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1、Unit 1九年级上册自 学 反 馈重 点 突 破1自 学 反 馈类别课标考点要求考点要求词汇拓展拓展1. energy n. _ (adj.)2. organize v. _ (adj.)3. suit v. _ (adj.)4. patient adj. _ (反反义词)5. fix v. _ (adj.) suitableorganizedimpatientfixedenergetic自学反馈重点突破2类别课标考点要求考点要求词汇拓展拓展6power n. _ (adj.)7. live v. _ (adj.) 活活泼的的 8create v. _ (adj.) powerfullive

2、ly creative自学反馈重点突破3短短语归纳1. 吃光吃光 _2使使保持井然有序保持井然有序 _3炫耀炫耀 _4想出想出(主意主意);追上,赶上;追上,赶上 _5既不既不也不也不 _6容易生气容易生气 _7整天整天 _8或者或者或者或者 _9处于于领先地位先地位 _keepin ordershow offcome up withneithernorget angry easilyall day longeitherortake the leadeat up自学反馈重点突破4短短语归纳1010落后落后 _1111注意注意 _1212赢得高度得高度赞扬 _1313和和一起工作;合作一起工作;

3、合作 _1414一天又一天一天又一天 _1515与与几乎一几乎一样,简直是直是 _1616犯犯错 _fall behindpay attention towin high praisework withday after dayas good asmake mistakes自学反馈重点突破5短短语归纳17.17.把把奉献奉献给;致力于;致力于 _ _1818三思而行三思而行 _1919洗碗洗碗 _2020过度担心度担心 _2121总共,共,总计 _2222把把分成分成 _ _2323同意某人的同意某人的( (看法看法) _) _2424做演做演讲 _devotetothink twice (a

4、bout sth)do the dishesworry too muchin alldivideintoagree with sb make a speech自学反馈重点突破6短短语归纳2525推荐推荐当当 _ _2626与与连接接 _2727很好地表达自己很好地表达自己 _2828一名天生的一名天生的艺术家家 _2929接受新的挑接受新的挑战 _3030在某种程度上在某种程度上_3131通通过努力努力 _3232使自己更加的有条理使自己更加的有条理 _recommendasconnect to/withexpress oneself wella born artisttake on new

5、challengesin some waysthrough hard workget oneself more organized自学反馈重点突破7句型句型再再现1.我和父母都我和父母都认为我不能成我不能成为一名一名优秀的会秀的会计。 _ I can make a good accountant.2. 对我来我来说,整天工作不,整天工作不说话是可怕的。是可怕的。 Its terrible for me _3. 他他给阳光阳光镇广广场做的雕塑已做的雕塑已经赢得了得了艺术协会的高度会的高度赞 扬。 His sculptures for Sunshine Town Square _ the art

6、community.Neither my parents nor I thinkto work without speaking all day longhave won high praise from自学反馈重点突破8句型句型再再现4“人生就像一人生就像一场赛跑,你要么跑,你要么领先,要么落后。我随先,要么落后。我随时 准准备接受新的挑接受新的挑战。”她她说。 “Life is like a race. You _. Im ready to _,” she said.5. 她把大部分她把大部分时间都奉献都奉献给了工作。了工作。 She _ her work.either take the

7、lead or fall behindtake on new challenges any timehas devoted most of her time to自学反馈重点突破9句型句型再再现6. 在西方国家,一年被分成一个循在西方国家,一年被分成一个循环的的12星座。星座。 In Western countries, a year_ 12 star signs.7. 你的生活和未来都掌握在你的手中。你的生活和未来都掌握在你的手中。 _ your life and your future.is divided into a cycle ofIt is you who shape自学反馈重点突

8、破10语法法结构构1.and1.and、 butbut、 oror和和soso的用法。的用法。 详见P119P119,语法互法互动( (十十四四)2. 2. 并列并列连词bothbothandand、 not onlynot onlybut (also)but (also)、 eithereitheroror和和neitherneithernornor的用法。的用法。 详见P113P113,语法互法互动( (十一十一)自学反馈重点突破11词 汇 点 睛1 energetic adj. 精力充沛的He is an energetic tennis player. 他是一名精力充沛的网球运动员。I

9、 like music that is energetic. 我喜欢充满活力的音乐。重 点 突 破自学反馈重点突破拓展 energetic的名词形式为energy, 是不可数名词,意为“精力,活力”。 full of energy与energetic同义。12 2 keepin good order 使保持井然有序 She likes to keep everything in good order. 她喜欢使一切井井有条。拓展 keep的用法:(1)“keep名词”表示“某种动作”。Do you like keeping a diary? 你喜欢记日记吗?(2)“keep形容词”表示“继续保

10、持某种状态”,其中keep为连系动词。 When we face danger, we must keep calm. 当我们面对危险时,必须保持镇静。自学反馈重点突破13(3)“keep宾语形容词”表示“使保持某种状态”。Dont keep the windows closed all day long.不要整天关着窗户。(4)“keep宾语doing sth” 表示“使不停地做某事”。 Im sorry to keep you waiting outside so long.对不起,让你在外面久等了。自学反馈重点突破14 3 praise n. 赞扬,表扬International org

11、anizations also deserve some praise. 国际组织也值得赞扬。拓展 praise还可作及物动词,常用短语:praise sb for sth/doing sth因为某事/做某事赞扬某人。The headmaster praised the boy for his courage. 校长赞扬这个男孩很勇敢。自学反馈重点突破15 4 pay attention to 注意点拨 pay attention to中的to是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。Never mind about me. Please pay attention to ladies. 不要管我

12、, 请好好款待女客。 “Please pay attention to listening,”the teacher said. 老师说:“请注意听。”自学反馈重点突破16拓展与attention搭配的常用短语:give attention to sth 注意某事 draw ones attention 引起某人的注意attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意自学反馈重点突破17 1 “Life is like a race. You either take the lead or fall behind. Im ready to take on new challenges

13、 any time,” she said. “人生就像一场赛跑,你要么领先,要么落后。我随时准备接受新的挑战。”她说。 点拨 eitheror 意为“或者或者;要么要么”。You can either stay at home alone or go shopping with me. 你要么独自待在家里,要么和我一起去购物。句 型 透 视自学反馈重点突破18拓展 eitheror用于连接两个表示选择关系的名词或代词,意为“要么要么”。 它通常连接两个相同性质的句子成分,但有时后一成分可能省略与前一成分相同的词。若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语动词通常与靠近它的主语保持一致。You can eit

14、her have tea or coffee. 你喝茶也行,喝咖啡也行。Either you or I am wrong. 不是你错,就是我错。自学反馈重点突破192 She has devoted most of her time to her work. 她把大部分时间都奉献给了工作。点拨 devoteto意为“把奉献给”。其中to为介词,其后可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。 He devoted his life to literature. 他一生致力于文学。My teacher devoted his life to teaching. 我的老师把他的一生献给了教育事业。Dont de

15、vote too much time to this question. 别在这个问题上花太多时间。自学反馈重点突破20 3 In Western countries, a year is divided into a cycle of 12 star signs.在西方国家,一年被分成一个循环的12星座。 点拨 divide作动词,意为“划分,分开”。divideinto意为“把分成”;be divided into意为“被分成”。My mother divided an apple into two halves just now.妈妈刚才把一个苹果分成了两半。Our class is d

16、ivided into six groups.我们班被分成6个小组。自学反馈重点突破21拓展 divideinto指“把一个整体分成若干部分”;separatefrom指“把各自独立的一群分散开”。Lets separate the bad apples from the good ones.咱们把坏苹果和好苹果分开吧。自学反馈重点突破22.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1.Betty is an _ (energy) girl and she can dance for two hours.2. Linda and Amy left without _ (say) goodbye.3. He

17、didnt pass the driving test because of his _ (care)4. As a doctor, I shouldnt be _ (patient) with the patients.5. Helen told a very _ (live) story about his life in Japan.energetic sayingcarelessnessimpatientlively自学反馈重点突破23.单项选择()1. Once you put your things _, youll find them easily. Ain danger Bin

18、 order Cin detail Dwith order ()2. Tom speaks _ English _French. Instead, he speaks Japanese. Aeither; or Bnot only; but also Cboth; and Dneither; norBD自学反馈重点突破24()3. Did you get the point at the meeting? Sorry. I didnt listen _ just now. Acareful enough Bcarefully enough Cenough careful Denough car

19、efully()4. Dont drink any more. Its bad for your health. Im trying to_. Its really hard, you know. Aturn it on Bput it off Cgive it up Dtake it outBC自学反馈重点突破25()5. Zhong Nanshan, a famous medical scientist, has devoted most of his life _ useful ways in treating cough diseases. Ato finding Bfind Cto

20、find DfindingA自学反馈重点突破26. 根据汉语意思完成句子1. 她家很有钱,但她从来不炫耀。 She has a very rich family, but she _2. 这个男孩足够聪明,能够算出这道题。 The boy is_ the problem.3. 我们都希望科学家们将尽快想出解决噪声问题的办法。 We hope that scientists_ a way to solve the noise problem _never shows off clever enough to work outwill come up withas soon as possible自学反馈重点突破274. 我们应该多注意保护森林。 We should _ forests.5. 我们能否成功取决于每个人是否努力。 Our success _ whether everyone _pay much attention to protecting depends on works hard or not 自学反馈重点突破28



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