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1、Unit 5 Art worldRevisiondramaWrite down the names of the different art formsphotographypaintingfilmmusicdance词形变换词形变换l1、please(v.) pleasure (n.) pleasant /pleased (adj.)l2、centre(n.) central (adj.)l3、音乐、音乐 music 音乐的音乐的 musical 音乐家音乐家 musician l 4.呼吸(呼吸(n) breath (v.) breathe l5、成功(、成功(n)success (v.)

2、 succeed (adj)successful (adv.) successfully l6. 获胜者获胜者 winner As a composer, what is Tan Dun best known for? Tan Dun, one of the worlds greatest _, Tan Dun, one of the worlds greatest _, was born in China in 1958. Hes been _ in was born in China in 1958. Hes been _ in music since he was very young.

3、music since he was very young. In 1978, Tan Dun entered the Central In 1978, Tan Dun entered the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Eight years Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Eight years later, he went on to _ in the USA. later, he went on to _ in the USA. Tan Dun uses a lot of sounds of _

4、 in his Tan Dun uses a lot of sounds of _ in his works. It is _ that his piece of music works. It is _ that his piece of music WaterWater doesnt use any musical instruments. The doesnt use any musical instruments. The sounds all come from nature and they create sounds all come from nature and they c

5、reate different _ in different minds. His music different _ in different minds. His music for the Beijing Olympics uses _ Chinese for the Beijing Olympics uses _ Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, though it is in a _ style.though

6、 it is in a _ style. Tan Duns music has successfully _ Tan Duns music has successfully _ Chinese and Western music together and helped Chinese and Western music together and helped build a _ between the East and the West.build a _ between the East and the Wposersinterestedstudynatureamazingpicturest

7、raditionalWesternbroughtbridge1.1.音乐天赋音乐天赋2.2.给某人颁发某物给某人颁发某物3.3.对对显示出兴趣显示出兴趣4.4.用普通的东西创作音乐用普通的东西创作音乐5.5.因因(最)出名(最)出名6.6.来自全世界来自全世界7.7.通过控制水流的速度通过控制水流的速度8.8.把中西方的音乐糅合在把中西方的音乐糅合在一起一起9.9.以一种西方风格以一种西方风格10.10.对对评价很高评价很高1.1.气喘吁吁气喘吁吁2.2.有持久的价值有持久的价值1.musical talent 2.present sth. to sb./ present sb. with s

8、th. 3.show an interest in 4.make music with common objects5.be (best) known/famous for 6.from around the world 7.by controlling the speed of water flow1.bring Chinese and Western music together 2.be in a Western style3.think highly of 4.out of breath5.have a lasting valueRevision of key phrases13.13

9、.在弹奏时编曲在弹奏时编曲14.14.以传统样式以传统样式15.15.由美国黑人首创由美国黑人首创16.16.在剧院门口在剧院门口17.17.对(做)某事有天赋对(做)某事有天赋18.18.用水把颜料混合起来用水把颜料混合起来19.19.把一些颜料掉在纸上把一些颜料掉在纸上20.20.流向四面八方流向四面八方21.21.鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事22.22.在东西方之间架起桥梁在东西方之间架起桥梁13.make up the music while playing14.in the traditional style 15.first created by African Americans

10、 16.at the gate of the theatre 17.have a gift for sth./doing sth. 18.mix the paint with water 19.drop some paint onto the paper20.run in all directions 21.encourage sb. to do 22.build a bridge between the East and the West1. I ve found something more_ ( please)than art. 2.His _ (mucic) talent is ama

11、zing.3He is famous as a great _ (music).4.A medal was presented to the (win).5.The sounds of _ (rush) water come from the river.6.The Mid-autumn Festival is a (tradition ) festival.7.Theres no clear _ (divide) line between the two areas.8.The operation was _(success) done.9Mr Li makes her English cl

12、ass_ , we show an_ in English.(interest)10.Tan makes over 50 sounds from water by_ (control) the speed of water flow.11.He is best known for_ (win) an Oscar for his music in the film.musicianmusicalpleasantwinnerrushingtraditionaldividingsuccessfullyinterestinginterestcontrollingwinning12. How long

13、will the meeeting _ (持续)?13. The _(last) time of the meeting made me boring.14.T he people think _ (high) of the book.15.He ran into the house out of _ (breathe). 16.He is an _ boy. He comes from _.(Africa) 17.Its good to go to a _ (音乐会) for a change.18. What about having dinner with me_ (今晚)?_lastl

14、astinghighlybreathAfricanAfricaconcerttonight1.Art is something pleasant and 形容词修饰形容词修饰something, anything, everything, nothing, somebody, anybody, everybody, nobody 等不定代词时,需要后置。等不定代词时,需要后置。e.g. 别的什么人别的什么人 没什么严重的没什么严重的somebody else nothing serious pleasant adj. “令人愉快的令人愉快的”pleased adj.“对感到满意的对感到满意的”

15、e.g. The picture is _ to look at. Im _ with what you said.pleasant pleased 2.Each time a medal was presented to a winner at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the award music was played. present sth. to sb. present sb. with sth. “将某物颁发给将某物颁发给/赠予某人赠予某人” e.g. 南希赠送给我们一些花。南希赠送给我们一些花。 Nancy presented us wit

16、h some flowers.4. When he was very young, Tan showed an interest in music. show an interest in 对对感兴趣感兴趣 = be interested in e.g. 你何时对网球感兴趣的?你何时对网球感兴趣的? When did you show an interest in tennis?3.The music was written by Tan Dun,a world-famous computer.a world-famous computer(一位世界著名的作曲家)一位世界著名的作曲家)a wo

17、rld-famous+N.5. As a composer, perhaps he is best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. be known/famous for 因因而出名而出名 be known as 作为作为而出名而出名e.g. 盐城因丹顶鹤而出名。盐城因丹顶鹤而出名。 Yancheng is known for the red-crowned cranes. 李易峰作为一名演员而出名。李易峰作为一名演员而出名。 Li Yifeng is fa

18、mous as an actor.6. Instead, Tan makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow. (1) instead adv. 反而;代替反而;代替 instead of (doing) sth. 而不是而不是(2) by doing sth. 通过(做)某事通过(做)某事(3) control v./n. 控制控制 ( (变分词需双写变分词需双写l) )e.g. The traffic lights are _(控制)控制)by a central computer.contr

19、olled 8. The music for the Beijing Olympics uses traditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient bell, though it is in a Western style. though conj. 虽然;尽管虽然;尽管though与与but不能同时使用,但可与不能同时使用,但可与yet连用连用e.g. What subject do you prefer? I prefer science _ its difficult. A. or B. so C. though D. if 7

20、. He has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together.=He has Chinese and Western music together successfully adv. 成功地成功地 successful adj. 成功的成功的 success n. 成功成功 succeed (v. succeed (v.成功成功) in) in doing doing sth.sth. e.g. The second YOG was held _ in Nanjing. Nanjing in holding it .It wa

21、s a big _. We hope the next YOG will be as _ as this one. (success) successfully success successful succeeded in bringingsucceeded9. My music is to dream without boundaries. 句中句中to dream without boundaries是不是不定式作表语定式作表语 e.g. 我们的工作是学好英语。我们的工作是学好英语。 Our job is to learn English well. 第二步是写下你的名字。第二步是写下你

22、的名字。 The second step is to write down your name.10.outofbreathlbreath的词性是名词,意思是呼吸。短语outofbreath的意思是气喘吁吁,上气不接下气。breath的动词形式时breathe,例如呼吸新鲜空气breathefreshair,呼吸沉重breatheheavily。11.lastllast在文中的词性是动词,意思是持续。例如:这场雨会持续多久啊?Howlongwilltherainlast?lhavealastingvalue有持久的价值13.thoughconj. 虽然,尽管Though/Although it

23、 was raining, we went to school. 注意注意: though 和和although 不和不和but 连用连用 as though=as if 好像,仿佛好像,仿佛 He talked as though he knew anything. even though=even if 即使,纵然即使,纵然 Even though I fail, Ill keep on trying. 区别拼写相似的几个单词区别拼写相似的几个单词: through 通过;通过; thought 想法想法l1. We often use “because” to answer _ ques

24、tions.l2. We use “because” to introduce clauses of reason which has _ tone.l3. We _ use “so” in sentences with because.whystrongneverRevision of Grammarsince 和和 as 表示表示_的原因,其语气的原因,其语气要比要比because _已知已知弱弱Grammar He introduced me because I was new. Since you are going, I will go, too. As it is raining,

25、 youd better take a taxi._ her daughter hadnt come back, _ she looked worried.Because; / B. Because; so C. Though; but D. Thought; /Attention: We never use the conjunction so in sentences with because.检测:单项选择。检测:单项选择。( ) 1. Why do you like English? _ its very useful. A. So B. Since C. As D. Because(

26、 ) 2. _ she had no money to afford the expensive car, she had to give it up. A. So B. Because C. Since D. Until( ) 3. Mo Yans books have been sold out in many book stores _ his winning of the Nobel literature prize. A. because B. since C. as D. because of( ) 4. I hardly knew anything about it _ you

27、told me. A. since B. after C. until D. when( ) 5. What shall we do now? _ its raining hard, lets stay at home. A. So B. Since C. Though D. If( ) 6. It is _ he is honest that I like him. A. so B. since C. as D. becauseDCDCBD我最喜爱的艺术形式是音乐,并且很擅长。l我四岁学习钢琴,10岁开始对吉他感兴趣,每天苦练,有时太投入而忘记吃饭。l我在国际比赛中获得了第一名。l我无法想象

28、我的生活没有音乐。 My favourite art form is music, and I am good at it. I learned to play the piano when I was four years old. I became interested in playing the guitar at the age of ten. I practised so hard every day that sometimes I even forgot to have meals.I also won the first place in an international c

29、ompetition. Music is part of my life. I cant imagine my life without music.MyFavouriteArtFormMyfavouriteartformismusic,andIamgoodatit.IlearnedtoplaythepianowhenIwasfouryearsold.Ibecameinterestedinplayingtheguitarattheageoften.IpractisedsohardeverydaythatsometimesIevenforgottohavemeals.Ialsowonthefirstplaceinaninternationalcompetition.Musicispartofmylife.Icantimaginemylifewithoutmusic.Homework1.学程单“过关检测”部分,包括作文2.查漏补缺,整理笔记和学程单,准备单词、短语的默写。



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