”;energetic“精力充沛的”。句意为“为了通过高考,每个学生都制订了一份有计划的安排”。根据句意,选A项。1.due to 由于;归功于The teams success was largely due to her efforts.该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。Most o

15、f the problems were due to human error.多数问题都是人为错误造成的。注意:due to一般不位于句首,如果需要放置在句首,常用because of或owing to。知识拓展due adj. 预定的;到期的When is the train due at Shanghai?火车预计什么时候抵达上海?Payment is due on October 1st.付款期限为10月1日。活学活用Doras application to that university was not accepted _ her poor English.Ain spite of

16、Bbut forCwith regard to Ddue to答案:D句意:由于朵拉的英语不好,她递交给那所大学的申请被拒绝了。due to“由于”,符合题意。in spite of“尽管”;but for “要不是”;with regard to“关于;至于”。2fed up with 受够了;饱受;厌烦She was fed up with her dog.她对自己的狗感到厌烦。I am fed up with the same old sandwiches.我已经吃厌了这种同样的老式汉堡包。知识拓展feed up(把人、动物)养肥,让吃饱feed back 反应;反馈feed sb./s

17、th. on sth. 用喂养feed sth. to sb./sth. 喂给feed on sth. (动物)以为食;靠活live on sth.(人)以为主食;靠生活come up with 想出keep up with 跟上catch up with 赶上end up with 以结束You look fed up. Whats the matter?你满脸不高兴的样子。怎么啦?Birds feed on worms and grains.鸟以虫和谷物为食。We cant change the bad weather, so we must put up with it.我们改变不了这种

18、坏天气,所以对它只好忍受。The party ended up with a song that everyone is familiar with.这个晚会以大家都熟悉的一首歌来结束。活学活用(1)根据意思,用适当的介副词填空The salesmen feed _ information to the firm about its sales.Squirrels feed _ nuts.Since Bob fell ill, the family has had to live _ what his wife earns.He couldnt come up _ an appropriate

19、 answer just at the time.答案:backononwith(2)In big cities, people are _ traffic jams.Aaddicted to Bfed up withCinterested in Dcaught up in答案:B句意:在大城市里,人们厌烦了交通堵塞。be fed up with“厌烦;饱受;受够了”,符合题意。be addicted to “沉迷于”;be interested in “对感兴趣”;be caught up in“被卷入;陷入”。(3)This is the only explanation that I _

20、.Aput up with Bcatch up withCcome up with Dkeep up with答案:Cput up with“容忍,忍受”;catch up with“赶上”;come up with“想出”;keep up with“跟上”。句意:这是我想出的唯一解释。根据题意,选C项。复习动词时态(Revise the verb tenses)1一般现在时(1)一般现在时可以表示习惯性动作,即不断重复发生的动作。常和副词usually,often,always, sometimes, regularly,near,occasionally,every year, every

21、 week 等连用。Hes working. He always works at night.他在工作。他常常在晚上工作。新课标语法新课标语法 (2)一般现在时可用以陈述永恒的真理。Summer follows spring.春去夏来。(3)一般现在时可用以陈述现在时段发生或存在的事件、动作或状况。这些事件、动作或情境说不定会无限期地持续下去。My sister wears glasses.我妹妹戴眼镜。(4)一般现在时可以表示按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,常用于谈论时间表、节目单或日程表上所安排的事情。这类动词有:be, go, come, start, depart, arrive,

22、begin, leave 等。The train leaves at 700 pm.火车在下午7点离开。(5)在时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。Whenever it rains the roof leaks.只要下雨屋顶就漏水。(6)一般现在时可用于戏剧性的叙述。在描述戏剧、歌剧等中的动作时极为有用。也常用于电台评论员、解说员对运动项目、公共集会等的报道中。When the curtain rises, Juliet is writing at her desk. Suddenly, the window opens and a masked man enter

23、s.幕启时,朱丽叶正坐在桌旁写字。忽然,窗户开了,一个戴面罩的人走进来。2一般过去时(1)一般过去时通常表示过去发生的而现在已经结束的事件,动作或状况,常与表示确切过去时间的词、短语或从句连用。When did you meet him?你是什么时候见到他的?Sam phoned me a moment ago.萨姆刚才给我打过电话。(2)一般过去时可以表示过去的习惯性动作。They never drank wine.他们从来不喝白酒。I smoked forty cigarettes a day till I gave up.我戒烟前每天要抽40支烟。(3)一般过去时可以表示刚刚发生过的事情

24、,而不必说明时间。Who left the door open?谁没关门?Did the telephone ring?刚才电话铃响了吗?3一般将来时(1)shall/willv.主要表示事先未曾考虑过的某种意图或打算,即说话时刻临时想到做什么事。Im sorry that I forgot to bring my pen with me.Ill lend mine to you if you need it.“抱歉,我忘记带钢笔了。”“如果你需要的话,我把我的笔借给你。”(2)be going tov.在口语中广泛使用,主要表示准备做或将发生的事情。这种打算往往经过事先考虑,甚至已做了某种准

25、备。Im going to meet Tom at the station at six.我打算6点钟到车站接汤姆。(3)be tov.表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,还可表示吩咐、命令、禁止、可能性等。We must go if we are to take the nine oclock train.如果我们一定要乘坐9:00的火车,我们必须走了。(4)be about tov.表示即将发生的动作,后面一般不跟时间状语。A new book is about to be brought out. 一本新书即将出版。(5)be due tov.表示预先确定了的事,必定发生的事。We are

26、due to leave tomorrow.我们定于明天动身。4现在进行时(1)现在进行时表示说话时刻正在进行的动作或事件。I am not wearing a coat as it isnt cold.天气不冷,我没穿外衣。(2)现在进行时可用来表示不会长期发生的动作或情况,或被认为在短期内正在进行的动作或存在的情况。Whats your daughter doing these days?Shes studying English at Shandong University.“你女儿现在在干什么?”“她在山东大学学英语”。(3)现在进行时可以表示暂时发生的事情。The river is

27、flowing very fast after last nights rain.昨夜下过雨之后,河水流速很快。(4)现在进行时可以表示当前的动向。People are becoming less tolerant of smoking these days.如今人们对于吸烟较为难以容忍了。(5)现在进行时可以表示为将来安排好的活动或时间。表示趋向行为的动词(come, go, start, begin, leave等词)常用进行时表示将来时。The Smiths are moving to America next year.史密斯一家明年将搬到北京。(6)现在进行时可以表示重复性动作。副词

28、always, constantly, forever, repeatedly, all the time等可以与进行时连用,表示不断重复的动作。此外,还具有“赞叹、赞许、表扬、抱怨、厌恶等感情色彩。She is constantly changing her mind.她经常改变主意。5过去进行时(1)过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或一阶段正在发生的动作。When I arrived, Tom was talking on the phone.我到达时,汤姆正在打电话。(2)表示过去计划、安排好的将要发生的动作。He was busy packing,for he was leaving th

29、at night.他那时正忙着打点行李,因为那天晚上他就要走了。(3)表示逐渐的发展,通常不与时间状语连用。It was getting darker.天越来越黑了。(4)表示重复性的动作。When he worked here, Roger was always making mistakes.罗杰在这儿工作时老出差错。(5)在描述性的段落中常使用过去进行时态,描述故事发生的背景。The wind was blowing and it was raining hard.风在刮,大雨倾盆而下。6将来进行时(1)将来进行时通常和某一时刻连用,表示一个动作在该时刻之前开始并且很可能在该时刻之后仍然

30、继续。Now they are sitting in their classroom. They are listening to a tape. This time tomorrow they will be sitting in the cinema.They will be watching a film.现在他们正坐在教室里。他们在听录音。明天这个时候他们将会坐在电影院里看电影。(2)将来进行时用来表示不含意图又未发生的动作。I will be seeing Tom tomorrow.明天我要和汤姆见面。7现在完成时(1)表示对目前状况仍有影响的,刚刚完成的动作。I have(only

31、)just seen John.我刚才见到约翰了。(2)表示在更早一点的过去发生的动作,它和现在的时间的联系仍然保持着,即该动作有可能现在仍在重复。John Smith has written a number of short stories.约翰史密斯已经写了许多短篇小说。(意指他仍活着并可能写更多的小说。)(3)表示反复性和习惯性的动作,常常和表示频率的副词连用。Ive watched him on TV several times.我在电视里看到他好几次了。(4)在时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,现在完成时可以替代将来完成时。I shall post the letter as soon

32、 as I have written it.我一写完这封信就寄出去。8过去完成时(1)表示过去某时间前已经发生的动作或情况。I had just poured myself a glass of beer when the phone rang.When I came back from answering it the glass was empty. Somebody had drunk the beer or thrown it away.我刚刚给自己倒了一杯啤酒,电话铃就响了。我接电话回来时,啤酒杯空了。一定有人喝掉了啤酒或者把它泼掉了。(2)动词expect, hope, mean,

33、 intend, plan, suppose, wish, want, desire等用过去完成时,表示过去的希望、预期、意图或愿望等没有实现。注意:表示“过去想做而未做的事”的表达方式还可以采用:was/wereto have done sth.We were to have been married in May.我们本定于五月结婚。intended (expected, hoped, meant, planned, supposed, wished, wanted, desired)to have done sth.They meant to have seen us off at th

34、e station, but they couldnt get there in time.他们原打算来车站为我们送行,但是他们没有及时到达。(3)过去完成时常用于以下固定句型:hardly, scarcely, barely过去完成时when过去时。Hardly had we begun our walk when it began to rain.我们刚一举步就下起雨来了。no sooner过去完成时than过去时。No sooner had he arrived than it began to snow.他一到,天就下起雪来了。9将来完成时(1)将来完成时表示在将来某一时刻将完成或在另

35、一个未来的动作发生之前已经完成的动作。By the end of next month he will have been here for ten years.到下月底,他在这儿就够十年了。(2)表示一种猜测。Wed better wait till 14 December. David will have had his exam by then, so hell be able to enjoy himself.我们最好还是等到12月14日。到那时大卫就考完试了,这样他就能够玩得痛快。10完成进行时(1)现在完成进行时表示一个过去开始、现仍在继续中的动作或一个过去开始、现在刚刚结束的动作

36、。Ive been waiting for an hour and he still hasnt turned up.我等了一小时了,可他还没来。(2)过去完成进行时表示过去某一时刻之前开始的动作或状态一直延续到过去某一时刻。It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places.倾盆大雨连续下了一个多星期,许多地方发生了山体滑坡。(3)将来完成进行时表示在将来某一时刻之前开始的一个动作或状态一直延续到将来某一时刻。By the end of

37、this year hell have been acting for thirty years.到今年年底他当演员就满30年了。高考链接1(2014湖南)Whenever you _ a present, you should think about it from the receivers point of view.Abought Bhave boughtCwill buy Dbuy答案:D考查动词时态。分析题干可知本句是陈述一个客观事实,应用一般现在时,所填词用原形,故选D项。2(2014重庆)Youd better write down her phone number befor

38、e you _ it.Aforget Bare forgettingCforgot Dwill forget答案:A 本题考查时态。句意:趁你没忘记之前,你最好把她的电话号码写下来。before 为连词,意为:在之前、趁,引导的时间状语从句中多用一般现在时表示将来,结合句意可知忘记这一动作发生在将来,故A项正确。3(2014江苏)How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing?Well, the media _ it in a variety of forms.Acover Bwill cover

39、Chave covered Dcovered答案:C考查时态。句意:你对于将要在南京举行的青年奥运会了解多少呢?媒体已经以多种方式对此作了报道。在此强调媒体报道对现在造成的影响和结果,那就是:我已经知道的很多了。表示过去所做的是对现在造成的影响和结果要用现在完成时。故选C项。4(2014福建)Havent seen you for ages! Where have you been?I went to Ningxia and _ there for one year, teaching as a volunteer. Astayed BstayChad stayed Dam staying答案

40、:A考查动词事态的辨析。have/has been to somewhere“曾经去过某地(回来了)”;且答语空格处与谓语动词went 应为并列关系,由此可知该空格应用一般过去式。句意:好久没见到你了!你去哪儿了?我去了宁夏并在那儿待了一年,做了一名志愿者。5(2014北京)What time is it?I have no idea. But just a minute, I _ it for you.Acheck BcheckedCwill check Dwould check答案:C考查情景交际中动词的时态。根据But just a minute可知,check这一动作是说话人接着就要去

41、做的事,故用一般将来时。句意:几点了?不知道,不过请等一下,我接着给你查一下。6(2014北京)Hi, lets go skating.Sorry, Im busy right now. I _ in an application form for a new job.Afill Bhave filledCam filling Dwill fill答案:C 考查动词时态。根据时间状语right now的提示可知,空格处应为正在发生的动作,故用进行时。句意:嗨,我们去滑冰吧。抱歉,我现在很忙。我正在填一份新工作的申请表。7(2014四川)She _ someone, so I nodded to

42、 her and went away.Aphoned Bhad phonedCwas phoning Dhas phoned答案:C本题考查动词时态。句意:她正在跟某人打电话,因此我朝她点了点头,走开了。由语境可知,此处打电话的动作正在进行,因此我才跟她点头离开,故要用过去进行时态,表示“过去某个时间动作正在进行”。8(2014重庆)James has just arrived, but I didnt know he _ until yesterday.Awill come Bwas comingChad come Dcame答案:B 本题考查时态。句意:吉姆斯刚到达,但是直到昨天我才知道他

43、要来。was coming 为过去进行时态,表示过去将来,符合句意,故B项正确。A项为一般将来时,C项为过去完成时,D项为一般过去式。9(2014安徽)The twins, who _ their homework, were allowed to play badminton on the playground.Awill finish BfinishChave finished Dhad finished答案:D 考查时态。句意:双胞胎在做完作业之后,被允许在操场上打羽毛球。“被允许”发生在过去;而“完成作业”发生在“被允许”之前,故用过去完成时。10(2014浙江)Sofia looke

44、d around at all the faces; she had the impression that she _ most of the guests before. Ahas seen Bhad seen Csaw Dwould see答案:B本题考查动词时态。句意:索菲亚环视了所有的面庞,她觉得以前她见过绝大多数的客人。由语境可知,see动作发生在looked和had之前,即:发生在过去的过去,要用过去完成时态,故B项正确。课堂达标验收课堂达标验收.单词拼写1She is a _ (接待员) in a doctors office.2Look! The cat is _ (挠) a

45、t the door.3My sister is very _ (有条理的) in what she does.4The editor _ (删除) the last paragraph from the article.5In the dark the sense of hearing usually become _ (敏锐的)答案:1.receptionist2.scratching3.systematic4.deleted5.acute.单句改错1. I like these poems and they are read many times by my Chinese teache

46、r._2. Stop making the noise. A news report has been broadcast and I want to listen._3. The moment I got to the station,I found the train left._4. I know nothing about him. I didnt see him since we graduated from college._5. Sorry,no tea or coffee is serving in our restaurant._6. Will these flowers w

47、ater in a few minutes?_7. The old machine has been repaired at the moment, so we cant use it now._8. No decision will make until our manager comes back._9. You have worked in front of the computer too long. You must take a break now._10. I arrived late. I didnt expect the traffic was so heavy._答案:1.

48、 are readhave been read 2. has beenbroadcastis being broadcast3. lefthad left4. didnt seehavent seen5. servingserved6. waterbe watered7. has beenis being8. makebe made9. have workedhave been working10. didnt expecthadnt expected.用适当的时态完成句子1自从上周以来一直下雨。It _ _ _ since last week.2我累坏了。我一直工作了一下午了。I am tired out. I _ _ _ the whole afternoon.3他已写了一部小说。He _ _ a novel.4你最近见过他吗?_ _ _ him recently?5他们结婚将近15年了。They _ _ _ for almost 15 years.答案:1.has been raining2.have been working3.has written4.Have you met5.have been married



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