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1、Designing Imitation practice(模仿性操练活动设计)By Lan WeihongStage 1: Experience1. Read the words “ pineapple” or “plum” in following different way1) You are happy to see them. 2) You beg your mother to give you some of them. 3) You are surprised to see them. 4) You dont believe you can have some. 5) You se

2、ll them in the street. 2. Say the following in the way given in the bracket: 1) Whats the time, please? (Sleepily) 2) Turn off the light, please. (Sleepily) 3) Good night. (Tiredly) 4) Monster! (In a frightened voice) 5) Im the winner! (Proudly) 6) 3. Ask the following questions together with the te

3、acher: 1) Whats your favorite song? 2) What do you do at weekend? 3) Do you like toy car? / Barbie doll? 4) When do you have lunch? 4. Lets chant: Chant A: The juice is in the jug. The juice is in the jug. Oh, no. The juice is in the rug. Chant B: Presents. Presents. We have presents. Songs. Songs.

4、We sing songs. Spring. Spring. Its warm in spring. Autumn. Autumn. Its cool in autumn. Chant C: Tall, tall, tall! Make yourself tall. Big, big, big! Make your eyes big. Long, long, long! Make your arms long. Short, short, short! Make yourself short. Small, small, small, make your eyes small. Short,

5、short, short, make your arm short. Chant D Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?Ive been to London to visit the queen.Pussy cat, pussy cat, what did you do there?I frightened a little mouse under her chair. Chant EBaa baa black sheep, have you any wool?Yes sir, yes sir,Three bags full.One for t

6、he master,One for the dameAnd one for the little boy who lives down the lane. Chant FBags, bags, how many bags? Twelve, twelve, there are twelve. Children, children, how many children? Ten, ten, there are ten. 6. Spelling: T: Give me a _. Ss: _. T: What have you got? 7. Games 1) Policeman catching t

7、hieves 2) Passing words 5. Lets say and do Book, book, open your book. Pencil, pencil, write with a pencil. Eraser, eraser, clean with an eraser. Glue, glue, stick with glue. Scissors, scissors, we cut with scissors. Bee, bee. Im a bee. Im beautiful. I can fly. Fish, fish. Im a fish. Im pretty. I ca

8、n swim. Rabbit, rabbit. Im a rabbit. Im cute. I can jump. Elephant, elephant. Im an elephant. I have a long nose. Monkey, monkey. Im a monkey. I have a long tail. Im apple. Im round and red. Im banana. Im yellow and long. Im panda. Im white and black. Stage 2: Exploration (1) 1. 上述练习有何特征?2. 你本人在上述练习

9、中有何收获? 3. 把类似的练习迁移到小学英语课堂,可以达到什么教学目的? Exchange 1 Exchange your understanding. Each person must say a few words.模仿性活动(听做、仿说、唱)教学目标:1.掌握正确的语音、语调和节奏, 加深对所学内容的理解。 2.为其他活动做好准备(说、玩、演、读写、视听等)。 Stage 2: Exploration (2)1. 学生掌握新授单词的辨音、发音技巧、和新授句子的语音语调以什么为前提条件? 2. 教学设计中应增加哪些成分才能让小学生乐于参与模仿性操练活动? In short, what m

10、ust the teacher be able to do to reach the above objectives? Exchange (2) The teacher must be able to _? 1) speak good English 2) adapt, or simplify or reproduce materials 3) involve the learner actively, involve the whole class 4) make the practice fun 5) provide positive feedback Exchange (3) 2. A

11、n introduction of 听说法 (The Audio-lingual Method) 理论基础理论基础: 1、语言是说的话,而不是写出来的文字。、语言是说的话,而不是写出来的文字。、语言是一套习惯。、语言是一套习惯。、教语言,而不是教有关语言的知识、教语言,而不是教有关语言的知识、语言是本族人所说的话,而不是某个人、语言是本族人所说的话,而不是某个人 认为他们应该如何说的话。认为他们应该如何说的话。、语言是不同的。、语言是不同的。听说法的教学主张、听说领先。以听说为主,读写为辅。、听说领先。以听说为主,读写为辅。、反复实践,形成习惯。、反复实践,形成习惯。、以句型为中心。句型是语言

12、教学基础,、以句型为中心。句型是语言教学基础,也是整个外语教学的中心部分。句型不仅也是整个外语教学的中心部分。句型不仅具有结构意义,还具有词汇意义和社会文具有结构意义,还具有词汇意义和社会文化意义,语言技能的培养应围绕句型这个化意义,语言技能的培养应围绕句型这个中心来进行。中心来进行。、排斥或限制母语。、排斥或限制母语。Model: A: I go to work. He? B: He goes to work.A: I have a a black bag. She? B: She has a black bag. 小学Listen and say. Point and say. Act i

13、t out. Game 听说读写教学序之辩(章兼中)一.听说领先 (直接法、视听法、全身反应法)二. 1. 学习母语和学习外语的过程相同;三. 2. 语言是说的话,而不是写的文字;四. 3. 从人类习得语言的过程来看,都是先掌握口语,然后再学习书面语;五. 六. 4. 语言是一套习惯, 口语操练,特别是句型训练更容易形成言语习惯。 5. 口语的重音、节奏和语调等语音手段更能体现语言的交际功能。良好的听说能力有助于促进和提高读写教学的质量。认知法观点: 1.儿童同时学习口语和书面语言有利于学习外语;2. 口语和书面语同等重要.对于已经掌握一定的口语和书面语能力的中国小学生来说,口语和书面语是相辅

14、相成的.3. 综合运用耳听、口说、眼看、手写多种感官互动和互补和相互促进是学习外语的最佳方式。单纯重视听说教学,缺乏视觉和动觉的读写的互动和互补难以收到最佳的教学效果。 章兼中教授的观点1. 视听说领先,直拼过渡,读写逐步跟上: 2. 在言语情景中进行各种形式的听说活动3. 培养学生按字母或字母组合的发音规则拼音和拼写词语的能力,逐步掌握和发展按词拼音,见词能读,按音拼写,听音能写的能力4. 自然和有序地镶嵌在听说和读写之间的按字母或字母组合直接拼音、拼读和拼写单词是自然过渡和衔接听说和读写之间沟壑的桥梁。 Stage 4: Extension 1. What VCD and think of

15、 the following questions: (1) What you can learn from the teacher in the aspect of organizing the pupils to learn to speak? (2) What principles should be followed when designing activities for students to imitate? Lets practise “bee” as follow T:(戴上蜜蜂头饰进行示范) Im a bee. Im pretty. I can fly. (让一学生戴上蜜蜂

16、的头饰,并做飞的动作)Ss: (拍手边说以下儿歌边做动作.A bee is in the barn. (双手合拢举过头) Carrying his /her dinner under his arm. (双手放在腋下) Buzzzzzzzz(双臂挥动做飞行状) Boom! S1( 扮演蜜蜂的学生拍到一个同学的肩膀上,而被拍的学生便成为一只新的蜜蜂) S2: Im a bee. Im beautiful. I can fly. (挥动双臂,“飞”出座位,开始新一轮游戏。 Stage 5: Evaluation Each of you use one sentence to sum up a pr

17、inciple we should follow when designing or organizing drilling activities. ( 每个人用一句话概括出设计或组织模仿性操练时应该遵循的教学原则) Ms Lans summery 1. 增加语言模仿的情景性和趣味性 2. 模仿内容从易到难,简单到复杂 3. 充分利用单词重音和句子重音增加节奏感 4. 纠正学生发音时以鼓励和正确示范为主 5. 模仿方式要多样化,知识性和趣味性结合 2. Homework: (See ) 1) Search the internet for English games and prepare to do micro-teaching. http:/ 2) Read articles about English games and draw your own principles of using games in the classroom.



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