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1、专业英语复习资料专业英语复习资料3 3剖析剖析Specialized English for Urban Railway Transportation 城市轨道交通专业英语 inter-city train 城际列车electric multiple unit 电动车组 overhead wire 架空导线 rights of way 路权 lines in operation 运营路线 Guangzhou South Railway Station广州南站 peak hour 高峰时段 fire engine 消防车 elevated railway 高架铁路grade separation

2、 立体交叉 emergency brake 紧急制动electric motor 电动机 Two-way radio 可双向通信的无线电people mover 旅客捷运系统 train loading 列车载客量 train capacity 列车的载客能力 standing capacity of a train 列车的站位数量 temporary speed restriction 临时限速 train turn-round time 列车折返时间straddle-beam monorail s跨坐式独轨Electric Locomotive电力机车urban railway trans

3、it system城市轨道交通系统suspended monorails悬挂式独轨Passenger Information System乘客信息系统High-Speed Rail高速列车the Guests Waiting Room贵宾候车室 rapid transit system快速交通系统Dedicated Passenger Line客运专线Fire Alarm System火灾报警系统electric switch machine 电动转辙机terminal station 终点站waiting time 候车时间operating margin 运营裕量closed time 安

4、全间距railway signaling 铁路信号preceding train 前行列车luggage storage service 行李寄存处examination of tickets 检票ticket reservation by telephone 电话订票return ticket 往返车票restricted goods 限运货物rolling stock 机车车辆station facilities 车站设备macroscopic delay management model 宏观的延误管理模型Sensitivity Analysis 灵敏度分析BRT(bus rapid t

5、ransit)快速公交系统PED(platform-edge doors)屏蔽门AFCS(Automatic Fare Collection System)自动售检票系统 ATO(Automatic Train operation System)列车自动运行系统ATP(Automatic Train Protection System)列车自动防护系统ATS(Automatic Train Supervision)列车自动监控系统ATCS(Automatic Train Control System) 列车自动控制系统 OCC(operating control center)列车行车调度控制

6、中心CTCS(centralized traffic control system) 调度集中控制系统TCS(train control system) 列车控制系统LCP(local control panel)现场控制工作盘LOW(local operator workstation)现场操作工作站AGT(automatic guideway transit)自动导向系统main line unit 干线机车multiple-lane 多车道four-aspect automatic block 四显示自动闭塞cross junction十字交叉口Passenger Information

7、 System乘客信息系统Automatic Train Protection列车自动防护系统grade crossing平面交叉口 alternating current交流电 Line Center Computer线路中心计算机the moving block principle移动闭塞原理2024/7/29The train diagram is an integrated plan of railway transportation and its quality direct impact on the efficiency and safety of the transporta

8、tion organization.列车运行图是轨道交通运输组织的基础,其编制质量的高低直接影响到运输组织的效率和安全可靠性。The drivers function in automatic systems is purely supervisory. At stations, the driver controls passenger boarding and alighting, and initiates the departure of the train which then goes into automatic mode.在自动系统中,司机只起监督作用,在车站,由司机控制旅客的

9、乘降、启动发车,然后列车即进入自动控制模式。Many light rail systems have a combination of the two ,with both on road and off road sections. In some countries, only the latter is described as light rail . 许多轻轨系统既含有路面部分,又含有高架部分,是两种形式的组合。有一些国家,轻轨仅仅指的是后者。On the basis of analyzing the network geometric forms, network type and

10、 characteristics, the network topology model of physical network and transfer network were constructed based on Space L method and Space P method with the complex network theory, structural characteristics of urban rail transit network were in-depth analyzed.在对轨道交通网络几何形式、网络类型及其特征进行分析的基础上,采用复杂网络理论,分别

11、基于Space L方法和Space P方法构建轨道交通物理网络和换乘网络的网络拓扑结构模型,深入分析轨道交通网络的结构特征。European countries had maturely predominated key technologies of modern trams, while China is still under introduction, digestion and absorption. The key technologies of modern trams, including wireless power supply and bogie(转向架), are in

12、troduced and investigated in detail in this paper. 欧美发达国家已拥有成熟的现代有轨电车车辆的关键技术,我国目前正处于技术的引进和消化吸收阶段。本文对现代有轨电车车辆的关键技术,包括无网供电、转向架等进行了详细的介绍和探讨。A series of troublesome issues have emerged with the rapid development of mass transit system, such as passenger flow congestion, operation safety, and coordinated

13、(协同的) transport organizations, etc.我国轨道交通快速发展进程中,客流拥挤日益严重、运营安全隐患增多、协同运输组织难度提高等一系列问题突显。The Urban Mass Transit (UMT) system has the characteristics such as little intervals, short distances between stations and simple station track layouts. In case any train delays, fast and large-range propagation wi

14、ll occur and affect the schedules of other trains in time and space.城市轨道交通系统具有列车运行间隔小、站间距离短、车站线路布置比较简单等特点,一旦列车发生运行延误,其传播的速度快、影响范围大,会严重影响后续列车的开行计划。For shorter distances many cities have networks of commuter trains, serving the city and its suburbs. Some carriages may be arranged to have more standing

15、 room than seats, or to facilitate the carrying of prams(婴儿车), cycles or wheelchairs. 由于站间距离短,许多城市建有服务于城市和郊区的通勤交通网络,一些车厢进行了站位比座位空间要大的空间设计,以便使婴儿车、自行车和轮椅等更容易携带。In order to improve the quality of high-speed train diagram,a complete evaluation index system for high-speed train diagrams was established I

16、n the system,the evaluation indexes are extracted from three aspects,i.ethe train diagram production efficiency,passenger service quality,and dynamic performance; and their quantification methods are provided为了提高高速列车运行图的编制质量,本文从运行图生产效率、旅客服务质量和动态性能三方面提取评价指标并给出量化方法,建立了完整的高速铁路列车运行图评价指标体系In the advantag

17、es of its sustainable development, rail transport is recognized as the best strategy for urban transport problems in most countries. 轨道交通方式以其可持续发展的优势被多数国家作为解决大、中城市交通问题的最佳策略。 If they should not get the data, they would know and solve the problem.如果他们没有得到这个数据的话,他们将不可能知道这个问题,更不可能解决这个问题。 In order to ach

18、ieve the objectives, we should satisfy the needs of local business, residents and cyclists. 为了实现目标,我们应该满足当地商业的需要,满足居民的需要,满足骑自行车者的需要。 Continuous train control, which operates on the moving block principle, was developed in response to a number of different railway requirements, including an increasin

19、gly urgent need to raise track capacity.基于满足对铁路运输多方面的不同需求,包括不断增长的提高线路能力的迫切要求,有关部门研制开发了按移动闭塞原理运作的连续式列车控制技术。Accessibility for disabled people is important in train station design and mandated by law in some countries, Considerations include: elevator or ramp access to all platforms , matching platform

20、 height to train floors , making wheelchair lifts available when platforms do not match vehicle floors and accessible toilets etc. 在车站设计中,考虑残疾人乘车的便利性是很重要的,这在一些国家通过法律来强制执行。考虑的内容包括:乘坐的电梯,进入站台的坡道,站台高度和车厢地板高度是否相符,当站台高度和车辆高度不相符时,可轮椅升降机的设置,无障碍厕所等等。 There is no single term in English that all speakers woul

21、d use for all rapid transit or metro systems. This fact reflects variations not only in national and regional usage, but in what characteristics are considered essential. 在英语中,快速交通和地铁系统没有统一的定义。这个事实不仅反映了每个国家和地区使用习惯的不同,而且也反映了各系统着重的本质特征有所不同。By means of computer simulation, the paper studies the influen

22、ce of train running delay on the urban mass transit system network. Finally, some suggestions for adopting operation plan are put forward.本文借助于计算机仿真,研究了列车运行延误对城市轨道交通网络运输组织的影响,最后,对采取的运营计划提出了一些建议。 Light rail is the successor term to streetcar and tram in many locales, although the term is most consist

23、ently applied to modern tram or trolley operations employing features more generally associated with metro or subway operations, including exclusive rights-of-way, multiple unit train configuration and signal control of operations.许多地区的轻轨是在路面电车、有轨电车基础上发展起来的,但是轻轨这个术语现在主要指新型有轨电车,其包括专有路权,编组运行以及运行信号控制等运

24、营特征更类似于地铁。Compared to only a subway line, passengers behaviors in the network operation consisting of line choice, route choice and transfer choice changed greatly. 与过去的单条地铁线路的客流特征相比,网络化运营中地铁乘客的线路选择、路径选择换乘选择等行为发生了较大变化。Train stations generally include either ticket booths , or ticket machines. Ticket sales may also be combined with customer service desks or convenience stores.火车站一般有售票窗口,或者自动售票机。售票处通常伴有旅客服务台或便利店。 结束结束



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