高中英语 Unit 2 Working the land Period 3 Grammar课件 新人教版必修4.ppt

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1、 必修 4 unit2The V-ing Form as the Subject and the Object( (-ing-ing形式作主形式作主语语或或宾语宾语) )理解并掌握动词理解并掌握动词Ing 形式作主语和宾语的用法。形式作主语和宾语的用法。 本节课开头让学生完成预习案,并呈现本节课开头让学生完成预习案,并呈现 V V-ing-ing形式形式作主语或宾语的谚语或句子,让他们明白动词作主语或宾语的谚语或句子,让他们明白动词V-V-inging形式作主语或宾语时,句法功能上具有名词形式作主语或宾语时,句法功能上具有名词的功能。并通过练习,让学生自我归纳的功能。并通过练习,让学生自我归纳

2、V-ingV-ing形形式作主语时,谓语的单复数如何变,重点区分式作主语时,谓语的单复数如何变,重点区分forget,rememberforget,remember等动词后接等动词后接V-ingV-ing短语作宾语和短语作宾语和接不定式接不定式toto用法的不同。用法的不同。 课件中配备了大量的难度适当的练习,让学课件中配备了大量的难度适当的练习,让学生马上学以致用,也能及时发现问题,解决问题,生马上学以致用,也能及时发现问题,解决问题,最终掌握对此语法的综合运用。最终掌握对此语法的综合运用。 Ex1. Fill in the blank. 1)学习新单词对我来说非常重要。学习新单词对我来说非

3、常重要。 _ is very important for me2)说比做容易。说比做容易。_ is easier than doing.Learning new wordsTalkingIt is useless trying to argue3) 和夏洛克争辩是没有什么用的。和夏洛克争辩是没有什么用的。_ with Shylock 预习案:4)_(play)with fire is dangerous.Playing5)The doctor advised _ ( stay ) longer in hospital. staying6)He didnt feel like _ ( work

4、), so he suggested _ ( spend ) the day in the garden.workingspending7)His other hobbies include _ (swim) and _ ( read). swimmingreading 8)Dr. Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without _ (expand) the area of the fields. expandingEx2. Compare the sentences and write down the meaning of

5、 the phrases. I forgot mailing your letter. I forgot to mail your letter.He tried working out the problem another way.He tried to open the back door with the key.The batteries in that toy need changing. You need to take more exercise.The teacher went on to talk about ing form after a short break. Th

6、e headteacher went on talking for one hour. Ex3. Write down the meaning in chinese.forget doing forget to do mean doing mean to do need doing need to do go on doing go on to do try doing try to do Have you ever seen these signs?parking, spitting, littering, smoking-ing formsWhat about these sentence

7、s? 1. Saying is easy. Doing is difficult.2. Seeing is believing.3. Teaching is learning.4. Lying is a bad habit.5. Doing morning exercise is important.6. Learning English needs practice. As the Subject 作主语作主语 观察下列句子,对比并尝试找出变化规律。观察下列句子,对比并尝试找出变化规律。1. Wishing for things, however, costs noting.2. Since

8、 then, finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal.3. Reading aloud is a good way in learning language.4. Getting up early is a good habit. 探究案探究案:5.It is a waste of time talking about that with her.6. It is useless learning without practice.7. It is no use crying over spilt milk.自我归纳:自我归纳

9、:1. 动词动词-ing形式作主语,通常位于句形式作主语,通常位于句_, 谓语动词用谓语动词用_数形式。数形式。2. 用用_作形式作形式_语语, 真正真正_语语(整(整个动词个动词-ing形式短语)位于句形式短语)位于句_。首首单单it主主主主末末固定搭配固定搭配:1) It + is/was + a waster of time doing sth. 做做浪费时间。浪费时间。E.g. It is a waste of time talking about that with her.2) It + is/was + useless doing sth. 做做没用。没用。E.g. It is

10、useless learning without practice.3) It + is/was + no use doing sth. 做做没用。没用。E.g. It is no use crying over spilt milk.As the Object 作宾语作宾语观察下列句子,对比并尝试找出变化规律。观察下列句子,对比并尝试找出变化规律。1. Have you finished cleaning the classroom?2. He enjoys listening to violin music swimming and reading.3. As a young man, h

11、e saw the great need for increasing the rice output.自我归纳:自我归纳:1.动词动词-ing短语作动词的宾语,常见的词和词组有:短语作动词的宾语,常见的词和词组有: avoid, miss, put off, suggest/advise/recommend, finish, practise,enjoy, imagine, cant help, admit, deny, envy, escape, risk, excuse, bear, keep, mind等。等。2. 动词动词-ing短语作介词的语,常见的短语有短语作介词的语,常见的短语

12、有devoteto, get down to, object to, pay attention to, succeed in, stick to, set about, think about/of, lead to等。等。记忆诀窍:记忆诀窍:接动词接动词-ing作宾语的动词,记忆歌谣:作宾语的动词,记忆歌谣: 避免错过少延期,建议完成多练习;避免错过少延期,建议完成多练习;Avoid, miss, pu off; suggest/advise/recommend, finish, practise喜欢想象禁不住,承认否定与妒忌;喜欢想象禁不住,承认否定与妒忌;Enjoy, imagine,

13、 cant help, admit, deny, envy;逃避冒险莫原谅,忍受保持不介意逃避冒险莫原谅,忍受保持不介意Escape, risk, excuse; bear, keep, mindSummary 小结:小结:动词动词-ing形式可以用作句子的主语和宾语:形式可以用作句子的主语和宾语:1.动词动词-ing形式作主语,通常位于句首形式作主语,通常位于句首, 谓语动词用谓语动词用单数形式。我们也可用单数形式。我们也可用it作形式主语作形式主语, 真正主语真正主语整个动词整个动词-ing形式短语)位于句末。形式短语)位于句末。2. 动词动词-ing短语作动词的宾语,动词短语作动词的宾语

14、,动词-ing短语也作介短语也作介词的宾语。词的宾语。按要求补全句子:按要求补全句子:I forgot _to her.(我忘了曾经给她写过信)I forgot _her about it.(我忘了要告诉。)I remember_ you somewhere in biejing.(see)Remember _me tonight.(call)He regretted_ in the exam.(cheat)I regret _that we cant stay here any longer(say)writingto tell seeingto callcheatingto say动词动词

15、-ing形式可以用作句子的主语和宾语:形式可以用作句子的主语和宾语:1.动词动词-ing形式作主语,通常位于句首形式作主语,通常位于句首, 谓语谓语动词用单数形式。我们也可用动词用单数形式。我们也可用it作形式主语作形式主语, 真正主语真正主语整个动词整个动词-ing形式短语)位于句形式短语)位于句末。末。2. 动词动词-ing短语作动词的宾语,动词短语作动词的宾语,动词-ing短语短语也作介词的宾语。也作介词的宾语。Task 1 Complete the sentences with the given words in proper forms. 1.Fancy Mary _ (do )

16、a thing like that ! 2._ ( take ) physical exercise every day is profitable to our health .3.That is a matter of importance , it wants _ ( handle ) carefully .4.Her not _ (come back ) made us disappointed .doingTakinghandlingcoming back训练案:5. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldnt

17、 risk _ (lose) the good opportunity.6. Mr Smith agree_(help) us with our science project. 7. The key to solve the problem is to meet the demand _(make) by the customers. 8. The parents suggested _(sleep) in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. losingto helpmadeslee

18、pingTask 2 Fill in the blank with correct phrases. 用正确的短语填空。用正确的短语填空。1)_(与我争论)(与我争论)takes much of my little brothers time.2)_(在阅在阅览室大声朗读览室大声朗读) is a bad habit.3)Im looking forward to _ (有一个美好的假期有一个美好的假期).4). In some parts of London, _(错过一辆公交车)(错过一辆公交车) means waiting for another hour. Arguing with me

19、 Reading aloud in the reading-roomhaving a good holiday missing a bus Group work: Imitate the above sentence and write down your own sentence. 例句例句1:Using cocaine increases the users heart rate and blood pressure. 吸食可卡因会使使用吸食可卡因会使使用者的心率提高,血压上升。(使用动词者的心率提高,血压上升。(使用动词-ing形式作形式作主语仿写)主语仿写)仿写仿写1:_仿写仿写2:_例句例句2:It is a waste of time talking about that with her.跟她讨论那件事很浪费时间。跟她讨论那件事很浪费时间。(使用(使用it作形式主语,动词作形式主语,动词-ing形式作真正形式作真正主语仿写)主语仿写)仿写仿写1:_仿写仿写2:_1. Finish off the exercises in the paper.2. Recite the words in Unit2.3. Prepare for the next passage



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