中考英语 第一部分 教材知识梳理 第23讲 九下 Modules 12课件

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1、第23讲九年级(下)Modules 12重点词汇拓展1.flight (n.)_ (v.)飞行2.succeed (v.)_ (n.)成功_ (adj.)成功的3.stupid (adj.) _(同义词)笨的4.our (pron.) _(名词性物主代词)5.pass (v.) _(反义词)不及格6.absent (adj.) _(反义词)出席的7.Japan (n.)_ (n.)日本人8.social (adj.)_ (n.)社会flysuccesssuccessfulsillyoursfailpresentJapanesesociety重点短语 1.because _因为;由于2.as _

2、只要3.take _be _look _当心;小心4._ off 脱去;起飞5.fly _ to 直接飞到6.succeed _成功地做某事7._ a tour _游览8._ goodbye _ sb.向某人告别9._ the/ones seat 就座10. _. _.和某人交换11._ to do sth.主动提出做某事oflong ascarecarefulouttakedirectin doingtaketosaytotakechangewithoffer12._ sb. _为某人送行13. _ the speed of sound 以超过声速两倍的速度14.have a match _

3、 sb. 和某人比赛15. _ a tie 系领带16._ rows 排队17. _ 首先;最重要的是18.decide _ 自己作决定seeoffat more than twicewithwear inabove allfor oneself重点句型 1.Its _ season in China _the Spring Festival.因为春节,它成为中国最忙的季节。2.The pilot succeeded _ time.飞行员成功地按时着陆。3.Theres nothing to worry _ you _ hard.只要你努力就没有什么担心的。4._ very good _ yo

4、u.你真好。5.Please _ your tickets_.请大家准备好车票。6.I _ we can _ a match _them.我希望我们能和他们比赛。the busiestbecause ofin landing onas long asworkThatsofhavereadyhopehavewith7.I took a few photos_.我自己拍了一些照片。8.Some English schools have swimming pools,but _of them do.一些英国的学校有游泳池,但并不是都有。9._ do I like _school?我最喜欢学校的什么?

5、10.River School is a secondary school,about twenty minutes _ my home _ bike.里弗学校是一所中学,离我的家骑自行车大约20分钟。11.Before class,our teacher _which pupils are_.上课前,我们的老师清查哪些学生到或没到。12.My marks _ history and art werent so good,_my favorite subjects.我的历史和美术分数不那么好,因为它们并不都是我最喜欢的学科。myselfnot allWhatbest aboutaway fro

6、mbycheckspresent or absentinnot both are13.All the students take PE lessons,but _ exams are_.所有的学生都上体育课,但不需要考试。14.Students may_ as _clubs as they like,but they must join _ one.学生们可以尽可能多地参加他们喜欢的俱乐部,但他们必须至少要加入一个。noneeded joinmanyat least语法1.复习:名词、冠词、数词(见本书P115,P116,P120)2.复习:代词、介词、介词短语(见本书P121,P118,P1

7、19) succeed【典例在线】The boy succeeded in passing the final exams.那个男孩顺利地通过了期末考试。【拓展精析】succeed动词,意为“成功做成”。常用短语succeed in doing sth.相当于manage to do sth.,意为“成功做成某事”。其名词形式为success,形容词形式为successful。【活学活用】1)My sister finally succeeded in _(pass) the driving test.passingabsent【典例在线】He was absent from school.他

8、没有到校。John is absent because of illness.约翰因病缺席。【拓展精析】absent形容词,意为“缺席的,不在的”,常用作表语。常用短语absent from 意为“做某事缺席”。其反义词为present(出席的,在场的)。【活学活用】2)Too many people were _(缺席). The chairperson warned that he would cancel the meeting if necessary.3)Its reported that Present Xi will be _(出席) at the meeting.absentp

9、resentHe was the first person to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean without stopping.他是独自不停歇飞越大西洋的第一人。【典例在线】He is the first one to get to school.他是第一个到校的人。【拓展精析】the序数词one/personto do sth.意为“第个去做某事的人”。【活学活用】1)Do you know who was the first Chinese _(translate) the literature into Chinese?to translate

10、Some English schools have swimming pools but not all of them do.一些英国的学校有游泳池,但并不是都有。【典例在线】All the news is not true.这些新闻并不都是真的。I dont know both of them.他们俩我并非都认识。Not everyone is rich in the US.A.在美国并非人人富有。【拓展精析】在英语中,all,both,every和含有every的不定代词跟not连用时,往往表示部分否定,即只否定其中的一部分。翻译为汉语时,只需在相应的肯定意思中加上“并不,并非”即可。【

11、活学活用】2)What do you think of the songs?In fact,not every one of them _(sound) beautiful.3) _(并不是所有的) the students sitting in the back row can see the words on the blackboard clearly enough.4) _(所有的) the shirts are expensive and out of style,Ill take neither of them.soundsNot all ofBoth ofas long as,a

12、s far as,as well as与as soon as【典例在线】I will go on fighting against life as long as Im alive.只要活着,我就会一直同命运抗争。As far as I know,he has moved to another city.据我所知,他已经搬到另一座城市去了。He is good at working as well as enjoying life.他既善于工作,又善于享受生活。Ill tell him the news as soon as he comes back.他一回来,我就把这个消息告诉他。【拓展精

13、析】as long as只要as far as就而言as well as既又as soon as一就【活学活用】1)Did you catch the early bus this morning?Yes. The bus started to move _(一就)I got on it.2)She can speak English _(既又) Japanese.3) _(只要) you dont give up,your dreams will come true.4) _(就而言) I could remember,I did return your book.as soon asas

14、well asAs long asAs far as1I dont mind _ it doesnt rain.2Ill never do anything so _ again.3Your school is bigger than _4Im very worried about maths test tomorrow.Im afraid I cant _this time.5I believed we would _ in solving the problem.as long asstupidourspasssucceedB根据句意及所给中文提示,写出单词的正确形式。6He walked

15、 _(直接地) home after school.7Tell me whos _(缺席) today.8His father works as an _(官员) in the government.9The train arrived at _(确切地) 8 oclock.10Is there a swimming _(水池) here?directlyabsentofficerexactlypool旅行【话题分析】分析近几年全国有关“旅行”相关话题的书面表达可发现,主要从以下几方面考查:介绍旅行后的感受和收获。如:用英语写一篇日记,介绍你和同学们去森林公园的经历及感受(2015,玉林、防城

16、港)。介绍旅行或出行活动方案。如:通过分析比较选择旅游目的地A trip to the countryside or to the city(2015,杭州)(2016,丽水);邀请朋友周末村庄游玩(2016,陕西)等。【常用句式】开头句:What a fine day it is today!Im so excited about my trip to Hong Kong.Last month,we went on a school trip to a museum.We will have a 3day off for our school trip.中间句:We are very hap

17、py to share the time together.Its not surprising that so many students cant wait to go travelling after the exam.Id like to go somewhere quiet/relaxing/interesting/peaceful/.I took many photos,ate delicious food and bought special gifts.We did lots of activities,such as fishing,flying a kite,having

18、a picnic and so on.You could either go to visit the flower markets or enjoy the delicious seafood.结尾句:Travel broadens the mind.Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.We were tired but very happy.I hope we can have more chances to spend time doing interesting things.【真题剖析】在英语课上,老师组织了“A

19、 trip to the countryside or to the city”的话题讨论。请根据小组讨论结果,写一篇英语短文,介绍两者的不同特点,并写出你的选择与理由。注意:1)短文必须包含记录表中的信息,并作适当发挥;2)文中不能出现真实的校名、姓名等信息;3)词数80100,所给的文章开头供选择,不计入词数。CountrysideCityrelaxing,fresh air.not easy to take public transportationexciting.crowded,expensive.In the English class,we had a discussion on

20、 the topic of having a trip to the countryside or to the city._ 【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,可提取以下信息:文章论点为“A trip to the countryside or to the city”考生应该先介绍两种观点及原因。文章必须有自己的选择与理由。表格中的观点仅供参考,可适当发挥。文章应用第一、二人称;时态可用一般现在时态。【范文欣赏】In the English class,we had a discussion on the topic of having a trip to the countryside o

21、r to the city.Taking a trip to the countryside can relax you by fishing or swimming.And the fresh air might be your favorite.Yet,you might not have many choices in transportation.Of course,a trip to the city also has its characters.If you like shopping,its very exciting to travel back and forth in l

22、arge malls.You can visit museums to broaden your mind.Nevertheless,such a trip might cost much.And the traffic jam might let you down.If youre from the countryside,a trip to the city is better.There,youll learn what youve never thought of.(In my opinion,a trip to the countryside is better.There,you

23、can lie under the stars,enjoying the quiet night.)【名师点评】这篇短文包含了提纲的基本信息,系统、全面地阐明了A trip to the countryside or to the city的利弊,并表达出自己的选择和理由,且作了适当发挥。文章中使用了and,yet,of course,nevertheless,使文中句与句、段与段的衔接和过渡更加自然。条件从句和itsadj.to do sth.等句型的使用,使文章增色不少。【小试牛刀】亲爱的同学们,中考过后你们将迎来愉快的暑假。你一定对旅行感兴趣吧?请根据以下提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文

24、,介绍一下你的旅行计划。(可适当发挥)1与父母乘火车去北京;2想游览哪些风景名胜;3其他打算4将会有何收获。参 考 词 汇 : capital, symbol, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum,Tiananmen Square,Beijing Duck.注意:文中不能出现考生真实姓名、校名和老师名,否则不给分。One possible version:Summer vacation is coming soon.Im going to Beijing,the capital of China with my parents.Well go there by

25、train so that we can enjoy the scenery along the way.Well visit the Great Wall first because its a symbol of our country.After that Ill go to Tiananmen Square,the Palace Museum and so on.Of course,I must enjoy Beijing Duck.During the trip,I will take a lot of photos.I believe Ill have a wonderful trip.请完成考点跟踪训练23



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