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1、名词形容词副词数词情态动词一般现在时代词介词一般过去时 一般将来时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时动词不定式祈使句被动语态宾语从句状语从句定语从句活动一活动一:日常饮食调查日常饮食调查语法点语法点:不可数名词、可数名词的单复数形式:不可数名词、可数名词的单复数形式词汇词汇:表示食品、蔬菜、饮料和水果的词汇:表示食品、蔬菜、饮料和水果的词汇句型句型:What would your parents like to have for three meals? Where do you/your parents usually have three meals? Whats your/his/

2、her favourite?活动步骤活动步骤 :1、教师将下表印发给学生、教师将下表印发给学生BreakfastLunchDinnerPlaceFavoriteFoodFavoriteDrinkFavoriteFruit2、学生两人一组,根据表中的项目谈论各、学生两人一组,根据表中的项目谈论各自喜欢的食品、蔬菜、饮料和水果。如:自喜欢的食品、蔬菜、饮料和水果。如:What would you like to have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?Id like porridge and eggs for breakfast. For lunch, Id like no

3、odles. For dinner, Id like rice, beef, potatoes, fish and some vegetables.Where do you usually have the three meals?I usually have breakfast in the restaurant, lunch at school and dinner at home. And you? 活动二活动二:营养食谱和运动项目营养食谱和运动项目语法点语法点:不可数名词、可数名词的单复数形式:不可数名词、可数名词的单复数形式词汇词汇:表示食物和运动项目的词汇:表示食物和运动项目的词汇

4、句型句型:1.What food is healthy/ unhealthy?2.What sport do you like? When and how often do you do sports?3.We should eat healthy food every day. Its good for our health.4.-How do you like?-Very much./A lot5.-What do you think of?-I love it/them.活动步骤活动步骤 :1、学生课外收集表示食物和运动项目的词汇。、学生课外收集表示食物和运动项目的词汇。2、学生、学生4

5、人一组,各组将所收集的词汇分类并人一组,各组将所收集的词汇分类并汇总,如:汇总,如:Food: rice, porridge, spring roll, noodle, dumpling, cake, bread, hamburger, sandwich, pie, pizza, pumpkin, meat, pork, chicken, duck, beef, turkey, hot dog, fish, cabbage, potato, tomato, carrot, broccoli, salad, egg, cheese, butter, milk, tea, coffee, ice

6、cream,Sports: basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, baseball, swimming, running, high jump3、教师发给各小组以下调查表,学生结成、教师发给各小组以下调查表,学生结成对子用以上句型对话,并用英文填写表格。对子用以上句型对话,并用英文填写表格。如:如:NameFavorite Food &SportsWhy-What food is healthy/ unhealthy?-Rice, porridge, noodles, dumplings, pork, chicken, duck, beef, tu

7、rkeys, fish, cabbages, broccoli, salad, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, eggs, juice, milk and fruit are healthy. But hamburgers, ice cream and fried food are unhealthy.-We should eat healthy food every day. Its good for our health.-What sport do you like?-Basketball/Soccer/ Ping-pong/When and how often

8、 do you do sports?.活动三活动三:设计英语晚会活动方案设计英语晚会活动方案语法点语法点:不可数名词、可数名词的单复数形式:不可数名词、可数名词的单复数形式词汇词汇:表示糕点、饮料、水果和数量的词汇:表示糕点、饮料、水果和数量的词汇句型句型:1.Whats your favorite food, drink, fruit and dessert?2.-Who shall we invite to join us? -Well ask3.Who do you think are the best host and hostess?4.-Good morning! What can

9、 I do for you? -We want some活动步骤活动步骤 :1、教师布置任务:本班周末将举办、教师布置任务:本班周末将举办English Party;学生学生4-6人一组,运用所学词汇和句型展人一组,运用所学词汇和句型展开讨论,并设计英语晚会的活动方案,其中包括开讨论,并设计英语晚会的活动方案,其中包括调查全班同学最喜爱的食品、所需食品的数量,调查全班同学最喜爱的食品、所需食品的数量,确定嘉宾名单、活动流程,推选主持人和布置教确定嘉宾名单、活动流程,推选主持人和布置教室等。如:室等。如:-What are your favorite food, drink, fruit and

10、 dessert?-Hamburgers, orange juice, strawberries and ice cream are all my favorite.-Who shall we invite to join us?-Well ask our teachers, such as Mr. Chen, Miss Li and-Who do you think are the best host and hostess?-What about John and Candy?-How do we decorate the classroom?-2、各组派一名代表介绍本组设计的活动方、各组

11、派一名代表介绍本组设计的活动方案。案。活动活动 一:一:城乡生活大比拼城乡生活大比拼语法点:语法点:形容词比较级形容词比较级词汇:词汇:quieter, noisier, bigger, smaller, cleaner, dirtier, newer, older, wider, narrower, taller, shorter, nicer, busier, safer, funnier, friendlier/more friendly, more dangerous/boring/exciting/interesting/relaxing/beautiful, than句型:句型:1

12、.It is better/cleaner/more interesting/more exciting/more convenient2. People are friendlier/more friendly/in活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生、学生4-6人一组收集资料,比较农村和城市人一组收集资料,比较农村和城市生活的利弊;生活的利弊;2、各小组讨论并完成如下表格,如果遇到词汇、各小组讨论并完成如下表格,如果遇到词汇方面的困难,可以查阅词典或向教师求助。方面的困难,可以查阅词典或向教师求助。 AdvantagesDisadvantagesLife in the countryLife in

13、 the city活动步骤:活动步骤:3、全班开展辩论赛,辩题为、全班开展辩论赛,辩题为:Where do you prefer to live, in the country or in the city?小组讨论并确定本组的观点,然后各选派小组讨论并确定本组的观点,然后各选派2-3名名辩手,组成甲乙两队。甲方观点为:辩手,组成甲乙两队。甲方观点为:It is better to live in the city.乙方观点为:乙方观点为:It is better to live in the country.活动步骤:活动步骤:4、辩论示例:、辩论示例:甲方:甲方:We think it i

14、s better to live in the city. Life in the city is cleaner, funnier, more interesting and exciting than that in the country, because there are much taller buildings, wider streets, more beautiful parks, bookshops, libraries, schools, cinemas, supermarkets, post offices, banks and restaurants in the c

15、ity. So its a little dirtier and much more boring in the country than in the city. In the country, roads are narrower, most houses are older.活动步骤:活动步骤:4、辩论示例:、辩论示例:乙方:乙方: We dont agree with you. We think it is better to live in the country because there are more animals and plants in the country. Th

16、e people in the country are friendlier/more friendly. Its quieter and the air is cleaner and fresher in the country. But in the city its noisier and more dangerous because there is more traffic. And people in the city are usually busier.活动活动 二:二:班级之最班级之最 语法点:语法点:形容词和副词最高级形容词和副词最高级词汇:词汇:best/ oldest/

17、 youngest/ tallest/ shortest/ heaviest/ thinnest/ cleverest/ bravest/ prettiest/ highest/ farthest/ fastest, more active/ humorous/ helpful/ handsome/ popular句型:句型:1.Whose is the best of all?2. Who is the oldest/ youngest/ tallest/ most helpful in the class?3.Who plays basketball best/ runs fastest

18、in our class?4. The most popular/ students in our class are 活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生、学生6-8人一组就人一组就“班级之最班级之最”展开讨论,并填写下表:展开讨论,并填写下表:NameNameNameEnglish(best)thinnestplays volleyball bestChinese(best)cleverestplays tennis bestmath(best)bravestsings bestscience(best)most activedances besthandwriting(best)most hum

19、orouspaints bestdrawing(best)most helpfulswims bestoldestmost handsomejumps farthestyoungestprettiestjumps highesttallestplays basketball bestrun fastestshortestplays soccer bestheaviestplays football best活动步骤:活动步骤:例如:例如: S1: Whose English is the best of all?S2: I think Anns English is the best.S3:

20、I agree with you.S4: Who jumps highest in our class?S5: I think Bob does.活动步骤:活动步骤:2、各组派代表就各个评选项目发表本组的意见,、各组派代表就各个评选项目发表本组的意见,然后全班投票表决,选出各项明星,并且分类然后全班投票表决,选出各项明星,并且分类把名单填入表格内;把名单填入表格内;3、全班编辑、全班编辑“班级明星班级明星”手册。手册。活动活动 三:三:动物世界动物世界 语法点:语法点:形容词和副词最高级形容词和副词最高级词汇:词汇:the biggest/ smallest/ smartest/cutest/

21、 cleverest/ ugliest/ scariest/ tallest/ shortest /fattest/ heaviest/ fastest/ shyest/ quietest, loveliest/ most lovely, friendliest/ more friendly, most alone/ lonely/ interesting/ beautiful/ dangerous/ unfriendly whale, crocodile, shark, elephant, panda, bear, giraffe, tiger, lion, monkey, koala, k

22、angaroo, dolphin, snake, goat, sheep, cow, pig, dog, bird, hare句型:句型:1. Which animal is the largest/ cleverest/ scariest/ tallest/?2. Which animal has the longest neck/ longest teeth/ longest nose/ biggest ears/?3. Which animal flies farthest/ jumps highest/ runs fastest/?4. Which animals do you lik

23、e best?活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生、学生4-6人一组上网查询有关各种动物的信息,根据动人一组上网查询有关各种动物的信息,根据动物某一方面的突出特征创编谜语,将其写在小卡片上,并物某一方面的突出特征创编谜语,将其写在小卡片上,并在卡片反面用英语注明该动物的名称;学生创编的谜语如在卡片反面用英语注明该动物的名称;学生创编的谜语如下:下: Which animal is the king of animals and is the scariest?( A tiger)Which animal is the cleverest and eats bananas and nuts? (A mo

24、nkey)Which animal only lives in China and eats bamboos and is the shyest? (A panda)Which animal has the longest neck? ( A giraffe)Which animal is the largest animal in the world活动步骤:活动步骤:2、教师收集学生的谜语卡片,放在一个大盒子、教师收集学生的谜语卡片,放在一个大盒子里;里; 3、教师让一位学生抽取一张卡片,念出谜面,、教师让一位学生抽取一张卡片,念出谜面,其余学生进行竟猜;猜对的学生抽取下一张卡其余学生进行

25、竟猜;猜对的学生抽取下一张卡片,依此类推。片,依此类推。4、学生两人一组互相调查对方最喜欢的动物,、学生两人一组互相调查对方最喜欢的动物,并说明理由。如:并说明理由。如:Which animal do you like best? And why?I like a dolphin best because its the smartest, cleverest, most beautiful活动活动 四:四:交通工具之优劣交通工具之优劣 语法点:语法点:形容词和副词最高级形容词和副词最高级词汇:词汇:best/ fastest/ safest/ cheapest/ slowest/ most

26、or least expensive/ comfortable/ dangerous 句型:句型:1.Which is the best/ fastest/ slowest/ safest/ cheapest/ most expensive/ most or least comfortable/ most dangerous transportation?2. I like best because活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生四人一组讨论各种交通工具的优劣,并说明理由。、学生四人一组讨论各种交通工具的优劣,并说明理由。如:如: T: Which is the best/ fastest/ sl

27、owest/ cheapest/ most expensive/ most or least comfortable/ most dangerous/ safest transportation?S1: I think traveling by bike is the best because its good for health.S2: I think a train is the safest transportation.S3: In my opinion, a car is the most comfortable.S4: I think traveling by air is th

28、e most interesting and the fastest but the most expensive.活动步骤:活动步骤:2、学生总结各种交通工具的优劣。如:、学生总结各种交通工具的优劣。如: By air/ plane: quicker, save time, but more expensiveBy train: take more time, but safer, cheaper, a lot of sightseeing,活动活动 一:一:寻物启示和失物招领寻物启示和失物招领 语法点:语法点:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词及名词人称代词、物主代词、指示代词及名词 所有格所有

29、格词汇:词汇:有关人称代词、物主代词、指示代词及名有关人称代词、物主代词、指示代词及名 词所有格词所有格 句型:句型:1.-Whose is this/ that/are these/ those? -Let me see. Yes, its mine./ No, it isnt mine. Mine isI think its Susans.2.-Excuse me, Susan. Is thisyours? -Oh, yes, its mine.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生带一些小物品到学校,如衣服、鞋帽、文具、书、学生带一些小物品到学校,如衣服、鞋帽、文具、书包和眼镜盒等;包和眼镜盒等;

30、 2、学生四人一组合作编写失物招领启示、学生四人一组合作编写失物招领启示(Lost & Found)LostMy school ID card. My name is Tony. Please call 5192727.FoundA watch. Is this your watch? Please call Mary at 495339.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、教师将学生的物品放在讲台上,将写有、教师将学生的物品放在讲台上,将写有Lost & Found的牌子放在一旁,让若干名学生轮流担任的牌子放在一旁,让若干名学生轮流担任“失失物招领处物招领处”的的“工作人员工作人员”;“工作人员工作人员

31、”提问,其提问,其他学生扮演他学生扮演“失主失主”,依次到,依次到“招领处招领处”认领自己的认领自己的“失物失物”。如:。如:A: Whose is this pencil case? Is this yours, Nancy?B: Let me see. No, it isnt mine. Mine is green. I think its Susans.A: Excuse me, Susan. Is this yours?4、每位学生课后写一则失物招领启示。、每位学生课后写一则失物招领启示。 活动活动 二:二:我的偶像我的偶像 语法点:语法点:人称代词、物主代词、名词所有格人称代词、物主

32、代词、名词所有格词汇:词汇:I, my, we, our, you, your, he, his, she, her等等 句型:句型:1.-Whos your idol? -My idol is2.-Where is he/ she from? -He/She is from3.-How old is he/ she? He/ She is years old.4.-When was he/ she born? He/ She was born5.-What are his/ her hobbies?6.-Why do you like him/ her?活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师让学生课前

33、通过各种途径收集自己偶像的相关信、教师让学生课前通过各种途径收集自己偶像的相关信息,并填写如下表格:息,并填写如下表格: My IdolName: Sex: Age: Nationality: Language:Birthday:Birthplace:Hobbies:Blood Type:活动步骤:活动步骤:2、课堂上,学生三人一组,在组内展示自己偶像的图、课堂上,学生三人一组,在组内展示自己偶像的图片并讨论;组员轮流担任记录员,其余两人互相问答。片并讨论;组员轮流担任记录员,其余两人互相问答。如:如: -Whos your idol?-My idol is Zhou Jielun. Hes

34、a great singer.-Where is from?-he is from Taiwan, China.-How old is he?-He is 26 years old.-When was he born?.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、各小组派一名代表向全班汇报,例如:、各小组派一名代表向全班汇报,例如: In our group, xxs idol is Zhou Jielun. Look! Hes a great singer.活动活动 一:一:英语数字应用实例英语数字应用实例 语法点:语法点:基数词基数词词汇:词汇:基数词基数词 句型:句型:1.He/ She is fourte

35、en years old.2. He/ She is in his/ her forties.3. It happened on September 18th, 1931.4. Its six forty/ ten past eight/ half past twelve/ a quarter to nine.5. Whats plus/ minus/ multiplied by/ divided by?活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生利用课余时间收集英语数字在生活中的应、学生利用课余时间收集英语数字在生活中的应用实例,如车牌号码,常用电话号码,气温,体育用实例,如车牌号码,常用电话号码,气温,体

36、育彩票、福利彩票的号码等。彩票、福利彩票的号码等。2、学生在课上汇报收集到的英语数字,如:、学生在课上汇报收集到的英语数字,如: 119, 110,120, 114, 36.7, 13725107912等。等。活动步骤:活动步骤:3、学生分成、学生分成5个小组,每个小组从以下四个项目中任个小组,每个小组从以下四个项目中任选两个进行合作学习。选两个进行合作学习。列举基数词与名词连用表示编号的例子,如:列举基数词与名词连用表示编号的例子,如:Class Class One, Grade Three. Lesson Eight. Room 102, No. 4 One, Grade Three. L

37、esson Eight. Room 102, No. 4 Middle School, Bus No. 10Middle School, Bus No. 10列举基数词表示年龄、年代和日期的例子,如:列举基数词表示年龄、年代和日期的例子,如:She is fourteen years old.She is fourteen years old.The man is in his forties.The man is in his forties.China has changed a lot since the 1990s.China has changed a lot since the 1

38、990s.It happened on September 18th, 1931.It happened on September 18th, 1931.活动步骤:活动步骤:列举基数词表示时间的例子,如:列举基数词表示时间的例子,如:ItIts six forty/ ten past eight/ half past s six forty/ ten past eight/ half past twelve/a quarter to nine.twelve/a quarter to nine.列举基数词表示算式的例子。教师可以引导学生复列举基数词表示算式的例子。教师可以引导学生复习简单的加减乘

39、除运算的英语表达;各小组选派一名习简单的加减乘除运算的英语表达;各小组选派一名代表担任数学教师,在课上进行模拟数学,如:代表担任数学教师,在课上进行模拟数学,如:Whats twenty plus/and fifty-nine?Its seventy-nine.Whats three hundred and eight minus sixty-four?Its two hundred and forty-four.活动活动 二:二:人口问题人口问题 语法点:语法点:基数词基数词词汇:词汇:基数词、有关人口的词汇基数词、有关人口的词汇 句型:句型:1.-What was/ is the popu

40、lation of China/ the world/ developed countries in? - It was/ is2. Do you thinkpopulation will increase/ is too large? What will happen if people dont control the increase of the population?3. How many people live in/ are still living below the poverty line?4. What do you think of Chinas One-Child P

41、olicy?活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师课前设计如下表格,印发给各小组(、教师课前设计如下表格,印发给各小组(4-6人一组),人一组),并布置任务:通过网络或图书馆查询并布置任务:通过网络或图书馆查询1990年、年、1995年和年和2000年的世界人口、发达国家与发展中国家的人口数量,年的世界人口、发达国家与发展中国家的人口数量,以及以及2000年年-2005年中国的人口数量,并将数据填入下表:年中国的人口数量,并将数据填入下表:YearPopulation of China20001,267,430,00020011,276,270,00020021,284,530,00020031,292

42、,270,00020041,2999,880,00020051,307,560,000活动步骤:活动步骤:YearPopulation of the worldPopulation of Developed CountriesPopulation of Developing Countries19902,525,000,000832,000,0001,693,000,00019955,321,000,0001,214,000,000 4,107,000,00020006,055,000,0001,188,000,000 4,867,000,000活动步骤:活动步骤:2、学生两人一组,根据表中的

43、数据展开问答。如:、学生两人一组,根据表中的数据展开问答。如:What was the population of China in 2000?It was 1,267,430,000.What was the population of the world in 2000?It was 6,055,000,000.What was the population of developed countries in 2000?It was 1,188,000,000.Do you think the population of the world is too large?Yes, its to

44、o large.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、学生通过讨论以上数据切身体会到人口问题是当今、学生通过讨论以上数据切身体会到人口问题是当今世界上最严重的问题之一,并认识到控制人口数量的世界上最严重的问题之一,并认识到控制人口数量的重要性。之后,各小组整理本组意见,并派一名组员重要性。之后,各小组整理本组意见,并派一名组员向全班汇报。如:向全班汇报。如: The growth of the world population is one of the most serious problem. If people dont control the increase of the population,

45、many people will have no food to eat, no water to drink, no houses to live in. Most people will not have jobs. Maybe there would be standing room only活动步骤:活动步骤:4、个小组进行角色表演,一人扮演、个小组进行角色表演,一人扮演焦点访谈焦点访谈栏目的栏目的“主持人主持人”,其他三人扮演人口问题专家,谈论我国实施,其他三人扮演人口问题专家,谈论我国实施计划生育政策的利与弊,以及我国在控制人口增长方面所计划生育政策的利与弊,以及我国在控制人口增长

46、方面所取得的巨大成就。如:取得的巨大成就。如:A: This is CCTV. Welcome to Focus Talk. We are going to talk about the population of China. How many people live in the countryside, Mr. Chen?B: About 70% of the people live in the countryside.A: What do you think of Chinas One-Child Policy, Mr. Li?C: I think its very necessar

47、y. Most families have one child, but some parents, especially those in the countryside, still have two or three children. The more children a family has,活动步骤:活动步骤:5、各、各“主持人主持人”向全班汇报。如:向全班汇报。如: Im a reporter from CCTV. Welcome to Focus Talk. We are going to talk about the importance of the controllin

48、g Chinese population. About 70% of the people live in the countryside. And about 3.12% of the people are still living below the poverty line. As you see, the growth of population is still a big problem in China. So its very important to control the population.活动活动 一:一:学校鸟瞰图学校鸟瞰图 语法点:语法点:方位介词方位介词词汇:词

49、汇:表示学校建筑物的词汇及方位介词表示学校建筑物的词汇及方位介词 句型:句型:1.There is/ are in front of/ behind/ on the right of/ on the left of/ near/ next to/ across from/ between and2.-Where is / are the ? -Its/ Theyre in front of/3.-Where shall I put the card of the? -Put it behind/the活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师将本校的平面轮廓图(没有标注建筑物名、教师将本校的平面轮廓图(没有

50、标注建筑物名称)印发给各小组;称)印发给各小组;2、学生四人一组整理表示学校建筑物的英语词汇,、学生四人一组整理表示学校建筑物的英语词汇,如:如: playground, toilet/washroom, dormitory, dining hall, classroom, building, lab, library, reading room, computer room, music room, art room, meeting room, headmasters office, teachers office活动步骤:活动步骤:3、学生把这些建筑物的英文名称写在小卡片上,然后、学生把

51、这些建筑物的英文名称写在小卡片上,然后一边用英语进行如下对话,以边将其贴在学校平面轮一边用英语进行如下对话,以边将其贴在学校平面轮廓图中的正确位置。如:廓图中的正确位置。如:A: Where is the the chemistry lab?B: It here, next to the library.C: Where shall I put the card of the computer room?D: Put it behind the chemistry lab.活动步骤:活动步骤:4、相邻小组之间核对张贴完成的校园鸟瞰图,、相邻小组之间核对张贴完成的校园鸟瞰图,如有错误则订正。小组

52、成员轮流指着示意图,如有错误则订正。小组成员轮流指着示意图,用英语在组内作介绍;然后小组代表向全班汇用英语在组内作介绍;然后小组代表向全班汇报。如:报。如: Look at the map of our school. There is a library in front of the classroom buildings. The dormitories are between the classroom buildings and the dining hall活动活动 二:二:我家在哪儿我家在哪儿 语法点:语法点:表方位的介词短语表方位的介词短语词汇:词汇:in front of/

53、across from/ betweenand/ next to 句型:句型:1.Wheres your house? -Its in front of/ across from/ next to2.-Excuse me, how can I get to?/ Which is the way to?/Can you tell me how to get to? -Go straight down,turn left at,and my house is in front of/across from/ 活动步骤:活动步骤:1、每位学生准备一幅已画好的从学校到自己家的、每位学生准备一幅已画好的

54、从学校到自己家的街区地图,并用英语标注大家熟悉的建筑物名称。街区地图,并用英语标注大家熟悉的建筑物名称。2、学生两人一组进行对话,找到同伴家的位置,、学生两人一组进行对话,找到同伴家的位置,然后把同伴的姓名标注在地图上。如:然后把同伴的姓名标注在地图上。如:-Wheres your house?-Its across from the pay phone/ between the hospital and the video arcade/ in front of the science museum/ next to the supermarket.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、教师把已标注了学生

55、姓名的地图收集起来,再分发、教师把已标注了学生姓名的地图收集起来,再分发给不同的学生。学生四人一组进行对话,并寻找去同给不同的学生。学生四人一组进行对话,并寻找去同学家最近的路线。如:学家最近的路线。如:-Excuse me, which is the way to Tinas house?-Go straight down Center Street, and turn left at the park. Her house is next to the movie theater.-Or you can take this way. Go along Oak Street, and tur

56、n right at the pay phone. Her house is on the left. Its across from the hotel.活动一:活动一:能力展示能力展示语法点:语法点:情态动词情态动词can和和could词汇:词汇:描述日常生活的动词和动词词组描述日常生活的动词和动词词组句型:句型:1.What can you/he/she do?2.Can you/he/she? Yes, I/he/she can. (No, I/he/she cant.)3.What could you/he/she do when you were/he was/she wasyea

57、rs old?4. Could you/he/she? Yes, I/he/she could. (No, I/he/she couldnt)活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生两人一组就自己能做到与做不到的事、学生两人一组就自己能做到与做不到的事情进行问答。如:情进行问答。如:What can you do?I can dance, paint, swim and play soccer. What about you?I can use a computer and play the piano.Can you ski?No, I cant.2、学生、学生4-5人一组,小组成员分别用以上人一组,小

58、组成员分别用以上句型介绍自己童年时能做的事情。如:句型介绍自己童年时能做的事情。如:S1:I could dress myself when I was 4 years old. I could look after myself when I was 6.S2:As a girl of 8, I could wash clothes and stay at home alone.3、小组长汇报本组成员童年时能做与不能做、小组长汇报本组成员童年时能做与不能做的事情。如:的事情。如:In our group, Tom could dress himself when he was 4 years

59、 old. As a girl of 8, Lucy could wash clothes and stay at home alone. I could look after myself when I was 6.活动二:活动二:交通安全小常识交通安全小常识语法点:语法点:情态动词情态动词may词汇:词汇:有关交通安全的动词和动词词组有关交通安全的动词和动词词组句型:句型:What may happen?/What may cause? It/They/He/She may活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师布置任务:学生、教师布置任务:学生4-6人一组,收集或人一组,收集或拍摄身边存在的交通安全

60、隐患的照片拍摄身边存在的交通安全隐患的照片2、学生在小组内分享各自收集或拍摄的照片,、学生在小组内分享各自收集或拍摄的照片,并讨论照片所反映的交通安全隐患。如:并讨论照片所反映的交通安全隐患。如:S1:Cross the road while the traffic light is red.S2:Overtake other cars too fast on the road.3、小组观察照片,并使用情态动词、小组观察照片,并使用情态动词may讨论讨论某些交通隐患可能导致的交通事故。如:某些交通隐患可能导致的交通事故。如:S1:What may happen if you cross the

61、 road when the traffic light is red?S2:I may be hit by cars.S3:What may happen when you overtake other cars in a dangerous manner?S4:I may lose control of my car.4、教师呈现一张交通事故现场的图片,与学、教师呈现一张交通事故现场的图片,与学生一起讨论该事故发生的原因。如:生一起讨论该事故发生的原因。如: T: What may cause this traffic accident?S1:Its rush hour. The road

62、 may be too crowded.S2:The tire may burst suddenly.S3:Some drivers may overtake other cars too fast on the road.S4:Some drivers may drive too fast and carelessly.活动三:活动三:模范公民模范公民语法点:语法点:情态动词情态动词 must 和和mustnt词汇:词汇:表示人们公共场合行为举止的动词表示人们公共场合行为举止的动词和动词词组和动词词组句型:句型:What must/mustnt we do in public places?

63、 We must/mustntMust you always wait in line at a station/in the waiting room/? Yes, we must.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师布置任务:学生、教师布置任务:学生4-6人一组,利用周末人一组,利用周末时间观察当地市民在公共场所的行为举止,并时间观察当地市民在公共场所的行为举止,并拍摄一些典型的不文明行为。拍摄一些典型的不文明行为。2、全班将照片按场所进行分类,每个小组选择、全班将照片按场所进行分类,每个小组选择一组照片进行讨论,了解人们在该公共场所的不一组照片进行讨论,了解人们在该公共场所的不文明行为。如:文明

64、行为。如:S1:What mustnt we do in the park?S2:We mustnt throw rubbish on the ground.S3:We mustnt spit or smoke in the park.S4:We mustnt walk on the grass or climb the trees.3、师生使用以上句型一起讨论文明市民应具、师生使用以上句型一起讨论文明市民应具备的素质。如:备的素质。如: T: What must you do in pubic places, such as on the street, in the restaurant,

65、 in the waiting room and in the library?S1:We must respect others. We must get ready to help others, especially the old and the disabled.S2:When we cross the road, we must wait until the traffic light is green. If the light is yellow, we must wait.S3:We must always wait in line at a station, in the

66、waiting room and in the dining room.S4:We must keep quiet in the reading room, in a hospital and at the cinema. We must turn down the radio or TV at home, so that we will not disturb our neighbors.S5:We must put the rubbish into the dustbin and collect waste paper and bottles for recycling.活动一:活动一:了

67、解世界各国了解世界各国语法点:语法点:一般现在时一般现在时词汇:词汇:有关国籍、语言和地点的词汇有关国籍、语言和地点的词汇句型:句型:Where are they/is he/does she (come) from?What language do they/does he/does she speak?They speak/he speaks /She speaksWhere do they/does he/does she live?They live/He lives/She lives in活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师课前发给各小组如下表格。学生自由组、教师课前发给各小组如下表格。学

68、生自由组成成4-6人小组,利用课余时间通过网络查询等手段人小组,利用课余时间通过网络查询等手段收集有关国家的国名、国旗、首都、语言、著名收集有关国家的国名、国旗、首都、语言、著名人士和主要城市的标志性建筑等信息,并完成表人士和主要城市的标志性建筑等信息,并完成表格。如:格。如:CountryNational FlagCapital Language people Main cityBritainUSA活动步骤:活动步骤:2、各小组根据所收集的资料进行问答活动。如:、各小组根据所收集的资料进行问答活动。如:某小组收集的信息是某小组收集的信息是Beckham和英国国旗,则可和英国国旗,则可以进行如

69、下对话:以进行如下对话:Where is he from?/Where does he come from?He is/comes from England/the UK.What language does he speak?He speaks English.Where does he live?He lives in London.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、 小组成员合作为每个国家制作一张卡片,卡小组成员合作为每个国家制作一张卡片,卡片上画有该国国旗、标志性建筑,并用英文注明片上画有该国国旗、标志性建筑,并用英文注明该国国名、首都、语言和主要城市等信息。该国国名、首都、语言和主要城市等信息

70、。4、 各小组派代表向全班作汇报。如:各小组派代表向全班作汇报。如:Englishmen come from England. They speak British English. The capital is London.活动活动 二:二:朋友的作息时间朋友的作息时间语法点:语法点:一般现在时一般现在时词汇:词汇:usually,sometimes,every day,get up,have breakfast,lunch/supper,leave home/school,get home,go/get to school,begin classes,play sports,do hom

71、ework,watch TV,go to bed,be over句型:句型:What time do you usually get up every day?I usually get up atWhat time does he/she usually go to bed?He/She usually goes to bed atMy friends name is活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师设计如下表格并分发给各小组;、教师设计如下表格并分发给各小组; ActivityNameget uphave breakfastleave homeget to schoolbegin classes

72、have lunchschool is overplay sportsleave school活动步骤:活动步骤:2、学生组成、学生组成3-5人小组,围坐成一圈,相互提问人小组,围坐成一圈,相互提问一天的作息时间,并将答案填在上表中。如:一天的作息时间,并将答案填在上表中。如:Hello, Tom! What time do you usually get up every day?I usually get up at 6:30.What time do you have breakfast?I usually have breakfast at 7:00. What time do you

73、 go to bed?I usually go to bed at about 9:30.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、 各小组成员根据表中记录的内容,轮流向本各小组成员根据表中记录的内容,轮流向本组成员汇报提问对象一天的作息时间,课后根据组成员汇报提问对象一天的作息时间,课后根据采访内容写一篇短文。如:采访内容写一篇短文。如: Toms Day Tom usually gets up at 6:30 every day. Then he has breakfast at 7:00. After breakfast, he goes to school by bike at 7:30. He goe

74、s to bed at about 10 oclock.活动三:活动三:谈论职业谈论职业语法点:语法点:一般现在时一般现在时词汇:词汇:表示职业、工作场所等的词汇,如:表示职业、工作场所等的词汇,如:work, teach, catch thieves, take ones temperature, worker,teacher,postman,doctor,nurse,policeman,reporter,bank,clerk,school,post office ,hospital,police station,TV station,factory,句型:句型:What does he/s

75、he do?Hes/Shes a teacher.Where does he/she work?He/She works in活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师做示范,介绍自己、家庭成员或朋友的、教师做示范,介绍自己、家庭成员或朋友的工作情况,要求学生做笔记,然后引导学生围绕工作情况,要求学生做笔记,然后引导学生围绕职业和工作场所等话题进行问答。如:职业和工作场所等话题进行问答。如:What does your father do?Hes a teacher.Where does he teach?He teaches in No. 2 Middle School.What does he teac

76、h?He teaches Chinese.活动步骤:活动步骤:2、 学生学生4-6人一组以人一组以“接龙接龙”的方式进行猜测职的方式进行猜测职业的活动。如:业的活动。如: S1: A man works in a post office. What does he do?S2: Hes a postman.S3: A woman works in a school. What does she do?S4: Shes a teacher.活动四:活动四:同学的交通工具同学的交通工具语法点:语法点:一般现在时及形容词最高级一般现在时及形容词最高级词汇:词汇:usually, sometimes,

77、 every day, come/go to school, go to work, go/get home, take, on foot, by bike/electric bike/motorbike/bus/car/taxi/train/boat/air/plane句型:句型:How do you/they usually go to work every day?I/We/They usually go to work by car.How does he/she usually go home every day?He/She usually goes home by bike.Ho

78、w long does it usually take by?It usually takes aboutminutes/hours.句型:句型:How many students come to school by bike/by bus/by car/on foot?Which is the best /fastest /slowest /cheapest /most expensive/ most comfortable/ most dangerous/ safest transport?I think traveling by air is the most interesting a

79、nd the fastest but the most expensive.Id like to go by bike because its good for the health.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生利用课余时间调查同学和朋友上学或去、学生利用课余时间调查同学和朋友上学或去工作时使用的交通工具,然后将其写在卡片(正工作时使用的交通工具,然后将其写在卡片(正面为图片,反面为单词)上。面为图片,反面为单词)上。2、学生四人一组围绕卡片内容轮流做竞猜游戏:、学生四人一组围绕卡片内容轮流做竞猜游戏:一位学生从自制卡片中选出一张交给组长,然后一位学生从自制卡片中选出一张交给组长,然后用动作展

80、示卡片上的内容,组长问:用动作展示卡片上的内容,组长问:How does he/she go home/go to school?其余同学竞猜:其余同学竞猜:He /She goes by先猜中者获得下一轮表演资先猜中者获得下一轮表演资格。格。活动步骤:活动步骤:3、通过运用以下句型进行问答,全班统计乘坐、通过运用以下句型进行问答,全班统计乘坐各种交通工具上学的学生人数,问答活动可以是各种交通工具上学的学生人数,问答活动可以是师生问答,也可以是学生相互问答。如:师生问答,也可以是学生相互问答。如:How do you usually come to school?I usually come

81、to school by bike.How long does it usually take you from school to your home by bike?It usually takes me about 15 minutes by bike.How many students come to school by bike/by bus?活动步骤:活动步骤:4、学生四人一组讨论各种交通工具的优缺点,、学生四人一组讨论各种交通工具的优缺点,同时调查班里同学对各种交通工具的喜好情况,同时调查班里同学对各种交通工具的喜好情况,并把信息填入表格,向全班汇报。并把信息填入表格,向全班汇报

82、。 Match the following two columnsNumber of SsAdvantagesDisadvantagesfastest planesafest trainmost/least expensive busmost/least comfortable carslowest bike活动步骤:活动步骤:接步骤接步骤4,如:,如:Which is the best/ fastest/ slowest/ cheapest/most expensive/most or least comfortable/most dangerous/safest transport?I t

83、hink traveling by air is the most interesting and the fastest but the most expensive.Id like to go by like because its good for the health.活动一:活动一:成长画册成长画册语法点:语法点:一般过去时一般过去时词汇:词汇:yesterday,ago,later, before, was/were born, studied, finished, lived, moved to, learned/learnt, had, went, enjoy, birthda

84、y, place, childhood, kindergarten, primary, middle, school, town, summer/winter camp句型:句型:When and where were you born?I was born oninWhich primary/middle school did you study in?I studied inHow long did you live in?I lived inforyears. Then two years later, my family moved to句型:句型:Did you learn Engl

85、ish before?/Did you have some friends there?Yes, I did./No, I didnt.Did you have a happy childhood?Yes, I did./No, I didnt.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、每位学生带来自己童年的照片,并完成以下、每位学生带来自己童年的照片,并完成以下个人履历表:个人履历表:BirthKindergartenPrimary SchoolMiddle SchoolDatePlaceThings活动步骤:活动步骤:2、学生两人一组根据表格内容展开对话。如:、学生两人一组根据表格内容展开对话。如:When

86、 and where were you born?I was born on March 10th,1991,in a small town.Which primary school did you study in?I studied in No.1 Primary School.When did you finish your primary school?I finished it in 2004.How long did you live in your town?I lived there for 10 years. Then my family moved here.活动步骤:活动

87、步骤:接接2、Did you learn English before?Yes, but only a little.Did you have any friends there?Yes, I did.Was your children happy?Yes, it was.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、每位学生用英语介绍自己的童年生活。例如:、每位学生用英语介绍自己的童年生活。例如: I was born on March 10th, 1991, in a town called Duqiao. I studied in Duqiao Primary School活动步骤:活动步骤:4、学生三人一组

88、,采访对方童年生活中一次难、学生三人一组,采访对方童年生活中一次难忘的经历,并用一般过去时相互问答。例如:忘的经历,并用一般过去时相互问答。例如:What did you do last summer?I took part in a summer camp.Where did you go?We went to Qingdao.What did you do there?We went to the beautiful beach.How did you go there?We went there by train.活动步骤:活动步骤:5、每位学生根据采访记录写一篇日记,并在全、每位学生根

89、据采访记录写一篇日记,并在全班宣读。例如:班宣读。例如:Monday, July 15th Good weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to the beautiful beach in Qingdao. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, we went shopping. The shops were too crowded. I didnt really enjoy it.活动二:活动二:介绍自己喜欢的名人介绍自己喜欢的名人语法点:语法点:一般过去时一

90、般过去时词汇:词汇:invented, happened, was born. Was interested in, taught, failed, succeeded, worked hard, built, formed, won, died, brave, rich, generous, inventor, scientist, businessman, actor, writer, musician, doctor, nurse, saying, imagination, knowledge, famous, popular句型:句型:1. Here is an interesting

91、/ exciting story. It happened/ There was/ One day2.When was he/she born ?He/She was born on3.What did he/she invent/write?He/She invented/wrote4. He liked to play jokes on his friends.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师准备相关的多媒体课件,并要求学生通、教师准备相关的多媒体课件,并要求学生通过各种途径收集自己最喜爱的名人的相关信息。过各种途径收集自己最喜爱的名人的相关信息。2、教师用多媒体呈现一些名人的照片,如:、教师

92、用多媒体呈现一些名人的照片,如:Bill Gates, Charlie Chaplin, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison等,并让学生回答以下问题:等,并让学生回答以下问题:When were they born? What did they do?活动步骤:活动步骤:3、教师用多媒体呈现上述四位名人的生平及主、教师用多媒体呈现上述四位名人的生平及主要贡献,让学生在下表中填上相应的姓名。要贡献,让学生在下表中填上相应的姓名。NameEventBorn in the USA(1955). 1975: Co-founded Microsoft with Paul All

93、en; 1990: Released Windows 3.0, Windows XP,Born in the USA(1847-1931).1882: Built Americas first central power station; 1909: Formed the Motion Picture Parents Company.Born in Germany(1879-1955). 1916: Proposed general theory of relativity;1922: Won Noble Prize for Physics.Born in the UK(1889-1997).

94、 1940: First talkie: The Great Dictator; 1972: Accepted a special Oscar.活动步骤:活动步骤:四、教师邀请四位学生分别讲述上述四位名人的故事。四、教师邀请四位学生分别讲述上述四位名人的故事。例如:例如: Thomas Edison was born on February 11th, 1847. He was a great American scientist and inventor. He was at school for only three months. His mother taught him and la

95、ter he learnt all by himself. He invented many things, such as the light bulb, the moving film and the phonograph. He developed the telegraph and telephone. He had 1328 inventions in his life. In 1882, he built Americas first central power station; in 1909, he formed the Motion Picture Patents Compa

96、ny. Electric lights in the USA were dimmed for one minute when he died on October 21st, 1931.活动步骤:活动步骤:5、学生四人一组,在组内讲述各自准备的中外、学生四人一组,在组内讲述各自准备的中外名人故事,如:名人故事,如:Lu Xun, Li Siguang, Nie Er, Newton, Curie, Mark Twain, Beethoven, Norman Bethune, Florence Nightingale等,等,然后各组派代表向全班作汇报。然后各组派代表向全班作汇报。活动三:活动三:

97、一次事故一次事故 语法点:语法点:一般过去时一般过去时词汇:词汇:yesterday, a moment ago/just now, accident, sorry, saw, played soccer, playground, after a while, fell down, hurt the leg, sent to hospital, write to, a note for sick leave,句型:句型:1. I fell down and hurt my leg when we were playing soccer.2. I saw Jim fall down and hu

98、rt his leg on the playground. Tom sent him to hospital.3.Now Im writing to you to ask for sick leave.4. Im sorry I cant go to school tomorrow.5. Im sorry to hear that.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师利用多媒体呈现如下画面:两位学生在、教师利用多媒体呈现如下画面:两位学生在操场上踢球,一人扭伤了脚,另一人送他去医院;操场上踢球,一人扭伤了脚,另一人送他去医院;有学生目击此事并告知老师。有学生目击此事并告知老师。2、学生三人一组,分别扮

99、演伤员、目击者和教、学生三人一组,分别扮演伤员、目击者和教师,并进行对话。例如:目击者与教师的对话师,并进行对话。例如:目击者与教师的对话Miss Li, I saw Jim fall down and hurt his ankle on the playground a moment ago. Tom sent him to hospital.Im sorry to hear that. Lets go and see him.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、小组成员针对自己扮演的角色进行写作:伤、小组成员针对自己扮演的角色进行写作:伤员就受伤一事写一张请假条;目击者以第一人称员就受伤一事写一张请假

100、条;目击者以第一人称写一篇事故目击日记;教师则写一份班主任手记。写一篇事故目击日记;教师则写一份班主任手记。仅以病假条为例:仅以病假条为例: May 13th, 2008Dear Miss Li, I fell down and hurt my ankle when we were playing soccer yesterday afternoon. Im sorry I cant go to school tomorrow. Now Im writing to you to ask for sick leave. Yours, Jim活动一:活动一:天气预报天气预报语法点:语法点:一般将来

101、时和形容词一般将来时和形容词词汇:词汇:tomorrow, later, will be, rain, snow, sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowing, snowy, windy, humid, foggy, wet, dry, the highest/lowest temperature句型:句型:1.Whats the weather like?/ How is the weather? This evening it will be rainy. There will be rain this evening. It will rain in The highes

102、t/lowest temperature will be 2. Here is the weather forecast./ Now for the weather report.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、 教师让学生通过听广播、看电视或上网等方式查询我国主要教师让学生通过听广播、看电视或上网等方式查询我国主要城市第二天的天气情况。城市第二天的天气情况。2、学生两人一组互相提问,并将信息填入下表。例如:、学生两人一组互相提问,并将信息填入下表。例如:Whats the weather like in Beijing?Its windy. There will be lots of sandCit

103、yTemperatureweather Air qualityOthersBeijingShanghaiShandong活动步骤:活动步骤:3、学生用英语相互介绍自己所选城市第二天的、学生用英语相互介绍自己所选城市第二天的天气情况,然后教师请各小组派代表用英语预报天气情况,然后教师请各小组派代表用英语预报某城市的天气。如:某城市的天气。如: Good evening! Here is the weather report. This evening itll be rainy in Shanghai. The highest temperature will be 12. The lowest

104、 temperature will be活动二:活动二:黄金周旅游计划黄金周旅游计划语法点:语法点:一般将来时一般将来时词汇:词汇:will, be going to, camera, take photos, go to Hainan Island/ Mount Emei/ the mountain/ park/ zoo/ beach, go fishing/ boating句型:句型:1.What are you going to do on May Day/National Day? Im going to2. Where will you go?3.Who will you go wi

105、th? Ill go with4.How will you get there?Ill go there by5.What will you take with you? Well take money, clothes, some fruit, water and a digital camera.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、 学生四人一组,通过网络或图书馆查询各地的旅游学生四人一组,通过网络或图书馆查询各地的旅游信息,以便在课堂上进行讨论,话题为:如何度过一个信息,以便在课堂上进行讨论,话题为:如何度过一个有意义的假期有意义的假期2、各小组根据表格中的项目,就五一或十一黄金周的、各小组根据表格

106、中的项目,就五一或十一黄金周的活动计划展开问答,并填写表格。教师随时在词汇方面活动计划展开问答,并填写表格。教师随时在词汇方面给于帮助。如:给于帮助。如:PlaceMay/Oct. 1st2nd 3rd 4th 5th6th7th活动步骤:活动步骤:What are you going to do on May Day/National Day?Im going to Mount Emei.Who will you go with?Ill go with my parents.How will you get there?Well go there by train because I thi

107、nk its safe and cheap and we can enjoy the scenery on the way.What will you take with you?Well take some money, clothes, a digital camera活动三:活动三:为父母过生日为父母过生日语法点:语法点:一般将来时一般将来时词汇:词汇:next, will, be going to, shall, sing, say, buy, love, do some housework, Fathers/ Mothers Day, parents, birthday, party

108、, present, song, cake, candles, favourite, food, color, hobby, job, blood, weight, height句型:句型:1.Happy birthday/Fathers Day/Mothers Day2. When is Fathers Day/Mothers Day? Its on the third Sunday of June/the second Sunday of May. When are your parents birthday? My fathers birthday is on My mothers bi

109、rthday is on3. If Fathers Day/Mothers Day/your parents birthday is coming, what will you do for your parents?活动步骤:活动步骤:1、 学生四人一组问答父亲节和母亲节的日期及父学生四人一组问答父亲节和母亲节的日期及父母的生日,统计记住父母生日的学生人数。如:母的生日,统计记住父母生日的学生人数。如:When is Mothers Day?Its on the second Sunday of May.When is Fathers Day?Its on the third Sunday

110、of June.When is your fathers /mothers birthday?My fathers /mothers birthday is on活动步骤:活动步骤:2、各小组讨论下一次父亲节、母亲节及父母生各小组讨论下一次父亲节、母亲节及父母生日前自己准备怎样做。如:日前自己准备怎样做。如: When Fathers Day/Mothers Day/my parents birthday is coming, I will buy a big birthday cake, beautiful flowers and presents for him/her. I will s

111、ay “Happy birthday!” and sing the “Happy Birthday” song. I will do some housework to let my father/mother have a good rest活动步骤:活动步骤:3、学生填写下表以增进对父母的了解。学生填写下表以增进对父母的了解。 Name:Weight:Date of birth:Height:Blood type:Place of birth:Occupation:Favorite food:Zodiac sign:Favorite color:Hobbies:Drink:Favorite

112、 star:Motto:Lucky number:活动一:活动一:你做我猜你做我猜语法点:语法点:现在进行时现在进行时词汇:词汇:表示具体动作或活动的词汇表示具体动作或活动的词汇句型:句型:1.Look! What is he/she doing now?2.Are you(ing)? Yes, Iam./No, Im not./ Yes, youre right.3.Very good./great./Excellent.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、 学生四人一组,总结表示具体动作或活动的词汇,并学生四人一组,总结表示具体动作或活动的词汇,并写在小纸条上(一张纸写一类动作或活动的名称);写在小纸

113、条上(一张纸写一类动作或活动的名称);2、各组汇报员向全班汇报,记录员填写如下表格。如:、各组汇报员向全班汇报,记录员填写如下表格。如:生活起居生活起居making the bed, sleeping饮食活动饮食活动drinking, eating教室活动教室活动sweeping the floor, opening the door学习活动学习活动doing homework, reading娱乐活动娱乐活动singing, dancing体育活动体育活动running, playing football活动步骤:活动步骤:3、教师收集各组的小纸条,放入一个大盒子中,教师收集各组的小纸条,放

114、入一个大盒子中,指定一位学生从中随意抽出一张纸条,并根据纸指定一位学生从中随意抽出一张纸条,并根据纸条上的动词或动词词组的内容进行表演;条上的动词或动词词组的内容进行表演;4、教师对其他学生说:、教师对其他学生说:Look! What is he/she doing now? Guess.学生逐个用学生逐个用Are you playing chess/swimming/opening the door/?等句型猜测该学生所表演的动作,表演等句型猜测该学生所表演的动作,表演的学生用的学生用Yes, I am./No, Im not./Yes, youre right.5、猜对的学生上台抽取纸条并

115、表演。、猜对的学生上台抽取纸条并表演。 活动二:活动二:想像并描述想像并描述语法点:语法点:现在进行时现在进行时词汇:词汇:有关具体动作、活动地点和活动时间的词有关具体动作、活动地点和活动时间的词汇。如:汇。如:at the moment, now, work, shop, play basketball, run, office, market, playground等;等;句型:句型:Its 9 oclock. What are you /they doing now? What is he/she doing at the moment?I am/ They are/he is/She

116、is/活动步骤:活动步骤:1、 学生两人一组,询问对方的家人此刻正在做的学生两人一组,询问对方的家人此刻正在做的事情。例如:事情。例如:Its 9 oclock. What is your father/mother doing now?I think he is working in his office/she is shopping in the market.2、教师呈现著名运动员、演员、歌星或电视节目、教师呈现著名运动员、演员、歌星或电视节目主持人等名人的照片,要求学生从中选择一位,猜主持人等名人的照片,要求学生从中选择一位,猜想他想他/她此刻正在做的事情。她此刻正在做的事情。活动步

117、骤:活动步骤:3、学生按自己的想像用学生按自己的想像用2-3句话说出该名人正在句话说出该名人正在做的事情。例如:做的事情。例如: look! This is Yao Ming. What is he doing at the moment? I think he is playing basketball活动一:活动一:美好回忆美好回忆语法点:语法点:过去进行时过去进行时词汇:词汇:traditional festivals, National Day, class activities, birthday party, Spring Festival, May Day, Childrens

118、Day, New Years Eve, Christmas, have a picnic, go hiking, have a birthday party,句型:句型:The sun was shining brightly. The birds were singing in the trees. Some of us were boating on the lake.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、 学生从家里带来有关某次庆祝活动的一组照片,学生从家里带来有关某次庆祝活动的一组照片,教师引导学生对照片进行分类,例如:教师引导学生对照片进行分类,例如:traditional festivals,

119、National Day, class activities, birthday party,2、教师根据照片类别将全班分成若干小组,组员、教师根据照片类别将全班分成若干小组,组员根据照片内容回忆并谈论当时的活动情形。教师可根据照片内容回忆并谈论当时的活动情形。教师可以提供一些关键词,例如:以提供一些关键词,例如:Spring Festival, New Years Eve, having a picnic near the river, going hiking on the mountain, having a birthday party at home,.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、各组派

120、一名代表向全班汇报各组派一名代表向全班汇报。例如:例如:Class Activity-Playing in the ParkLook at this photo. Alice took it in the park last term. It was a fine Sunday. The sun was shining brightly. There were all kinds of beautiful flowers in the park. The birds were singing in the trees. Look at this, some of us were boating

121、 on the lake活动二:活动二:那时他们在干什么那时他们在干什么语法点:语法点:过去进行时过去进行时词汇:词汇:at this/that time last night/yesterday句型:句型:1.What was he/she doing? He/She was 2. It was 8:30 last night. I was. My father was. My mother was.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师引导学生描述昨天某时刻自己和家人正在、教师引导学生描述昨天某时刻自己和家人正在做的事。如:做的事。如: It was 8:30 last night. We were

122、 all at home. I was doing my homework. My father was reading newspaper. My mother was watching TV.2、学生从家中带来自己父母工作时的照片,并分、学生从家中带来自己父母工作时的照片,并分成成4-6人一组,采取人一组,采取“游戏接龙游戏接龙”的方式,说说各的方式,说说各自的父母当时正在做什么。自的父母当时正在做什么。活动步骤:活动步骤:例如:例如:A: It was 9:00 yesterday morning. What was your father doing?B: He is a worker

123、 and he was working with a machine then. What was your mother doing?C: She is a shop assistant and she was selling things at that time. Is this your father? What was he doing?D: He is a teacher and he was giving his students a lesson. What was this lady doing?活动一:活动一:打扫卫生打扫卫生语法点:语法点:现在完成时现在完成时词汇:词汇:

124、already, just, yet, have, has, finish, clean, sweep, water, watch,句型:句型:1.What have you/they done? I/We/They have just/already2. He hasnt/She hasnt/They haventyet. My mother was.3.Has he/Has she/Have they Yes, he/she has./No, he/she hasnt.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师将几位学生打扫教室的过程拍摄下来,并、教师将几位学生打扫教室的过程拍摄下来,并播放该视频片断;

125、播放完毕后要求学生结成对子用播放该视频片断;播放完毕后要求学生结成对子用现在完成时进行问答练习。例如:现在完成时进行问答练习。例如:What have they done?They have cleaned the classroom.What has Tom already finished?He has already swept the floor.What about Mary?She has watered the flowers.Have they finished cleaning the blackboard?活动步骤:活动步骤:学生学生4-6人一组根据该视频内容进行对话,然后

126、各人一组根据该视频内容进行对话,然后各组汇报元向全班做汇报。如:组汇报元向全班做汇报。如: We have just watched some pictures. Some students have cleaned the classroom. Tom has already swept the floor. Mary has watered the flowers活动二:活动二:保护环境,人人有责保护环境,人人有责语法点:语法点:现在完成时,现在进行时,现在完现在完成时,现在进行时,现在完 成成 进行时进行时词汇:词汇:already, ever, never, before, once,

127、 twice, have, has, pollute, protect, improve, plant, collect for recycling, clean, cut down trees, let out smoke, throw rubbish, spit, pour waste water, litter, plastic bags, chopsticks/paper handkerchiefs/ land/air/water pollution, dustbin, waste, step on the grass,句型:句型:1. Some people have been. F

128、actories have been2. People have. Some people have already3.Have you ever? Yes, I have./ No, I havent.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生、学生4-6人一组,通过上网或去图书馆收集有关污染、人一组,通过上网或去图书馆收集有关污染、环保和绿化方面的信息,下载或复印一些环境遭破坏的图环保和绿化方面的信息,下载或复印一些环境遭破坏的图片,并做成简单的课件,放入自己小组的文件夹中。片,并做成简单的课件,放入自己小组的文件夹中。2、学生在小组内讨论环境受到破坏的结果,如:、学生在小组内讨论环境受到破坏的结果,如

129、:bare mountains, dirty, black and smelly rivers, serious dust storm, dusty sky, high chimneys giving out thick smoke, sea polluted by crude oil; 然后将讨论结果按类然后将讨论结果按类别填入下表中:别填入下表中:Types of PollutionLand AirWaterSourcesInfluences活动步骤:活动步骤:3、各小组派代表通过多媒体呈现画面,并用英、各小组派代表通过多媒体呈现画面,并用英语讲解。如:语讲解。如: Some people

130、 have been cutting down more and more trees. Some people have been throwing used cells on the ground. Most people have been using a lot of wooden bowls and chopsticks, paper handkerchiefs and plastic bags. Some factories have been making a lot of loud noises. Some people turn up their TVs or radios

131、too loudly活动步骤:活动步骤:4、各小组讨论并列出人们保护环境的一些举措。、各小组讨论并列出人们保护环境的一些举措。如:如: People have planted more and more trees, grass and flowers/put rubbish and used cells into dustbins. Some people have already formed good habits for improving the environment.5、各小组合作设计一份调查表,调查自己以及、各小组合作设计一份调查表,调查自己以及同学做了哪些有益和有损环境的事,

132、今后该如何同学做了哪些有益和有损环境的事,今后该如何改进,并将讨论结果填入表中。改进,并将讨论结果填入表中。 活动步骤:活动步骤:ItemYesNo1. Do you keep your classroom/bedroom clean and tidy?2. Do you clean your classroom/bedroom every day?3. Have you ever spat in a public place?4. Have you ever littered?5. Have you ever picked flowers or stepped on the grass in

133、 a park?6. Have you ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?活动步骤:活动步骤:What We Should DoWhat We Shouldnt DoThrow rubbish into dustbins, move the factories out of cities, clean waste water and air,Dont cut down trees/throw rubbish on the ground/ draw on public walls/spit on the ground/活动一:

134、活动一:2007大盘点大盘点 语法点:语法点:过去完成时过去完成时 词汇:词汇:by the end of, when, after, before, once, twice, three times, take place句型:句型: 1. I had by the end of last year. My family had.2. had been be the end of the year 2007.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生回顾个人、家庭、家乡和学校在、学生回顾个人、家庭、家乡和学校在2007年都发生了年都发生了哪些变化,并收集能够反映这些变化的图片,在课堂上与哪些变化,并收集能

135、够反映这些变化的图片,在课堂上与同学分享;同学分享; 2、学生两人一组边展示自己收集的图片,、学生两人一组边展示自己收集的图片, 边用过去完成边用过去完成时进行问答。时进行问答。 例如:例如:个人:个人: What had you done by the end of last year?I had learned more than 1500 new words, and over 20 English songs 活动步骤:活动步骤:家庭:家庭:What had your family done by the end of the year 2007?My family had been

136、to Hong Kong three times.家乡:家乡: What changes had taken place in your hometown by the end of the rear 2007?Many tall buildings and a new school had been built by the end of the year 2007. The roads became wider. More and more trees, flowers and grass had been planted.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、教师让部分学生向全班作汇报。如:、教师让部

137、分学生向全班作汇报。如: By the end of the year 2007, I had learned more than 1,500 new words and over 20 English songs. My family had been to Hong Kong three times. Many tall buildings and a new school had been built in my hometown.活动二:活动二:畅谈旅行畅谈旅行 语法点:语法点:过去完成时、一般过去时过去完成时、一般过去时 词汇:词汇:by the end of, once/twice

138、/three times, prepare, take photos,句型:句型: 1.What places in China had you been to by the end of last month? I had been to2. Had you ever been toby the end of last month? Yes, I had./No, I hadnt.3.How many times had you been to? I had been there once/twice/three times.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生两人一组,回顾自己及家人到上月为止的旅

139、游情况,、学生两人一组,回顾自己及家人到上月为止的旅游情况,并询问对方旅行前的准备情况以及旅行中的经历。如:旅并询问对方旅行前的准备情况以及旅行中的经历。如:旅行前的准备行前的准备S1: What places had you been to by the end of last month?S2: I had been to Hangzhou, Suzhou, Hainan Island and Shanghai.S1: What had you done before you left for Hainan Island?S2: I had prepared my clothes and

140、money. 活动步骤:活动步骤:旅行中的经历旅行中的经历 S1: How many times had you been to Hainan Island?S2: I had been there only once.S1: When and how did you go there?S2: I went there by plane two years age with my parents.S1: What interesting things did you do there?S2: I went to the beach and swam there. I visited Deer

141、Park, Dongshan Ridge and the Edge of the Sky and the Rim of the sea. I took many photos.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、配图作文:学生根据自己的叙述描写自己的、配图作文:学生根据自己的叙述描写自己的旅程,并附上相应的照片或简笔画。旅程,并附上相应的照片或简笔画。 Name WhereTimesWhenHowActivities2、各小组根据交谈内容填写下表,并派代表用、各小组根据交谈内容填写下表,并派代表用过去完成时和一般过去时向全班汇报本组成员的过去完成时和一般过去时向全班汇报本组成员的旅游情况。旅游情况。 活动

142、一:活动一:英语学习状况小调查英语学习状况小调查语法点:语法点:动词不定式作主语动词不定式作主语词汇:词汇:to learn/practice/keep, important, necessary, useful, difficult/hard句型:句型:It is very important/useful/necessary for(somebody) to do (something).To do (something) is very important/useful/necessary.To work hard is the key to活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师课前设计如下表格,

143、并分发给各小组。、教师课前设计如下表格,并分发给各小组。 ItemName1234Why you study EnglishTo studyTo find a job in the futureFor funItemName1234How often you study English out of classEvery dayEvery weekNeverHow often you use EnglishHow often you write diaries in English2、学生四人一组,各小组成员在小组内相互、学生四人一组,各小组成员在小组内相互了解彼此学习英语的情况,记录员将调查

144、结了解彼此学习英语的情况,记录员将调查结果填入上表中。如:果填入上表中。如: S2: Do you like English?S1:Yes, I do.S3:Why do you study English?S1:Because its very important to study English. I can go to college if I study English well.S4:How often do you study English out of class?S1:Every day.S3:Do you keep writing diaries in English?S1

145、:Yes, I think its necessary to keep writing diaries in English every day.3、各组代表汇报结果。如:、各组代表汇报结果。如: We all like English because we think it is very important to learn it. In order to improve our English, we think its necessary and useful to keep writing diaries in English every day.4、教师引导学生用动词不定式谈论学习

146、英语、教师引导学生用动词不定式谈论学习英语的其他情况。如:的其他情况。如: S1:Its necessary to practice speaking English as much as possible.S2:But its a little difficult for me to study English.S3:Dont give up. I can help you. Its so useful to study English. To work hard is the key to success.活动二:活动二:让我帮助你让我帮助你语法点:语法点:动词不定式作宾语动词不定式作宾语

147、词汇:词汇:ask, tell, advise, let句型:句型:Let me help you/him/her.(somebody) advise/ask/tell(somebody else to do(something)活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师发给每位学生一张小卡片,让他们写下、教师发给每位学生一张小卡片,让他们写下自己的苦恼、忧愁或需要帮助的事情。如:自己的苦恼、忧愁或需要帮助的事情。如:be ill/wounded, fall behind others, cant sleep well等。等。 活动步骤:活动步骤:2、请两位学生担任主持人;主持人将小卡片收、请两位学生担任主

148、持人;主持人将小卡片收集起来,并一一宣读。如:主持人集起来,并一一宣读。如:主持人A (S1)说:说:says he/she has got a bad cold.其他学生其他学生听后则用句型听后则用句型Let me help you 抢答。主持人抢答。主持人B(S3)先请抢答的同学陈述解决的方法,然后再先请抢答的同学陈述解决的方法,然后再向处于困境中的同学复述。向处于困境中的同学复述。 S1:Rose says she has a bad cold.S2:Let me help her. I advise her to take some medicine and drink more wa

149、ter.S3:He told you to take some medicine and drink more water.活动步骤:活动步骤:3、经过上述示范后,全班进行四人小组活动,、经过上述示范后,全班进行四人小组活动,一位学生陈述自己的问题,其他两位小组成员一位学生陈述自己的问题,其他两位小组成员提出解决问题的办法,最后一位学生汇总本组提出解决问题的办法,最后一位学生汇总本组同学的发言。如:同学的发言。如: S1:I cant sleep very well at night.S2:Let me help you. I advise you to listen to some ligh

150、t music.S3:I advise you to count from 1 to 100.S4:Sam often doesnt sleep well at night. Mike and Betty advise him to listen to some light music or count from 1 to 100.活动活动 三:三:谈论职业谈论职业语法点:语法点:动词不定式作主语和表语动词不定式作主语和表语词汇:词汇:interesting, exciting, busy, difficult, hard, boring, dangerous, job, task句型:句型:

151、Their job is to/His dream is to/Our task is toTo is important/difficult/busy.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师引导学生复习表示职业的单词,并按工、教师引导学生复习表示职业的单词,并按工作地点对职业进行分类。作地点对职业进行分类。 活动步骤:活动步骤:2、教师呈现多幅表示各种职业的图片,然后引、教师呈现多幅表示各种职业的图片,然后引导学生用动词不定式造句。教师可以先与一位导学生用动词不定式造句。教师可以先与一位学生用如下对话进行示范。如:学生用如下对话进行示范。如: T: Im an English teacher. So

152、my job isSs: Your job is to teach English.T: You are students, so your task isSs: Our task is to study English hard.T: Why do you study English hard?Ss: Because it is very important to learn English well. (Or: Because to learn English well is very important.)活动步骤:活动步骤:3、学生、学生4人一组,其中一人用动词不定式描述人一组,其中一

153、人用动词不定式描述自己父母的工作情形,其他三人猜测其职业。自己父母的工作情形,其他三人猜测其职业。如:如: S1:My fathers job is to stand in the street and direct the traffic.S2:I think he is a policeman.S3:My mothers job is to work with people and money.S4:She is a bank clerk.活动一:活动一:三明治家族三明治家族语法点:语法点:祈使句祈使句词汇:词汇:表示蔬菜、肉类、水果和佐料的名词表示蔬菜、肉类、水果和佐料的名词以及表示烹饪

154、的动词以及表示烹饪的动词句型:句型:How do you make your favorite sandwich?/What else?/ Whats next?/Is that all?First, put on a slice of bread./Next, cut up/ peel/ Then add to the sandwich/And put some on the / Finally put another slice of bread on the top.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生两人一组,在课前搜集面包、蔬菜、佐、学生两人一组,在课前搜集面包、蔬菜、佐料、水果和肉类的图片

155、,并准备一枚大头针。料、水果和肉类的图片,并准备一枚大头针。2、一位学生发出做三明治的指令,另外一位学生制作、一位学生发出做三明治的指令,另外一位学生制作“三明治三明治”,把相关图片穿在大头针上,并在每张图,把相关图片穿在大头针上,并在每张图片上标注原料的分量。如:片上标注原料的分量。如:S1: How do you make your favorite sandwich?S2: First, put a teaspoon of butter on a slice of bread.S1: What else?S2: Then cut up one tomato and put it on t

156、he bread and cup up an onion.S1: Sounds good. What about the beef?S2: Put three beef slices on the sandwich.S1: Is that all?S2: Not quite. Then put two teaspoons of relish on the beef. And finally put another slice of bread on the top.3、全班搜集各小组制作的三明治,并创、全班搜集各小组制作的三明治,并创编三明治菜谱集。编三明治菜谱集。活动二:活动二:标识大会合标

157、识大会合语法点:语法点:祈使句祈使句词汇:词汇:博物馆、电影院、动物园和公园中表博物馆、电影院、动物园和公园中表示标识的相关词汇和句子示标识的相关词汇和句子句型:句型:What does the sign mean?It means “Dont do/Do”活动步骤:活动步骤:1、全班学生分成四大组,各组分别到当地的博、全班学生分成四大组,各组分别到当地的博物馆、电影院、动物园和公园观察标识,并把它物馆、电影院、动物园和公园观察标识,并把它们画在纸上。们画在纸上。2、各小组交换彼此搜集到的标识,并讨论标识的含义。、各小组交换彼此搜集到的标识,并讨论标识的含义。如:如:What does thi

158、s sign mean?It means “Dont take photos./Keep quiet./Dont touch./No littering./Turn off your mobile phone./Dont get close to the dangerous animals./Keep off the grass./Dont pick the flowers.3、全班核对各种标识含义正确与否。、全班核对各种标识含义正确与否。4、把所有标识按其出现的场所分类,张、把所有标识按其出现的场所分类,张贴在教室布告栏内。贴在教室布告栏内。 活动三:活动三:手工制作手工制作语法点:语法点:

159、祈使句祈使句词汇:词汇:make a paper bird/boat/chair/table/hat/ball/plastic basket, a model plane/ship, a plastic basket, a card, take out, fold, draw,句型:句型:Please take out/fold/draw/Do it like this, please./Dont do it like that.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生四人一组,用英语交流简易手工制品的、学生四人一组,用英语交流简易手工制品的制作过程,如:制作过程,如:make a bird/boat/c

160、hair/table/hat/ball/,用废弃的塑料用废弃的塑料瓶做花篮,或用纸和碎布做贴画、节日贺卡等,瓶做花篮,或用纸和碎布做贴画、节日贺卡等,教师随时为学生提供帮助。如:教师随时为学生提供帮助。如:S1: Can you make a paper bird?/Do you want to make a paper bird?/How can you make a paper bird?S2: Let me help you. Its easy. Look, do it like this. Thats right./Oh, dont do it like that.2、学生四人一组合作

161、完成一件手工制品,、学生四人一组合作完成一件手工制品,同时用英语交流制作过程;然后各小组派同时用英语交流制作过程;然后各小组派代表演示制作过程。如:代表演示制作过程。如:Take out a piece of paper. Fold it in the middle. Draw some pictures you like.学生可以学生可以用用 “Let me show you how to make it. Do it like this.”等祈使句代替不会使用的等祈使句代替不会使用的词语,也可以伴之以动作。词语,也可以伴之以动作。3、教师把手工折纸作品集中起来让学生、教师把手工折纸作品集中

162、起来让学生一起欣赏,师生对优秀作品进行评价。一起欣赏,师生对优秀作品进行评价。 活动一:活动一:产品大讨论产品大讨论语法点:语法点:被动语态的一般现在时被动语态的一般现在时词汇:词汇:表示工农业产品及原材料、产地和用途表示工农业产品及原材料、产地和用途等的词汇等的词汇句型:句型:Whats made of/used for?Its made of/used forWhere is/aremade/produced?Its/Theyre made/produced in活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生、学生4-6人一组,收集各地名优特产的图片资人一组,收集各地名优特产的图片资料,并从家里带一些相关的

163、物品,对于不宜携带料,并从家里带一些相关的物品,对于不宜携带的物品可以带来其图片或简笔画。的物品可以带来其图片或简笔画。2、教师呈现若干件事物的图片,如:、教师呈现若干件事物的图片,如:a watch, a camera, a mobile phone, an MP3,some pictures of a rocket/a washing machine/a TV set/a computer/然后组织两位学生进行然后组织两位学生进行示范对话。如:示范对话。如:Whats the watch made of?Its made of metal.Where is it made?Its made

164、 in China.Whats it used for?Its used for telling the time.3、学生两人一组以教室内的物品、学习用具和、学生两人一组以教室内的物品、学习用具和日常用品等话题展开对话,然后完成下面的连日常用品等话题展开对话,然后完成下面的连线。如:线。如:Whats a glass made of?A glass is made of glass.Whats it used for?Its used for drinking.Whats a stamp made of?glassjacketstampkeywoolmetalpaperglasssendin

165、g lettersdrinkinglocking doorskeeping warm4、学生四人一组互相观赏本组成员带来的物品,、学生四人一组互相观赏本组成员带来的物品,组员之间相互询问并猜测其名称、原材料、产组员之间相互询问并猜测其名称、原材料、产地和用途等;一名组员负责记录,另一名组员地和用途等;一名组员负责记录,另一名组员向全班汇报。如:向全班汇报。如:The cup is made in Jingde Town. It is made of china. It is used for drinking water. The beer is made in Qingdao. It is

166、made from wheat. The sweater is made in Shanghai. It is made of wool. It is used for keeping warmName: Price: Colour: Be made of: Be made in: Be used for: 活动二:活动二:各显神通各显神通语法点:语法点:含有情态动词的被动语态含有情态动词的被动语态词汇:词汇:must/should/can, kept/ washed/ fed / taken/cleaned/watered/collected/put/sprayed/killed/句型:句型

167、:Do you know how to plant flowers/trees/vegetables/?Yes.must/should/can be kept/washed/fed/taken/cleaned/watered/collected/put活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学生四人一组利用网络或书籍、或去花鸟市、学生四人一组利用网络或书籍、或去花鸟市场了解适合本地气候的花鸟和宠物的资料,并收场了解适合本地气候的花鸟和宠物的资料,并收集相关图片。集相关图片。2、教师提供一些与学生收集的材料相关的表示、教师提供一些与学生收集的材料相关的表示花鸟和宠物的词汇。如:花鸟和宠物的词汇。如:Flower

168、s: rose, sunflower, daffodil(水仙花水仙花), orchid(兰花兰花), lotus(荷花荷花),Birds: sparrow, nightingale, pigeon, kingfisher(翠鸟翠鸟), swallow,3、学生两人一组围绕某一话题进行对话,如:、学生两人一组围绕某一话题进行对话,如: How to plant flowers/ trees/ vegetables? How to keep fish/birds?要求学生尽量使用含要求学生尽量使用含有情态动词的被动语态。有情态动词的被动语态。Do you know how to look aft

169、er a pet dog?Yes, I do. First of all, the dog must be fed every day. It should be washed often. It must be kept clean. It should be taken out for a walk every day. Its bowl and bed must be cleaned once a day.4、教师挑选几个小组向全班汇报。如:、教师挑选几个小组向全班汇报。如:How to keep flowers? The flowers will grow better if they

170、 are watered with sour milk, leftover tea, washed rice water and boiled cool water. Eggshells, bones of pigs and fish, fingernails and hair can be kept as fertilizer for flowers. Cigarette ends or tobacco can be collected and put in hot water for one or two days. This kinds of water can be sprayed u

171、pon the flowers and the insects will be killed活动三:活动三:最有用的五大发明最有用的五大发明语法点:语法点:被动语态被动语态词汇:词汇:car, airplane, computer, telephone, light, bulb, be invented by, be invented in, be used for句型:句型:Who was the car /airplane /telephone /light bulb/computer invented by?It was invented byWhen was the car/airpl

172、aneinvented?It was invented inWhat is the car/airplaneused for?Its used for doing/ to do活动步骤:活动步骤:1、 学生课前上网查找有关汽车、飞机、电话、学生课前上网查找有关汽车、飞机、电话、电灯和电脑等发明的资料。电灯和电脑等发明的资料。2、学生、学生4-6人一组,互相询问以上发明信息,记人一组,互相询问以上发明信息,记录员做记录。录员做记录。InventionInventorYearUsecarairplanetelephonelight bulbcomputerWho was the telephone

173、 invented by?It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.When was it invented?It was invented in 1876.Whats it used for?It is used for communicating with others who are far away from us.活动步骤活动步骤 2、3、个小组派代表向全班作汇报。如:、个小组派代表向全班作汇报。如:The airplane was invented by the Wright Brothers. It was invented in 1903

174、. Its used for traveling very fast活动一:活动一:箴言传送箴言传送语法点:语法点:由由that引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句词汇:词汇:say, think, tell, that句型:句型:says/said/thinks/thought/tells/told(that)活动步骤:活动步骤:1、每个学生回忆自己的父母、师长或朋友说过、每个学生回忆自己的父母、师长或朋友说过的令自己难忘的一句话,并用句型的令自己难忘的一句话,并用句型“says/said/thinks/thought/tells/told(that)”将其写在小卡片上。将其写在小卡片上。2、学生组

175、成四人小组,小组成员分别说、学生组成四人小组,小组成员分别说出自己小卡片上的话,记录员如实记录。出自己小卡片上的话,记录员如实记录。如:如:S1:My mother tells me (that) nothing is too difficult if I put my heart into it.S2:Our teacher often tells (that) we should make the best use of time.S3:3、各组汇报员向全班转述本小组的箴言。、各组汇报员向全班转述本小组的箴言。 如:如:Tom said (that) his mother told him

176、 (that) nothing is too difficult if he puts his heart into it.Jack said (that) our teacher often told us (that) we should make the best use of time.4、宾语从句错误率(包括人称、时态、语序和、宾语从句错误率(包括人称、时态、语序和连接词的使用等)最低的小组为优胜组。连接词的使用等)最低的小组为优胜组。 活动一:活动一:增进了解增进了解语法点:语法点:由由if或或whether引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句词汇:词汇:if, whether, ask,

177、 wonder, know, 句型:句型:asks/asked/wonders/wondered/wants to know/wanted to know if/whether活动步骤:活动步骤:1、每位学生分别列出询问他人在学校、家里、每位学生分别列出询问他人在学校、家里和公共场所行为的疑问句。例如:和公共场所行为的疑问句。例如:At school: Do you do sports every week? Have you ever lost school library books?.At home: Have you ever watched TV too late? Do you o

178、ften turn up your TV or radio too loud? Do you often play computer games on weekends? Do you clean your bedroom every day?.In public: Have you ever jumped the queue? Have you ever littered about? Have you ever picked flowers or stepped on the grass in a park?.2、前后桌同学之间开展采访活动,然后、前后桌同学之间开展采访活动,然后同桌交流采

179、访结果。如:同桌交流采访结果。如:Who did you interview?I interviewed Bill.What did you ask him?I asked him if he always obeyed the school rules.3、教师请几位学生向全班汇报采访与被采访的、教师请几位学生向全班汇报采访与被采访的情况。情况。 如:如:I interviewed Tom. I asked whether his parents were very strict with him.Kate interviewed me just now. She wanted to kno

180、w whether I had ever jumped the queue in public.活动一:活动一:公德大讨论公德大讨论语法点:语法点:时间状语从句时间状语从句词汇:词汇:时间状语从句连接词时间状语从句连接词(when, while, as, before, after, as soon as, until) 、情态、情态动词以及表示社会公德的相关词汇动词以及表示社会公德的相关词汇句型:句型: We must/mustnt/should/shouldnt/can/cantwhen/while/as/before/after/as soon as/until活动步骤:活动步骤:1、学

181、生四人一组,尽可能多低落列出表示公众、学生四人一组,尽可能多低落列出表示公众场所的英文词组,并写在卡片上。如:场所的英文词组,并写在卡片上。如:in a street, at the station, in a park, in the waiting room, in a hospital, in the museum, at the cinema, in the library, in the dining room, in the neighborhood, in the classroom,2、全班汇总卡片,教师随意抽取卡片分发给各、全班汇总卡片,教师随意抽取卡片分发给各小组,每组得到

182、一张卡片;各组讨论后派代表小组,每组得到一张卡片;各组讨论后派代表说出在此公共场所应遵守的社会公德。如:说出在此公共场所应遵守的社会公德。如:In a street: We mustnt cross the road when the traffic light is red. We must wait until the traffic light is green. We must look left and then right before we cross the street.At the station: We mustnt jump the queue when we are

183、waiting for the bus. We mustnt push others when we get on/off the bus.In a park: We mustnt step on the grass or pick flowers when we are in the park.活动二:活动二:假如假如语法点:语法点:条件状语从句条件状语从句词汇:词汇: if,情态动词以及表示突发事件的词汇,情态动词以及表示突发事件的词汇句型:句型: If, what should you do?/ what will you do?/what will happen?活动步骤:活动步骤:1

184、、每位学生假设一个情景,并用、每位学生假设一个情景,并用if 从句写在卡片从句写在卡片上,教师汇总学生设计的情景。如:上,教师汇总学生设计的情景。如:If your father/mother is ill, what should you do?If your parents are not at home, can you sleep alone?If there is little water on the earth, what will happen?What will you choose: happiness, money, health or friendship, if yo

185、u can choose only one?2、全班分成两大组进行竞赛。教师随机抽取学、全班分成两大组进行竞赛。教师随机抽取学生设计的情境卡片,让两组学生分别就该情景生设计的情境卡片,让两组学生分别就该情景提出解决方案。如:提出解决方案。如: 假如父亲或母亲生病了:假如父亲或母亲生病了:If your father/mother is ill, what should you do?If my father/mother is ill, I will go with him/her to see the doctor./ Ill cook his/ her favorite food for

186、him/her./ I should do the housework/chores 假如夜里独自在家:假如夜里独自在家: If your parents are not at home, can you sleep alone?Yes, I can. I would check whether/ if the door is locked properly and all the windows are closed before I go to bed./ I wont open the door no matter who knocks at night 假如全世界都缺水:假如全世界都缺

187、水:If there is little water on the earth, what will happen?If there is little water on the earth, plants, animals and even human beings will die 假如快乐、金钱、健康或友谊只能选择其中之假如快乐、金钱、健康或友谊只能选择其中之一,你选哪一个:一,你选哪一个:What will you choose: happiness, money, health or friendship, if you can choose only one?Ill choose

188、health because health is the most important of all 3、师生根据条件状语从句使用的正确性以及、师生根据条件状语从句使用的正确性以及解决方法的合理性,评选出优胜组。解决方法的合理性,评选出优胜组。活动三:活动三:快乐与忧伤快乐与忧伤语法点:语法点:原因状语从句原因状语从句词汇:词汇:why, because, because of, happy, interesting, funny, exciting, successful, healthy, sad, ill, sick, shocked, discouraged, worried, ner

189、vous, difficult, lonely, angry,句型:句型:Why is/ was happy/sad?feels happy becauseWhat makes happy/sad?What will you do if youre happy/sad?活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师用多媒体播放歌曲、教师用多媒体播放歌曲If You Are Happy,全全班一起学唱。班一起学唱。2、教师向学生展示一些图片,图片中的人物都显得非常、教师向学生展示一些图片,图片中的人物都显得非常高兴的样子;然后让学生两人一组猜测图片中人物高兴的高兴的样子;然后让学生两人一组猜测图片中人物高兴的原因

190、。如:原因。如:2001年中国人最高兴的三件大事;年中国人最高兴的三件大事;2003年神年神州五号和州五号和2005年神州六号载人飞船进入太空等。年神州六号载人飞船进入太空等。Why were Chinese people happy in 2001?Chinese people were happy in 2001 because Beijing was made the host to the 2008 Olympics, and Shanghai held the APEC meeting successfully.3、每位学生说出、每位学生说出1-2件令自己开心的事,如:件令自己开心的

191、事,如:help others, have a good time, receive lots of presents, pass an exam, get good grades, finish tasks 4、教师展示一些悲伤的图片,如美国、教师展示一些悲伤的图片,如美国9.11事件或伊拉事件或伊拉克战争等;学生四人一组讨论:克战争等;学生四人一组讨论:Why were Americans sad on September 11th, 2001?然后,各组汇报员向然后,各组汇报员向全班汇报讨论结果。全班汇报讨论结果。Americans were very shocked and sad b

192、ecause on September 11th, 2001, the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington were attacked by terrorists. And about 3,000 people lost their lives. 5、各小组讨论日常生活中自己的情绪变化,如、各小组讨论日常生活中自己的情绪变化,如sad, discouraged, worried, nervous, angry 和和lazy等。然后,讨论并列出令自己出现上述情绪的等。然后,讨论并列出令自己出现上述情绪的原因。

193、如:原因。如:have an accident, lose something, get lost in a big city, fail an exam/ fail in doing something, make a serious mistake, be/ feel disturbed, be criticized, be ill, be lonely活动一:活动一:物归原主物归原主语法点:语法点:修饰事物的定语从句修饰事物的定语从句词汇:词汇:which, that, my, mine, your, yours, 表示物品的词汇表示物品的词汇句型:句型:Where is/ are my

194、?Which one is yours?The one which/that is mine.活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师让学生闭上眼睛,然后收集学生的一些、教师让学生闭上眼睛,然后收集学生的一些学习用品,把它们摆放在讲台上;之后让学生睁学习用品,把它们摆放在讲台上;之后让学生睁开眼睛;教师与一位开眼睛;教师与一位“失主失主”用定语从句进行示用定语从句进行示范对话。范对话。S1: Where is my pen?T: Here are several pens. Which pen is yours?S1: The one which is red is mine.T: Here you ar

195、e.S1: Thank you.2、学生之间模仿上述示例进行对话,并从讲台、学生之间模仿上述示例进行对话,并从讲台领回自己的物品。如:领回自己的物品。如:I want my ruler back.Which one is yours?The one which/that is on the green book is mine.活动二:活动二:我的全家福我的全家福语法点:语法点:修饰人和物的定语从句修饰人和物的定语从句词汇:词汇:定语从句的连接词定语从句的连接词 (who, whose, which, that)以及表示人物、家庭成员、外貌以及表示人物、家庭成员、外貌特征和服装等的词汇特征和服

196、装等的词汇句型:句型:Whos that man?Which man?The one who/thatThe book/roomwhich/that活动步骤:活动步骤:1、教师向让学生呈现自己家庭成员和书房的照、教师向让学生呈现自己家庭成员和书房的照片,并提供相应的句子片,并提供相应的句子:The girl who/that is watching TV is my daughter.The man who/that is reading a book is my husband.The lady who/that wears a red dress is my sister.The book

197、 which/that lies on the floor is my English book.2、学生读了以上句子后,教师引导学生归纳:、学生读了以上句子后,教师引导学生归纳:修饰表示人的先行词时用修饰表示人的先行词时用who或或that;然后,学然后,学生两人一组,拿出各自的家庭生活照片,运用生两人一组,拿出各自的家庭生活照片,运用who, whose, which或或that引导的定语从句进引导的定语从句进行对话。如:行对话。如:Whos that man?Which man?The man who is drinking tea under the tree.Oh, thats my uncle. 3、教师请、教师请3-5个小组表演对话。个小组表演对话。



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