湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit1《Great scientists》(新人教版必修5)

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《湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit1《Great scientists》(新人教版必修5)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit1《Great scientists》(新人教版必修5)(96页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit1 Great scientists(新人教版必修5)作作佳佳诵诵 读读(2010福建高考)假设你是李华,福建省某中学高中学生,今年暑假将前往澳大利亚参加主题为“WATER FOR LIFE”的交流活动。请你以参访代表的身份,根据以下图片提示,用英语写一篇发言稿。 注意:1.根据图片的内容适当展开,以使行文连贯;2.开头与结尾已写好,不计入总词数;3.文中不能出现考生的具体信息;4.词数:120左右;5.参考词汇:短缺shortage;资源resource。Ladies_and_gentlemen,Good_morning, Im_Li_Hu

2、a_from_Fujian,China. Its my great honor to be here to say something about the global water shortage and ways of dealing with it._ _Thats all. Thank you.点点考考锁锁 定定.重点词汇1_ adj.熟练的;经验或知识丰富的n.专家;行家2_ adj.严重的;剧烈的;严厉的3_ adj.积极的;肯定的;确定的4_ adj.热情的;热心的5_ adj.小心的;谨慎的6_ vt.拒绝;不接受;抛弃7 _ vt.& vi.结 束 ; 推 断 出_n结论;结

3、束8_ vt.分析_n分析9_ vt.打败;战胜;使受挫n.失败10_ vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加_n出席11_ vt.暴露;揭露;使曝光12_ n挑战_adj.富有挑战性的13_ vt.吸收;吸引;使专心14_ vt.怀疑n.被怀疑者;疑犯15_ vt.责备;谴责n.过失;责备16_ n柄;把手vt.处理;操纵17_ vt.& n连接;联系18_ vt.宣布;通告_n通告;宣布19 _ vt.命 令 ; 指 示 ; 教 导_n命令;指示20_ vt./vi.捐献;贡献;捐助_n捐献;贡献答案1expert5cautious;conclusion8analyse;analysis;atten

4、dance11expose;challenging14suspect18 announce; announcement;instruction20contribute;contribution.短语回顾1put_提出2expose._使显露;暴露3link._.将和联系或连接起来4_from除之外;此外5(be) strict_sb.对某人严格6make_讲得通;有意义7_a conclusion得出结论8be to _应负责;应受责备答案1forward6.sense .句式填空1neither.nor.连接两个主语_(既不)its cause_(也不)its cure was unders

5、tood.2every time用作从属连词引导从句So many thousands of terrified people died_(每次)there was an outbreak.3have sth. done结构A woman, who had moved away from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she_(让人运送水)to her house every day.4prevent.from doing sth.防止/阻止做某事;suggest(建议)宾语从句_(为防止这种情况发生)agai

6、n, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies_(被检测)5“only状语”位于句首构成部分倒装_you put the sun there_(只 有 才 )the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.6with复合结构作状语He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system_(行星围绕着它转)and only the moon still going round the earth.

7、答案1Neither; nor 2.every time 3.had it delivered4To prevent this from happening; be examined5Only if; did6.with the planets going round it频频高高考考 点点考点单词 1attend v照顾;护理;出席;参加All children between the age of 5 and 16 must attend school.所有5至16岁的孩子必须上学。I may be lateI have got one or two things to attend to

8、.我也许会迟到我有一两件事需要处理。attend a lecture/a meeting/a conference/school/class听讲座/出席会议/上学/上课attend to处理;注意倾听;照顾某人attend on/upon sb.伺候/照顾某人即境活用1 (2012江苏如皋中学质检)I always have so many things to_when I come back to the company after a trip abroad.Aattend toBadd toCcontribute to Dappeal to解析attend to照顾某人,处理。appea

9、l to 吸引;add to 增添;contribute to 导致,为做贡献。答案A2expose vt.暴露;揭露;使曝光Journalists have put their careers and lives at risk to expose pollution and corruption.新闻记者冒着失去工作和生命的危险来揭露污染和腐败的问题。Keep indoors and dont expose your skin to the sun.留在屋里,不要让皮肤暴露在太阳下。expose sth.揭露;显露出某事物expose sth./sb./oneself (to sth.)使

10、某事/某人/自己暴露/显露expose sb. to sth.让某人接触某物be exposed to暴露于【易错提示】expose sth. to结构中的to是介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语。即境活用2(2012湖北八校联考一)Family violence against women hasnt caused widespread concern because it is not the Chinese tradition to _ the family conflicts to outsiders.Aexpress BexposeCenquire Ddistribute解析expose

11、sb. to sth.将某人暴露给。句意:家庭对女人的暴力行为没有引起广泛关注因为把家庭矛盾暴露给外人不是中国人的传统。express 表达; enquire 询问; distribute 分发。答案B3absorb v吸收;吸引;使专心Salt absorbs moisture from the air.盐吸收空气中的水分。I was absorbed in a book and didnt hear you call.我正专心读一本书,没有听见你叫我。absorb.into把吸收进absorb.from从中吸收/取be absorbed in (doing) sth.专心(做)某事abso

12、rb ones attention吸引某人的注意力【易错提示】be absorbed in(专心于),主语往往是人,并不表示被动,类似短语:be buried in专心于;be lost in陷入;be caught in被困于;be devoted to致力于。即境活用3 _his thoughts, the scientist didnt notice what had happened before him.AAbsorbed in BCaught inCUsed to DInterested in解析absorbed in sth.专心致志于某事。答案A4blame vt.责备;谴责;

13、把归咎于n.过失;责备They blamed the failure on Mary.他们把失败归咎于玛丽。Its wrong to lay the blame on her for delaying.把延误的责任归咎于她是不对的。blame sb. for.因而责备某人;把归咎于blame sth. on sb.把某事归咎于某人be to blame (for)应承担责任;该受责备accept/bear/take the blame for.对某事负责;承担责任put/lay the blame for sth. on sb.把责任推到某人身上【易错提示】be to blame在作定语、表语

14、时,用主动形式表被动意义。即境活用4 (2012沈阳二中月考)We shouldnt _ him for the mistakes he has made, since he has no experience.Aaccuse BblameCcharge Dclaim解析blame 责备。句意:我们不应该责备他犯错误,因为他没经验。 accuse 指责,后跟介词 of; charge 指控,后跟介词 with; claim 声称;认领。答案B5announce vt.宣布;通告;(事情,迹象)显示;预告The bright flowers announced that spring was h

15、ere.鲜艳的花朵显示春天已经来到。It was announced that new speed restrictions would be introduced.据宣布,将有新的速度限制规定出台。announce (to sb.) sth./that.宣布/发布某事announce that.宣布/发布It is announced that.据称;已宣布announcement n通告;宣告;宣布make an announcement下通知;宣布【易错提示】不 能 说 announce sb. sth., 可 以 说announce sth. to sb.或announce to sb

16、. sth.。即境活用5The air hostess_that the plane would fly through clouds.Aannounced BtoldCforecast Ddeclared解析announce宣布,通知。句意:空姐宣布飞机将穿越云层。答案A6contribute v捐献;贡献;捐助A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health.适当的运动有助于健康。contribute to为做出贡献;把(时间)投入;给投稿;有助于;是的原因make a contribution/contributions to为

17、做出贡献。【易错提示】contribute和contribution常与介词to搭配。即境活用6His sharp eyes_this new discovery.Acontributed to Breferred toCobjected to Dcame to解析contribute to有助于。refer to 谈及;object to 反对;come to 谈到,来到。答案A7handle vt.操作;处理;拿;搬n柄;把手Ms Hawkins handles the companys accounts.霍金斯女士管理公司的账目。Handle children kindly, if yo

18、u want them to trust you.假如你要孩子们信任你,就要对他们和善些。I turned the handle and opened the door.我转了转把手,打开了门。He was handling his toy all the morning.整个上午他一直在玩他的玩具。【思维拓展】handle作动词用时,可接机械类的名词作宾语,相当于operate或run;也可接事物性的名词或人称名词作宾语,相当于deal with。即境活用7(2012河南郑州智林中学月考)After talking with his father for about half an hour

19、, he felt better and began to know how to _this kind of situation.Astrengthen BexploreChandle Darrange解析handle 处理。strengthen 加强;explore 探索;arrange 安排。句意:和父亲谈了大约半小时后,他感觉好多了,并知道该怎样处理这种情况了。答案C8examine vt.检查;诊断;考查;测验I examined the door and found that it was locked.我检查这个门,发现它上了锁。Youd better have your eye

20、s examined.你最好检查一下眼睛。a medical examination体检have eyes examined请医生检查一下眼睛即 境 活 用 8 _twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.AExamining BExaminedCBeing examined DHaving been examined解析Being examined在句中作主语。将插入语whether it is a car or a bus删掉,则句子结构就

21、一目了然了。答案C9conclude vt.& vi.结束;推断出;议定She concluded her talk with a funny story.她以一个有趣的故事结束谈话。These are the facts, what do you conclude from them?这些都是事实,你能从中得出什么结论?conclude with以结束conclude sth.结束conclude that.认定;认为come to/reach/draw a conclusion得出结论make a conclusion下结论bring sth. to a conclusion使结束to c

22、onclude(副词)总而言之;最后conclude from根据得出结论即 境 活 用 9 From facts, scientists have_that more energy is being absorbed from the sun, throwing the earths energy “out of balance”Aconfirmed BconcludedCconcentrated Dcentred解析conclude推断出,符合句意。confirm证实;concentrate专心致志;centre以为中心。答案B10control vt.& n控制;支配He is in c

23、ontrol of the factory.他控制着那家工厂。The boy is no longer in the control of his parents.那个男孩已不再受他父母的管教了。The car was out of control.汽车失控了。He lost control of his car.他的汽车失控了。beyond ones control某人控制不了under control处于控制下in control(of)控制着in the control of受的管理out of control失控lose control of无法控制即境活用10 The car was

24、_and knocked into a tree.Ain control Bout of controlCin the control Dunder control解析out of control失控,符合句意。答案B11cure n治愈;痊愈vt.治愈;治疗There is no known cure but the illness can be treated.这种病尚没有确切的治愈方法,但可以医治。When I left hospital I was completely cured.出院时我已经痊愈了。【易混辨析】cure, treat与healcure多用于治愈疾病,强调治好疾病的结

25、果,使病人恢复健康。treat意为“治疗”,不一定治愈。heal多用于治愈外伤。即境活用11 She tried every means to _her child_the bad habit.Acure; from Bcure; ofCtreat;of Dtreat; from解析cure sb. of矫正某人的行为。答案B12challenge n挑战vt.向挑战It was a direct challenge to the presidents authority.这是对主席权威的直接质疑。Every teacher ought to be challenging kids to th

26、ink about current issues.所有老师都应激励学生思考当前的问题。即境活用12AIDS control and prevention is a_to China as well as the whole world.Asurprise BchallengeCreaction Dthreat解析challenge挑战,符合句意。surprise吃惊;reaction反应;threat威胁。答案B13suspect vt.怀疑n.被怀疑者;嫌疑犯I began to suspect (that) they were trying to get rid of me.我开始觉察出,

27、他们正试图摆脱掉我。The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths.人们怀疑这种药物造成200多人死亡。【思维拓展】suspect sb. of(doing) sth.怀疑某人(干)某事suspect sb. to be.猜想某人即 境 活 用 13The two men were_receiving stolen property, which made their parents worried.Acured of Bsuspected ofCaccused of Dinformed of解析be suspected of被怀疑做某事。答案

28、B考点短语 1put forward提出;推荐;提名;把(钟表)往前拨Who put forward a theory about black holes?谁提出了关于黑洞的理论?The meeting was put forward half an hour.会议提前了半个小时。【思维拓展】put away收拾起来(放好);储蓄put aside放在一边;搁置;储蓄put.into输入;把译成put off延期;推迟put on穿戴上;上演;(体重等)增加put out扑灭put through接通 put up举起;建造;(为某人)提供膳宿;张贴put up with容忍;忍受即境活用14

29、Who_such a good plan for the summer holiday?Aput forward Bput upCcome up Dput down解析put forward提出。put up 张贴;come up 被提出;put down 放下,镇压。答案A2link.to将和连接/联系起来My own work links up with the research you are doing.我自己的工作与你现在从事的研究有联系。【思维拓展】be linked to和有联系link up (with)连接;结合;有联系link.with用把连接起来;联系join.to把与连

30、接/联合connect.to把连接到connect.with把与联系/连接起来be connected with与有联系即 境 活 用 15This case is linked_murder.Ato BofCin Don解析be linked to与有联系。答案A3apart from除之外;此外Apart from a few faults, he is a respectable teacher.除几个缺点外,他是个值得尊敬的教师。【思维拓展】apart from表示“除了之外”,既可意为包括在内,也可意为不包括在内。other than意为“除了”,用于否定句。in addition用

31、于衔接上下文,可单独用于句首,也可以用于句中或句尾,用于句首或句中时要用逗号隔开。in addition to, as well as, besides表示“除之外(还有)(包括在内)”。except, except for, but表示“除之外(不包括在内)”。即境活用16 _some pennies, I think there are only nine pounds left in my pocket.AApart from BIn additionCInstead of DRather than解析apart from除了之外。in addition 另外;instead of 而不

32、是,代替;rather than 而不是。答案A4make sense有意义;讲得通She doesnt talk much, but what she says makes sense.她话不多,但言之有理。【思维拓展】make no sense没有道理;没有意义make sense of.理解;明白;弄懂There is no sense in doing sth.做没有意义in a/one sense在某种意义上;在某一方面in no sense决不是;绝非【易错提示】in no sense置于句首时,句子使用部分倒装语序。即境活用17In my opinion, the answer

33、to the question you gave us just now doesnt make any_.Aidea BmeaningCsense Dpoint解析make sense有意义。答案C5lead to通向;导致He led the group out into the garden.他把那些人领出去进了花园。This misprint led to great confusion.这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。lead to sth.cause导致lead to doing sth.导致做lead a.life过着的生活即境活用18 Knowing little of the l

34、aw has_ his lifelong imprisonment. What a shame!Aresulted from Bsuffered fromCled to Drun into解析lead to导致,符合句意。result from起因于;suffer from遭受;run into撞上。答案C重点句型 1A woman, who had moved away from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day.有一位妇女是

35、从宽街搬过来的,她特别喜欢那里的水,每天都要派人用水泵打水运到家里来。had it delivered属于结构。delivered是过去分词,作it的宾语补足语,表示被动关系。【思维拓展】have sth. done用法小结(1)请人做某事。I had my hair cut yesterday.我昨天理了发(请别人理发)。(2)遭遇某种(不幸的)事情。I had my watch stolen last night.昨晚我的表被盗了。(3)与cant, wont连用,且主语为第一人称时,表示“不容许,不许可”。I wont have my house turned into a hotel.

36、我决不允许把我的房子变成旅馆。(4)表示“把做完”,主语也可自己参加完成。I must have the work finished before Sunday.我一定要在周日前完成这项工作。即境活用19What will the shop owner do next?He will have all these goods ordered_to the customers today.Ato deliver BdeliveringCdelivered Ddeliver解析have sth. done让某人做某事。答案C2Only_if you put the sun there did th

37、e movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。当only修饰状语位于句首时,主句用部分倒装语序。Only a week later did I receive an answer from her.一周之后我才收到她的回信。Only in this way can you solve this problem.只有用这种办法你才能解决这个问题。Only when you are forty and looking back will you realize that

38、you havent done your best.只有当你四十岁回首往事的时候,你才会意识到你并没有全力以赴。【易错提示】only限制主语时,主语不倒装。Only the teacher can answer this question.只有老师能回答这个问题。【易混辨析】if only/only ifif only“要是就好了”,主要用于虚拟语气,表示强烈的愿望或非真实的条件。If only I were a flying bird!要是我是一只飞鸟该多好!If only I hadnt been so careless in the exam!我考试时没有那么粗心就好了!only if“

39、只有”,主要用于条件句中。Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to leave the room.学生只有得到老师的许可才能离开教室。即境活用20Only if you devote yourself to your studies_the test.Ayou can pass Bcan you passCyou would pass Dwould you pass解析only状语置于句首,句子采用部分倒装。答案B堂堂课课双双 基基.词义辨析1Finding information in todays worl

40、d is easy. The _ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.AenquiryBchallengeCvictim Duniverse解 析 challenge 挑 战 。 enquiry 询 问 ;victim受害者;universe 宇宙。答案B2Police _ that she had some connection with last weeks robbery of the bank.Asuspected BabsorbedChandled Dinstructed解析suspect 怀

41、疑。absorb 吸收;handle 处理;instruct 指导。答案A3The boy was found seated on a bench, completely _ in a novel.Adefeated BdeliveredCabsorbed Dexposed解析absorbed in.专心致志于。defeat 打败;deliver 运送;expose 暴露。答案C4He found the cholera outbreak was so _ that more than 500 people died in ten days.Apositive BsevereCstrict D

42、cautious解析severe 严重的。positive 积极的;strict 严格的;cautious 小心的,谨慎的。答案B5The salesgirl is very good at _ difficult customers, which pleases the manager very much.Aconfusing BexpandingCdisturbing Dhandling解析handle 对付。confuse 使迷惑;expand 扩大;disturb 打扰。答案D6 The new railway is still under _. It will be months b

43、efore it is completed.Aoccupation BfunctionCaddition Dconstruction解析under construction 正在建造。答案D7Eating too much fat can _ to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.Acontribute BrespondCattend Damount解析contribute to 导致。respond to 回答;attend to 处理;amount to 达到。答案A8The singer was very popular and g

44、ot an _ reception when he appeared on the stage.Ainformal BoptimisticCenthusiastic Daccurate解析enthusiastic 热情的。informal 不正规的;optimistic 乐观的;accurate 准确的。答案C9I think you should be _ about giving your address to strangers. It might be dangerous.Aconfident BcautiousCscientific Dpositive解析cautious 谨慎的。c

45、onfident 自信的;scientific 科学的;positive 肯定的。答案B10The idea that the earth was flat and the sun moved around the earth was _ centuries ago.Ainstructed BpollutedCrejected Dreduced解析reject 拒绝,排斥。instruct 指导;pollute 污染;reduce 减小。答案C.短语填空put forward;link. to.;apart from; lead to; make sense;expose.to; look i

46、nto; slow down; die of; at times1A black car cut in ahead of me, forcing me to_.2Without plenty of water, you will easily _ thirst in the desert.3This essay is quite good _ a couple of spelling mistakes.4 There is no doubt that stress can _ physical illness.5I dont think it _ to focus only on provid

47、ing basic services.6I wrote a letter of complaint,and the airline has promised to _ the matter.7Andrew can be very bad tempered _ even though he is friendly in general.8A new approach to teaching languages was _ at the meeting last week.9 These colors will not last if they _ the sun.10 Scientists no

48、w _ certain types of cancer_ the amount of junk food that people eat.答案1slow down 2.die of 3.apart from4.lead to5.makes sense6.look into7.at times 8.put forward 9.are exposed to10.link.to.单词拼写1We were_(击败) 01 in the football game, which made us very upset.2Some_(专家) in the field of English teaching

49、have been invited to give us a lecture.3Environmental pollution is one of the most serious _(挑战) we face.4The police _(怀疑) the man in the red jacket was a criminal, but they didnt have any evidence.5So busy was the mother that she had to ask her neighbour to _(照顾) her baby for a day.6 After graduati

50、ng from college, he became an excellent_(内科医生)7Happiness, instead of medicine, was the _ (治愈方法) for her illness.8People all around the world tried to help the_ (受害者) of the earthquake in that area.9Richardson_(推断出) from his studies that equality between the sexes is still a long way off.10Youd better not be_(暴露)to the sun too long; it may lead to skin diseases.答案1defeated



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