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4、生的轨迹,携带着特有的念想,一年年,一天天,流向长也走过了我们的半个人生的轨迹,携带着特有的念想,一年年,一天天,流向长长的时间隧道,袅长的时间隧道,袅实用英语第三册B_3_U_4PPT课件Contents Unit 4 上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语Focus 1Section 1 :Text: Color Me Pink Background Information Warm Up Vocabulary Intensive Reading Exercises: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII Section 2: Listening and Sp

5、eakingFocus 2Section 1: Text: A Silver Lining Exercises: I , II Language Points Section 2: Practical Writing A Guides Welcome Speech IntensiveReading-Para4Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语IntensiveReading4 Although colorgenics may be a recentareaofstudy,associatingcolorswithemotionsisnotnew.C

6、olorshavealwaysbeenused to describe not only our feelings, butalso our physical health and attitudes. “Redwith rage” describes anger; “in the pink”meanstobeingoodhealth;“feelingblue”isasad way to feel; and “green with envy”indicatesajealousattitude.尽管色彩取向学是一个新的研究领域,但是将颜色和情感联系在一起却并不新鲜了。颜色不仅总是用来描述我们的心

7、情,也用来描述我们的生理健康和态度。“red with rage”描述了愤怒;“in the pink”意为身体健康;“feeling blue”是感到伤感;“green with envy”表示嫉妒的态度。 Focus 1 Section Ired with rage: so angry that face turns red 非常生气,气得涨红了脸e.g. Leave her alone now. She is red with rage. 这会儿别惹她,她非常生气。anger: n. U the state of being angry怒,愤怒e.g. (1) She cried wit

8、h anger so that we all kept silent. 她愤怒地大叫,所以我们都保持沉默。 (2) His anger faded away. 他气消了。anger还可用作动词,意为“to make sb. angry使发怒,激怒”。e.g. (1) I was angered by his refusal to come to the party. 他拒绝来参加晚会激怒了我。 (2) The question clearly angered him. 这个问题显然激怒了他。in the pink: fine, very well, in good condition 身体健康

9、;精力充沛e.g. (1) Although he is 77 years old, he still looks in the pink. 虽然他已经77岁了,但看上去依然很健康。 (2) All the family are in the pink. 家里所有人身体都好。green with envy: very jealous非常嫉妒,眼红的e.g. (1) Tim was green with envy when he saw Jacks new car. 看到杰克的新车,蒂姆非常嫉妒。 (2) Her sister had been given a gold wristwatch a

10、nd she was green with envy. 别人送给她姐姐一块金手表,她十分妒忌。jealous: a. feeling angry or unhappy because you wish you had sth. that sb. else has 嫉妒的,羡慕的;猜忌的e.g. (1) He is jealous of their success. 他嫉妒他们的成就。 (2) Sarah is Janes friend but she is jealous if Jane plays with other girls. 萨拉是简的朋友,但如果简和别的女孩一起玩,她就很嫉妒。注意

11、:jealous通常和of搭配,be jealous of (sb.): 嫉妒(某人)。IntensiveReading-Para5Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语IntensiveReading5Colorisusedsymbolicallyinallculturesanditplays an important role in ceremonies andfestivities.YellowisasymbolofluckinPeruanditcanbeseenjustabouteverywhereduringNewYear celebrati

12、onsin flowers, clothing, anddecorations. Some Peruvians say, “The moreyellowyouhavearoundyou,theluckieryouwillbeinthenewyear.”YellowisalsoanimportantcolortotheVietnamese,whouseitatweddingsand also on their flag, where it representscourage, victory, and sacrifice. To the ancientChinese, yellow was th

13、e symbol of high socialstatus.Inmanycultures,whitesymbolizespurity,which is why brides often wear white weddinggowns. Black, on the other hand, symbolizesdeath, and it is often the color people wear tofunerals.在所有的文化中,颜色的使用都有象征意义,它在仪式和庆祝活动中发挥着重要的作用。在秘鲁,黄色象征幸运,在新年的庆典中,黄色随处可见花朵上、衣服上以及装饰品上。一些秘鲁人说:“你周围的

14、黄色越多,你在新的一年中运气就越好。”对越南人来说,黄色也是一种重要的颜色,他们把它用在婚礼中和旗帜上,象征勇气、胜利和牺牲。在中国古代,黄色象征着崇高的社会地位。在很多文化中,白色象征着纯洁,这就是为什么新娘常常穿白色的结婚礼服。相反,黑色象征着死亡,人们在葬礼上通常穿黑色。 Focus 1 Section IQuestion About Para. 5(5) What does yellow represent in Vietnam? In Vietnam yellow represents courage, victory and sacrifice.symbolically: ad.

15、in a way that represents sth. 象征地e.g. (1) During this traditional festival, many things are used symbolically. 在这个传统的节日里,很多东西都有象征意义。 (2) By wearing the ring on the ring finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other. 将婚戒戴在左手的无名指上,也就象征着夫妻双方向众人宣告了彼此永恒

16、的爱情。symbolically的词根是形容词symbolical,意为“relating to or using or proceeding by means of symbols表示象征的,符号的”,也可写成symbolic。role: n. C 作用,任务;角色e.g. (1) The media play a major role in influencing peoples opinions. 媒体在影响舆论方面发挥着重要作用。 (2) Your role is to protect the girl. 你的任务是保护这个女孩。 (3) His role is the old kin

17、g in our school play. 他在我们学校的演出中扮演老国王的角色。play a(n)role: 起作用e.g. (1) Mandela played a leading role in ending apartheid in south Africa. 曼德拉在结束南非种族隔离的运动中起了主要作用。 (2) Chinas mainland plays an important role in Hong Kongs economy. 中国大陆在香港经济中起着重要的作用。短语play the role of 意为“扮演角色”。e.g. In the school play, he

18、played the role of a prince. 在学校的演出中,他扮演了王子的角色。celebration: n. C, U a joyful occasion for special festivities to celebrate some happy events庆祝,庆典;(庆祝)仪式e.g. (1) Did you take part in the celebration of May Day? 你有没有参加五一节的庆祝活动? (2) The villagers had a celebration, with a new film to finish up with. 村民

19、们开了个庆祝会,最后以放映一部新电影结束。celebration词根是动词celebrate,意为“to have a celebration庆祝”。IntensiveReading-Para6Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语IntensiveReading6Accordingtocolorgenicsexperts,colorsnotonlyareamirrorofourselves,buttheyhaveaneffecton us as well. Blue is calming, while red isstimulatingandexci

20、ting.Itsnotjustbychancethatracingcarsareoftenpaintedred.Yellowisahappycolor that makes us feel good about life. Pinkawakensloveandkindness.在色彩取向学专家看来,颜色不仅是我们的一面镜子,同时也在影响着我们。蓝色使人平静,红色令人激动和振奋。赛车常常漆成红色并不是偶然的。黄色是愉快的颜色,使我们感受到生活的美好,而粉红色则能够唤起爱和友善。 Focus 1 Section IQuestion About Para. 6(6) What other funct

21、ion(s) do colors perform in addition to that of a mirror? Colors have an effect on us as well.stimulating: a. making you feel excited, more active and healthy, full of new ideas 使人兴奋的,使人有活力的;充满新思想的e.g. (1) We had a most stimulating conversation. 我们进行了一次非常振奋人心的谈话。 (2) I found mountain air much more s

22、timulating. 我觉得山上的空气更让人振奋。stimulating的词根为动词stimulate,意为“to cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner 刺激,激励”。e.g. (1) Exercise stimulates the flow of blood. 运动促进血液流动。 (2) Coffee and tea stimulate me. 咖啡和茶使我感到兴奋。IntensiveReading-Para7Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语IntensiveReading7 Some

23、 experts are so convinced that colorshaveastrongeffectonusthattheybelievecolorscanbeusedtohelpusfeelbetter.Theysaythatbyconcentrating our thoughts on certain colors, wecancauseenergytogotothepartsofthebodythatneedtreatment.Whitelightissaidtobeabletoremoveharmfulthingsfromthebody,anditcanbalancethebo

24、dysentiresystem.Yellowstimulatesthemindandcreatesapositiveattitude,so it can help fight against depression. Green,whichhasacalmingandrestfuleffect,issupposedto be good for heart conditions. Books are nowavailable that teach people how to recover withcolor. These books provide long lists of physicalp

25、roblemsandthecolorsthatcancurethem.Forinstance, yellow induces people to digest foodmoreeasily,andregulateournervoussystem.有的专家坚信颜色对我们有强大的影响,他们相信可以用颜色来使我们的病情好转。他们认为,我们将注意力集中于某种颜色,可以使能量到达身体上那些需要治疗的部位。据说白色光线可以去除体内的有害物质,还能保持身体整个系统的平衡。黄色可以刺激大脑,产生积极态度,因此能够帮助抵制抑郁。绿色有平和宁静的效果,一般认为对心脏有益。现在可以买到教人如何利用颜色来帮助康复的书

26、。这些书罗列了种类繁多的身体疾病以及用来治愈这些疾病的颜色。比如说,黄色能够促进人对食物的消化,并能调节神经系统。 Focus 1 Section IQuestion About Para. 7(7) How can colors be used to help us feel better according to some colorgenics?By concentrating our thoughts on certain colors, we can cause energy to go to the parts of the body that need treatment.con

27、vinced: a. completely sure about sth. 坚信,深信,确信e.g. (1) I am convinced of her innocence. 我坚信她是清白无辜的。 (2) I felt convinced that they were right. 我确信他们是正确的。 convinced的动词形式是convince,意为“to make sb./yourself believe that sth. is true使确信,使信服”。e.g. (1) Youll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the

28、job. 你要使他们相信你殷切地希望得到这份工作。 (2) Id convinced myself (that) I was right. 我确信自己是正确的。digest: vt. to absorb (food); to arrange and integrate (sth.) in mind消化e.g. (1) Some girls cant digest fat. 有些女孩吃肥肉不消化。(2) Humans cannot digest plants such as grass. 人不能消化像草一样的植物。digest还可用作名词,意为“a periodical that summari

29、zes the news or main contents摘要,文摘”。e.g. He likes to read Reader s Digest. 他喜欢读读者文摘。regulate: vt. to fix, to adjust调整,调节;使有条理/秩序,整顿e.g. (1) This can regulate the temperature of the room. 这可以用来调节房间的温度。 (2) My watch loses time; please regulate it. 我的表慢了,请把它校准。 (3) His job is to regulate the traffic. 他

30、的工作是维持交通秩序。regulate的名词是regulation,意为“规章,规则;管理,控制;调整,调节”。IntensiveReading-Para8Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语IntensiveReading8 Some psychologists and physicians alsouse colors to help them treat patients withemotional and psychological problems. Bygiving them what is called the Luscher colo

31、rtest,inwhichindividualsselectthecolorstheylikeanddislikedoctorscanhavesomeinsightintoapatientspersonality.有些心理学家和医生也利用颜色来帮助自己治疗有情感和心理问题的病人。通过对病人进行称之为吕舍尔颜色测试的试验,即让每个人选择他们喜欢和厌恶的颜色,医生就可以了解病人的个性。 Focus 1 Section IQuestions About Para. 8(8) How do psychologists and physicians use colors? (9) What does a

32、 person do in the Luscher color test? They use colors to help them treat patients with emotional and psychological problems.He or she selects the colors he or she likes and dislikes.dislike: vt. to not like, hate不喜爱,厌恶它由like加否定前缀dis-构成,后接名词或动名词。e.g. (1) He likes cats but dislikes dogs. 他喜欢猫但不喜欢狗。 (2

33、) She strongly disliked being spoken to like that. 她非常讨厌别人那样和她说话。dislike 还可用作名词,意为“a feeling of not liking sth. 不喜爱,厌恶”。e.g. Tell me your likes and dislikes. 请告诉我你所喜欢的与厌恶的。注意:dis-是个前缀,表示否定意思。比如:satisfy( 满 足 ) dissatisfy( 不 满 足 ) ;please(使高兴)displease(使不高兴)IntensiveReading-Para9Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版

34、社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语IntensiveReading9Inconclusion,thestudyofcolorscanhelpustounderstandourselvesandtoimproveourlives.Itoffersanalternativewaytocurethebodyandspirit,anditcanhelpusunderstandwhatothersaretryingtocommunicate.Wecanthenrespondto their needs and achieve a new level ofunderstanding.总之,对颜色的研究能

35、帮我们了解自己,并改善我们的生活。它为治愈我们身体和精神问题提供了另一种选择,并能帮助我们了解其他人所要表达的信息,使我们能够对他们的需求做出反应,并达到新层面上的理解。 Focus 1 Section IQuestion About Para. 9 (10) What is the purpose of the study of colors? The purpose of the study of colors is to help us understand ourselves and improve our lives.alternative: a. that can be used

36、instead of sth. else 可供替代的;二者选择其一的e.g. (1) The way was blocked, so we went by an alternative road. 这条路被堵住了,因此我们走了另一条路。 (2) Stock is an alternative investment. 股票是另一种投资方式。alternative还可用作名词,意为“a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two possibilities选择之事物;选择余地”。e.g. (1) Her father gave her th

37、e alternative of going on to college or starting to work. 她的父亲让她做出选择,是继续上大学,还是开始工作。 (2) We have no alternative but to go on. 除了继续下去,我们没有别的办法。ExerciseI.1No.1-6Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语ExerciseI.1Thefollowingquestionsareintendedtohelpyougetfamiliarwiththetext.Trytouseasmuchoftheoriginal

38、textaspossibleinyouranswers.(1) Whyiscolorimportanttopeople?(2) Whatdocolorgenicsexpertsbelievewithregardtothecolorswewear?(3) Whatdowewanttocommunicatewhenwewearcertaincolorsaccordingtocolorgenicsexperts?(4) Whatdoesaredgarmentindicateaboutthewearer?(5) WhatdoesyellowrepresentinVietnam?(6) Whatothe

39、rfunction(s)docolorsperforminadditiontothatofamirror?Becauseitistiedtoallaspectsofourlives. Focus 1 Section IWewanttocommunicateourdesires,emotionsandneeds.InVietnamyellowrepresentscourage,victoryandsacrifice.Colorshaveaneffectonusaswell.Theybelievethatthecolorswewearsayalotaboutus.Aredgarmentindica


41、ughtsoncertaincolors,wecancauseenergytogotothepartsofthebodythatneedtreatment. Focus 1 Section IExerciseI.1Theyusecolorstohelpthemtreatpatientswithemotionalandpsychologicalproblems.Heorsheselectsthecolorsheorshelikesanddislikes.Thepurposeofthestudyofcolorsistohelpusunderstandourselvesandimproveourli




45、icatewithpatientsB)curepatientspsychologicaltroublesC)findouttheirpersonalityD)discoverwhatcolormostpeoplelike Focus 1 Section IBDACExerciseIIFocus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语ExerciseIIFindingTopic-relatedWordsintheText:Listthewordorwordsfromthetextwhichmatchthedefinitions. Focus 1 Section I1

46、. Phrases and idioms related to colors: 2. Words or expressions related to a persons mood, personality, desire, feeling or need: red with rage, in the pink, feeling blue, green with envypeace, contentment, warm, understanding, happiness, take life at a fast pace, independence, material security, lov

47、e of nature, seek permanent protection, relaxing, rage, jealous, courage, purity, calming, exciting, feel good about life, love, kindness, depression, restfulExerciseIIIFocus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语ExerciseIIIUsingtheRightWord:Usetheproperformsofthewordsgiveninthebracketstocompletethestat

48、ements. Focus 1 Section I1.Dontgivehimicecream.Itiswhathe (like)most.2.Peopletherelongfor (peace)life.3. (communicate) between children and parents is an efficient way ofeliminatinggenerationgap.4.Ifound (content)withmylifeinthecountryside.5.Thisteacheris (understand)ofherstudentsdifficulties.6.Thep

49、residentwasunderthe (protect)offourbodyguards.7.His (angry)wasarousedbyTomsruderemarks.8.Aweddingringisusuallya (symbol)gestureoflove.9.Theyheldapartyforthe (celebrate)oftheir10thweddinganniversary.10.Thismachinecanbeusedtoexaminethe (pure)ofwater.dislikespeacefulangercontentmentunderstandingpurityp

50、rotectionsymboliccelebrationCommunicationExerciseIV.1Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语ExerciseIV.1SpecialDifficulties:Fillintheblankswiththecorrectformsofthewords. Focus 1 Section I(1) exciting a.; excited a. a. This football match was so . b. People became very when they heard the news.(2) i

51、nteresting a. ; interested a.a. The kid was very in wildlife animals.b. My grandfather told me many stories.(3) stimulating a. ; stimulated a.a. Some parents provide a environment for their children. b. I felt after drinking some coffee. (4) relaxing a. ; relaxed a.a. A good sleep will make you . b.

52、 Light music is . (5) surprising a. ; surprised a.a. The news that Tom and Mary have been engaged is rather . b. I was very when I heard that Tom and Mary had been engaged.excitingexcitedinterestedinterestingstimulatingstimulatedrelaxedrelaxingsurprisedsurprisingExerciseIV.2Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海

53、交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语ExerciseIV.2Fillintheblanksbychoosingoneofthestructuresprovidedinthebrackets. Focus 1 Section I(1)Heis (supposedtobe/supposedtois)thenextdirector.(2)Tomis (saidtokill/saidtohavekilled)hiswifeandheisinprison.(3)Theearthwas (believedtobe/believedtohavebeen)flatinthepast.(4)Sheis (though

54、ttobecome/thoughttohavebecome)theonewhocanleadus.(5)Whois (supposedtocome/supposedtowillcome)tomorrow?(6)Thesatelliteis (believedtocircle/believedtobecircling)aroundtheearthnow.(7)Nooneis (supposedtodiscover/supposedtodiscovered)thetruth.(8)Heis (saidtocome/saidtohavecome)toBeijinglastyear.(9)Thenex

55、tOlympicsis (supposedtobeheld/supposedtowillbeheld)inthatcountry.(10)Einsteinis (believedtobe/believedtohavebeen)oneofthegreatestscientistsintheworld.believedtobesaidtohavekilledsupposedtobesupposedtocomebelievedtobecirclingthoughttobecomesupposedtodiscoversupposedtobeheldsaidtohavecomebelievedtobeE

56、xerciseV.1Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语ExerciseV.1Rewritethesentencesaftertheexample,usingthestructure“ByV-ing.,S”. Focus 1 Section IExample:Ifweconcentrateourthoughtsoncertaincolors,wecancauseenergytogotothepartsofthebodythatneedtreatment.Byconcentratingourthoughtsoncertaincolors,wecanca

57、useenergytogotothepartsofthebodythatneedtreatment.(1)Ifthedoctordoesatestofthenewmedicineonthedog,hecancertainlygetsomeinsight(2)intothepossiblefunctionsofthenewmedicineonhumanbeings. _ _(2)Ifyoureadmorewidelythanbefore,youcandevelopyourvocabularyinashorttime. _(3)Hecouldamendeverything.Hewouldtakeh

58、iswifeoutatleasttwiceaweekdancingandexercisinginthegym. _ _ Bytakinghiswifeoutatleasttwiceaweekdancingandexercisinginthegym,hecouldamendeverything.Bydoingatestofthenewmedicineonthedog,thedoctorcancertainlygetsomeinsightintothepossiblefunctionsofthenewmedicineonhumanbeings.Byreadingmorewidelythanbefo

59、re,youcandevelopyourvocabularyinashorttime.ExerciseV.2Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语ExerciseV.2Combinethewordsandexpressionsintoasentencemodeledafter“themore,themore”. Focus 1 Section IExample:theluckier,themoreyellow,youhavearoundyou,youwillbe,inthenewyearThemoreyellowyouhavearoundyou,the

60、luckieryouwillbeinthenewyear.(1)TomandMarytalked,themore,thebetter,eachother,theyunderstood .(2)hefelt,themoretired,thefarther,inthedesert,hewalked .(3)thewealthier,ourcountrydevelops,Chinesepeople,willbe,thefaster .ThemoreTomandMarytalked,thebettertheyunderstoodeachotherThefasterourcountrydevelops,

61、thewealthierChinesepeoplewillbeThefartherhewalkedinthedesert,themoretiredhefeltExerciseVIFocus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section IExerciseVIPrcisWriting:Pleasesummarizethepassageinnotmorethan180words.Tocoverthemainpointsinthestory,pleaserefertoExerciseI.1._Colorisimportanttopeople,f

62、oritistiedtoallaspectsofourlives.Colorgenicsexpertsbelievethatthecolorswewearsayalotaboutus.Accordingtowhattheysay,thecolorsofourclothessendmessagestoothers,suchasourmood,personality and desires. For example, red garments indicate a high level ofphysicalenergy,andpinkexpressespeaceandcontentment.Man

63、yphrasesand idioms are also related to colors. Color symbolizes different things indifferentcultures.InVietnam,yellowrepresentscourage,victoryandsacrifice,but in ancient China, it was the symbol of high social status. Colorgenicsexpertsbelievecolorsalsohaveaneffectonus.Theythinkcolorscanbeusedtohelp

64、usfeelbetter.Byconcentratingourthoughtsoncertaincolors,wecancauseenergytogotothepartsofthebodythatneedtreatment.Psychologistsand physicians use colors to help them treat patients with emotional andpsychological problems. In conclusion, the study of colors can help usunderstandourselvesandimproveourl

65、ives.ExerciseVII.1Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section IExerciseVII.1TranslatethefollowingpassageintoChinese.现在电脑在人们的生活中起着重要的作用。电脑不仅帮助人们做很多事情,而且还提供了另一种交流方式。很多人受电脑影响的程度要比他们意识到的更深。另一方面,电脑也有不足之处。比如说,太长时间用电脑对眼睛不好,而且整天坐在电脑前也会影响人们的工作、学习和健康。总之,人们应该明智地使用电脑。Nowadays computers play an impo

66、rtant role in peoples lives. Computers not only help people do many things, but also offer an alternative way to communicate. Many people are affected by them more than they have realized. On the other hand, computers also have some disadvantages. For instance, using a computer for too long is bad f

67、or eyes, and sitting in front of a computer all day affects peoples work, study and health. In conclusion, people should use computers wisely.ExerciseVII.2Focus1Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section IExerciseVII.2TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish,tryingtousethewordsandexpression

68、sinthebrackets.(1) 他在北京呆得越久,就越喜欢这个城市。(the more the more) _(2) 他下个学期应该会教那个班。 (be supposed to) _(3) 有的音乐使我们兴奋,而有的使我们放松。(excite; relaxed) _(4) 他现在正在发火,你最好别管他。(red with rage; to leavealone) _(5) 不要嫉妒别人的成功,你自己应该努力工作。(to be jealous of) _He is supposed to teach that class next term.Some music excites us, w

69、hile some makes us relaxed.He is red with rage now. Youd better leave him alone.Dont be jealous of others success. You should work hard yourself.The longer he stayed in Beijing, the more he loved this city.Listening1Focus1Section2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Listening:1.Listentoaconve

70、rsationonthetextonlyonceandthenfillintheblanksaccordingtowhatyouvejustheard.Tina: Tom, Im going to attend my friends (1) tomorrow. What shall I wear?Tom: Any dress but this white one.Tina: Obviously. White is for the (2) .Tom: This pink dress is beautiful. People wearing pink always look (3) .Tina:

71、But pink is not my favorite color. What about this brown one?Tom: Dont choose brown. It is the color of (4) , and it displays (5) and material (6) _. But you look old in brown.Tina: Well, what do you think of the light blue one? Blue looks (7) .Tom: It is, but its not very (8) to the eyes.Tina: I re

72、ally dont know what to wear.Tom: What about this yellow one? It is pretty, and yellow can (9) attention from others. It will (10) a good visual effect. Tina: OK. I will choose this one.Tom: Im sure you will catch everyones eyes at the party.bridehealthyweddingstimulatingindependencesecurityachievewe

73、althpeacefulmaximizeListening2Focus1Section2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Listening:2.Listentoaconversationtwiceandthenanswerthequestions.(1)What is the relationship between Mr. Wilson and Ms. Zhang? .(2) What did Mr. Wilson drink, beer or Mao Tai? .(3) According to Mr. Wilson, what do

74、es the cook take care of at the same time? .(4) How long has Mr. Wilson been here? .(5) When will they work together again? .They are business partnersColour, taste and flavorMao TaiTwo weeksNext FebruaryListening3ScriptFocus1Section2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Listening:2.ScriptList

75、ening3Focus1Section2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Listening:3.Listentoapassagetwiceandthendecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrue(T)orfalse(F).( )(1)“Redhot”canbeusedtorefertoakindoffastandexcitingmusic.( )(2)Thetraditionalbluesmusicissimilarto“redhot”.( )(3)Thecolorgreenisnaturalfo

76、rthetreesandhumans.( )(4)Ifapersonsnameisonablacklist,hewillhavegoodluck.( )(5)Inthepast,aflagcalledthe“yellowjack”indicatedthatthepeopleontheshipmighthaveyellowfever.FFFTTListening3ScriptFocus1Section2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Listening:3.ScriptSpeakingFocus1Section2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大

77、学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2SpeakingInstructions: You are to invite Mr. Johnson, the representative of ABC Company, who has just arrived in your city for your business cooperation, to a welcome dinner, which is to be held at seven oclock, Friday evening, at Friendship Hotel. Role-play the situatio

78、n with your classmate. FunctionalExpressionsSpeakingSampleFocus1Section2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 1 Section 2Speaking:ReferenceAnswerLucy: Welcome to our city, Mr. Johnson. I hope you will enjoy your stay here, and we will have successful cooperation.Johnson: Im sure we will, and this city is

79、 so beautiful.Lucy: By the way, do you have any plans for Friday evening, Mr. Johnson?Johnson: Not yet. Why?Lucy: Mr. Smith, our manager, would like to hold a dinner party to welcome your visit.Johnson: Thats very kind of Mr. Smith and you to invite me. Yes, Id like to go and meet him. Where will th

80、e dinner party be held?Lucy: It is scheduled for Friday evening at 7 oclock in Friendship Hotel.Johnson: Thatll be good.Lucy: Then I will meet you in the lounge of this hotel at 6:30 on Friday and well go to Friendship Hotel together.Johnson: Thank you. See you then.ExerciseI.1Focus2Section1上海交通大学出版

81、社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 1ExerciseI.1Whichofthefollowingbestexpressesthemainpurposeofthispassage?A)Tosharewiththereaderhishappinessoverhispurchaseofagoodcar.B)isthecorrectanswer.Onthesurface,thewriterseemstonarratehisexperienceinbuyingacarforhiswifeandthesufferingsheunderwentinthecourse,bu


83、ronewantstobuy.D)iswrong.D)Tocomplainaboutthedifficultyhehadinbuyingthecarashiswifesbirthdaypresent.A)iswrong.ExerciseI.2Focus2Section1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 1ExerciseI.2Determinewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrue(T)orfalse(F).( )(1)Hiswifewantedawhitecar,becauseshethoughtitwas

84、easytokeepclean.( )(2)Thewriterisveryskilledaboutbuyingcars.( )(3)Whentheywenttothefirstcardealer,hedecidedtobuyoneofthemostexpensivemodels.( )(4)Atthecarcenter,hetalkedtothesalesmanagerangrily,andwasbeatenblackandblueallover.( )(5)Theyhadbeenlookingforasuitablecarforoveramonthbeforetheyfinallymadet

85、hepurchase.( )(6)Thewriterdrovetothecountrysideinordertobuythecar.( )(7)Thepersonwhosoldthecartothewriterwasnotaprofessionalsalesman.( )(8)Thecarthewriterboughtwasnew.FFFFTTFFPracticalReadingLanguagePointsF2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 1PracticalReading:ASilverLiningLanguagePoints1.

86、A Silver Lining (the title) 一线希望silver lining: a consoling aspect of a difficult situation(不幸或失望中的)一线希望e.g. (1) Every cloud has a silver lining. 困难中总会看到希望。 (2) There is still a silver lining. 还有一线希望。2. It had to be white at all costs. 无论如何都要白色。 at all costs: 不惜任何代价,无论如何e.g. (1) We must save the pati

87、ent at all costs. 我们无论如何都要拯救这个病人。 (2) The point is to win at all costs. 关键是要不惜任何代价取胜。3. I pointed out till I was blue in the face almost going out of my mind that white was a very difficult colour to keep clean. 我费尽口舌告诉她几乎要发狂了白色很难保持干净。这个句子中,till I was blue in the face是时间状语从句,almost going out of my m

88、ind是对blue in the face的补充说明。that white was a very difficult color to keep clean是point out的宾语从句。 out of ones mind: extremely angry or mad 发狂,疯狂e.g. (1) She went out of her mind. 她发疯了。 (2) She was out of her mind with grief. 她伤心极了。PracticalReadingF2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 1Practica

89、lReading:ASilverLiningLanguagePoints4. However, she did not back down and so in the end I decided to compromiseto show the white flag, as it were. 然而,她却丝毫不让步,因此最后我决定妥协可以说亮了白旗。compromise: vi. to settle in a midway between two extremes 妥协,折中;违背,达不到e.g. (1) I would rather die than compromise. 我宁死不屈。 (2

90、) How shall we compromise? 我们双方各让多少?compromise还可用作名词,意为“ 妥协,折中办法”。e.g. They finally reached a compromise. 他们最终达成了妥协。5. Now, Im a bit greenrather inexperiencedabout buying cars. 目前,在买车方面我还有点嫩非常没有经验。inexperienced: a. lacking practical experience or training 缺乏认识(或经验)的e.g. He is an inexperienced young

91、man. 他是个没有经验的年轻人。inexperienced的词根是experience,它可用作不可数名词,意为“ 经验,感受,体验”,也可用作可数名词,意为“ 经历”。experience还可用作动词,意为“ 经历,体验”。6. Im the perfect customer as far as the second-hand car salesman is concerned. 对于二手车推销员来说,我是最好的顾客。as far asis concerned: for, about关于;至于;就而言e.g. As far as living quality is concerned, S

92、uzhou is a nice place. second-hand: a. previously used or owned by another 旧的,二手的;间接得来的e.g. (1) He is in the second-hand car trade. 他从事二手汽车贸易。(2) He happened to find the book in a second-hand bookstore. 他在旧书店偶然找到了这本书。PracticalReadingF2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 17. But as soon as I

93、 mentioned the sort of age for the car I had in mind, he started to give me black looks very serious, almost angry looks. 但是我一提到期望中的车龄,他就开始阴下脸来非常严肃、几乎要生气的样子。在句中,as soon as引导时间状语从句,从句中I had in mind是定语从句,限定修饰the sort of age for the car。8. You dont have to accept the first price and whatever you do don

94、t give the green light permission to continue with the sale. 你一定不要接受他最初提出的价格,而且无论如何也不要亮绿灯同意这笔买卖。whatever you do引导了一个让步状语从句,相当于“no matter what you do”。whatever: det./pron. 无论什么,不管什么;任何的事物,凡是的东西 e.g. (1) Do whatever you like. 做任何你喜欢做的事。 (2) Whatever we said, hed disagree. 无论我们说什么,他都不同意。however, whenev

95、er, wherever等都有类似的用法,它们都可引导让步状语从句,相当于“不管”。e.g. (1) However hard it is, I wont give up. 不管有多难,我都不会放弃。 (2) Wherever you are, I will find you. 不管你在哪里,我都要找到你。 PracticalReading:ASilverLiningLanguagePointsPracticalReadingF2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 19. You dont need a settlement of tran

96、saction until youre absolutely satisfied. 在你没有完全满意的时候,你不需要成交。settlement: n. C, U 解决,协议;居留地e.g. (1) They came to a settlement peacefully in the end. 他们最终和平地达成了协议。 (2) They are looking for a settlement of the dispute. 他们正在寻求解决争端的方法。 (3) This was their first settlement in Africa. 这是他们在非洲的第一个殖民地。settlem

97、ent的词根是动词settle,意为“ 解决,调停;安排,料理;安放,安顿;定居”。e.g. (1) They settled the disputes among themselves. 他们解决了相互之间的争端。 (2) We have settled who will pay for the meal. 我们已经定了由谁来付饭钱。 (3) We are settled in our new home. 我们住进了新居。 (4) The insect settled on a leaf. 那只昆虫落在一片树叶上。10. In my confusion, I tripped over a s

98、pare tire, rolled over and ended up in a hole. 在尴尬中我被一个备用轮胎绊倒,滚了几步,最后掉进一个洞里。confusion: n. U, C a 困窘,尴尬;混乱状态;不确定;混淆e.g. (1) He looked at me in confusion and did not answer the question. 他尴尬地看着我,不作回答。 (2) The hall was a confusion of laughter. 大厅里笑声乱成一片。 (3) Im sorry about the confusion. 抱歉,把你弄糊涂了。conf

99、usion的词根是及物动词confuse,意为“to mistake one thing for another使混乱,混淆”。PracticalReading:ASilverLiningLanguagePointsPracticalReadingF2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 111. When I got home, I was black and blue all overcovered in bruises. 到家后,我身上青一块紫一块到处都是瘀伤。black and blue: covered with bruises a

100、ll over 青一块紫一块,伤痕累累e.g. (1) He punched me until I was black and blue. 他用拳把我打得全身青一块紫一块的。 (2) They have beaten the thief black and blue. 他们把这个小偷打得遍体鳞伤。12. And that Sunday was a red-letter daya special day to remember: the end of our random search for a carsince we finally found a car. 那个星期六是个大红的喜庆日一个值

101、得纪念的特殊日子:我们盲目找车的日子结束了因为最终我们找到了一辆车。a red-letter day: 特别快乐的日子;(日历上的)红日子,红字的日子e.g. (1) My father said the day I was born was a red-letter day. 我的父亲说我出生那天是个喜庆日。 (2) October 1 is a red-letter day for the Chinese people. 10月1日是中国人民的一个大喜日子。13. We were out driving in the scenic countryside when out of the b

102、luetotally unexpectedlywe saw a poster advertising cars for sale in a farmyard. 我们在风景优美的乡间道路上开车驰骋,突然完全出乎意料地看到一个农家院子里贴着一张卖车的海报。out of the blue: not anticipated突然,出乎意料,晴天霹雳e.g. (1) John arrived out of the blue. 约翰突然来了。 (2) Her brother showed up at the wedding out of the blue. 她的哥哥突然出现在婚礼上。PracticalRea

103、ding:ASilverLiningLanguagePointsPracticalReadingF2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 114. He was the farmer and salesman from whom I made the ultimate purchase of the car. 他是个农民,也是最终卖给我们汽车的人。该句中的the farmer和salesman是并列表语,指的是同一个人。from whom I made the ultimate purchase of the car是一个由介词引导的定语从句

104、,限定修饰the farmer and salesman。15. He quickly did away with all the red tape all the formalities and very soon I had it in black and white in writing which means the negotiation was over and the car belonged to me. 他很快省去了所有的红印章繁琐的手续我很快就在白纸黑字(书面文件)上拥有了这辆车这意味着交易达成,车属于我了。do away with: to terminate or tak

105、e out 摆脱,废除e.g. (1) Do I have to do away with my habit? 我是不是得改掉我的习惯?(2) We must do away with all such shortcomings. 我们必须克服所有这类缺点。red tape: official rules that seem more complicated than necessary and prevent things from being done quickly 繁文缛节;官僚作风;(捆扎文件的)红带e.g. (1) It takes weeks to get through the

106、 red tape. 办完这些繁琐的手续需要几个星期。 (2) Applying for approval involves a great deal of red tape. 申请批准牵涉许多繁文缛节。in black and white: written in black ink on white paper 白纸黑字,书写的,印刷的e.g. (1) He gave me assurance in black and white. 他给了我书面保证。 (2) I want this agreement in black and white. 我需要这份协议的书面形式。PracticalRe

107、ading:ASilverLiningLanguagePointsPracticalReadingF2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 116. You see, with the white theres quite a bit of brownknown less colourfully as rust. 你瞧,除了白色,车上还有不少的褐色有个不太光彩的名字:锈。在句中,with the white是伴随状语,known less colourfully as rust也是后置的伴随状语,起补充说明的作用。在“known less c

108、olourfully as rust”中,colourfully一语双关,从字面看,锈是褐色的,当然没有汽车的白漆那么光彩。而透过字面深入看,汽车生锈,意味着这辆汽车已经很旧了。colourfully在这里是婉转语(euphemism)的修辞手法,如果看到一个人的头发很乱,讲得“colourful”一点,是“Your hair does not look too bad”(你的头发看上去还不算太糟糕),而讲得“less colourful”一点,你就会说:“Your hair looks awful!”。PracticalReading:ASilverLiningLanguagePointsE

109、xerciseIIF2S1上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Focus 2 Section 1ExerciseIIAllofthefollowingsentencesaretakenfromthetextandtheunderlinedwordsandexpressionsinthesesentencesarerelatedtobuyingacar.ReadthemcarefullyandthenusethemintheircorrectformstocompletethepassagethattellshowTomboughtatruck.Im the perfect c

110、ustomer as far as the second-hand car salesman is concerned.Seeing my hesitation, the manager offered discounts on condition that.You dont need a settlement of transaction until youre absolutely satisfied.we saw a poster advertising cars for sale in a farmyard.He quickly did away with all the red ta

111、peall the formalitiesand very soon I had it in black and whitein writingwhich means the negotiation was over and the car belonged to me.Whats more, I could pay in installments, he gave us a good discount.The other day Tom saw a (1) on which it said there was a (2) truck for sale. Tom went to see the

112、 truck immediately. After looking at the truck, he was very (3) _ with it. Without (4) , he decided to buy it. Then they had a (5) _ about the price. Finally, Tom was given a (6) . Whats more, he could also pay in (7) _. After all the (8) was finished, the truck finally (9) Tom (10) . It was really

113、a bargain.second-handsatisfiedposternegotiationhesitationdiscountbelonged to installmentsin black and whitered tape PracticalWriting1-2F2S2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语PracticalWriting:1.ASampleGuidesWelcomeSpeech. Focus 2 Section 22.Fillintheblanksnumbered13intheoutlineaccordingtoyourunderstandingofth

114、eabovesamplewelcomespeechmadebyaguide.Writeyouranswersbriefly. Outline(1) Mr. Zhang is a and Linda is a .(2) The tourists have just arrived in the city .(3) They will stay in the city for days.driverguideof Shanghaitwo and a half PracticalWriting3F2S2上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语PracticalWriting:3.Basi

115、csforWritingaGuidesWelcomeSpeech: Focus 2 Section 2Instructions: YouareworkingforHangzhou Branch of China Youth TravelAgency.Youaretoguidea2daystourinHangzhou. Please write a short welcomespeechofabout150words.格式说明:导游欢迎词是给客人留下美好第一印象的极佳机会,规范化的欢迎词应包括五大要素:(1)表示欢迎,即代表接待社、组团社向客人表达欢迎之意。(通常是Goodmorning/aft


117、语美心英语PracticalWriting:3.WritingaGuidesWelcomeSpeech. Focus 2 Section 2Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Hangzhou! May I introduce my team to you? We are from Hangzhou Branch of China Youth Travel Agency. This is Mr. Lin, our driver. His bus number is 25638. My name is Kate. I will be your local guide.

118、 I will travel with you throughout the 2 days trip. If you have any special interest or requests, please dont hesitate to let us know. Well try our best to make your stay in Hangzhou pleasant. We hope you will enjoy your trip in Hangzhou.Homework上海交通大学出版社上海交通大学出版社美心英语美心英语 Unit 4Homework1.Reviewwhatwevelearnedtoday.2.Previewnextpart.3.WriteaaGuidesWelcomeSpeech.



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