认知视角下英语体育新闻的概念隐喻分析研究 教育教学专业

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1、 论文题目 认知视角下英语体育新闻的概念隐喻分析 An Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors on English Sports News Headlines from the Cognitive Perspective Contents摘 要iAbstractiiI. Introduction11.1 object of the study1.2 importance of the study II. Literature Review22.1 The Definition 2.2 .1traditional view om metaphor 2.2.2cogni

2、tive view on metaphor2.3 Previous research on conceptual metaphor in News headlines 2.3.1 Conceptual metaphor in News headlines 2.3.2 Conceptual metaphors in sports News headlinesIII. Metaphors in English Sports News Headlines4 3.1Structural Metaphor in English Sports News Headlines 3.1.1 War Metaph

3、or 3.1.2 Journey Metaphor 3.1.3 Natural phenomenon Metaphor 3.2 Orientational Metaphor in English sports news headline 3.2.1Up Metaphor 3.2.2 Down MetaphorIV.Conclusion 4.1 Findings 4.2 Limitations ReferencesAppendixAcknowledgment摘 要 体育新闻标题作为报刊体育新闻的窗户,起着重要的作用。而隐喻又时常用于体育新闻中。随着国际媒体业,英文报纸,尤其是体育报纸行业的快速发

4、展。英语体育报纸标题的重要性逐渐增大。本文是采用认知视角研究英语体育新闻标题的概念隐喻。本研究以2012年伦敦奥运会的英语体育新闻标题为研究对象,采用了三种不同的方法,对相关资料和书籍进行了研究,了解相关知识。阅读有关概念隐喻理论的书籍,了解概念隐喻的定义和如何研究。然后向相关老师进行咨询,搜集2012年伦敦奥运会的英语体育新闻标题,进行分类整理。进行数据分析。使读者对英语体育新闻标题得概念隐喻有更正确的认识和了解。能从认知角度解读英语体育新闻标题。关键词: 概念隐喻; 认知; 英语体育新闻; AbstractSports news headlines,as the Windows of th

5、e newspaper sports news, play an important role. And metaphor is often used in sports news. As the international media, English newspapers, especially the sports newspaper industry developed rapidly,English sports newspaper headlines are more important. This paper is to study English sports news hea

6、dlines under the view of cognitive metaphor. This study uses the London 2012 Olympics English sports news headlines as the research object, adopted three different methods, studied the relevant information and books to understand related knowledge. Read books about conceptual metaphor theory, unders

7、tand the definition of conceptual metaphor and how to study. Then I consult relevant teachers, collecting the London 2012 Olympics English sports news headlines, carries on the sorting and data analysis. Make readers of English sports news headlines about the conceptual metaphors have more correct k

8、nowledge and understanding and they can read English sports news headlines from the cognition Angle.Key word: Conceptual metaphor ; Cognitive ; English sports news 1.1 Objective of the StudyBoth in ancient and in modern times, people ave the interested in studying the metaphor, especially at the spo

9、rts aspects. As we all know, English sports news headlines play a important role to express the pint and of the news. But the headlines especially the sports headlines is very short. So many rhetorical devices are used in the headlines. In which the metaphor is often used. So this thesis gives a spe

10、cific interpretation of conceptual metaphors on English sports news headlines under the cognitive perspective. The thesis study on English sports news headlines of London Olympic Games from 2012. Therefore, the purposes for the thesis are as follows: according to the check the data. It is found that

11、 previous studies of news headlines mostly pay much attention on the news of basketball, tennis, economy, etc. While, scholars seldom from 2012 to now talk about the London Olympic Games. Previous studies focus on analyzing the structure, function and constitution of English sports headlines; people

12、 seldom choose a cognitive perspective to study on conceptual metaphors on English sports news headlines, especially Olympic Games news headlines. So, my thesis aims to analyze news headlines of London Olympic Games. The thesis pay more attention to discuss different conceptual metaphors about the s

13、port news headlines.from the cognitive perspective and dont focused on the stylistic features and writing techniques. In this thesis many metaphors will be talked about. such as sports is war metaphor, sports is show metaphor, sports is journey metaphor, and sports is natural phenomenon metaphor.Thi

14、rdly, the thesis conveys how conceptual metaphors play a significant role on English sports news headlines by analysis.1.2Importance of the Study Many meanings will be found through the thesis. both the theoretical meanings and the practical meanings. At the theoretical level, the thesis makes devel

15、opment and further advancement in conceptual metaphor theory. The universality of metaphorical thinking is proved on English sports news headlines. Besides, the thesis will find out a new perspective for the study of sports news headlines, that is the cognitive perspective, which will enriches the theory of conceptual metaphor. The result of the thesis will bring a lot of benefits. It contributes a lot to language learning on English sports news. At the practical level, readers can gai



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