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1、大学英语四大学英语四级考试辅导级考试辅导听力听力听力听力01010101听力考试短对话解题步骤听力考试短对话解题步骤 第第1 1步:快速浏览选项,注意相同或相关步:快速浏览选项,注意相同或相关词语的重复出现,确定对话主题。词语的重复出现,确定对话主题。第第2 2步:根据选项表达形式等特点及选项步:根据选项表达形式等特点及选项内容,推测问题类型及内容,确定听音内容,推测问题类型及内容,确定听音重点。重点。第第3 3步:集中精力听对话内容,注意抓取步:集中精力听对话内容,注意抓取关键点,必要时做适当笔记。关键点,必要时做适当笔记。第第4 4步:根据问题对号入座,得出答案。步:根据问题对号入座,得出

2、答案。例解例解【例例1】(13-6-1)A The woman is the managers secretary.B The man found himself in a wrong place.C The man is the managers business associate.D The woman was putting up a sign on the wall.原文:原文:W: What are you doing in here, sir? Didnt you see the private sign over there?(女士的观点)(女士的观点)M: Sorry, I

3、didnt notice it when I came in. Im looking for the managers ofice. (男士的观点)(男士的观点)听力考试短对话必考题型解密听力考试短对话必考题型解密 (以(以09-13为例)为例)行为活动题What does the woman want the man to do?What would the woman most probably do?What will the man do first after class?问题是关于谈话的一方或双方做过、正在做、准备去做什么,或一方建议另一方去做什么。提问方式通常为:What wil

4、l the man/woman most probably do?What are the speakers probably going/trying to do?What does the woman suggest doing?此类题型解题技巧如下:此类题型解题技巧如下:1根据选项特点判断题型。一般来说,这类题目根据选项特点判断题型。一般来说,这类题目的选项都是的选项都是动词短语形式,且动词一般为原形或动动词短语形式,且动词一般为原形或动名词形式名词形式。2听音时留意对话中的听音时留意对话中的动词动词,尤其,尤其注意与选项中注意与选项中动词相关的信息动词相关的信息。在留意动词的同时,要。

5、在留意动词的同时,要记录一些记录一些与该动词相关的重要信息与该动词相关的重要信息,尤其是不止一个选项中,尤其是不止一个选项中的动词在对话中出现的时候,只有留意与其相关的的动词在对话中出现的时候,只有留意与其相关的信息,才能根据问题对号入信息,才能根据问题对号入3注意表示请求或建议的句式或短语。行为活动注意表示请求或建议的句式或短语。行为活动类试题的对话中经常会包含提出请求或建议的句式类试题的对话中经常会包含提出请求或建议的句式或短语,如:或短语,如: Why dont you? What about? Lets; Youd better; If I were you, I would; Id

6、like to; You might as well等,这此句式后等,这此句式后面的内容有可能就是建议去做或准备去做的行为活面的内容有可能就是建议去做或准备去做的行为活动,很可能与答案直接相关,因此听音时需重点留动,很可能与答案直接相关,因此听音时需重点留意。意。典型例题典型例题【例例1】(12-12-1)A Find a shortcut .B Buy some roses from the market.C Plant trees in the east end off town.D Go to the park to enjoy the flowers.原文及问题:原文及问题:W: I

7、just heard about a really beautiful park in the east end of the town. There are a lot of roses in blossom.(女士的观点)(女士的观点)M: Why dont we walk over there and see for ourselves. (男士的观点)(男士的观点)Q:What will the speakers probably do.典型例题典型例题【例例2】(12-6-1)A Discussing a house plan .B Trying to sketch a map.C

8、Painting the dining room.D Cleaning the kitchen.原文及问题:原文及问题:M: As you can see from the drawings, the kitchen has one door into the dining room, another into the family room and a third to the outside.(男士的观点)(男士的观点)W: The door into the family room isnt big enough. Could it be made wider?(女士的观点)(女士的观点

9、)Q:What are the speakers doing.典型例题典型例题【例例3】(12-6-3)A Talking loudly on the telephone .B Listening to some loud music.C Preparing for an oral examination.D Practicing for a speech contest.原文及问题:原文及问题:W: Hey, if you cant enjoy the music at a sensible volume, why not use ear-phones? Im preparing for t

10、he speech contest.(女士的(女士的观点)观点)M: Oh, sorry. I didnt realize Ive been bothering you all this time?(男士的观点)(男士的观点)Q:What is the man probably doing?典型例题典型例题【例例4】(12-6-7)A Travel overseas .B Look for a new job.C Take a note.D adopt a child.原文及问题:原文及问题:M: What do I have to do to apply for a passport?(男士

11、的观点)(男士的观点)W: You need proof of citizenship, either an old passport or a birth certificate and three photographs. Then you must complete this form and pay a fee.(女士的观点)(女士的观点)Q:What is the man most probably going to do?典型例题典型例题【例例5】(12-1-1)A Read the notice on the window .B Go and ask the staff.C Ge

12、t a new bus schedule.D Board the bus to Cleveland.原文及问题:原文及问题:W: This crazy bus schedule has got me completely confused. I cant figure out when my bus to Cleveland leaves?(女士的观点)(女士的观点)M: Why dont you just go to the ticket window and ask?(男士的观点)(男士的观点)Q:what does the man suggest the woman do?典型例题典型例

13、题【例例6】(11-6-3)A Training for the Mid-Atlantic Championships .B Making preparations for a trans-Atlantic trip.C Collecting information about baseball games.D Analyzing their rivals on-field performance.原文及问题:原文及问题:M:Congratulations! I heard your baseball team is going to the Middle Atlantic Champions

14、.(男士的观点)(男士的观点)M:Yeah, were all working real hard right now? (女士的观点)(女士的观点)Q:what does the man suggest the woman do?典型例题典型例题【例例7】(11-1-3)ACombine her training with dieting.BRepeat the training every three days.C Avoid excessive physical trainging.D Analyzing their rivals on-field performance.原文及问题:原

15、文及问题:W:Can you help me work out a physical training program, John?(女士的观点)?(女士的观点)M:Sure, but whatever you do, be careful not to overdo it.(男士的观点)(男士的观点)Q:what does the man suggest the woman do?典型例题典型例题【例例8】(11-1-6)ASwitch off the refrigerator for a while.BHave someone repair the refrigerator.C Ask t

16、he man to fix the refrigerator.D Buy a refrigerator of better quality.原文及问题:原文及问题:M:Im not expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesnt sound right. Maybe, you should have it fixed.(男士的观点)(男士的观点)W:Youre right. And I suppose Ive put it off long enough.(女士的观点)(女士的观点)Q:what will the woman probabl

17、y do?事实状况题事实状况题13 what do we learn from the conversation? 15 what does the woman mean? 16 what do we learn John from the conversation? 18 what does the woman mean?问题是关于谈话的一方或双方说了什么、所处状态、问题是关于谈话的一方或双方说了什么、所处状态、做某事的原因何在、结果如何等。做某事的原因何在、结果如何等。提问方式通常为:提问方式通常为:What do we learn from this conversation?What

18、does the man mean?What can be inferred from the conversation?此类题型解题技巧如下:此类题型解题技巧如下:1根据选项特点判断问题类型。这类题目的选项一般都是某种事实情况的陈述,选项中句子的时态以一般过去时或一般现在时居多。2正确选项一般不会是原文的细节再现。这类题目往往需要考生根据对话内容推测出说话人话语中隐含的事实细节,因此正确选项往往不是对话中的原文照搬,而是对话内容的同义转述,或是根据对话内容推断出的事实细节。3注意捕捉选项中的关键词。听音前应提取选项要点,确定听音时应该捕捉的重点内容。一般某事的原因或结果常为考查重点。4对选项

19、中及录音中涉及的关键信息进行标记,根据问题对号入座。这类题目涉及的是原文中的细节内容,因而有必要将关键信息点加以记录,然后根据问题确定答案。观点态度题观点态度题 12 what would the woman most probably do?15 what does the woman mean?17 what does the woman imply?问题是关于谈话一方对另一方或第三方的行为、品德、观点等的态度或评价。提问方式通常为:What does the woman/ man mean /imply?How does the woman /man feel about.?What d

20、oes the woman/man think of?此类题型解题技巧如下:此类题型解题技巧如下:1根据选项特点判断问题类型。观点态度类试题的选项中一般都含有一些引出观点态度的动词或短语,常见的有:think, believe, find, guess, imagine, consider, as far as I know等。根据这类线索词判断出试题类型以后,可以更有针对地留意说话人对自己观点态度的陈述。2熟悉表示观点态度的常见词语。表示赞成:certainly, approve, agree, share, prefer, wise, reasonable, favorable表示反对:d

21、isapprove, disagree, unwise, ridiculous, foolish, childish 表示赞赏:admire,appreciate,think much of, think highly of 表示关心:concerned, careful, care about 表示怨恨或生气:hate, hatred, angry, anger, initiated, furious表示害怕或担心:fearful, frightened, worried, nervous表示批评或讽刺:critical, criticize, ironic,find fault with表

22、示喜欢:love, enjoy, wonderful,terrific, fascinating, funny, be fond of, be keen on表示厌烦:dislike, bored/ boring, be tired of表示失望或灰心:disappointed,discouraged表示后悔或遗憾:regret,regretful,pity,shame表示漠然或热情:indifferent,detached,careless,enthusiastic,passion表示积极或消极:active,positive,negative表示自信或自负:confident,arroga

23、nt,proud表示乐观或悲观:optimistic,pessimistic3抓住对话中的一些标识性的词语。听音时应注意抓住一些表示因果、转折、比较或举例等逻辑关系的标识性的词语,如:but,instead,if,when,since,before,after,so等,尤其是转折后的内容,往往表达作者的真实观点或态度,常为考查重点。4把握说话人的语气。听音时应注意通过说话人的语气来判断说话人的态度,尤其是反问、疑问、感叹等语气,往往会明显地体现出说话人的态度或观点。15What does the conversation most probably take place?问题是关于对话发生的场

24、合、地问题是关于对话发生的场合、地点或者涉及到的人或事物所处的点或者涉及到的人或事物所处的位置。位置。提问方式通常为:提问方式通常为:Where is the conversation most probably taking place?Where are the two people?地点场景题地点场景题此类题型解题技巧如下:1单个地点题:抓住与特定地点相关的常用词语。这类题目的对话中一般不会提到具体场所,问题往往要求根据对话内容推测出谈话场所或某人的去向。考生要注意抓取信息词,即与特定地点相关的最常用词语。2多个地点题:依赖笔记,留意提问中的核心词。这类题目对话中一般会提到几个地点,而就




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