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1、 Module 5 Unit 3 Science and naturewords1.表示“一方面另一方面”的近义词(组):On one hand, on the other hand for one thingfor another (thing)归纳拓展拓展lend / give sb. a hand 帮某人一个忙by hand用手 at hand 近在手边on hand 即将发生 hand in hand 同时;手拉手put up your hand起手来 a fresh / green hand 新手hand in 上交 hand on 把传(递)下去hand over 移交;交出 ha

2、nd out 分发;施舍hand sth. to sb. 把某物交给某人 形容词形容词 a. 1). 确切的确切的,精确的精确的It was difficult to tell her exact age. She is in her mid-thirties-thirty-six ,to be exact.2). 精确无误的,精密的The scholar is an exact thinker.2.exact.adj. exactness.(U.n)exactly:adv.1. You havent changed at allyou still look exactly the same.

3、2.Exactly speaking=to be exactEg. Exactly speaking, I really dont like clone.类似的似的还有:有:strictly speaking, frankly speaking, honestly speaking, exactly speaking, broadly speaking等等。3. Anxiety名词名词 n. 1.) 焦虑焦虑,挂念挂念UC(+about/for)The mother was filled with anxiety about her daughters health.2.) 焦虑的原因焦虑的原

4、因;令人焦虑之事令人焦虑之事C(+to)That is a great anxiety to me. 3.)渴望渴望C(+for)+to-vTheir anxiety to go was obvious. Anxious 形容词形容词 a. 1.)焦虑的焦虑的,挂念的挂念的(+about/at/for)Im anxious about her safety. 我对她的安全担心。我对她的安全担心。 2.) 令人焦虑的令人焦虑的The week of the flood was an anxious time for all of us. 3.) 渴望渴望(+for)+to-v+that Were

5、 anxious for your safe return. We were anxious that there was no misunderstanding. I could see that she was anxious for you to go. Im really anxious to see him. 4. ahead adv. 往前;在前面往前;在前面 They are running ahead.他们正往前跑。 The way ahead was blocked by fallen trees.前面的路被倒下的树挡住了。归纳拓展拓展(1) ahead of 在前面;先于

6、ahead of time 提前 He finished his work ahead of the others.他比别人先完成了工作。领先;超过 She was well ahead of the rest of the class.她在班上名列前茅。(2) go ahead 向前走;先走;(口语)请吧 May I use the telephone? 我可以用一下电话吗?Sure, go ahead. 当然可以,请用吧。(3). Push ahead/forward with:毅然推行(计划,改革等)The government is pushing ahead with the new

7、 reform policy. 5. Harvest 1). 收获季节,收割,收获收获季节,收割,收获 harvest time: 收获季节收获季节Eg. Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest. 2). 收成;收获量收成;收获量 (c)a good/bad harvest 6. Transform 及物动词及物动词 vt. (+into)1.使改变使改变;使改观使改观;将将.改成改成I have transformed the garage into a guest house. 2. 改造改造;改革改革;改善改善The situation

8、 has been greatly transformed. 3. 使变换使变换A generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity. 不及物动词不及物动词 vi. 改变改变;改观改观 A tadpole transforms into ( grow into) a frog. 蝌蚪变成青蛙蝌蚪变成青蛙。7. JudgementGood/poor/sound judgement 判断力强/弱,正确 You have to use your own judgement.Judgement of/about/on sth看法,意见,评价

9、 He refused to make a judgement about the situation.It was, in her judgement, the wrong thing to do.Judge N. a high court judgeV Judging by her last letter they are having a wonderful time.Judging form what he said, he was very disappointed. Judging from/by his expression, he was lying. Judging from

10、/by the homework he wrote, he may be a serious student.8. Be/get burnt out 耗尽体力 ,累垮 Burn sth outIf he doest stop working so hard, he will burn himself out.Burn up 被烧毁/掉;发烧,体温高(常用进行时);Burn sb up 发怒 burn sth up 烧毁,烧掉Burn down 焚毁,烧毁9. ConductConduct an experiment/an inquiry/a suryey 进行实验/询问/调查The negot

11、iations have been conducted in a positive manner.Conductor指挥10. Follow in ones footsteps 效仿某人She works in the television station, following in her fathers footsteps. 她跟随她爸的脚步,去电视台工作。Follow on 跟着去, 接着来, 随后去Follow sb.s example 仿效他人的做法I dont want you to _and rush into marriage.我不希望你走我的老路,匆忙结婚。follow my

12、 example11. majority n majoritiesmajority of sb/sthThe majority of people prefer TV to radio.The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking.In the nursing profession, women are in the majority.minority minoritiesminority of sb/sthpracticeThe majority of the equipment _made in Japan.大多数的设备是在日本生产的

13、。The majority is/are for the new policy.大多数的人赞成这一新政策。was 12. Summary n. Summarize vThe following is a summary of our conclusions.In summary, it was a disappointing performance.To Sum upTo sum up, there was three main ways of solving the problems.13. Consideration (1)Careful consideration should be g

14、iven to issues of health and safety. (2)After a few moments consideration, he began to speak. (3)The proposals are currently under consideration.C economic/commercia/environmental/practical U Consideration for sb/sth They shouwed no consideration for my feelings.In consideration of sth 作为的报酬Take int

15、o considerationpracticeOf course, well _the fact that you were sick.当然,我们会考虑你曾经生病这一事实。你的建议仍在考虑中。Your proposals are still_.考虑到他年轻,他们没给他分配繁重的工作。They didt give him heavy work _his youth.take into considerationunder considerationconsideratingB manner14. Ordinary In the ordinary way一般地 通常地Out of the ordi

16、nary way不寻常,特殊,超凡脱俗Common常见的或强调事物的共有之处Normal 正常的,强调符合正常标准Usual 通常的,惯见得,常指如以往一样Ordinary普通的,平凡的,强调没什么特别之处Normal/common/usual/ordinaryWe are working together for a _ purpose.It is _to feel tired after such a long trip.He came home later than _.We were dressed for the prarty but she was still in her _cl

17、othes.It is _for us not to want to work on Smonnormalusualordinarynormal15. Confirm vnPlease write to confirm your reservation.Has everyone confirmed (that) theyre coming?Can you confirm what happened?It has been confirmed that The walk in the mountain confirmed his fear of heighs.16. in favour of 有

18、利于 赞同Eg.Your plan isnt very practical so Im not in favour of it.in sb. favour 对某人有利do sb. a favour 帮某人忙do sb. the favour to do sth. 帮忙做某事ask a favour of sb 请某人帮忙Eg: Can I ask for a favour?能帮帮忙吗?Would you _the door.劳驾你给我打开门,好吗?The delay might actually work_.延迟事实上也许对我们有利。do me the favour to openin our

19、 favour17. Frighten v.Sorry, I dont mean to frighten you.Shes not easily frightened.She doest frighten easily.frighten sb/sth away/off 吓跑frightened adj. 受惊的 be frigntened of sthfrightening adj. 令人恐惧的fright n. 害怕 in fright 害怕地Practice 小女孩被那只大狗吓坏了。 The little girl was frightened by the big dog.游客的动静把鸟

20、都吓飞了。 The noise of the tourists _.人们吓得大喊大叫,纷纷逃离。 People screamed and ran away _.那个吓人的玩具让小玛丽非常害怕。 The _toy made little Mary _.frightened the birds awayin frightfrighteningvery frightened18. Profita rise/an increase/a drop/a fall on profitsThe company made a healthy profit of 1.6billion last year.Prof

21、it by/from sth (1)Farmers are profiting from the new policy. (2)We tried to profit by our mistakes. profitable 19. Permission n 【U】口头许可Permission for sthPermission for sb/sth to do sthNo offical permission has been given for the event to take place.with/without (ones)permission 经过/未经(某人)许可 ask for p

22、ermission 请求许可Permit v/npermit doing sth permit sb to do sthpermit 【C】通行证 许可证 practice 我们不被允许在校园使用手机。We are not _in the school.没有建房许可证你不能建房子。You cant build a house_.It made our head teacher angry_Wang Lin, without the _from the school, was absent from class for a week. B which;permitC which;permission D that; permitpermitted to use mobilephonewithout house-built permitA that;permission



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