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1、英语四级英语四级-快速阅读快速阅读快速阅读做题方法: 做题顺序做题顺序:先看文章标题(大标题+小标题),了解文章主要内容,然后把每小题的定位词先圈出来,再回原文找相关信息,最后分析决定每题的答案.比较容易定位的词比较容易定位的词 A. 不能用中心思想词定位,因为整篇文章都 说的是它。 B. 时间、数字、地点、大写字母的单词容易 定位。 C. 比较长,难的名词容易定位,好找。 D. 定位词找23个就行,多了也记不住。最 好是位置不同的两个词。 2007.1 Six Secrets of High-Energy People 答题步骤: 第一步:浏览第一步:浏览分析大标题 目的:主动预测文章内容。

2、分析思路:secrets:多数人不知道,一定新颖有趣;high-energy people指精力充沛的人。文章要告诉我们,那些人为什么精力充沛,希望我们学习他们的秘诀。分析小标题 目的:了解文章内容,把握总体结构。第二步第二步:定位关键词定位关键词第三步第三步:审题审题主题原则:支持主题的,Yes;反对主题的,No;跑题的,NG。 对各题的分析(红色为关键词):第1题The energy crisis in America discussed here mainly refers to a shortage of fossil fuels.该题目的意思是“本文所讨论的美国能源危机主要指矿物燃料

3、短缺问题”,讨论的是美国的能源危机,因此根据关键词在原文迅速找到相关语言。全文首句就是相关话题的体现:Theres an energy crisis in America, and it has nothing to do with fossil fuels. (美国存在能源危机,但是这一危机和矿物燃料无关。)可见第1题的意思正好与原文相反,故为N。 第2题People these days tend to lack physical energy. 该题目的意思是“如今人们往往缺乏身体能量。”本题讨论的是人们“乏力”的问题,据physical energy在原文快速浏览,发现第一段有信息“B

4、ut its not physical energy that most of us lack.”(但是大部分人缺乏的并不是身体能量),这句话足以说明第2题也为N。 第3题Laura Hillenbrand is an example cited to show how emotional energy can contribute to ones success in life. 该题目的意思是“引用Laura Hillenbrand的例子是为了表明精神能量如何有利于成功。”这里围绕的话题是Laura Hillenbrand,我们可以迅速用这个明显的信号在文章中找答案。第3段提到“Consi

5、der Laura Hillenbrand, who despite an extremely weak body wrote the best-seller Seabiscuit. Hillenbrand barely had enough physical energy to drag herself out of bed to write. But she was fueled by having a story she wanted to share. It was emotional energy that helped her succeed.”分析看来,这一段话前3句讲的是例子本

6、身,最后一句话是对例子的点评,明确告诉我们精神能量帮助她成功。所以第3题为Y。 第4题The author believes emotional energy is inherited and genetically determined.该题目的意思是“作者相信精神能量是遗传的,是由基因决定的。”在探讨emotional energy的话题,第4段首句为关键句Unlike physical energy, which is finite and diminishes with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do w

7、ith genes or upbringing. (身体能量是有限的,而且随着年龄的增长而减少,与此不同的是,精神能量是无限的而且和基因或抚养无关。)第4题和原文意思完全相反,故应选N。 第5题Even small changes people make in their lives can help increase their emotional energy. 该题目的意思是“即使在生活中很小的变化,也能帮助人们提高精神能量。”这里涉及生活中小变化的作用,可以在“Do something new”这一体现变化的标题下找答案。这时可以跳过其中关于Maura的例子,单看评论性的语言即可。大家

8、可以很容易发现,最后一句“Youll discover these small things add to your emotional energy.”足以证明第5题是对的。通过这个题目,我们可以发现快速阅读一般是根据原文中某句话来判断对错,不需要对原文进行概括性的理解。 第6题Ivy filled her life with meaning by launching a program to help poor children. 该题目的意思是“Ivy通过发起一项帮助穷困孩子的活动,使自己的生活充满意义。”这里涉及到关键词meaning,从而可以知道是在“Reclaim lifes me

9、aning”标题下寻找答案。直接进入含有Ivy的内容,开始部分讲Ivy感到困惑就像22岁的青年不知道做什么一样迷茫,最后部分告诉我们Ivy的办法,“She started a program that shows Wall Streeters how to donate time and money to poor children. In the process, Ivy filled her life with meaning.”(她发起了一个活动,此活动可以告诉华尔街大亨们如何把时间和金钱捐赠给穷困孩子。在这个过程中,Ivy使自己的生活变得充实。)可见第六题为Y。 第7题The real

10、-estate broker the author knows is talented in home redecoration. 该题目的意思是“作者认识的房地产经纪人在重新装修住宅方面很有天赋。”本题只用题目所涉及的信号似乎很难快速确定在哪个小标题下面找答案。但是,按照出题的顺序原则,我们应该首先选择在下一个标题“Put yourself in the fun zone”下找答案。当然,我们还可以用核心词“real-estate broker”来确定答案出处。原文中含有此话题的句子为“A real-estate broker I know keeps herself amused on t

11、he job by mentally redecorating the houses she shows to clients.”(我认识的一位房地产经纪人通过在大脑中想象重新装修她展示给顾客的房子,来保持工作中的好心情。)这个题目的难度与前几题相比要大得多。大家需要仔细品味原文与题目的区别,原文讲到了这位经纪人喜欢“在大脑中通过想象的方式重新装修房子”,喜欢装修是不是一定在装修方面有天赋呢?可见这一点在原文并未说明,可以有也可以没有,所以答案应该是NG。 第8题“People holding on to sad memories of the past will find it diffic

12、ult to _.” 该题目的意思是“不能把以前悲伤的记忆忘却,人们就会发现很难_.”当考生做到这个题目时,应该已经明白,每个小标题下面分别设计了一个题目。所以,第8题应该在下一个标题“Bid farewell to guilt and regret”下面找答案。“Everyones past is filled with regrets that still cause pain. But from an emotional energy point of view, they are dead weights that keep us from moving forward.”(每个人的过

13、去充满令其至今痛苦的悔恨,但是从精神能量的角度来说,这些悲伤的回忆只是累赘,阻碍我们前进。)我们发现人们不忘过去的悲伤之事,就会很难前进,所以答案就是move forward.我们在写答案时要积极利用原文中已经存在的信息。本题目具有干扰性的地方是,题干中“holding on to sad memories of the past”很容易使考生在本段末句找答案,但是我们在这里找不到可以搭配的语言信息。第9题When it comes to decision-making, one should make a quick choice without _ . 该题目的意思是“当提到做决定,人们应

14、该作快速的选择而不 _.”很明显,第5个标题“Make up your mind”下的内容即为答案的方向。本段末句给出了做决定所要做的事“make a choice and dont look back”(做决定不要往回看)。要注意的是介词后面动词要适当变形,所以答案就是looking back. 第10题Emotional energy is in a way different from physical energy in that the more you give, _.该题目的意思是“精神能量与身体能量不同,因为精神能量你付出越多,_.”根据题目,“Give to get”标题下的

15、内容就是我们寻找答案的方向。当我们正苦恼标题下有3段内容的时候,即可发现标题下的第一句话就与题目所探讨的话题相吻合“Emotional energy has a kind of magical quality; the more you give, the more you get back.”很明显,我们只要把the more . the more.句型的后一半抄写过来就可以了,故答案为the more you get back. 核心词汇总结核心词汇总结: energy crisis 能源危机fossil fuel 矿物燃料physical energy体力 emotional energ

16、y精神力量genes n.基因 inherit v.继承life-altering change 改变生活的变化donate time and money 捐献时间和金钱real estate broker 房地产经纪人 client n.客户bid farewell告别unit 5 Promotion of Life Skills in Learning题目分析:题目分析:1. Many of the inner capacities which cannot be taught as subjects are often known as psycho-social skills. 定位词

17、:长单词inner capacities或者psycho-social skills 定位在文章第1个小标题why this goal?下第二段首句。答案选Y。 2. Vocational skills are more fundamental than psycho-social skills because vocational skills determine peoples livelihood. 定位词:Vocational skills或fundamental,定位词每次只需要找23个,多了记不住。 定位在文章第1个小标题why this goal?下第2段最后2句。原文各个部分都

18、说到,但是原文没作比较,选NG。 3. One can tell how effectively a vocational skill is being used by counting how many students register for the course. 定位词:effectively,vocational,register定位在文章第4个小标题progress towards this goal下首段第2句、3句。题目与原文表达相反,选N。 4. The progress in psycho-social skills can be measured in terms of

19、 changed behaviors. 定位词:psycho-social skills , measured ,changed behaviors. 定位在文章第4个小标题progress towards this goal下第2段第一句。题目与原文同义表达,选Y。 5. One of the challenges is that the full development of human potential could be brought about by the recognition of the importance of life skills. 定位词:challenges和f

20、ull development of human potential 文章第5个小标题current challenges部分第二段与题目是同义互换,选Y。 6. The government should check and control the process and the content of education in order to achieve a balance between the education and life skills development.定位词: government 根据文章第6个小标题Policy options-what governments

21、 should do部分第五段的第一句,the process and the content of education 应该adapt而不是control, 故答案为N。7. The function of UNESCO is to lead the governments and other international agencies to promote life skills. 定位词:UNESC,有专有名词、大写字母单词为首选定位词。 根据文章最后一个小标题What UNESCO is doing部分的第一段,原文是support作用,不是lead作用,选N。 8. The abi

22、lities that we can make the most of life consist of_ . 定位词:abilities,make the most of life 根据文章第1个小标题why this goal?下第1段第2、3句,答案填:the inner capacities, the practical skills we need 第8小题可能在第7小题前,甚至文章前部分,但第9、10小题一定在第8小题后。 9. The learning to do skills are also called manual skills, which are to_ . 定位词:l

23、earning to do, manual skills 根据第二个小标题Its importance in learning部分倒数第二段,可知答案:practice know-how required for work and tasks 注意原文为practicing,答案要改为practice,用动词,就如同2006年12月四级真题原句是look back,答案要是looking back. 10. The government should make sure that the life skills are addressed in the curricula and _ is g

24、iven to learners.定位词:The government should, the life skills定位在第6个小标题policy options-what governments should do 下的第2段,答案: the opportunity to make real-life application of knowledge, skills and attitudes核心词汇总结核心词汇总结:Potential, personality and strength n. 潜质,个性和力量Inner capacity /psycho-social skill 心理社交技巧Vocational skill 职业技能manual skill 手工技能Concrete and abstract adj.具体的和抽象的Individual and collective progress个体和群体的进步Assessment n. 估价,评估 advocate v. 主张,提倡Curricula krikjul n. 课程(复数) and syllabuses n. 教学大纲 adapt v. 使.适应,改编



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