牛津沪教版八年级上册英语习题课件 Unit6 课时5 Writing

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1、课时课时5 Writing牛津沪教版八年级上牛津沪教版八年级上 Unit 6 Ancient stories通过本单元的学习,我们应掌握如何用英语写好叙述性文章。和语文一样,要学好英语记叙文,首先我们需要掌握六要素,即when,where,who,what,how和why。其次,我们需要准确地把握时态,切记不要赘述,而要做到简明扼要。牛津沪教版八年级上牛津沪教版八年级上记叙文的常见的提纲如下:1.按事情的过程(如开始、经过和结果)来拟定。2.按时间顺序来拟定。3.按人物的活动过程(如首先、其次和最后)来拟定。4.按空间的变化(如家中、途中、目的地)来拟定。牛津沪教版八年级上牛津沪教版八年级上素

2、材典藏素材典藏firewood, share, tea house, shout, pour单 词: 素材典藏素材典藏ancient Chinese story, a cup of tea, rush out, on fire, succeed in doing sth.短 语: 素材典藏素材典藏1. Id like to share an ancient Chinese story.2. The weather was so hot that3. He rushed out of the teahouse and poured the water 4. He doesnt succeed i

3、n putting out the fire. 5. The story tells us that we should句 型:经典例题经典例题杯水车薪,讲述的是用一杯水去救一车着了火的柴火的故事,比喻力量太小,解决不了问题。假如本周是你校英语俱乐部开展用英语讲汉语成语故事的英语交流活动,请写一份英文发言稿给大家,用英文讲讲杯水车薪的故事。经典例题经典例题要求:1.条理清晰,语言流畅,语意连贯。2.词数80左右。3.参考词汇:firewood(柴火) cart(手推车) proper (恰当的)经典例题经典例题1.体裁:记叙文2.话题:叙述故事3. 人称:第三人称4.时态:主要使用一般过去时5

4、. 段落布局:开头:交代故事发生的时间、地点、背景等主体:介绍故事发生的具体经过。结尾:讲述故事给我们的启发或道理,可以谈感受。【审题指导审题指导】经典例题经典例题【思路构建思路构建】BeginningOne day, a man cut a lot of.Rising actionThe weather was so hot that he.he heard someone shouting.Turning pointHe rushed out of the teahouse and. Certainly, he didnt succeed in putting out the fire.E

5、ndingAll the firewood was burned out.Moral(寓意)We should use the proper way to solve problems.经典例题经典例题Boys and girls, today Id like to share an ancient Chinese story Bei Shui Che Xin with you.One day, a man cut a lot of firewood and pulled it back home with his cart. The weather was so hot that he st

6、opped to have some tea in a teahouse on the way. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting outside. The firewood was on fire. “What should I do?” the man asked himself. Just then, he【范文赏析范文赏析】经典例题经典例题saw a cup of tea on the table and picked it up. He rushed out of the teahouse and poured the water on the

7、fire. Certainly, he didnt succeed in putting out the fire. All the firewood was burned out.The story tells us that we should use the proper way to solve problems. Thank you for your listening.经典例题经典例题点评:pulled it back, stopped to have., heard someone shouting, so.that.句型等的运用,使故事叙述有层次,有条不紊。写作实践写作实践你听

8、说过郑人买履的故事吗?请根据下面汉语提示写一篇80词左右的英语短文,短文的开头已给出。不计入总词数。从前郑国有个人想买双鞋,他量了量自己的脚,然后把测量结果记录了下来,当他到达集市的时候,却发现自己忘了带尺码,于是他回家去取,等他再赶回来。集市已经关了,最终他没能买到鞋子。有人问他:“你写作实践写作实践为什么不去试穿鞋呢?”他说:“我宁愿相信测量的结果,也不相信我自己的脚”。这个故事告诉我们对待事物要灵活变通,随机应变。提示词: measure(测量); measurement(尺码); trust(相信); flexible(灵活的)写作实践写作实践A man of the state of

9、 Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. _写作实践写作实践_A man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He measured his foot and wrote down the measurement. When he arrived at the market, he realized that he forgot to bring the measurement. Then he went home to get it. But when he returned to the market, the market closed. He wasnt able to buy the shoes. Someone asked him, “Why didnt you try on the shoes?” “I would写作实践写作实践_rather trust the measurement than my foot, ” he said. What a stupid man he was! The story tells us that we should be flexible in dealing with things.



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