试井设备介绍英文课件PPT introductionofwelltestingtechnique

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1、1 1/51/51Introduction of Well Testing Techniques29 July 202429 July 202429 July 202429 July 20242 2/51/51ContentsuuDefinition, Purposes and Tasks of Well TestDefinition, Purposes and Tasks of Well TestuuDevelopment Phases of Well TestDevelopment Phases of Well TestuuMain Operations of Well TestMain

2、Operations of Well TestuuTechnique of Formation TestTechnique of Formation TestuuTechnique of Surface Well TestTechnique of Surface Well TestuuPreventing Formation Damage during TestingPreventing Formation Damage during Testing3 3/51/51Definition, Purposes and Tasks of Well TestDefinition, Purposes

3、and Tasks of Well Test Well Test is a technologic process performed for those Well Test is a technologic process performed for those possible hydrocarbon or water zones. In this process, possible hydrocarbon or water zones. In this process, using a set of special equipments and tools to reduce using

4、 a set of special equipments and tools to reduce the pressure of fluid column in the well, inducing the pressure of fluid column in the well, inducing formation fluids to flow into the well hole and finally formation fluids to flow into the well hole and finally obtaining the data of productivity, p

5、ressure, obtaining the data of productivity, pressure, temperature, fluids properties, and other formation temperature, fluids properties, and other formation parameters. parameters. uuDefinitionDefinition4 4/51/51 1)1) to prove whether the new area and structure have to prove whether the new area a

6、nd structure have commercial oil and mercial oil and gas. 2)2) to determine the level of oil-bearing and gas-bearing, to determine the level of oil-bearing and gas-bearing, oil/gas/water boundaries, production capacity and drive oil/gas/water boundaries, production capacity and drive mechanism in a

7、reservoir.mechanism in a reservoir. 3)3) to verify the reliability of logging interpretation. to verify the reliability of logging interpretation. 4)4) to obtain data of fluids properties and reservoir physical to obtain data of fluids properties and reservoir physical properties, determine reasonab

8、le production program, properties, determine reasonable production program, supply a basis to reserves calculation and development supply a basis to reserves calculation and development planning.planning.Definition, Purposes and Tasks of Well TestDefinition, Purposes and Tasks of Well TestuuPurposes

9、 and Tasks of Well TestPurposes and Tasks of Well Test5 5/51/51First PhaseFirst Phase Represented by Represented by conventional well testing techniqueconventional well testing technique, featuring , featuring with Wireline Conveyed Perforating(with Wireline Conveyed Perforating(电缆射孔电缆射孔电缆射孔电缆射孔) an

10、d Swabbing) and Swabbing(抽汲)(抽汲)(抽汲)(抽汲). .Second PhaseSecond Phase Represented by Represented by formation tester techniqueformation tester technique, featuring with DST , featuring with DST using MFE, HST, APR, PCT testers.using MFE, HST, APR, PCT testers.Third PhaseThird Phase Represented by Repr

11、esented by combining formation tester technique and other combining formation tester technique and other techniquestechniques, featuring with performing several operation by one , featuring with performing several operation by one trip of pipe string, such as DST+TCP, DST+TCP+SRO (Surface trip of pi

12、pe string, such as DST+TCP, DST+TCP+SRO (Surface Read Out), DST+SWT (surface well test), and DST+TCP+EP Read Out), DST+SWT (surface well test), and DST+TCP+EP (ejector pumping) etc.(ejector pumping) etc.Development Phases of Well TestDevelopment Phases of Well Test6 6/51/51uuwiper tripping wiper tri

13、pping find bottomfind bottom( (通井、探井底通井、探井底通井、探井底通井、探井底) )uuwell flushing well flushing ( (洗井洗井洗井洗井) )uupressure testing pressure testing ( (试压试压试压试压) )uuperforating perforating ( (射孔射孔射孔射孔) )uuformation fluids inducing formation fluids inducing ( (诱导地层流体诱导地层流体诱导地层流体诱导地层流体) )uuproductivity measuring

14、 productivity measuring ( (求产求产求产求产) )uuformation pressure measuring formation pressure measuring ( (测压测压测压测压) )uuwell killingwell killing ( (压井压井压井压井) )uulayer plugging and well abandon layer plugging and well abandon ( (封层和封井封层和封井封层和封井封层和封井) )Main Operations of Well TestMain Operations of Well Tes

15、t7 7/51/51l lRunning wiper tool into well hole to Running wiper tool into well hole to 1)1) wipe and clean out wipe and clean out solid materials adhering on casing wall, solid materials adhering on casing wall, 2)2) check through check through diameter, deformation and breakage of casing, diameter,

16、 deformation and breakage of casing, 3)3) check check whether the artificial well bottom meets the needs of well whether the artificial well bottom meets the needs of well test or not, and test or not, and 4)4) adjust the properties of kill fluid to adjust the properties of kill fluid to meet the ne

17、ed of perforation.meet the need of perforation. Wiper Tripping & Find Bottom(通井、探井底通井、探井底)8 8/51/51l lCirculating fluid through the well by pump unit to Circulating fluid through the well by pump unit to 1) 1) make well bore clean, clean out solid materials, heavy make well bore clean, clean out sol

18、id materials, heavy oil and wax adhering on casing wall;oil and wax adhering on casing wall; 2)2) adjust the properties of kill fluid to meet the need of adjust the properties of kill fluid to meet the need of perforation, and prevent dirty fluids inject into formation perforation, and prevent dirty

19、 fluids inject into formation while formation is perforated.while formation is perforated.Well Flushing (洗井洗井)9 9/51/51For different purposes, there are Direct Flushing For different purposes, there are Direct Flushing ( (正洗井正洗井正洗井正洗井) ) and Back Flushing and Back Flushing ( (反洗井反洗井反洗井反洗井) ) two way

20、s of Well Flushing. two ways of Well Flushing.TubingTubingCasingCasingTubingTubingCasingCasingDirect flushingDirect flushingBack flushingBack flushingWell Flushing (洗井洗井)1010/51/51Pressure Testing (试压试压)l lUsing pump unit to make well hole and wellhead to Using pump unit to make well hole and wellhe

21、ad to bear a certain pressure to bear a certain pressure to 1) 1) check quality of cement job check quality of cement job 2)2) check seal ability of casing and wellhead check seal ability of casing and wellhead1111/51/51l lShooting the casing with explosives to form holes which Shooting the casing w

22、ith explosives to form holes which communicate formation and well hole and make fluids communicate formation and well hole and make fluids flowing path.flowing path.Operating ways of perforating are classified as WCP Operating ways of perforating are classified as WCP (Wireline Conveyed Perforating)

23、 and TCP (Tubing (Wireline Conveyed Perforating) and TCP (Tubing Conveyed Perforating).Conveyed Perforating).Perforating (射孔射孔)1212/51/51TCPTCPTubingTubingCasingCasingFire headFire headPerforating GunPerforating GunPerforating-TCP1313/51/51l lIt is a process to drop height of fluid column and decrea

24、se It is a process to drop height of fluid column and decrease fluid density in the well, make fluid column pressure less fluid density in the well, make fluid column pressure less than formation pressure and then, cause formation fluids than formation pressure and then, cause formation fluids to fl

25、ow into well hole or even blow out surface.to flow into well hole or even blow out surface.General ways of Inducing have General ways of Inducing have displacement (displacement (替喷替喷替喷替喷) ), , swabbing (swabbing (抽汲抽汲抽汲抽汲) ), , bailing out (bailing out (提捞提捞提捞提捞) ), , gas lifting (gas lifting (气举气举

26、气举气举) ), and , and water-gas mixture lifting (water-gas mixture lifting (混气水气举混气水气举混气水气举混气水气举) ). . Formation Fluids Inducing (诱导地层流体诱导地层流体)1414/51/51l lIt is a process to measure productivity of oil, gas and It is a process to measure productivity of oil, gas and water under a certain producing pre

27、ssure drop by using water under a certain producing pressure drop by using a set of equipment and tools.a set of equipment and tools.Producing pressure drop is controlled by routine of Producing pressure drop is controlled by routine of productivity measuring work (productivity measuring work (求产工作制

28、度求产工作制度求产工作制度求产工作制度).).Routine of swabbing can be described as swab running Routine of swabbing can be described as swab running times per day, swabbing depth, depth of producing fluid times per day, swabbing depth, depth of producing fluid level.level.Routine of a gusher (Routine of a gusher (自喷井自喷

29、井自喷井自喷井) can be described as choke ) can be described as choke size, tubing head pressure and surface casing pressure.size, tubing head pressure and surface casing pressure.Productivity Measuring (求产求产)1515/51/51l lUsing downhole pressure gauge to measure and record Using downhole pressure gauge to

30、measure and record formation pressures and formation temperature .formation pressures and formation temperature .Formation Pressure measuring (测压测压)l lUsing downhole pressure gauge to measure and record Using downhole pressure gauge to measure and record formation pressures and formation temperature

31、 .formation pressures and formation temperature .Formation Pressure measuring (测压测压)1616/51/51l lUsing killing fluid to make formation pressure balanced or Using killing fluid to make formation pressure balanced or overbalanced by pressure of fluid column in the well hole overbalanced by pressure of

32、 fluid column in the well hole so as to ensure down-hole operations safely.so as to ensure down-hole operations safely.Well Killing (压井压井)1717/51/51l lLayer Plugging means sealing or isolating a test layer Layer Plugging means sealing or isolating a test layer temporarily or permanently to ensure th

33、at no interference temporarily or permanently to ensure that no interference in other testing layers which will be performed. in other testing layers which will be performed. General layer plugging ways: General layer plugging ways: sand filling sand filling ( (填砂填砂填砂填砂), ), cement cement plugging p

34、lugging ( (注水泥塞注水泥塞注水泥塞注水泥塞), and ), and bridge plugging bridge plugging ( (桥塞桥塞桥塞桥塞).).l lWell Abandon means plugging a no commercial production Well Abandon means plugging a no commercial production well permanently. Generally, use two cement plugs to well permanently. Generally, use two cement pl

35、ugs to abandon a well.abandon a well.Layer Plugging and Well Abandon (封层和封井封层和封井)1818/51/51Technique of Formation Test There are DST (drill stem test ) and WFT (wireline formation There are DST (drill stem test ) and WFT (wireline formation test) two types of formation test operation. Normally, the

36、test) two types of formation test operation. Normally, the words used in the field, DST is belonged to well test words used in the field, DST is belonged to well test operation services, WFT is belonged to logging operation operation services, WFT is belonged to logging operation services.services.1

37、919/51/51Technique of Formation Test -DST-DSTl lKey tools of DST include tester (valve), packer, Key tools of DST include tester (valve), packer, pressure gauge. Use drill string or tubing string pressure gauge. Use drill string or tubing string to run DST tools into the well. First, setting to run

38、DST tools into the well. First, setting packer to isolate testing layer from kill fluid packer to isolate testing layer from kill fluid and other permeable layers, then the valve is and other permeable layers, then the valve is opened and closed several times, the formation opened and closed several

39、 times, the formation fluids pressure build-up and drop-off are fluids pressure build-up and drop-off are continuously recorded on a chart of pressure continuously recorded on a chart of pressure versus time. versus time. uu The principle of DST operating The principle of DST operating2020/51/51tubi

40、ngUpper gaugelower gaugetesterpackercushionmudformation fluidsTechnique of Formation Test -DST-DST2121/51/51Controlled by raising and lowering pipestringControlled by raising and lowering pipestringl lMFEMFE (Multi Flow Evaluator), Johnston company (Multi Flow Evaluator), Johnston companyl lHSTHST (

41、Hydraulic Spring Tester), Halliburton company (Hydraulic Spring Tester), Halliburton companyControlled by annulus pressureControlled by annulus pressurel lPCTPCT (Pressure Controlled Tester), Johnston company (Pressure Controlled Tester), Johnston companyl lAPRAPR (Annulus Pressure Responsive), Hall

42、iburton company (Annulus Pressure Responsive), Halliburton companyuu Commonly used test valves Commonly used test valvesTechnique of Formation Test -DST-DST2222/51/51n nFor open-holes and cased-holes, there are single-packer DST For open-holes and cased-holes, there are single-packer DST and straddl

43、e DST two commonly used operating ways.and straddle DST two commonly used operating ways.Single-packer DST Single-packer DST ( (单封隔器测试单封隔器测试单封隔器测试单封隔器测试) )l lIt is applicable for a single testing layer or multi-layer It is applicable for a single testing layer or multi-layer combined bined testing.S

44、traddle DSTStraddle DST( (跨隔测试跨隔测试跨隔测试跨隔测试) )l lIt is applicable for a testing layer need to isolate from other It is applicable for a testing layer need to isolate from other underlaid open layers by using two packers.underlaid open layers by using two packers.uu Commonly used operating ways of DTS

45、 Commonly used operating ways of DTSTechnique of Formation Test -DST-DST2323/51/51tubingUpper gaugelower gaugetesterpackercushionmudSingle-packer DSTCommonly used operating ways of DTSCommonly used operating ways of DTStubingUpper gaugelower gaugetesterpackercushionmudpackerStraddle DST2424/51/51SAW

46、Z-2井测试管柱井测试管柱接杆器反循环阀压力计托筒MFE液压锁紧伸缩节导压旁通筛管油管定位短节压力计托筒钻铤3根钻铤2根震击器VR接头RTTS封隔器点火头射孔枪2357.34m2357.34m2361.50m2361.50mAnguille64Anguille64层层钻铤5根油管128根压力起爆装置2525/51/51uu The functions of different flow and shut-in periods The functions of different flow and shut-in periodsInitial flowInitial flowl lTo rele

47、ase the higher pressure caused To release the higher pressure caused by overblance pressure of kill fluid by overblance pressure of kill fluid during drilling and induce formation during drilling and induce formation fluids to flow into the well. It takes 5-fluids to flow into the well. It takes 5-2

48、0 minutes normally.20 minutes normally.Initial shut-inInitial shut-inl lTo buildup formation pressure after To buildup formation pressure after initial flow (a short term flowing, no initial flow (a short term flowing, no much producing energy lost) to ensure much producing energy lost) to ensure th

49、e final pressure measured at this the final pressure measured at this period approximate to initial formation period approximate to initial formation pressure.pressure.tubingUpper gaugelower gaugetesterpackercushionmudformation fluidsInitial flowInitial shut-inTechnique of Formation Test -DST-DSTval

50、ve openingvalve openingvalve closingvalve closing2626/51/51Technique of Formation Test -DSTDSTuu The functions of different flow and shut-in periods The functions of different flow and shut-in periodsSecond flowSecond flowl lFlowing enough time to ensure to Flowing enough time to ensure to obtain th

51、e data of formation fluids obtain the data of formation fluids properties and productivity.properties and productivity.Second shut-inSecond shut-inl lRecording buildup pressure in a relative Recording buildup pressure in a relative long term to ensure that formation long term to ensure that formatio

52、n parameters can be acquired by parameters can be acquired by pressure records interpretation.pressure records interpretation.tubingUpper gaugelower gaugetesterpackercushionmudformation fluidssecond flowsecond shut-invalve openingvalve openingvalve closingvalve closing2727/51/51A: Initial pressure o

53、f kill fluid columnB1-C1: Initial flowA-B1: Valve openingC1-D1: Initial shut-inB2-C2: Second flowC2-D2: Second shut-inE: Final pressure of kill fluid columnTechnique of Formation Test -DST-DSTD1-B2: Valve opening2828/51/51SAWZ-2井井Ang.64层压力历史曲线层压力历史曲线2929/51/51Technique of Formation Test -DSTDST3030/

54、51/51l lUsing pressure records, engineers can calculate following Using pressure records, engineers can calculate following valuable formation parameters: K, S, DR, Jo, FE, Pi, d.valuable formation parameters: K, S, DR, Jo, FE, Pi, d.K K ( (有效渗透率有效渗透率有效渗透率有效渗透率) ), the effective permeability of form

55、ation, it is , the effective permeability of formation, it is represented for real flow capacity of formation fluids.represented for real flow capacity of formation fluids.S S ( (表皮系数表皮系数表皮系数表皮系数) ), the skin factor of formation adjacent well , the skin factor of formation adjacent well bore, it mea

56、ns the level of adjacent well bore formation bore, it means the level of adjacent well bore formation damage. More higher S, more deeper level of formation damage. More higher S, more deeper level of formation damage. S less than zero means no formation damage. damage. S less than zero means no form

57、ation damage. Ps=0.87mSPs=0.87mSDR DR ( (堵塞比堵塞比堵塞比堵塞比)=(Pi-Pwf)/(Pi-Pwf- )=(Pi-Pwf)/(Pi-Pwf- Ps)Ps), the damage ratio, , the damage ratio, ratio of actual producing pressure drop to theoretic ratio of actual producing pressure drop to theoretic producing pressure drop. More higher DR, more deeper pr

58、oducing pressure drop. More higher DR, more deeper level of formation damage. level of formation damage. uu Pressure records interpretation Pressure records interpretationTechnique of Formation Test -DST-DST3131/51/51Jo Jo ( (采油指数采油指数采油指数采油指数)=Q/)=Q/ P P, the productivity index, the value of , the p

59、roductivity index, the value of ratio of actual productivity to actual producing pressure ratio of actual productivity to actual producing pressure drop. drop. FE FE ( (流动效率流动效率流动效率流动效率)=(Pi-Pwf- )=(Pi-Pwf- Ps)/(Pi-Pwf)Ps)/(Pi-Pwf), the flow efficiency, , the flow efficiency, the value that results

60、when the actual productivity index is the value that results when the actual productivity index is divided by the productivity index predicted from Darcys divided by the productivity index predicted from Darcys law. Flow efficiency is greater than 1 in a stimulated well law. Flow efficiency is great

61、er than 1 in a stimulated well (skin 0) and less than 1 for a damaged well. (skin 0) and less than 1 for a damaged well. Pi Pi ( (原始地层压力原始地层压力原始地层压力原始地层压力) ), initial formation pressure, it is measured , initial formation pressure, it is measured in initial shut-in period or extrapolated from Horner

62、 curve.in initial shut-in period or extrapolated from Horner curve.d d ( (边界距离边界距离边界距离边界距离) ), the distance from reservoir boundary., the distance from reservoir boundary.uu Pressure records interpretation Pressure records interpretationTechnique of Formation Test -DST-DST3232/51/51uuTo test the pos

63、sible hydrocarbon zones in time during To test the possible hydrocarbon zones in time during drilling operationsdrilling operationsuuLeast influence on test result which caused by Least influence on test result which caused by formation damage, the test result can reflect actual formation damage, th

64、e test result can reflect actual conditions of testing zones conditions of testing zones uuLeast effect on pressure record which resulted in by Least effect on pressure record which resulted in by wellbore storagewellbore storageuuShorter testing durationShorter testing durationAdvantages of DST3333

65、/51/51uuWFT is a process to use wireline to convey pressure gauge WFT is a process to use wireline to convey pressure gauge and sample chamber into the well, measure formation and sample chamber into the well, measure formation pressure and collect formation fluids samples in place, pressure and col

66、lect formation fluids samples in place, make evaluation for formations properties, and provide the make evaluation for formations properties, and provide the basis for making optimum well completion modes and basis for making optimum well completion modes and development plan. It is the most direct

67、method of well development plan. It is the most direct method of well logging for determining formation permeability. logging for determining formation permeability. Comparing with DST, it is more convenient, quick, and Comparing with DST, it is more convenient, quick, and cost-effective. cost-effec

68、tive. Technique of Formation Test -WFTWFT3434/51/51Technique of Formation Test -WFTWFTuuThe first WFT tools was introduced by Schlumberger in The first WFT tools was introduced by Schlumberger in the 1955, it has only one function of collect formation the 1955, it has only one function of collect fo

69、rmation fluids sample;fluids sample;uuWFT tools with functions of pressure record and collect WFT tools with functions of pressure record and collect fluids sample;fluids sample;RFT (repeated formation tester, Schlumberger, 1975)RFT (repeated formation tester, Schlumberger, 1975)FMT (formation multi

70、 tester, Western Atlas, 1980)FMT (formation multi tester, Western Atlas, 1980)SFT (selective formation tester, Halliburton)SFT (selective formation tester, Halliburton)MDT (modular formation dynamics tester, Schlumberger, MDT (modular formation dynamics tester, Schlumberger, 1990)1990)uuThe most com

71、monly used testers are RFT and MDT.The most commonly used testers are RFT and MDT.3535/51/511. locating (1. locating (定位定位定位定位):): locate RFT tool at depth locate RFT tool at depth of test point by GR or SP logging. of test point by GR or SP logging. 2. setting (2. setting (推靠推靠推靠推靠):): a backup sho

72、e from the a backup shoe from the tool is pressed against the well wall to tool is pressed against the well wall to force a packer with a probe against the force a packer with a probe against the opposite wall, the probe penetrate mud opposite wall, the probe penetrate mud cake into formation at the

73、 same time.cake into formation at the same time.3. pre-testing (3. pre-testing (预测试预测试预测试预测试):): formation fluids formation fluids flow into pre-test chamber by drawdown flow into pre-test chamber by drawdown pulse, and record pressure build-up and pulse, and record pressure build-up and drop-off. d

74、rop-off. Technique of Formation Test -WFTWFTuu Operating procedure of RFT Operating procedure of RFT 3636/51/514. sampling (4. sampling (取样取样取样取样):): open sampling valve open sampling valve and fluids fill in sample chamber, then and fluids fill in sample chamber, then close the valve to collect flu

75、ids sample.close the valve to collect fluids sample.5. retracting (5. retracting (回缩回缩回缩回缩):): open pressure balance open pressure balance valve to release pressure, back up shoe valve to release pressure, back up shoe and packer is retracted, and get ready for and packer is retracted, and get ready

76、 for next test point.next test point.6. transferring sample (6. transferring sample (地面转样地面转样地面转样地面转样):): when all when all the test point pre-testing have finished the test point pre-testing have finished and two sample chamber have filled, pull and two sample chamber have filled, pull the tools ou

77、t of the well, transfer fluids the tools out of the well, transfer fluids sample from chambers.sample from chambers.Technique of Formation Test -WFTWFTuu Operating procedure of RFT Operating procedure of RFT 3737/51/51Technique of Formation Test -WFTWFTProbePackerBack up shoe3838/51/51Technique of F

78、ormation Test -WFT-WFTl lThe principle of MDT is similar to other conventional formation The principle of MDT is similar to other conventional formation testers, but it is improved its components and method of testers, but it is improved its components and method of interpretation and analysis. As t

79、he name suggests, the MDT interpretation and analysis. As the name suggests, the MDT system is composed of a number of modules.system is composed of a number of modules. It offers multiple It offers multiple sampling and rapid pressure measurement during a single trip. It sampling and rapid pressure

80、 measurement during a single trip. It can be configured to provide a range of options not previously can be configured to provide a range of options not previously available from a conventional tester. For example, by monitoring available from a conventional tester. For example, by monitoring the fl

81、uid resistivity as it is drawn into the tool and rejecting the fluid resistivity as it is drawn into the tool and rejecting contaminated fluid, the operator can ensure that only contaminated fluid, the operator can ensure that only uncontaminated formation fluid samples are collected. By uncontamina

82、ted formation fluid samples are collected. By measuring pressure interference during drawdown, horizontal and measuring pressure interference during drawdown, horizontal and vertical permeabilities can be determined. vertical permeabilities can be determined. uu MDT (Modular Formation Dynamics Teste

83、r) MDT (Modular Formation Dynamics Tester) 3939/51/51Technique of Formation Test -WFTWFTThis module provides the power to drive all the downhole electronics and a 1-kilowatt supply for the electrohydraulic system.This module provides hydraulic power to the probe modules.This module establishes press

84、ure and fluid communication between the tool and the formation.Added to the basic probe module, this creates a tool with three probesa sink for drawing fluid and two pressure-observation probes, the horizontal probe opposite the sink, and the vertical probe 70 cm 28 in. above the sink.As the name su

85、ggests, this module pumps formation fluid that has entered the tool out into the borehole. The module is used to dump contaminated fluid prior to sampling.This module has two packers, about 86 cm 34 in. apart. These are inflated by the pumpout module to isolate a zone of borehole from the column of

86、mud. The packers allow zones to be tested where the probe cannot seallike fractured and fissured formations. The larger area of reservoir isolated by the packers, compared to a probe, allows a greater flow rate to be achieved, increasing the depth of investigation to perhaps 30 m 100 ft.This module

87、is used to monitor fluids resistivity and analyse fluids properties at real time, and ensure that actual fluids samples is collected.This module provides 1-liter pressure drawdown tests with accurately controlled pressure or flow rate (1 mL/sec to 200 mL/sec). Each of these modules can collect six 4

88、50-mL 0.12-gal samples, suitable for PVT (pressure-volume-temperature) laboratory analysis, from one or more downhole locations during a single trip.4040/51/51Technique of Formation Test -WFTWFT4141/51/51Technique of Surface Well TestuuSWT is to use a set of equipments and tools to measure SWT is to

89、 use a set of equipments and tools to measure producing fluids productivity and properties on surface. producing fluids productivity and properties on surface. It must need following requirement: It must need following requirement: 1)1) can control the can control the pressure forced by flowing out

90、fluids, pressure forced by flowing out fluids, 2)2) can separate can separate and meter oil, gas, and water respectively, and meter oil, gas, and water respectively, 3)3) can heat can heat up producing fluids, up producing fluids, 4)4) can reduce producing fluids can reduce producing fluids viscosit

91、y and make it flowing easily.viscosity and make it flowing easily.4242/51/51FluidsFluidswaterwaterGasGasOilOil4343/51/51Choke ManifoldChoke ManifoldHeaterHeaterThree-phaseThree-phaseSeparatorSeparator4444/51/51Three-phase Three-phase SeparatorSeparatorSurge TankSurge TankTransferTransferPumpPumpChan

92、ge-over Change-over ValveValve4545/51/51BurnerBurner4646/51/514747/51/51ESDESDAir compressorAir compressorEmergency Shut-down systemEmergency Shut-down system4848/51/51Flow LinesFlow Lines4949/51/51Preventing Formation Damage during TestingPreventing Formation Damage during Testingn nDuring well tes

93、ting, unreasonable operations and During well testing, unreasonable operations and techniques can cause formations to be damage. One techniques can cause formations to be damage. One common phenomenon of formation damages is common phenomenon of formation damages is permeability damage by the permea

94、bility of formation permeability damage by the permeability of formation adjacent well bore is declined and even lost completely. adjacent well bore is declined and even lost completely. Another common phenomenon is reservoir structure Another common phenomenon is reservoir structure damage by sand

95、flow, rock framework collapse, it cause damage by sand flow, rock framework collapse, it cause productivity energy lost and even no productivity in a productivity energy lost and even no productivity in a well. Most formation damages can not be recovered well. Most formation damages can not be recov

96、ered naturally. naturally. 5050/51/51Negative pressure perforating can prevent kill fluid flow Negative pressure perforating can prevent kill fluid flow into formation, and also release skin damage caused by into formation, and also release skin damage caused by perforating compact. But over-negativ

97、e pressure while perforating compact. But over-negative pressure while perforating, may result in velocity sensitivity and stress perforating, may result in velocity sensitivity and stress sensitivity in formation, and cause formation damage sensitivity in formation, and cause formation damage sever

98、ely. To determine a reasonable negative pressure severely. To determine a reasonable negative pressure bases on formation properties.bases on formation properties.Preventing Formation Damage during TestingPreventing Formation Damage during Testing - -Main techniquesMain techniquesuu Negative Pressur

99、e Perforating ( Negative Pressure Perforating (负压射孔负压射孔负压射孔负压射孔) )5151/51/51Controlling the size and quantity of suspended solid, Controlling the size and quantity of suspended solid, and mixing additives into completion fluids to make it and mixing additives into completion fluids to make it compat

100、ible with formation fluids and patible with formation fluids and minerals.Preventing Formation Damage during TestingPreventing Formation Damage during Testing - -Main techniquesMain techniquesuu Low-damage completion fluids technique ( Low-damage completion fluids technique (低伤害完井液低伤害完井液低伤害完井液低伤害完井液

101、) )5252/51/51Using multi-functions operating pipestreing which can offer Using multi-functions operating pipestreing which can offer different operating functions by one pipestring running, to different operating functions by one pipestring running, to decrease times of pipestring repeated running a

102、nd decrease times of pipestring repeated running and repeated well killing so that decrease the chance of repeated well killing so that decrease the chance of formation being damage. Such as pipestring designed for formation being damage. Such as pipestring designed for TCPTCPDSTDST、TCPTCPACID JOBAC

103、ID JOB、TCPTCPACID JOBACID JOBEP (ejector EP (ejector pumping).pumping).Preventing Formation Damage during TestingPreventing Formation Damage during Testing - -Main techniquesMain techniquesuu Multi-function operating pipestring technique ( Multi-function operating pipestring technique (多功能管柱多功能管柱多功能管柱多功能管柱) )5353/51/51Thank you for your listening5454/51/51封隔器封隔器5555/51/51MFE换位机构换位机构



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