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1、探究探究核心知识核心知识vPeriod Using Languagev第1步识记核心单词v.根据所给词性和汉语提示写出下列单词v1_vi.& vt.发信号n.信号v2_n同伴;伙伴v3_n教练预学预学语言知识语言知识感悟感悟教材原文教材原文指导指导写作提升写作提升v4_vi.出现;发生v_vt.升起;提高;种植;饲养v5_adj.电子的v6_n外观;外貌;出现v7_n性格;特点v8_n拖把vt.用拖把拖;擦v9_adj.顽皮的;淘气的v10_n侄女;外甥女v【 答 案 】 1.signal 2.teammate3.coach4.arise; raise5.electronic6.appeara

2、nce7.character8.mopv9naughty10.niecev.将单词与所给英语释义连线v1appearanceAsign,gesture,sound, etc.that conveys a message,command,etc.v2arise Ball those features that make a thing,a place,an event,ect.what it is and different from othersv3signal Ccoming into view;arrivalv4 coach D to become evident; to appear;t

3、o originatev5character Ea person who trains sportsmen,esp for contestsv【答案】1.C2.D3.A4.E5.Bv第2步掌握高频短语v.根据所给汉语提示写出下列短语v1_在某种程度上v2_ 在的帮助下v3_ 处理;安排;对付v4_ 看守;监视v5_ 好好利用v6_ 与交流v7_ 对着迷/狂热v8_ 决定做某事v9_ 编造v【答案】1.in a way2.with the help of3.deal withv4watch over 5.make good use municate withv7be crazy about8.b

4、e determined to do sth.9.make upv.用以上短语的适当形式填空v1 It was my duty to _ the children.v2_,we had already taken the first step.v3Do you know how to _ the problem of nosebleeding?v4She _ continue to pursue her dream of being a nurse.v5I _ cartoons because they are very interesting and cartoon music sounds

5、 great.v6If one person _ another,they successfully make each other aware of their feelings and ideas.v7_ Dr.Robot,a human doctor can have a lot of useful information when he meets his patient.v【答案】1.watch over2.In a way3.deal with 4.was determined to 5.am crazy municates with7.With the help ofv第3步背诵

6、重点句型v.背诵下列教材中出现的句型,体会黑体部分的用法v1She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.她把观看人类比赛时所看到的一切可能的动作编入我们的程序。v2I would really like to play against a human team,for I have been programmed to act just like them.v我真的想和真人球队比赛,因为我被设计成像他们一样地活动。v3Whenever she comes,I have t

7、o look after her,and sometimes help her with her homework.v无论她什么时候来我都不得不照顾她,有时候帮她做家庭作业。v速读文章并从四个选项中选择最佳答案v1From the pictures,we can guess the passage is about _vAa basketball match between humansvBa football match between androidsvCa football match between human and androidsvDa basketball match betw

8、een androidsv2What part does Andy play in the team?vAGoal keeper. BBack.vC Striker. DCenter.v3 Why can Andy play football like human?vABecause he has a computer in it.vBBecause he is a human.vCBecause his coach told him.vDBecause he is a real man.v【答案】1.B2.C3.Av再读文章并完成下列短文vAndy is part of a football

9、 team.As a 1._ on the football team,he can run very fast.His computer 2._ help him move and 3._ like a human.Last year,his team 4._ with another one and won the 5._ place.He thought the team who won the first place 6._,and he wanted his 7._ to improve his 8._,because he thought that they could work

10、together to 9._ an even better 10._v【答案】petedv5 second 6.cheated 7.programmer8.intelligencev9create10.systemv1signal n信号 vi.& vt.发信号v(教材P23)For example,I have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal.v例如,当我前面没有防守有机会射一个好

11、球的时候,我已经学会了用计算机语言向队友示意把球传给我。vDid you signal before you turn right?v右转弯前你示意了吗?vAt an agreed signal they left the room.v收到约定的信号后,他们离开了房间。vsignal(to)sb.(to do sth.)向某人发出(做某事的)信号,示意某人(做某事)vsignal to do. 用信号指示做vsignal(sb.)that. 示意(某人)vtraffic signals 交通信号灯va danger/warning signal 危险/警告信号vShe was signalli

12、ng(to)the children to stay outside.v她在向孩子们打手势,要他们留在外面。vHe signaled the waiter to bring the menu.v他做手势要侍者拿菜单来。vShe signaled to the other girls that everything was all right.v她对其他女孩发信号说一切正常。vsignal/mark/sign/symbol“信号”,常指约定俗成、传达某些信息的信号,也指灯光、声音或字符标志。“标志;标记”含义广泛,指事物留下的深刻印迹或某物上用于辨别该物品的标志,比sign更侧重于区别性或揭示性

13、的标志,有时不一定十分直观或明显。“记号;标记”,用法最广,可指符号,也可指情绪、性格的直观显示,还可指具体的用于识别或指示的标志,如指示牌、卡片等。借喻作“征兆;迹象”讲。“象征;符号”,指被人们选出的物体或图案用来代表另一事物,并作为该事物的标记或象征。v选词填空:signal,sign,symbol,markvWhite is the _ of purity(纯洁)vThere are _ of weather changing.vIt is a famous trade _vWe live too far from the city to get strong television _

14、v【答案】symbolsignsmarksignalsv(教材P23)They had developed a new type of program just before the competition.v他们恰在比赛前研制了一种新型程序。vThere are two types of rocks in this area.v这个地区有两种类型的岩石。vCould you type this letter for me?v你能为我打这封信吗?vkind/sort/type这些名词均有“种、类、类型”之意。kind指性质相同,而且特征很相似,足以归为一类的人或东西。sort普通用词,文体较k

15、ind随便,指对人或对事物进行的大概分类,有时含贬义。type指客观界限比较清楚,有相同本质特点的同类事物,或指大致相似的同类事物。vDo you know what kind of music he likes best?v你知道他最喜欢哪种音乐吗?vWhat sort of people does he think we are?v他把我们看成什么人了?vThis is a new type of dictionary.v这是一种新型词典。v选词填空:kind,type,sortvWhat _ of cake do you like best?vBlue jay is a _ of Eur

16、opean bird with brightly colored feathers.v翻译句子v他喜欢各种型号的汽车。v_v【答案】kindtypeHe likes various types of cars.v3in a way 在某种程度上;就某一方面(相当于in one way/in some way)v(教材P23)In a way our programmer is like our coach.v从某种程度上看,我们的程序员就像是我们的教练。vIn a way,Im glad you made that mistake,for it will serve as warning to

17、 you.在某种程度上说,你犯那个错误我倒感到高兴,因为它可以为你敲一下警钟。vin this way用这种方法vin the/sb.s way 挡路,妨碍von ones way (to). 在(去)的路上vin no way 决不(置于句首,句子要倒装)vno way 没门vThe car is in the way,causing the traffic jam.v小汽车挡路了,造成了交通阻塞。vIn no way will I give in to him.v我决不向他屈服。v用way的相关短语填空vHe is _ becoming a doctor.v_,losing job is

18、not a bad thing.vI couldnt get through the door because there was a big box _vWill you help me do this?v_;do it yourself!v【答案】on his way toIn a wayin the wayNo wayv4arise vi.出现;发生;产生;起床;起身(过去式和过去分词分别是arose,arisen)v(教材P23)Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.v然后她把在新情况下能用得

19、上的可靠动作准备好。vA new difficulty has arisen.新的困难出现了。vHow did the quarrel arise?吵架是怎么发生的?varise from/out of由而引起;由而产生;v从中产生varise作“呈现,出现,发生”之意时,主语多为抽象名词argument/problem/quarrel/question/movement等vAs we all know,car accidents arise from carelessness.v众所周知,交通事故是由于粗心大意而产生的。vThe delay of the plan arose from th

20、e lack of money.v计划的延迟是因为缺钱。varise/rise/raise不及物动词,意为“出现;发生”。主语通常为抽象名词,一般表示事情或问题的出现。不及物动词,意为“升起;上升”。表示向更高的位置移动。及物动词,意为“使上升;举起”。vUnexpected difficulties arose in the course of their experiment.v在他们进行实验的过程中,出现了意想不到的困难。vThe river is rising after the rains.v几场雨后河水不断上涨。vShe raised her finger to her lips

21、as a sign for silence.v她把手指举到唇边,示意安静。v选词填空:arise,rise,raisevThe housing prices keep _ in spite of the governments regulations.vHow can we _ standards in schools?vProblems _from the lack of communication.v【答案】risingraisearosev5with the help of(with ones help)在的帮助下v(教材P23)After all,with the help of my

22、 electronic brain which never forgets anything,using my intelligence is what Im all about!v不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切!vShe spoke with us with the help of an interpreter.v她在翻译的帮助下与我们交谈。vWith the help of my teachers,I have made great progress.在老师们的帮助下,我已取得很大成就。vhelp sb.out摆脱困境vhelp sb.with sth. 在某

23、方面帮助某人vhelp(to)do sth. 帮着做某事vhelp oneself(to) 自用;擅自支取()vcant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事vI cant work out this math problem,please help me out.我做不出这道数学题,请帮我一下。vWhen she heard the funny story,she could not help laughing.当她听到这个滑稽的故事时,她不禁笑了。v完成句子v我买这所房子时,我姐姐借给了我一笔钱。vWhen I bought the house, my sister _ with

24、a loan.v乔将帮我们做一部分组织工作。vJo _ some of the organization.v在我父母的帮助下,我克服了困难。v_,I overcame the difficulty.v【答案】helped mewill help us doWith the help of my parentsv6deal with 处理;对付;安排;对待;与打交道;涉及v(教材P24)This means that it should clean the house,mop the floors,cook the dinner and deal with telephone calls.v这意

25、味着它应该打扫房子、拖地板、做饭和接听电话。vHe must deal with many difficulties.v他必须应对许多困难。vI have dealt with this company for 20 years.v我跟这家公司做生意已有20年了。vHer poems often deal with the subject of death.v她的诗经常涉及死亡这一主题。vdeal with中的deal为不及物动词,常与疑问词how连用,表示“怎么处理/对待”;同义短语为do with,其中的do为及物动词,表示“怎么处理/对待”时,与疑问词what连用。vYou should

26、 deal with him more politely.v你应该待他更客气一些。vWhat have they done with the polluted river?v他们对这条污染的河流是怎么处理的?v完成句子v我和那家商店做买卖20多年了。vIve _ that store for 20 years.v这个人很容易相处。vThe man is quite easy to _v汤姆的新书论述了法语学习中的难点。vToms new book _ difficult points in the study of French.v你能告诉我如何处理损坏的电脑?v抱歉,你最好问专家如何处理。v

27、Can you tell me _ I can do with the broken computer?vSorry, youd better ask an expert _ to deal with it.v【答案】dealt withdeal withdeals withvwhat;howv7watch over看守;监视;守护;照看v(教材P24)It should also watch over my naughty niece,who comes to my house very often.v它也应该看护我那淘气的外甥女,她经常到我家来。vWill you watch over m

28、y clothes while I have a swim?v我去游泳时你照看一下我的衣服好吗?vHe felt that God was watching over him.v他感觉上帝保佑着他。vwatch out 注意,小心(提醒某人,用于祈使句)vwatch out for 小心,提防;密切注意(带宾语)vwatch for 观察,等待vkeep watch 值班;看守;照料von watch 值班vWatch out!There comes a car.v当心!那边有辆车冲过来了。vThey posted a guard to keep watch while the others

29、sleep.v他们派了一个警卫在大家睡觉时放哨。v语法填空vThey are watching _ further developments.vWatch _!Theres a car coming.vWatch out _ the dog!vShe is watching _ her sick child.v【答案】foroutforoverv如何写想象类作文v1概念:想象类作文就是作者根据已有的生活经验和知识,超越现实生活来勾画出从未见过或者不曾出现过的生活图景的文章。v2内容安排:文章可以分为三段:首段,进行概述;中间部分:具体描写;结尾对文章进行总结。v3语言特征:(1)措辞准确,正确

30、运用时态和语态。v(2)尽量使用多种表达方式。v4注意事项:v(1)想象要丰富合理。要让读者感到真实可信。v(2)精心组织,清楚表达。v1It can help us in many ways.v2It would be of great help for you if you own.v3Sometimes I dream about life in the future.v4Maybe in the future we can.v5We will be living a.life in the future.v6I believe the dream will come true some

31、day.v7In my opinion,the dream will become a reality one day.v8I would like to play.v9There will be many.v10It will be very comfortable to live.v2050年时,人们的运动场所会是什么样的?v请 你 根 据 下 面 的 提 示 , 以 “Future Stadiums for Common People in 2050”为题,写一篇100200词的短文。v1未来的运动场将建在地下,不占用地上空间,而且冬暖夏凉,非常适合运动;v2运动设施非常齐全,每个人都可

32、以找到自己感兴趣的运动项目;v3专门安排机器人陪你运动,比如打乒乓球、羽毛球等,使运动不再枯燥乏味。v参 考 词 汇 : 陪 伴 partner 羽 毛 球 badmintonv1.从本质上讲,这是一篇想象作文,在写其功能时,要注意充分合理地想象,不能脱离现实。v2以一般现在时为主,合理使用其他时态。v3结构上可采用总分总的结构。开头整体介绍,中间具体介绍,最后作总结。第1步思路分析透彻是前提v1._为了v2_节省空间v3_运动设施v4_锻炼v5_冬暖夏凉v【答案】 1.so as to 2.save space3.sports equipment4.exercise5.warm in win

33、ter and cool in summer第2步词汇必用词汇是关键v1.你能想象2050年的运动场所是什么样的吗?vCan you imagine _ will be like?v2运动设施非常齐全,每个人都可以找到自己感兴趣的运动项目。vThere will be so many kinds of sports equipment _第3步句式熟练翻译是根本v3我希望未来的运动场有机器人陪我们运动。vId like to think that the stadiums of the future v_.v4我相信在这种场所运动会更有趣。vI can say that sports done

34、 in such stadiums _v【答案】1.what sports stadiums in 20502.that everyone will be able to find something to interest themv3will have robots who can partner us4.will be much more entertainingv_v_v_v_v_第4步成文连句成篇是目的v【参考范文】vFuture Stadiums for Common People in 2050vCan you imagine what sports stadiums in 20

35、50 will be like?Maybe theyll be built underground so as to save space above ground.It would be very comfortable to exercise in an underground stadium,as the natural condition would keep us warm in winter and cool in summer.vHopefully,there will be so many different kinds of sports equipment in the s

36、tadiums that everyone will be able to find something to interest them.vId like to think that the sports stadiums of the future will have robots who can partner us in games such as table tennis and badminton.That way we can play team games even when were on our own.I can safely say that sports done in such stadiums will be much more entertaining.



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