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1、Warmingup pSkimmingDiggingCriticalthinkingLanguageinuseUnfamiliarwordsInterpretingTalkingpoint Sport inAncientGreeceand ChinaWarming up1. Match the words in the boxes to make phrases. Warming upjump across a river;fight without weapons;drive a sports car;climb hills;throw stones;ride a horse;run a m

2、arathon;swim underwater;Answer:Warming upFighting without weapons is a description of kung fu (功夫), judo (柔道), karate (空手道), taekwondo (跆拳道) and other martial arts, which are also considered to be sports nowadays. Horse-riding (马术) is in the Olympic Games. Running, including marathon running, is def

3、initely a sport. People go underwater swimming (潜泳) on holiday as a sports activity. And I think I would consider hill climbing (登山) a sport too.1. Which are sports, in your opinion? Work in pairs and discuss the questions about the phrases in Activity1.Warming upJumping over rivers is not a sports

4、activity. I think you would only do it if it was a very small river and there was no bridge. Driving a sports car has a sort of sporty side in it, but usually is more like fashion wearing designer clothes and driving a sports car. Stone throwing might be a game sometimes for children but it is not s

5、omething adults would normally do. A sport is a physical activity people do for pleasure, and as I said these three do not fit that definition.2. Which are not sports, in your opinion, and why?Warming up I regularly do martial arts exercises. I like going hill walking and go every summer holiday. I

6、have swum underwater on a visit to Hainan. I often plan to run a marathon but never find time to train. I have never had an opportunity to go horse-riding.3. Which have you done, and when?Warming upI love horse-riding. The horses I have ridden become my friends. Swimming underwater, if you do it in

7、the right place, takes you into another world of wonderful sights, and hill climbing in the company of friends is an escape from the noisy city and very good for your health.4. Which do you like doing?Warming upI dont think I would ever run a marathon I mean it is a very long way. I find running rat

8、her boring and I doubt if I will ever be fit enough to even think about it.5. Which would you never do, and why?Warming up Work in pairs and discuss a sport you have never done, but would like to try.A: I hope you wont laugh at me, but I would love to do some motor racing (汽车比赛). I know I seem a qui

9、et bookish type, but I love watching motor races and enjoy motor-racing computer games. To drive one of those cars in reality would be great.B: Well, you do surprise me. You certainly do not seem to be the type to want to drive so fast. But isnt it dangerous?Warming upA: Yes, most drivers have a few

10、 serious accidents in their career. Its crazy, but somehow that is part of the excitement.B: Well, yes, modern lives are rather dull and routine so we like some extra excitement, but I think you should continue to get it from racing games and not actual races.A: Dont worry, it will never happen. No

11、one would let me get behind the wheel of one of those expensive racing cars! Anyway, lets talk about you now.Warming up Look at the title of the passage and decide whether the passage will focus on similarities or differences. Check ( ) the activities you expect to read about. 1 running 2 shooting 3

12、 jumping 4 throwing 5 dancing 6 swimming 7 horse racingAnswer: All are mentioned.Warming upWatch the video clip and answer the questions.1. When there is no chance of winning, what will make you a hero? 2. Take basketball as an example, how does sport improve our body and mind?Skimming Browse the pa

13、ssage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.Answer the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 29.TaskTask Check ( ) the true statements. 1 The Chinese may have known about the Olympic Games in ancient times. 2 The need for sport is present in all societies. 3 In ancient Greece people preferre

14、d sport to fighting. Skimming 4 Sport can replace conflict. 5 Sport is a human invention. 6 Sport in ancient China was similar to sport in ancient Greece. 7 Education in ancient China was totally different from education in ancient Greece. 8 Sport was part of military training in ancient China and a

15、ncient Greece. 9 Modern China has nothing in common with modern Greece.The true statements are 1, 2, 6 and 8.Statement 6 is the main idea of the passage.Now decide which of the statements is the main idea of the passage.Skimming Answer the questions.1 How did the Olympic Games begin?The Olympic Game

16、s were a four-yearly rest from fighting among ancient Greek city-states. Instead of fighting, the men would compete in races and athletic events.2 Why did people in ancient times need sport? Because sport creates greater physical strength, which can be used in many ways, and sport is a way of keepin

17、g fit.Skimming3 Which skills improved peoples chances of getting food? Running, swimming, jumping and throwing.4 What did Odysseus and Hou Yi have in common?They both used a bow and arrows, and were skilful at shooting.Skimming5 What did Plato and Confucius have in common? They both believed physica

18、l training and exercise were an important part of education for the young.6 How did the Six Noble Arts benefit pupils?They led to a balanced education paying attention to the moral, physical and intellectual development of the pupils, making them good, strong and knowledgeable.Skimming7 Why is the w

19、ord gymnasium a common Western term for a school?The use of the word stresses the broad view of education as consisting of a lot more than just book study.Sport in ancient Greece and China1 What do Greece and China have in common with each other, in both ancient and modern times? The two nations are

20、 separated by nearly 8,000 kilometres of mountains and desert, and in the past, there were no relations and hardly any communication between them. Yet both bear comparison with each other in the role of sport in their societies. 译文译文MP3Digging2 It is true that in the ancient period, the Silk Road se

21、rved as a channel of trade and cultural exchange between the East and West, which may have allowed an awareness of the ancient Olympic movement to pass from Greece to China. Yet sport appears to play a more fundamental and deeply-rooted role in national culture and socio-political life in all social

22、 communities at all times.MP3Digging3 In fact, the origins of the Olympic Games can be found in the frequent conflicts between the city-states of Greece. Every four years, it was agreed that the Olympic Games would act as a temporary ceasefire. But once the Games were over, fighting would resume.译文译

23、文MP3Digging4 Yet historical research and studies in sociology suggest that sport is not simply a substitute for conflict. It seems that wherever there are human activities, there is sport. One reason for this is the need to keep fit for both survival and for amusement. From the time humans began to

24、make tools from stone, they knew that greater physical strength would allow them to use the tools with greater efficiency. 译文译文MP3DiggingRunning, swimming, jumping and throwing were not simply skills which needed to be developed to catch more game and fish. They were enjoyable as well. In due course

25、, these same skills were called into play not just in the Olympic Games but also in the sporting events which were held in China and elsewhere. For example, the skill of shooting with a bow and arrow appears in the myths of many nations. 译文译文MP3DiggingOdysseus was said to have killed rivals for his

26、wifes attention with a bow and arrow. Similarly, during the Yao times, Hou Yi is said to have shot down nine of the ten suns in the sky which had burnt all the plants on Earth. Thus, the origin of sport appears to lie in human instinct, and not in human invention.译文译文MP3Digging5 There are further si

27、milar features between sport in Greece, in China, and other nations. Sport was used as a form of military training, to improve an armys ability to beat the enemy with or without weapons. In China this included fighting without weapons, horse racing, stone throwing, hunting, and swimming.译文译文MP3Diggi

28、ngDuring the Spring and Autumn Period, swimming pools were built and prizes were awarded to good swimmers among the water troops. Similar sports were also common in ancient Greece, especially in Sparta, where military training was part of the formal education of both boys and girls.译文译文MP3Digging6 S

29、porting activities in both nations were often combined with dancing. Because of periods of bad weather, China was hit by rain and flooding. In order to relax stiff joints and muscles and to get rid of gloomy moods, people would dance vigorously. Military training in Sparta included dancing, and the

30、ancient Olympic Games included dancing competitions. In the modern era, this form of movement and rhythm can be still seen in figure skating and gymnastics.译文译文MP3Digging7 Furthermore, in both ancient China and Greece, sport was integrated into the education system. During the Xia, Shang and Zhou dy

31、nasties, all places of learning taught traditional forms of fighting. Confucius was a fine athlete, highly skilled in shooting with a bow and arrow, fishing, hunting, and hill-climbing. He introduced the Six Noble Arts into education: music, ancient rituals, mathematics, handwriting, driving a horse

32、-drawn vehicle and shooting with a bow, 译文译文MP3Diggingall of which paid attention to the moral, physical and intellectual development of pupils. The Greek philosopher Plato advised that physical training and health education should be included in the school curriculum, alongside philosophy, music, l

33、iterature and gymnastics. One common Western term for a school, gymnasium, comes from this broad view of education.译文译文MP3Digging译文译文MP3Digging8 Sports in both ancient China and Greece were combined with military training, dancing and the whole educational system. So is it surprising that China shou

34、ld embrace modern Olympic ideals which were deeply rooted in ancient Greek society?Background informationMain idea of the text1. It is true that in the ancient period, the Silk Road served as a channel from Greece to China. Yet sport appears to play a more fundamental and deeplyrooted role at all ti

35、mes. (Para 2)Ancient China could have been influenced by ancient Greek ideas on sport with the help of the Silk Road. However, it is more probable that sport was important as a natural result of human activities and played a key role in all aspects of human life.Difficult sentences Difficult sentenc

36、es 2. In due course, these same skills were called into play not just in the Olympic Games (Line 13, Para 4)As time went by there were other sporting events other than the Olympic Games in China and other places, which required people to show their running, swimming, jumping and throwing skills. Dif

37、ficult sentences in due course: at some time in the future when it is the right time, but not beforee.g. Please wait I will give you the answers in due course.be called into play: to become useful, to be made good use of, to come into actione.g. In that dangerous situation all his experience and ski

38、ll as a pilot were called into play. Many aspects of sport arose before civilization; it shows that sport comes from mans basic nature and is not a product of culture.Difficult sentences 3. Thus, the origin of sport appears to lie in human instinct, and not in human invention. (Line 23, Para 4)You m

39、ight think it would be hard for China to understand the Olympic Games as they were the product of an entirely different culture, but the history of sport in China is very similar to that of sport in ancient Greece. So it is easy for China to appreciate the ideas behind the Olympic Games. They are no

40、t new or strange.Difficult sentences 4. So is it surprising that China should embrace modern Olympic ideals which were deeply rooted in ancient Greek society? (Line 3, Para 8)ancient释义释义a. relating to people who lived a very long time ago, and to their culture and way of life 古代的;古文化的例句例句They believ

41、ed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning. 他们认为古希腊和古罗马是知识的重要发源地。翻译翻译WordsLast summer I visited Mexico City to see the ancient art in the museums there. (Jan. 1993, CET-4, Listening comprehension)真题真题例句例句Nobody can tell just how the ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids. 没有人能确切地说出古代埃及人

42、是怎样建造金字塔的。 翻译翻译exchange释义释义1n. C a situation in which people give each other information or discuss their ideas and opinions 交流 例句例句Im going to go on an exchange visit to Paris.我将到巴黎交流参观。翻译翻译Words真题真题Adjusted for inflation, public funding for international exchanges and foreign-language study is wel

43、l below the levels of 40 years ago. (Dec. 2007, CET-4, Skimming and scanning)例句例句Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities. 经常的文化交流肯定有助于发展我们两校之间的友好关系。 翻译翻译exchange释义释义2vt. to give someone something in return for something that they give you

44、 交流;互换 例句例句We still exchange gifts at Christmas.我们依然在圣诞节时交换礼物。翻译翻译Words真题真题During the marriage ceremony, the bride and her would-be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever. (Jun. 2005, CET-4, Listening comprehension)例句例句At the end of the gam

45、e players traditionally exchange shirts with each other. 按照传统,比赛结束时两队球员互换球衣。 翻译翻译fundamental释义释义1a. essential to the existence, development, or success of something 必不可少的;十分重要的 例句例句Water is fundamental to survival.水对于生存是必不可少的。翻译翻译WordsCertainly, the biological link between parent and child is fundam

46、ental. (Jun. 2003, CET-4, Reading comprehension)真题真题例句例句Competition is fundamental to keeping prices down. 竞争对于抑制价格来说必不可少。 翻译翻译fundamental释义释义2a. relating to the basic nature or character of something 基本的;根本的 例句例句There is a fundamental flaw in his argument.他的论点有个根本性的漏洞。翻译翻译WordsDemands for fundament

47、al change were common throughout the labor press. (Jun. 1996, CET-4, Reading comprehension)真题真题例句例句The fundamental problem lies in their inability to distinguish between reality and invention最根本的问题在于他们不能分清现实和虚构。 翻译翻译释义释义例句例句These measures are only temporary.这些措施只是暂时的。 翻译翻译Wordsa. existing, done, or

48、used for only a limited period of time 暂时的, 临时的;短期的Mood may be defined as a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied to any circumstance. (Dec. 2007, CET-4, Cloze)temporary真题真题例句例句He afforded a temporary shelter for the needy. 他为穷人提供暂时的安身之处。 翻译翻译resume释义释义v. t

49、o start something again after stopping temporarily ( 短暂停断后) 重新开始,继续例句例句Well stop now and resume at 2 oclock. 我们要停下来了,两点钟再开始干。 翻译翻译Words例句例句翻译翻译We resumed our dinner after the interruption.短暂的打断过后我们继续吃晚餐。historical释义释义1a. connected with history as a subject of study 历史科学的 例句例句He is writing a historic

50、al novel about nineteenth-century France. 他正在写一本描写19世纪法国的历史小说。 翻译翻译Words例句例句She is engaged in historical research.翻译翻译她从事历史研究。historical释义释义2a. connected with history or the past 与历史( 或过去) 有关的;历史的 例句例句The Abbey is a major historical monument.威斯敏斯特大教堂是个重要的历史古迹。翻译翻译Words真题真题The British constitution is

51、 to a large extent a product of the historical events described above. (Jun. 2000, CET-4, Vocabulary and structure)The conflict needs to be put in its historical context to be understood.必须把这场冲突置于当时的历史背景下加以理解。例句例句翻译翻译sociology释义释义n. U 社会学 例句例句翻译翻译Words例句例句Sociology is an arts subject.翻译翻译社会学是一门文科。Th

52、is is where sociology overlaps with economics.这就是社会学与经济学在部分内容上互有交叉之处。真题真题After all, I dont study sociology or political theory.(Jun. 2007, CET-4, Reading comprehension)substitute释义释义1n. C ( for) something that is used instead of omething else 代替物;替代品 例句例句The lead singer was ill and her substitute wa

53、snt nearlyas good. 主唱歌手病了,替代她的演员远远比不上她。 翻译翻译WordsMaybe each computer should come with the warning: for all the help this computer may provide, it should not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills. (Jan. 1989, CET-4, Reading comprehension)真题真题例句例句Vitamin pills are no su

54、bstitute for healthy eating. 维生素片不能替代健康饮食。 翻译翻译substitute释义释义2vt. to use something new or different instead of what is normally used 替换;代替 例句例句Can I substitute milk for cream?我可以用牛奶代替奶油吗?翻译翻译WordsSome hard plastics can be substituted for metals in manufacturing machine parts. (Jun. 1990, CET-4, Voca

55、bulary and structure)真题真题例句例句We substituted fish for meat several times a week. 我们每星期有几顿饭以鱼代肉。翻译翻译survival释义释义n. U the fact or state of continuing to live or exist 幸存;继续存在例句例句These animals face a constant fight for survival.这些动物面临着持续不断的生存斗争。翻译翻译WordsThe risks and uncertainties of the hunt were no lo

56、nger essential for survival. (Jun. 1992, CET-4, Reading comprehension)真题真题例句例句Our disregard for the environment threatens the long-term survival of the planet. 我们对环境的漠视威胁着地球的长久存在。翻译翻译amusement释义释义n. C, U something that you enjoy doing 乐于去做的事;有趣的事例句例句What do you do for amusement in this town?在这个城镇里你们

57、有什么娱乐活动?翻译翻译Words例句例句I play the piano but just for my own amusement.翻译翻译我弹钢琴只是为了自娱自乐。efficiency释义释义n. U the ability to work well and produce good results by using the available time, money, supplies etc in the most effective way 效率例句例句It will improve our efficiency if we introduce an up-to-date mach

58、ine.假如我们引进最先进的机器,效率将得到提高。翻译翻译WordsI was impressed with the efficiency of the work done in the company. (Jun. 2005, CET-4, Vocabulary and structure)真题真题例句例句There can be no economy where there is no efficiency. 没有效率就谈不上节约。 翻译翻译game释义释义n. U wild animals, birds, and fish that people hunt 猎物例句例句He says t

59、hat there is a forest full of game. 他说那里有一片森林,猎物很多。 翻译翻译Words例句例句As men who shot game for food, they were natural marksmen.作为靠捕猎获取食物的人,他们是天生的神枪手。翻译翻译bow释义释义n. C 弓例句例句翻译翻译WordsShe drew and aimed her bow. 她拉开弓瞄准。 Bows and arrows, are one of mans oldest weapons.(Jun. 2006, CET-4, Listening comprehensio

60、n)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译William Tell studied the two arrows, selected one, and placed it in his bow.威廉泰尔端详了一下这两支箭,挑选了一支搭在弓上。myth释义释义n. C an ancient traditional story about gods, heroes, and magic 神话例句例句翻译翻译WordsThe battle has become part of national myth. 这场战役已成为民族神话的一部分。 例句例句翻译翻译The stories developed out of

61、ancient myths.这些故事是由古代神话发展而来的。similarly释义释义ad. in a similar way 相似地;类似地例句例句翻译翻译WordsMost of the men who gathered round him were similarly dressed. 聚集在他周围的大多数男子穿戴都差不多。Similarly, consumers operating under a given mood state tend to react to stimuli (刺激因素) in a direction consistent with that mood state

62、. (Dec. 2007, CET-4, Cloze)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译Sales of existing homes went up 2% last month. Similarly, construction of new homes rose as well. 现有住房上月的销售量上升了2%,同样地,新房子也建得更多了。 feature释义释义n. C an important part or aspect of something 特点; 特征例句例句翻译翻译WordsThe latest model has a lot of new safety features.最新的模型在

63、安全方面具有很多新特点。Consider the many geographic features of the country: mountains, steep grades, wetlands, rivers, deserts, and plains. (Jun. 2006, CET-4, Skimming and scanning)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译The spacious gardens are a special feature of this property. 大花园是这处房产的特色。 military释义释义a. relating to armies or armed

64、forces and the way they are organized 军队的;武装力量的例句例句翻译翻译WordsMilitary action may become necessary.有可能会采取军事行动。真题真题We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield to any military threat. (Jan. 1988, CET-4, Vocabulary and structure) 例句例句翻译翻译I wasnt surprised to learn that hed served in the mil

65、itary. 得知他在军中服过役,我并不感到吃惊。 weapon释义释义n. C an object that can be used to hurt people or damage property 武器;凶器例句例句翻译翻译WordsThe nuclear missile is one of the worlds most modern weapons.核导弹是世界上最先进的武器之一。Some even doubted the wisdom of using so powerful a weapon. (Jun. 1990, CET-4, Reading comprehension) 真

66、题真题例句例句翻译翻译Her sharp wit is an important weapon in debating opponents. 她的睿智是与对手辩论时的重要武器。award释义释义vt. to give somebody a prize or other reward because they have achieved something 授奖、授予例句例句翻译翻译Words委员会把文学奖授予给她。The Committee awarded the literature prize to her.The mayor awarded the police officer a me

67、dal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims. (Jun. 2005, CET-4, Vocabulary and structure)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译他已经获得出国留学的奖学金。 He has been awarded a scholarship to study abroad. formal释义释义1例句例句翻译翻译Words许多卫生工作者没有受过正规的医疗培训。 Many of the health workers had no formal medical training.Althoug

68、h his formal education stopped after primary school, he was an avid reader.例句例句翻译翻译尽管他在小学毕业后就没上过正规的学校,但他是一个酷爱读书的人。真题真题He had little formal schooling. (Jun. 2007, CET-4, Listening comprehension)a. formal education or training is obtained from studying rather than from working at a job 正规的 formal释义释义2

69、例句例句翻译翻译Words政府许诺要展开正式调查。The government is promising a formal investigation.This sounds suspiciously like a formal statement that you approve of the liberal-arts graduate. (Sep. 2003, CET-4, Reading comprehension)真题真题vt. following the correct or suitable official methods 正式的 例句例句翻译翻译We intend to mak

70、e a formal written complaint.我们打算写一份正式的书面投诉。stiff释义释义a. if you are stiff or a part of your body is stiff, you feel pain in your muscles and cannot move easily ( 肌肉)疼痛的,僵硬的例句例句翻译翻译Words我脖子很疼。Ive got a really stiff neck.I felt really stiff after playing basketball last week.例句例句翻译翻译我上星期打了篮球后感到身体发僵,一动就

71、疼。 rid释义释义a. (get of) to do something so that you stop being affected by something annoying, unpleasant, or not wanted 摆脱;除去例句例句翻译翻译Words我希望感冒能快点好。I wish I could get rid of this cold.When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. (Dec. 2006, CET-4, Listening comprehension) 真题

72、真题例句例句翻译翻译你怎样才能改掉坏习惯呢? How can you get rid of a bad habit? gloomy释义释义a. feeling sad and without hope 沮丧的;悲观的例句例句翻译翻译Words我感到前途暗淡。I feel gloomy about the future.例句例句翻译翻译He became very gloomy and depressed.他变得非常沮丧抑郁。mood释义释义n. C, U the way someone is feeling, for example whether they are happy, sad, o

73、r angry 心情;心境; 情绪例句例句翻译翻译Words我以前从没见过安妮的心情如此之好。I had never seen Ann in such a good mood before.One factor that can influence consumers is their mood state. (Dec. 2007, CET-4, Cloze)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译当他有兴致的时候他可真是个活宝。 When the mood takes him, he can be a real laugh. vigorous释义释义a. full of energy, enthusiasm

74、, or determination 体力旺盛的;热情满怀的;坚决的例句例句翻译翻译Words如果你加强锻炼,就会更有活力。You will be more vigorous if you exercise. The president made a vigorous speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly. (Jan. 1997, CET-4, Vocabulary and structure)真题真题例句例句翻译翻译我们需要开展一场声势浩大的运动

75、来减少交通死亡人数。We need a vigorous campaign to reduce deaths on the roads.era释义释义n. C a period of time when a particular family ruled a country or area 朝代例句例句翻译翻译Words总统允诺将带来和平的新纪元。The president promised to bring about a new era of peace.Yao Mings retirement marked the end of an era.例句例句翻译翻译姚明的退役标志着一个时代的终

76、结。dynasty释义释义n. C a period of time that has a particular quality or character 时代;纪元例句例句翻译翻译Words那是13世纪的元朝。It was the Yuan Dynasty in the 13th century.The civil service was established under the previous dynasty.例句例句翻译翻译行政机构是在前一王朝统治期间建立的。 athlete释义释义n. C someone who is good at sports and takes part i

77、n sports competitions 运动员例句例句翻译翻译Words奥运会运动员来自世界各地。The Olympic athletes came from all over the world.真题真题For professional athletes, access to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books. (Jun. 2005, CET-4, Vocabulary and structure) 例句例句她天生具备运动员的体格和力量。 She has the build and

78、strength of a natural athlete.翻译翻译ritual释义释义1n. C, U a formal ceremony 仪式;典礼 例句例句翻译翻译Words那位萨满教巫师为小男孩举行了仪式。 The shaman performed the ritual on the young boy.例句例句翻译翻译中国人将丝绸与神话和仪式联系在一起。The Chinese surround silk with myth and ritual.ritual释义释义2n. C, U something you do regularly and always in the same w

79、ay 惯例;例行公事 例句例句翻译翻译Words另一个惯例是每年一度的茶会。Another ritual was the annual tea party.例句例句翻译翻译孩子们按照惯例在睡觉前洗脸刷牙。The children performed the bedtime ritual of washing and brushing their teeth.vehicle释义释义n. C a machine that you travel in or on, especially one with an engine that travels on roads 交通工具;(尤指)车辆 例句例句

80、She was blinded by the lights from an oncoming vehicle.迎面开来的车辆上的大灯晃得她什么也看不见。翻译翻译WordsThirteen percent of defense plants received all their supplies by truck, and almost all other plants shipped more than half of their products by vehicle. (Jun. 2006, CET-4, Skimming and scanning)真题真题例句例句The vehicle

81、was impounded as part of the police investigation. 这辆车作为警察调查的一部分被扣押了。 翻译翻译moral释义释义a. (only before noun) relating to right and wrong and the way people should behave 道德的;道德上的例句例句Parents are responsible for giving their children moral guidance. 家长们有责任给自己的孩子提供道德上的引导。 翻译翻译WordsMy task is to build fluen

82、cy while providing the opportunity inherent in any writing activity to enhance the moral and emotional development of my students. (Jun. 2009, CET-4, Reading comprehension)真题真题例句例句You dont know the circumstances of the divorce, so dont make moral judgments about it.你不了解离婚的全部情况,所以不要对此作道德上的判断。翻译翻译inte

83、llectual释义释义a. relating to the ability to think in an intelligent way and to understand things, especially difficult or complicated ideas and subjects 智力的;理解力的例句例句Literature is a kind of intellectual light. 文学是一种理智之光。 翻译翻译WordsBesides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their inte

84、llectual ability. (Jan. 1990, CET-4, Reading comprehension)真题真题例句例句High levels of lead could damage the intellectual development of children.铅含量过高会损害儿童的智力发展。翻译翻译philosopher释义释义n. C someone who studies and tries to explain the meaning of things such as life, knowledge, or beliefs 哲学家例句例句Plato and Soc

85、rates were leading philosophers of Ancient Greece.柏拉图和苏格拉底是古希腊的主要哲学家。翻译翻译WordsThe philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point however is to change it. 例句例句翻译翻译哲学家们只是用不同的方式解释世界,可问题在于改变世界。curriculum释义释义n. C the subjects that students study at a particular school or college

86、课程例句例句English is one of the compulsory courses on the school curriculum.英语是学校的必修课程之一。 翻译翻译WordsHas computer studies been introduced into the school curriculum?例句例句翻译翻译电脑学习引入学校课程了吗?philosophy释义释义n. U the study of theories about the meaning of things such as life, knowledge, or beliefs 哲学例句例句He studie

87、d politics and philosophy. 他研究的是政治学与哲学。翻译翻译WordsThey believe that my job prospects would be pretty limited with the degree of philosophy. (Jun. 2006, CET-4, Listening comprehension)真题真题例句例句Descartes is considered by many to be the father of modern philosophy. 很多人都把笛卡尔当作现代哲学之父。 翻译翻译embrace释义释义1vt. (f

88、ml) to completely accept something such as a new belief, idea, or way of life 欣然接受 例句例句Many older people have embraced new technology. 许多上了年纪的人欣然接受了新科技。翻译翻译WordsThe new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations.例句例句翻译翻译政府监察机构已欣然接受了这些新规则。embrace释义释义2vt. to put your arms around som

89、eone to show love or friendship 拥抱 例句例句He embraced her and told her how glad he was to see her again.他拥抱了她,并对她说能再次见到她是多么高兴。翻译翻译WordsShe embraced her son tenderly.例句例句翻译翻译她温柔地抱着儿子。have sth in common释义释义(to have the same features with someone or something else 有共同之处Weve got such a lot in common.我们有如此多

90、的共同之处。Phrases例句例句翻译翻译If you read Sports Illustrated, for example, you have much in common with the magazines other readers.(Jun. 2006, CET-4, Skimming and Scanning)Text真题真题I marry her because we have so many fault in common. 我之所以跟她结了婚,是因为我们俩有那么多共通的缺点。 例句例句翻译翻译释义释义例句例句翻译翻译欧文的作品可以与最出色的现代小说家的作品相媲美。 bea

91、r comparison (with)(fml) to be similar (to) 相似(于) PhrasesIrvings work bears comparison with the best of the modern novelists.例句例句翻译翻译Thats a good dictionary, but it doesnt bear comparison with this one. 那是本好词典,但比不上这本。释义释义例句例句翻译翻译他在适当的时候出现了。 in due courseHe appeared in due course. (fml) later when it

92、 is the right time, and not before在适当的时候Phrases例句例句翻译翻译Applicants will be called for interview in due course. 申请者将于适当时候获邀约面谈。 Culture pointsOdysseus (奥德修斯) was the hero of the Odyssey (奥德赛), one of the two great epic poems written by the Greek poet Homer in the eighth century BC. After winning the T

93、rojan War (特洛伊战争), Odysseus spent ten years travelling back to the island of Ithaca. On the journey he found himself in many dangerous situations, but he survived them all and eventually came home to his wife and son.Culture pointsSparta 斯巴达(古希腊的城邦;以训练严格而闻名) Of all the ancient Greek city-states, thi

94、s was the most militaristic. The ruling class lived for war. Their children were treated very harshly, and from the age of seven boys left their families and lived in training camps with the other men of Sparta. The aim was to create men who were afraid of nothing and used to pain and hardship. Rapi

95、d dances based on the movements of soldiers avoiding arrows and weapons in battle were used in training and celebrations. Girls, on the other hand, remained with their mothers but were also taught to fight.Culture pointsPlato (柏拉图) (? 427347BC) was a Greek philosopher who was a student of Socrates.

96、His writings greatly influenced the development of Western philosophy. 在古代和现代,希腊和中国这两个国家在古代和现代,希腊和中国这两个国家有什么共同之处吗?两国间隔着有什么共同之处吗?两国间隔着8,000 8,000 公里公里的山川和沙漠,过去没有邦交,也鲜有交流。的山川和沙漠,过去没有邦交,也鲜有交流。然而体育运动在两国社会中所发挥的作用却然而体育运动在两国社会中所发挥的作用却十分相似。十分相似。Translation原文原文 古时候,丝绸之路作为东西方贸易往来和古时候,丝绸之路作为东西方贸易往来和文化交流的渠道,确实可

97、能让中国了解到希腊文化交流的渠道,确实可能让中国了解到希腊古代奥林匹克的发展。然而,纵观古今,体育古代奥林匹克的发展。然而,纵观古今,体育运动在任何一个国家的文化和社会政治方面似运动在任何一个国家的文化和社会政治方面似乎都发挥着更为重要、更为根深蒂固的作用。乎都发挥着更为重要、更为根深蒂固的作用。Translation原文原文 实际上,奥林匹克运动会的起源可追溯到实际上,奥林匹克运动会的起源可追溯到希腊各城邦间的频繁冲突。这些城邦达成协议,希腊各城邦间的频繁冲突。这些城邦达成协议,每隔四年举办一次奥林匹克运动会,暂时休战。每隔四年举办一次奥林匹克运动会,暂时休战。而运动会一结束,战争又会继续。

98、而运动会一结束,战争又会继续。Translation原文原文 然而,社会学领域的历史研究表明,体育然而,社会学领域的历史研究表明,体育运动不仅仅只是冲突的替代品。似乎哪里有人运动不仅仅只是冲突的替代品。似乎哪里有人类活动,哪里就有体育运动。原因之一就是人类活动,哪里就有体育运动。原因之一就是人们需要保持身体健康,为了生存,也为了快乐。们需要保持身体健康,为了生存,也为了快乐。人类自用石头制造工具时起,就知道体力越充人类自用石头制造工具时起,就知道体力越充沛,越能高效地使用工具。沛,越能高效地使用工具。Translation原文原文 跑步、游泳、跳跃、投掷,这些技能的发跑步、游泳、跳跃、投掷,这

99、些技能的发展不仅仅是为了捕获更多的猎物和鱼。这些活展不仅仅是为了捕获更多的猎物和鱼。这些活动本身也给人以快乐。到了适当的时候,不仅动本身也给人以快乐。到了适当的时候,不仅仅奥运会,在中国以及其他地方举办的体育赛仅奥运会,在中国以及其他地方举办的体育赛事中也用到了这些技能。例如,弓箭射击在许事中也用到了这些技能。例如,弓箭射击在许多国家的神话中都出现过。多国家的神话中都出现过。Translation原文原文 据说奥德修斯用弓箭射杀了追求她妻子的据说奥德修斯用弓箭射杀了追求她妻子的情敌们。与之类似,在尧帝时期,据说天上有情敌们。与之类似,在尧帝时期,据说天上有十个太阳,把所有的植物都烤焦了,后羿用

100、弓十个太阳,把所有的植物都烤焦了,后羿用弓箭射下了其中的九个。因此,运动似乎是根植箭射下了其中的九个。因此,运动似乎是根植于人类的本能中,并不是人类发明创造的。于人类的本能中,并不是人类发明创造的。Translation原文原文 希腊、中国以及其他国家的体育运动还有希腊、中国以及其他国家的体育运动还有更多的相似特征。体育被用作军事训练的一种更多的相似特征。体育被用作军事训练的一种形式,以增强军队徒手或用武器击败敌人的能形式,以增强军队徒手或用武器击败敌人的能力。在中国,这种训练就包括徒手搏击、赛马、力。在中国,这种训练就包括徒手搏击、赛马、掷石、狩猎和游泳。掷石、狩猎和游泳。Translati

101、on原文原文 春秋时期,人们建造了游泳池,还对水兵春秋时期,人们建造了游泳池,还对水兵中的游泳健将们进行奖励。类似的运动在古希中的游泳健将们进行奖励。类似的运动在古希腊也很普遍,尤其是在斯巴达,军事训练是男腊也很普遍,尤其是在斯巴达,军事训练是男孩和女孩们正式教育的一部分。孩和女孩们正式教育的一部分。Translation原文原文 在这两个国家,体育经常与舞蹈结合在一起。在这两个国家,体育经常与舞蹈结合在一起。在天气恶劣的时候,中国会遭受雨水和洪流的袭在天气恶劣的时候,中国会遭受雨水和洪流的袭击。人们会用剧烈的舞蹈来放松僵硬的关节和肌击。人们会用剧烈的舞蹈来放松僵硬的关节和肌肉,以及消除抑郁的

102、情绪。斯巴达的军事训练包肉,以及消除抑郁的情绪。斯巴达的军事训练包含了舞蹈,古代奥运会也有舞蹈比赛项目。到了含了舞蹈,古代奥运会也有舞蹈比赛项目。到了现代,人们还是能在花样滑冰和体操项目中看到现代,人们还是能在花样滑冰和体操项目中看到这种富有动作与节奏的运动形式。这种富有动作与节奏的运动形式。Translation原文原文 此外,在古代中国和希腊,体育运动被融此外,在古代中国和希腊,体育运动被融合到了教育体系中。夏、商、周时期,所有的合到了教育体系中。夏、商、周时期,所有的学习场所都教授传统形式的搏击。孔子就是一学习场所都教授传统形式的搏击。孔子就是一位运动健将,他射箭、垂钓、狩猎和爬山的技位


104、是源自于这个广义的教育概念。于这个广义的教育概念。Translation原文原文 体育运动,在古代中国和希腊,都与军事体育运动,在古代中国和希腊,都与军事训练、舞蹈以及整个教育体系密切相关。那么,训练、舞蹈以及整个教育体系密切相关。那么,中国对于深深根植于古希腊社会的现代奥林匹中国对于深深根植于古希腊社会的现代奥林匹克理想的欣然接受,又有什么值得惊讶的呢?克理想的欣然接受,又有什么值得惊讶的呢?Translation原文原文Background informationAncient Greece is well-known for its love of sport. Young men in

105、 the ancient Greek cities spent a lot of time exercising in open areas for sporting activities, called gymnasia, plural of gymnasium (古希腊的运动场). There were a number of famous games. Of course, the Olympic Games which took place at the Temple of Zeus (宙斯庙) in Olympia (希腊南部奥林匹亚平原), are the ones best re

106、membered nowadays. DiggingBackground informationWinners in the athletic tournaments and various forms of racing were greatly honoured as can be seen in the many surviving ancient poems on the subject. Greek art also shows the importance of sport to the culture with many statues of discus throwers (掷

107、铁饼者), charioteers (战车御者) and athletes. The passage discusses how similar things were in ancient China.DiggingTextMain idea of the passageThe writer suggests that all human cultures value sport as a way of keeping fit and training for war. Just as the ancient Greeks included sporting activities in th

108、eir myths and legends, used sport to train for battle, danced as a way of keeping physically fit and regarded sport as part of a good education, so did the ancient Chinese. Chinese culture has long valued sport and it is not at all surprising that China is such a keen participant in the modern Olymp

109、ic movement.DiggingTextUsing rhetorical devices InterpretingA writer sometimes asks a question without expecting an answer, or makes a statement or claim without stating clearly the logic. These are called rhetorical devices. Both writers and speakers use them to persuade the reader or listener of t

110、heir argument, and to present it in an elegant way. Work in pairs. Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions. 1 What do Greece and China have in common with each other, in both ancient and modern times? Why does the writer start the passage with a question? To stimulate thought

111、 and interest, and to set the context and quickly involve the reader.Interpreting2. Thus, the origin of sport appears to lie in human instinct, and not in human invention. Which is the best evidence that the writer gives to support this claim? InterpretingThat Odysseus of ancient Greece and Hou Yi o

112、f ancient China both used the skill of shooting with a bow and arrow.3 So is it surprising that China should embrace modern Olympic ideals which were deeply rooted in ancient Greek society? What answer does the writer expect to this question? InterpretingBy asking the question, the writer does not i

113、ntend to get an answer, but to emphasize that it is not surprising that China is an active participant in modern Olympic Games because it has a long history of sporting, just as Greece.Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Do you agree that sport is an instinct, and not an invention? Why / Why

114、not? competitionphysical trainingCritical ThinkingWord tips: body movement / postureExample answer Yes, I am sure it is a natural human instinct to enjoy competition and using ones body. I think young men would be wrestling even in the Stone Age. I think physical trainings, both for physical health

115、and military purpose, adopt various body movements and postures which we can find in sport. So maybe, sport, like training, is also a human invention.Critical Thinking2 Are some sports more noble or more moral than others? neutralanimal fightingcruel sportban boxingCritical ThinkingWord tips: Some s

116、ports, like golf, horse-riding and motor racing, cost more but that doesnt make them more noble or moral. Surely sport is morally neutral. You can be a good person without interest in sport and the other way round too.There have been and still are some very cruel and unacceptable sports. The Romans

117、enjoyed watching wild animals tear people to pieces, and men fight to the death. That has stopped but there are other types of animal fighting involving dogs and cocks which I find morally unacceptable. Bull fighting might be another case. Some people would like to ban boxing too.Critical ThinkingEx

118、ample answer3 Should sport be part of the education system? Why / Why not? body / mindtime allocationencouragementCritical ThinkingWord tips: definition of education Yes, young people should know education is both about the body and the mind. And schools should encourage healthy activities. In fact,

119、 youngsters also need to use up their physical energy or they will be restless in class. I am not against sport in schools, but frankly there is so much to learn and so little time students can give to sport. Students can play basketball after school, but lesson time needs to be used for all the sub

120、jects they need to know nowadays.Critical ThinkingExample answer4 Do the Olympic Games promote international peace, international competition, or both? exchange ideasplatformnationalismCritical ThinkingWord tips: Critical ThinkingExample answer On the one hand, they do bring people from all over the

121、 world together. People are provided a good opportunity to exchange ideas and therefore to understand each other better. In the meantime, they are watched all over the world. The audience then get a chance to know people from different countries and the places where the Games are held. On the other

122、hand, they do encourage nationalism. People get very excited about their own countrys athletes and teams.5 Will sport ever replace war as a means for solving international conflict? fantasyexamplediplomaic relations Critical ThinkingWord tips: relieveNo, I dont see how it could. Would we settle the

123、worlds big issues with a game of football? I dont think the losing side if it had the stronger army would accept defeat! The idea is only a science-fiction fantasy.I think to some degree, sport can relieve international conflict and promote friendship between countries. It is well-known that ping-po

124、ng diplomacy in the 1970s finally led to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US. The table-tennis players were invited to play in each others country which was believed to open the doors for Sino-US interactions and exchanges.Critical ThinkingExample answerUnfamiliar Word

125、sMatch the words with their meanings in the context of the passage. 1 amusement (a) something you enjoy doing (b) something that makes you laugh 2 stiff (a) painful (b) formal and unfriendly Answer: aAnswer: aamusement embrace gloomy mood stiff vehicle Unfamiliar Words3 gloomy (a) dark (b) sad 4 moo

126、d (a) state of mind (b) form of a verb Answer: b Answer: aamusement embrace gloomy mood stiff vehicle Unfamiliar Words5 vehicle (a) way of expressing ideas (b) means of transport 6 embrace (a) to put your arms around someone (b) to accept something completely Answer: b Answer: bamusement embrace glo

127、omy mood stiff vehicle award efficiency feature fundamental historical intellectual ritual substitute Unfamiliar WordsReplace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 There is no thing you can choose instead of sport; it is one of the

128、most basic needs of a human being. substitute forfundamentalUnfamiliar Words2 From ancient times, an important aspect of education systems has been that they encouraged physical development as well as development of the mind. a feature ofas well as intellectual developmentaward efficiency feature fu

129、ndamental historical intellectual ritual substitute Unfamiliar Words3 Success as a hunter depended on two things: physical fitness and the tools ability to work well and produce good results. efficiencyaward efficiency feature fundamental historical intellectual ritual substitute Unfamiliar Words4 I

130、n todays Olympics, giving the best sportsman or woman a gold medal, while the band plays the national anthem of their country, has become a formal ceremony which follows every event. But in the games in the past, the prizes were all given on the last day. awardingritualBut in the historical games,aw

131、ard efficiency feature fundamental historical intellectual ritual substitute Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. ancient athlete era exchange get rid of resume survival temporary Unfamiliar WordsWhen the first Olympic Games of the modern (1) _ were h

132、eld in 1896 they (2) _ a tradition which was nearly 3,000 years old. Since then, every four years (3) _ from all over the world have come together hoping to win a gold medal in their sport. eraresumedathletesOver the years, the games have changed: The International Olympic Committee has (4) _ some s

133、ports (such as rope climbing and live pigeon shooting), but introduced other more familiar ones, such as football and basketball. But many traditional events from the (5) _ Olympics remain (such as running, jumping, and throwing things). Unfamiliar Wordsgot rid ofancientancient athlete era exchange

134、get rid of resume survival temporary There have been (6) _ interruptions (there were no games during the First and Second World Wars), but today the Olympic ideals seem stronger than ever, and the (7) _ of the Olympic Games into the 21st century is an example of humanitys need for cultural (8) _ and

135、 peaceful cooperation. Unfamiliar Wordstemporarysurvivalexchangeancient athlete era exchange get rid of resume survival temporary wouldLanguage in UseLook at the sentences. But once the Games were over, fighting regularly resumed. In order to relax stiff joints and muscles and to get rid of gloomy m

136、oods, people used to dance vigorously. wouldLanguage in UseWe can rewrite them like this: But once the Games were over, fighting would resume. In order to relax stiff joints and muscles and to get rid of gloomy moods, people would dance vigorously. wouldLanguage in UseWe use would to talk about what

137、 someone used to do in the past. It emphasizes the fact that something was a habit and happened on many occasions. Language in UseNow rewrite the sentences using would.1 We used to go fishing every day when we were children. When we were children we would go fishing every day.2 We didnt catch much f

138、ish, but we didnt use to worry about that. We didnt catch much fish, but we wouldnt worry about that.Language in Use3 They got up early and went to work in the fields. They would get up early and go to work in the fields.4 Athletes at the ancient Olympics used to participate naked. Athletes at the a

139、ncient Olympics would participate naked. 5 The prizes were all awarded on the last day. The prizes would all be awarded on the last day.Language in UseLook at the sentence. There is sport in every place where there are human activities. We can rewrite it like this: Wherever there are human activitie

140、s, there is sport. wherever, wheneverWe can use wherever and whenever as a conjunction to connect two clauses, to show that something happens everywhere or every time.Language in UseNow rewrite the sentences using wherever or whenever.1 Every time these two teams meet there is an exciting match. Whe

141、never these two teams meet, there is an exciting match.2 She follows me everywhere I go. She follows me wherever I go.3 In every place where you see this sign you can get information. Wherever you see this sign, you can get information.Language in Use4 It doesnt matter when you come, I shall be read

142、y for you. Whenever you come, I shall be ready for you.5 Just give me a call at any moment that you feel lonely. Just give me a call whenever you feel lonely. 6 The atmosphere is always the same, in every place where cricket is played. The atmosphere is always the same, wherever cricket is played.li

143、nking clauses with all / some / many of which / whomLanguage in UseLook at the sentence.He introduced the Six Noble Arts into education: music, ancient rituals, mathematics all of them paid attention to the moral, physical and intellectual development of pupils. linking clauses with all / some / man

144、y of which / whomLanguage in UseWe can rewrite it like this:He introduced the Six Noble Arts into education: music, ancient rituals, mathematics all of which paid attention to the moral, physical and intellectual development of pupils. 1 There were lots of people waiting in the changing room, _. 2 W

145、e study about 15 different subjects in our high school, _. Language in UseNow complete the sentences with your own ideas using all / some / many of which / whom. all of whom wanted to congratulate the team on its great success all of which demand a lot of attention and hard work3 There were a lot of

146、 races last week, _.4 We had a lot of new teachers last term, _.5 Ive read several of her books, _.Language in Usemany of which were very excitingsome of whom have already leftall of which are full of wisdom and good adviceIt is surprising / strange / curious etc that should Language in UseLook at t

147、he sentence from the passage. So is it surprising that China should embrace modern Olympic ideals which were deeply rooted in ancient Greek society? Language in UseNow question the facts using should and the adjectives in brackets. 1 People spend lots of time hitting or throwing balls. (curious) Is

148、it curious that people should spend lots of time hitting or throwing balls?2 Sport is a substitute for war. (strange) Is it strange that sport should be a substitute for war? Language in Use3 People from very different cultures have similar customs. (unusual) Is it unusual that people from very diff

149、erent cultures should have similar customs? 4 Girls had the same military training as boys. (surprising) Is it surprising that girls should have had the same military training as boys?Language in UseComplete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the box. Nouns and expressi

150、ons which often go after:payattention, a compliment, a visitembracean ideal, a belief, a way of lifebearcomparison, a relation, a resemblanceNouns which often go after:fundamental role, difference, weaknesstemporaryceasefire, arrangement, jobphysicalstrength, appearance, contactLanguage in Use1 The

151、ancient Chinese believed the Six Noble Arts _ to all areas of education. 2 The Greek hero Odysseus was famous for his _ and skill with a bow and arrow. 3 This sports hall is only a(n) _ until the new gymnasium is built. paid attentionphysical strengthtemporary arrangementLanguage in Use4 The modern-

152、day Olympic Games _ of the ancient competition. 5 Both China and Greece _ with each other when it comes to the role of sport in their societies. 6 A(n) _ between our two countries is the geography which affects the types of sports people like to play. embrace ideasbear comparisonfundamental differen

153、ceTranslate the sentences into Chinese.1 It is true that in the ancient period, the Silk Road served as a channel of trade and cultural exchange between the East and West, which may have allowed an awareness of the ancient Olympic movement to pass from Greece to China. 古时候,丝绸之路作为东西方贸易往来和文化交流的渠道,确实可能

154、让中国了解到希腊古代奥林匹克的发展。Language in Use2 Yet sport appears to play a more fundamental and deeply-rooted role in national culture and socio-political life in all social communities at all times. 然而,纵观古今,体育运动在任何一个国家的文化和社会政治方面似乎都发挥着更为重要、更为根深蒂固的作用。Language in Use3 In due course, these same skills were called

155、into play not just in the Olympic Games but also in the sporting events which were held in China and elsewhere. 到了适当的时候,不仅仅奥运会,在中国以及其他地方举办的体育赛事中也用到了这些技能。Language in Use4 Sport was used as a form of military training, to improve an armys ability to beat the enemy with or without weapons. 体育被用作军事训练的一种

156、形式,以增强军队徒手或用武器击败敌人的能力。Language in Use5 The Greek philosopher Plato advised that physical training and health education should be included in the school curriculum, alongside philosophy, music, literature and gymnastics. 希腊哲学家柏拉图主张将体育锻炼和健康教育包含到学校的课程中去,和哲学、音乐、文学、体操一起构成教学内容。Language in UseTranslate the

157、 sentences into English.1 虽然体育运动的形式多种多样,但它们有一个共同之处:所有的运动都是为了增强人们的体质。(despite; have in common) Despite the different forms of sports, they have one thing in common: All of them are to strengthen peoples health.2 四年一次的奥运会对促进各国间的友谊起着重要作用。(play a role; promote) The Olympic Games, which take place every

158、four years, play an important role in promoting friendship between different countries.Language in Use3 两国间的文化交流在中断了两年后,于去年重新开始。(exchange; resume) After having stopped for two years, cultural exchanges between the two countries resumed last year.4 体育锻炼是很重要,但它代替不了健康的饮食。(substitute for) Physical exerc

159、ise is important, but it is no substitute for healthy diet.Language in Use5 在中国,只要说到国球,人们自然会想到乒乓球。(whenever; speak of) Whenever people speak of the national ball in China, people will think of table tennis.Do the questionnaire. Talking PointWhats your sport?Choose the answers which are most true for

160、 you. Try to be honest with yourself! 1 I do sport _. (a) every day (b) every week (c) only if I have to 2 The sort of sport I like best is _. (a) indoors and by myself (b) outdoors and by myself (c) when Im part of a team Talking Point3 The Olympic sport I enjoy watching most is _. (a) 4100 metres

161、(b) gymnastics (c) the marathon 4 I feel most comfortable _. (a) in the water (b) travelling at high speed (c) with a ball in my hands 5 Right now, I feel like _. (a) playing basketball (b) running a marathon (c) climbing into bed Work in pairs. Choose a new sport for your partner to try. Give reaso

162、ns why you think they would enjoy the sport. I think would enjoy basketball because he is tall and is a fast runner. Now tell the class. Talking PointTalking PointA: Have you ever played paintball?B: No, I havent. In fact, I have never heard of it. What do you do when you play?A: Usually you have tw

163、o teams. Every player has a sort of gun which shoots paintballs. Players have to perform a task or get somewhere without being hit by a paintball.B: It sounds rather dangerous and messy.Example:Talking PointA: Not really, the paintballs are small and contain a harmless coloured gel which washes off

164、easily.B: And why do you think this game suits me?A: I know you play a lot of computer games where you shoot enemies. This is similar. You are active and play basketball so you can move fast, and you like fun and this is a funny sport.B: OK, if youll show me where I can play paintball, Ill give it a try!



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