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1、备考2025四川省凉山彝族自治州普格县中学教师公开招聘自测模拟预测题库一单选题(共60题)1、The Worlds Loneliest Phone Booth For almost 40 years,a lone phone booth stood in the Mojave Desert.about 75 miles southwest of Las Vegas.It was likely installed for local miners around 1960.The glass panels were long gone from the 17 by 1990,and the pho

2、nebook had been stolen.But a visitor to the booth in 1990 found that the telephone 17 worke A.inventionsB.attractionsC.discoveriesD.programs【答案】 B2、一般地,推进到高潮直至结束几个环节组成,具体归纳一下,主要组织环节不包括( )。A.起始活动。B.评估活动。C.主体活动。D.结束活动【答案】 B3、全球化是在人类社会经济发展的推动下,把分散割据的世界连成一个相互联系的统一大市场的过程。这个过程的初始阶段,即16世纪前后“地理大发现”的时代。这里所说的

3、“地理大发现”指的是( )。A.张骞通西域B.郑和下西洋C.新航路开辟D.“一带一路”建设【答案】 C4、根据以下材料,回答题A.it makes us enjoy a different lifeB.we can avoid terrible things in real lifeC.we can experience various emotions indreamsD.it can help us regain the innocentmoments of life【答案】 A5、经典条件反射与操作条件反射的理论都认为()是形成和巩固条件反射的重要条件。A.动机B.强化C.诱因D.需要【

4、答案】 B6、 威廉二世一书描述道:“他(威廉二世)冲动鲁莽的性格,以及在对待问题或别人时显出傲慢的态度(这一)性格肯定造成他的施政弊病,例如革退俾斯麦的事件。”这些描述从侧面反映了( )。A.领袖的个人素质决定国家的施政效果B.君主立宪制之下。国家元首和政府首脑的矛盾难以调和C.德国的代议制不够成熟与完善D.封建君主专制政体得以保存【答案】 C7、Becoming a millionaire has changed his life,but the win has also brought him stress and troubles.Sometimes he wishes he_the

5、money.A.had never wonB.has never wonC.would never winD.will never win【答案】 A8、“得一官不荣,失一官不辱,勿说一官无用,地方全靠一官;吃百姓之饭,穿百姓之衣,莫道百姓可欺,自己也是百姓”。这幅对联启示我们()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B9、挪威杰出作曲家格里格创作的培尔?金特组曲中的第一首作品是()。A.在山妖的洞窟中B.阿尼特拉舞曲C.奥赛之死D.晨景【答案】 D10、 李老师在讲到“祖国一国两制”中有关“香港回归”的内容时,播放纪录片紫荆花开中的片段,帮助学生了解“一国两制”的提出、阐释与实践运用的历史过程。李老师

6、的这种做法主要体现历史课程资源选择的( )。A.目标性原则B.思想性原则C.精选性原则D.可行性原则【答案】 A11、2017年4月1日,中共中央、国务院决定设立河北雄安新区。这是以习近平同志为核心的党中央作出的一项重大的历史性战略选择,是继深圳经济特区和上海浦东新区之后又一具有全国意义的新区,是千年大计、国家大事。根据材料回答题。A.B.C.D.【答案】 A12、下列结构或物质没有核糖参与构成的是()。A.线粒体B.核糖体C.质粒D.酶【答案】 C13、 作家包天笑曾回忆道:“那个时候,中国和日本打起仗来,而中国却打败了。割去了台湾之后,还要求各口通商,苏州也开了日本租界。这时候,潜藏在中国

7、人心底里的民族思想,便发动起来。”当时“民族思想的发动”主要体现在( )。A.开眼看世界B.主张中体西用C.宣传维新变法D.倡导实业救国【答案】 C14、 下列不属于三拍子的作品是()。A.桑塔?露琪亚B.青年圆舞曲C.在那银色的月光下D.青春舞曲【答案】 D15、One of the greatest contributions ofFreud is that he elaborated the structure of human psyche as Id,Ego and Superego. Ego is the natural humanpsychological characteris

8、tic that changes everything in its way and makeseveryone a victim to undesirable consequences in their life. The pride andself-esteem if they are overrated in our mind will be shown in the form of Ego.The Human Ego conceals our natural intellect to create falseownership over every object. Here is an

9、 interesting story which couldillustrate the case.A.explanationB.introductionC.commentD.background【答案】 B16、I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it. This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends, and 13 even my own

10、 daughter. Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 15 as well. Then one day my daughter told me in anger, Dad, please just read a book one 16 at a time like everyone else!A.usuallyB.obviouslyC.accidentallyD.finally【答案】 D17、西藏的弦子属于()。A.歌舞音乐B.戏曲音乐C.说唱音乐D.器乐

11、【答案】 A18、某服装厂卖了两件进价不同短袖,其中一件短袖盈利60%,另外一件亏本20%,已知这两件短袖售价都为64元,在此次买卖中,该服装厂盈利情况如何?A.赔了16元B.赔了8元C.赚了8元D.赚了16元【答案】 C19、 I am _grateful for the manykindnesses you have shown to my son.A.excessivelyB.muchC.certainlyD.exceedingly【答案】 D20、喀什市是我国的边陲城市,经济发展水平较低,2010年的三次产业结构比重约为34:30:36。 A.两地距离遥远,沟通联系不便B.产业结构差异

12、大,可直接转移的产业少C.生态环境脆弱,发展条件恶劣D.资金投入不足,难以进行产业改造升级【答案】 B21、德育过程是对学生知、情、意、行的培养提高过程,其进行的一般顺序是()。A.以知为开端,知、情、意、行依次进行B.以情为开端,情、知、意、行依次进行C.以意为开端,意、知、情、行依次进行D.视具体情况,可有多种开端【答案】 D22、根据以下材料,回答A.stayed far away from cat s urineB.moved around the area freely andfearlesslyC.because more sensitive to cat s smellD.wer

13、e more afraid of cats【答案】 B23、One of the greatest contributions ofFreud is that he elaborated the structure of human psyche as Id,Ego and Superego. Ego is the natural humanpsychological characteristic that changes everything in its way and makeseveryone a victim to undesirable consequences in their life. The pride andself-esteem if they are overrated in our mind will be shown in the form of Ego.The Human Ego conceals our natural intellect to create falseownership over every object. Here is an interesting story which couldillustrate the case.A.We should reduce the feeling of Ego



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