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1、常用词组常用词组1 1、be time to+be time to+动词原形动词原形 、 be time for+be time for+名词:到名词:到. .时间了时间了It is time to have lunch = It is time for lunch.It is time to have lunch = It is time for lunch. 到午餐时间了。到午餐时间了。2 2、thank forthank for(感谢)(感谢)Thank you for your helpThank you for your help。谢谢你的帮助。谢谢你的帮助 。3 3、look af

2、terlook after 、take care oftake care of:照顾、照看:照顾、照看I want to look after my sister = I want to take care of my sister.I want to look after my sister = I want to take care of my sister. 我要照顾我的妹妹。我要照顾我的妹妹。4 4、watch outwatch out、look outlook out:注意:注意过马路时,要注意小汽车(下面两句话意思一样)过马路时,要注意小汽车(下面两句话意思一样) :When yo

3、u walk across the roadWhen you walk across the road,you should watch out the cars.you should watch out the cars.When you walk across the roadWhen you walk across the road,you should look out the cars.you should look out the cars.5 5、get upget up(起床)(起床) ,go to bedgo to bed(上床睡觉)(上床睡觉) ,be late for+b

4、e late for+名词(或动词名词(或动词+ing+ing) :迟到:迟到If you donIf you don t get up earlyt get up early ,you will be late for school.you will be late for school. 如果不早点起床,如果不早点起床,你上课会迟到。你上课会迟到。Go to bed early, or(otherwise) you will be late for school.Go to bed early, or(otherwise) you will be late for school. 早点睡觉

5、,早点睡觉, 否则你上学会迟到。否则你上学会迟到。I was late for playing basketball yesterday.I was late for playing basketball yesterday. 我昨天打篮球迟到了我昨天打篮球迟到了6 6、catch up withcatch up with:赶上:赶上If you walk quicklyIf you walk quickly,you can catch up with the bus.you can catch up with the bus. 如果你走快点,你就能赶上车。如果你走快点,你就能赶上车。7 7、

6、look forlook for(寻找)(寻找) ,findfind(找到、发现)(找到、发现) ,find outfind out(找到了、发现了)(找到了、发现了)He is still looking for the Chinese book.He is still looking for the Chinese book.他一直在找语文书。他一直在找语文书。I find out the way to learn English.I find out the way to learn English. 我发现了学习英语的方法(我发现了学习英语的方法(wayway) 。8 8、learn

7、fromlearn from:向:向学习学习You should learn from Mary.You should learn from Mary. 你们应该向玛丽学习。你们应该向玛丽学习。9 9、go to schoolgo to school(上学)(上学) ,go to workgo to work(上班)(上班) ,go to the cinemago to the cinema(看电影)(看电影)go to hospitalgo to hospital(去看病)(去看病) ,see a doctorsee a doctor(去看病)(去看病) ,see a filmsee a f

8、ilm(看电影)(看电影)1010、in bedin bed(卧病在床)(卧病在床) ,in the bedin the bed(在床上)(在床上)He has a coldHe has a cold,so he stay in bed.so he stay in bed. 他感冒了,所以他卧病在床。他感冒了,所以他卧病在床。Where is MaryWhere is MaryIn the bed.In the bed. 玛丽在哪里玛丽在哪里 在床上。在床上。1111、have a walk/take a walkhave a walk/take a walk:散步,:散步,go for a

9、walkgo for a walk(外出散步外出散步)That old man often has a walkThat old man often has a walk(或(或 takes a walktakes a walk)after watching TVafter watching TV. . 那个老人常常在看那个老人常常在看完电视后去散步完电视后去散步He often goes for a walk after supper.He often goes for a walk after supper. 他常常晚饭后外出散步。他常常晚饭后外出散步。1212、at firstat fi

10、rst(首先,开始)(首先,开始) ,at lastat last(最后)(最后) ,in order toin order to(为了)(为了)In order to keep us healthyIn order to keep us healthy,at firstat first,we should eat more vegetables and fruitswe should eat more vegetables and fruits,at lastat last,we should do more exercise.we should do more exercise. 为了保持

11、我们身体健康,首先我们要吃较多的蔬菜和水果,最为了保持我们身体健康,首先我们要吃较多的蔬菜和水果,最后我们要多做运动。后我们要多做运动。1313、be angry with+be angry with+人(对人(对人生气)人生气) ,be angry at+be angry at+物(对物(对事生气)事生气)The teacher was angry with Mary yesterday.The teacher was angry with Mary yesterday. 老师昨天对玛丽很生气。老师昨天对玛丽很生气。His father was angry at his homework y

12、esterday.His father was angry at his homework yesterday. 他爸爸昨天对他的作业很生气。他爸爸昨天对他的作业很生气。1414、be strict with+be strict with+人(对人(对人严格)人严格) ,be strict at+be strict at+物(对物(对事严格)事严格)The teacher is strict with Mary.The teacher is strict with Mary. 老师对玛丽很严格。老师对玛丽很严格。His father is strict at his homework.His

13、father is strict at his homework. 他爸爸对他的作业很严格。他爸爸对他的作业很严格。1515、agree withagree with(同意)(同意) ,be bad forbe bad for(对(对没有好处)没有好处) ,be good forbe good for(对(对有好处)有好处)I agree with youI agree with you,smoking is bad for yousmoking is bad for you,doing exercise is good for you.doing exercise is good for y

14、ou. 我同意你,吸我同意你,吸烟对你没有好处,做运动对你有好处。烟对你没有好处,做运动对你有好处。1616、pickpick(摘)(摘) ,pick up somethingpick up something(捡起某物)(捡起某物) ,pick somebody uppick somebody up(接某人)(接某人)I am picking the apples.I am picking the apples. 我正在摘苹果。我正在摘苹果。You should pick up the pen.You should pick up the pen. 你应该捡起笔。你应该捡起笔。I will

15、drive car to pick you up.I will drive car to pick you up. 明天我将开车去接你。明天我将开车去接你。1717、solvesolve、work outwork out:解决:解决We have already solved this problem = We have already worked out this problem.We have already solved this problem = We have already worked out this problem. 我们我们已经解决了问题。已经解决了问题。1818、be

16、 frombe from、come fromcome from:来自:来自I am from China = I come from China.I am from China = I come from China.我来自中国我来自中国He is from Australia = he comes from Australia.He is from Australia = he comes from Australia.他来自澳大利亚。他来自澳大利亚。1919、be interested inbe interested in(对(对. .感兴趣)感兴趣)I am interested in

17、cartoon.I am interested in cartoon. 我对卡通片感兴趣。我对卡通片感兴趣。My father is interested in movie.My father is interested in movie. 我爸爸对电影感兴趣。我爸爸对电影感兴趣。2020、be good atbe good at、do well indo well in:擅长、在某方面做的好:擅长、在某方面做的好He is good at playing basketball = HeHe is good at playing basketball = He does well in pla

18、ying basketball.does well in playing basketball. 他篮球打得好。他篮球打得好。2121、get on well withget on well with、get along well withget along well with:和:和相处得好相处得好Mary gets on well with her classmates = Mary gets along well with her classmates.Mary gets on well with her classmates = Mary gets along well with he

19、r classmates.玛丽和她的同学相处得很好玛丽和她的同学相处得很好2222、get onget on(上)(上) ,get offget off(下、离开)(下、离开)He gets on the bus at Clliford.He gets on the bus at Clliford. 他在祈福站上车。他在祈福站上车。He gets off the bus at Shiqiao.He gets off the bus at Shiqiao. 他在市桥站下车。他在市桥站下车。2323、turn onturn on(打开)(打开) 、turn offturn off(关掉)(关掉)

20、、turnturn .down.down(调小声)(调小声) 、turnturn .up.up(调大声)(调大声)At first, turn on the computer, at last, turn off the light.At first, turn on the computer, at last, turn off the light. 首先开电脑,最后关灯。首先开电脑,最后关灯。At first, turn the TV down, at last, turn the cellphone up.At first, turn the TV down, at last, turn

21、 the cellphone up. 首先调小电视声音,最后调首先调小电视声音,最后调大手机的声音。大手机的声音。2424、have a good time/have funhave a good time/have fun:玩得很高兴:玩得很高兴They had a good time today = They had fun today.They had a good time today = They had fun today. 今天他们玩得很高兴今天他们玩得很高兴2525、laugh atlaugh at 、make fun ofmake fun of、play a joke onp

22、lay a joke on:嘲笑:嘲笑玛丽总是嘲笑史密斯(下面三句话意思一样)玛丽总是嘲笑史密斯(下面三句话意思一样) :Mary always laughs at Smith.Mary always laughs at Smith.Mary alwaysMary alwaysmakes fun ofmakes fun of Smith. Smith.Mary alwaysMary alwaysplays a joke onplays a joke on Smith. Smith.2626、hear fromhear from(收到来信)(收到来信) 、keep in touch withke

23、ep in touch with(保持联系)(保持联系)I havenI haven t heard from Mary for a long time.t heard from Mary for a long time. 我很久没有收到玛丽的来信了。我很久没有收到玛丽的来信了。Mary has kept in touch with me for three years.Mary has kept in touch with me for three years. 三年来玛丽一直和我保持联系。三年来玛丽一直和我保持联系。2727、join injoin in、take part intake

24、part in:参加:参加I will join in the sports meeting next year.I will join in the sports meeting next year. 明年我将参加运动会。明年我将参加运动会。Mary tookMary tookpart inpart inthe sports meeting last year.the sports meeting last year. 去年玛丽参加了运动会。去年玛丽参加了运动会。2828、keep .from doingkeep .from doing、stop .from doingstop .from

25、doing、prevent .from doingprevent .from doing:阻止:阻止. .做做. .我们要阻止一些人污染水(下面三句话意思一样)我们要阻止一些人污染水(下面三句话意思一样) :We should keep some people from polluting water.We should keep some people from polluting water.We should stop some people from polluting water.We should stop some people from polluting water.We s

26、hould prevent some people from polluting water.We should prevent some people from polluting water.2929、put onput on(穿上)(穿上) 、take offtake off(脱下)(脱下)Take off the coatTake off the coat,and then put on T-shirt.and then put on T-shirt.3030、come truecome true(成真、实现)(成真、实现) 、give upgive up(放弃)(放弃)Keep go

27、ingKeep going,and your dream will come true.and your dream will come true. 坚持,你的梦想就会成真。坚持,你的梦想就会成真。He never gives up learning English.He never gives up learning English. 他从来没有放弃学习英语。他从来没有放弃学习英语。3131、have tohave to(不得不)(不得不) 、go to sleepgo to sleep(去睡觉)(去睡觉) 、fall asleepfall asleep(睡着了)(睡着了) 、wake up

28、wake up(醒来)(醒来) 、I am sleepyI am sleepy,I have to go to sleep.I have to go to sleep. 我很困,我不得不去睡觉。我很困,我不得不去睡觉。Last nightLast night,when he came back homewhen he came back home,his son fell asleep.his son fell asleep. 昨晚,当他回到家时,他的昨晚,当他回到家时,他的儿子睡着了儿子睡着了Mary often wakes up at six in the morning.Mary oft

29、en wakes up at six in the morning. 玛丽通常在早上六点醒来玛丽通常在早上六点醒来3232、in factin fact(事实上)(事实上) 、prefer A to Bprefer A to B(与(与 B B 相比更喜欢相比更喜欢 A A)In factIn fact,I prefer the apples to the pears.I prefer the apples to the pears. 事实上,与雪梨相比我更喜欢苹果。事实上,与雪梨相比我更喜欢苹果。I prefer playing football to playing basketball.

30、I prefer playing football to playing basketball. 与打篮球相比我更喜欢踢足球。与打篮球相比我更喜欢踢足球。In factIn fact,I prefer to play basketball.I prefer to play basketball. 事实上,我更喜欢打篮球。事实上,我更喜欢打篮球。3333、make suremake sure(确信)(确信) 、in the futurein the future(将来)(将来)I make sure we will have much cleaner water in the future.I

31、make sure we will have much cleaner water in the future. 我确信将来我们拥有更干我确信将来我们拥有更干净的水。净的水。3333、be full ofbe full of(充满(充满) 、be filled withbe filled with(被(被填满)填满) 、fill withfill with(用(用填)填)The bottle is full of water.The bottle is full of water. 瓶子装满了水。瓶子装满了水。The bottle is filled with water.The bottle

32、 is filled with water. 瓶子被水填满。瓶子被水填满。Mary is filling the bottle with waterMary is filling the bottle with water。玛丽正在把水装入瓶子。玛丽正在把水装入瓶子。3434、be made ofbe made of(由(由制成看得到原材料)制成看得到原材料) ,be made frombe made from(由(由制成看不得到原制成看不得到原材料)材料)This chair is made of wood.This chair is made of wood. 这张椅子是由木头制成。这张椅

33、子是由木头制成。Paper is made from wood.Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成。纸是由木头制成。3535、grow upgrow up(长大)(长大) 、make friends withmake friends with(和(和交朋友)交朋友) 、all over the worldall over the world(全世界)(全世界)When he grows upWhen he grows up, he will make friends with people from all over the world.he will make

34、friends with people from all over the world. 当他长大当他长大的时候,他将和来自全世界的人交朋友。的时候,他将和来自全世界的人交朋友。3636、get used to doingget used to doing(习惯于做某事)(习惯于做某事) 、be used to doingbe used to doing(习惯于做某事)(习惯于做某事)他习惯于晚饭后去散步(下面两句话意思一样)他习惯于晚饭后去散步(下面两句话意思一样) :He gets used to going for a walk after supper.He gets used to

35、going for a walk after supper.He is used to going for a walk after supper.He is used to going for a walk after supper.3737、in my opinionin my opinion(依我看)(依我看) 、have a resthave a rest(休息一下)(休息一下) 、take a resttake a rest(休息一下)(休息一下)依我看,你们所有人太累了,你们应该休息一下(下面两句话意思一样)依我看,你们所有人太累了,你们应该休息一下(下面两句话意思一样) :In

36、my opinionIn my opinion,you all are so tiredyou all are so tired,you should have a rest.you should have a rest.In my opinionIn my opinion,you all are so tiredyou all are so tired,you should take a rest.you should take a rest.3838、whatwhat s mores more(而且,更重要的是)(而且,更重要的是)I like summer. In summer, I c

37、an eat ice cream,wear T-shirt. WhatI like summer. In summer, I can eat ice cream,wear T-shirt. What s more, I can gos more, I can goswimming.swimming.我喜欢夏天,在夏天我可以吃冰淇淋、穿我喜欢夏天,在夏天我可以吃冰淇淋、穿 T T 恤,更重要的是我可以去游泳。恤,更重要的是我可以去游泳。3939、be worried aboutbe worried about、worry aboutworry about:担心:担心玛丽总是担心英语考试(下面两句

38、话意思一样)玛丽总是担心英语考试(下面两句话意思一样) :Mary is always worried about the English exam.Mary is always worried about the English exam.Mary always worrys about the English exam.Mary always worrys about the English exam.4040、such assuch as(例如不用逗号分开)(例如不用逗号分开) 、for examplefor example(例如要用逗号分开)(例如要用逗号分开)玛丽有很多衣服,例如:寸

39、衫、裙子、玛丽有很多衣服,例如:寸衫、裙子、T T 恤、上衣(下面两句话意思一样)恤、上衣(下面两句话意思一样) :Mary has many clothes such as blouse, skirt, T-shirt, coatMary has many clothes such as blouse, skirt, T-shirt, coat。Mary has many clothes, for example, blouse, skirt, T-shirt, coatMary has many clothes, for example, blouse, skirt, T-shirt, c

40、oat。4141、used toused to(过去常常)(过去常常) 、tell jokestell jokes(讲笑话)(讲笑话)Mary used to tell jokes to me = Mary used to tell me jokes.Mary used to tell jokes to me = Mary used to tell me jokes. 玛丽过去常常讲笑话给我玛丽过去常常讲笑话给我听。听。4242、set upset up(建立,创立)(建立,创立) 、set offset off(出发常常和(出发常常和 forfor 连起来用)连起来用)In order to

41、 help those people who want to play footballIn order to help those people who want to play football,they want to set up a footballthey want to set up a footballclubclub。为了帮助想踢足球的人,他们要建立一个足球俱乐部。为了帮助想踢足球的人,他们要建立一个足球俱乐部。What time will you set off tomorrow.What time will you set off tomorrow. 你明天什么时候出发。

42、你明天什么时候出发。He set off for Beijing just now.He set off for Beijing just now. 他刚刚出发去北京。他刚刚出发去北京。4242、 set outset out (开始、开始、 着手后接着手后接 to doto do) 、 set aboutset about (开始、开始、 着手后接着手后接 doingdoing)他昨天开始学英语(下面两句话意思一样)他昨天开始学英语(下面两句话意思一样) :He set out to learn Chinese yesterday.He set out to learn Chinese ye

43、sterday.He set about learning Chinese yesterday.He set about learning Chinese yesterday.4343、prepare forprepare for(准备)(准备)LookLook,he is preparing for breakfast.he is preparing for breakfast. 看,他正在准备早餐。看,他正在准备早餐。4444、instead ofinstead of(代替)(代替)We like learning instead of playing = Instead of playi

44、ng, we like learning .We like learning instead of playing = Instead of playing, we like learning .我们喜欢学而我们喜欢学而不是玩。不是玩。4545、take placetake place(举行、发生不能用于被动语态)(举行、发生不能用于被动语态) 、holdhold(举行、拥抱)(举行、拥抱)The meeting will take place next Friday = The meeting will be held next FridayThe meeting will take pla

45、ce next Friday = The meeting will be held next Friday。会议将。会议将在下星期五举行。在下星期五举行。Great changes have taken place in ChinaGreat changes have taken place in China。中国发生了许多变化。中国发生了许多变化。连词连词1 1、both A and Bboth A and B(两者都)(两者都) ,look forward tolook forward to(期待)(期待)Both you and he like skating.Both you and

46、he like skating. 你和他都喜欢滑冰。你和他都喜欢滑冰。Both Mary and Smith look forward to your good news.Both Mary and Smith look forward to your good news.玛丽和斯密斯都期待你的好消玛丽和斯密斯都期待你的好消息。息。Both you and me look forward to hearing from Mary.Both you and me look forward to hearing from Mary. 你和我都期待收到玛丽的来信。你和我都期待收到玛丽的来信。注意:注

47、意:look forward to +look forward to +名词(或动词名词(或动词+ing+ing)2 2、neither A nor Bneither A nor B (既不(既不. .也不也不. .)Neither you nor he likes skating.Neither you nor he likes skating. 你不喜欢滑冰,他也不喜欢滑冰。你不喜欢滑冰,他也不喜欢滑冰。Mary likes neither skating nor swimming.Mary likes neither skating nor swimming. 玛丽既不喜欢滑冰,也不喜欢

48、游泳。玛丽既不喜欢滑冰,也不喜欢游泳。He runs neither fast nor steadilyHe runs neither fast nor steadily(稳固)(稳固). . 他跑得既不快也不稳。他跑得既不快也不稳。He is neither tall nor handsome.He is neither tall nor handsome. 他既不高也不英俊。他既不高也不英俊。3 3、Either A or BEither A or B(要么(要么. .要么要么. .、或者、或者. .或者或者. .)Either you or he likes skating.Either

49、 you or he likes skating. 要么你喜欢滑冰,要么他喜欢滑冰。要么你喜欢滑冰,要么他喜欢滑冰。Mary likes either skating or swimming.Mary likes either skating or swimming. 玛丽要么喜欢滑冰,要么喜欢游泳。玛丽要么喜欢滑冰,要么喜欢游泳。He runs either fast or slowly.He runs either fast or slowly.他跑得要么快要么慢。他跑得要么快要么慢。He is either a fool or a smart boy.He is either a foo

50、l or a smart boy.他要么是个笨蛋,要么是个聪明娃。他要么是个笨蛋,要么是个聪明娃。4 4、not only A but also Bnot only A but also B (不仅(不仅. .而且而且. .)Not onlyNot only you youbut alsobut also he likes skating. he likes skating.不仅你喜欢滑冰,而且他也喜欢滑冰。不仅你喜欢滑冰,而且他也喜欢滑冰。Mary likesMary likesnot onlynot only skating skatingbut alsobut also swimming

51、. swimming.玛丽不仅喜欢滑冰,而且喜欢游泳。玛丽不仅喜欢滑冰,而且喜欢游泳。He runsHe runsnot onlynot only fast fastbut alsobut also steadily steadily(稳固)(稳固). .他跑得不仅快而且稳。他跑得不仅快而且稳。He isHe isnot onlynot only tall tallbut alsobut also handsome. handsome.他不仅高而且英俊。他不仅高而且英俊。5 5、So+So+形容词形容词+that+that (如此(如此. .已致已致. .)Your English teach

52、er is so kind that everyone likes her.Your English teacher is so kind that everyone likes her. 你们的英语老师是如此的善良,你们的英语老师是如此的善良,以致每个人读喜欢她。以致每个人读喜欢她。Mary is so tall that she can reach the apple.Mary is so tall that she can reach the apple.玛丽是如此的高,以致能够得着苹果。玛丽是如此的高,以致能够得着苹果。6 6、such.thatsuch.that (如此(如此. .已

53、致已致. .)(1 1)such+a/an+such+a/an+形容词形容词+ +可数名词单数可数名词单数+that+thatYour English teacher is such a kind woman that everyone likes her.Your English teacher is such a kind woman that everyone likes her. 你们的英语老师是你们的英语老师是如此的善良,以致每个人读喜欢她如此的善良,以致每个人读喜欢她. .Mary is such a tall girl that she can reach the apple.M

54、ary is such a tall girl that she can reach the apple.玛丽是如此的高,以致能够得着苹玛丽是如此的高,以致能够得着苹果。果。(2 2)such+such+形容词形容词+ +可数名词复数可数名词复数+that+thatYour teachers are such kind women that everyone likes themYour teachers are such kind women that everyone likes them。你们的老师是如此的善。你们的老师是如此的善良,以致每个人都喜欢她们。良,以致每个人都喜欢她们。7 7

55、、too.totoo.to(太(太. .而不能而不能. .)Mary is too short to reach the appleMary is too short to reach the apple。玛丽太矮了够不着苹果。玛丽太矮了够不着苹果。8 8、enough.toenough.to (足够(足够. .可以可以. .) :形容词:形容词+enough to+enough to,enough+enough+名词名词 totoMary is tall enough to reach the apple.Mary is tall enough to reach the apple.玛丽足够

56、高可以够得着苹果。玛丽足够高可以够得着苹果。I have enough time to finish homework.I have enough time to finish homework.我有足够的时间来完成作业。我有足够的时间来完成作业。We have enough apples to satisfy the hungry people.We have enough apples to satisfy the hungry people.我们有足够的苹果来满足饥饿的我们有足够的苹果来满足饥饿的人。人。9 9、not.untilnot.until (直到(直到. .才才. .)We w

57、onWe won t leave until you come back.t leave until you come back.直到你们回来我们才离开。直到你们回来我们才离开。Mary didnMary didn t go to bed until her mother came back home yesterday.t go to bed until her mother came back home yesterday.玛丽昨晚直到她妈妈玛丽昨晚直到她妈妈回到家才上床睡觉回到家才上床睡觉Mary doesnMary doesn t go to bed until her mother

58、comes back home everyday.t go to bed until her mother comes back home everyday.每天玛丽直到她妈每天玛丽直到她妈妈回到家才上床睡觉妈回到家才上床睡觉1010、so thatso that (以便(以便. .)He works hard so that he can earn much money.He works hard so that he can earn much money.他工作很努力以便赚更多的钱。他工作很努力以便赚更多的钱。Mary studied hard last night so that sh

59、e can pass the exam.Mary studied hard last night so that she can pass the exam.玛丽昨晚很努力学习,玛丽昨晚很努力学习, 以便通以便通过考试。过考试。1111、in order toin order to (为了(为了. .)He works hardHe works hardin order toin order to earn much money. earn much money.为了赚更多的钱,他工作很努力。为了赚更多的钱,他工作很努力。Mary studied hard last night in orde

60、r to pass the exam.Mary studied hard last night in order to pass the exam.为了通过考试,玛丽昨晚很努力为了通过考试,玛丽昨晚很努力学习。学习。1212、as.asas.as (像(像. .一样)一样)He is as smart as I.He is as smart as I.他像我一样聪明他像我一样聪明Your house is as beautiful as mine.Your house is as beautiful as mine.你的房子像我的一样漂亮。你的房子像我的一样漂亮。1313、As long as

61、As long as (只要)(只要)You can earn much money as long as you work hard.You can earn much money as long as you work hard. 只要你努力工作,只要你努力工作, 你就能赚更多的你就能赚更多的钱钱He will pass the exam as long as he studies hard.He will pass the exam as long as he studies hard. 只要他努力学习,他就会通过考试。只要他努力学习,他就会通过考试。形式主语形式主语 it it1 1、

62、It isIt is 形容词形容词+to+do+to+doIt is easy to finish Maths homework.It is easy to finish Maths homework. 很容易完成数学作业。很容易完成数学作业。It is important to do exercise.It is important to do exercise. 做运动很重要。做运动很重要。2 2、It is +It is +名词名词+to+do+to+doIt is my pleasure to help you.It is my pleasure to help you. 帮助你我很快

63、乐。帮助你我很快乐。It is a pity to missIt is a pity to miss(错过)(错过) the bus.the bus. 很可惜错过巴士。很可惜错过巴士。3 3、It isIt is 形容词形容词+for+ somebody +to+do+for+ somebody +to+doIt is easy for me to finish Maths homework.It is easy for me to finish Maths homework. 对我来说完成数学作业太简单。对我来说完成数学作业太简单。It is important for Mary to do

64、 exercise.It is important for Mary to do exercise. 对玛丽来说做运动很重要。对玛丽来说做运动很重要。4 4、It isIt is 形容词形容词+of + somebody +to+do+of + somebody +to+do形容词必须是表达“品性”的形容词,如:形容词必须是表达“品性”的形容词,如:kindkind(善良的、友好的)(善良的、友好的) 、nicenice(友好的)(友好的) 、friendlyfriendly(友好的)(友好的) 、wisewise(英明的)(英明的) 、politepolite(有礼貌的)(有礼貌的) 、im

65、politeimpolite(无礼的)(无礼的) 、ruderude(粗鲁)(粗鲁) 、foolishfoolish(愚蠢的)(愚蠢的) 、smartsmart(聪明的)(聪明的) 、cleverclever(聪明的)(聪明的) 、cruelcruel(残忍的)(残忍的) 、bravebrave(勇敢的)(勇敢的) 、sillysilly(愚蠢的)等。(愚蠢的)等。It is very kind of you to help old people.It is very kind of you to help old people. 你很善良,帮助老人。你很善良,帮助老人。It is polit

66、e of him to give the seat to sick people.It is polite of him to give the seat to sick people. 他很有礼貌,把位置让给病人。他很有礼貌,把位置让给病人。It is smart of them to work out this problem.It is smart of them to work out this problem. 他们很聪明,解决了问题。他们很聪明,解决了问题。5 5、人、人+find+it+find+it+形容词形容词+to+do+to+doI find it easy to fin

67、ish Maths homework.I find it easy to finish Maths homework. 我发现很容易完成数学作业。我发现很容易完成数学作业。Mary found It important to do exercise.Mary found It important to do exercise. 玛丽发现做运动很重要。玛丽发现做运动很重要。花费句型花费句型1 1、It take somebody +It take somebody +时间时间+to+do+to+do某人花费多少时间做某人花费多少时间做It takes him 20 minutes to go t

68、o school everyday.It takes him 20 minutes to go to school everyday. 他每天上学要花他每天上学要花 2020 分钟。分钟。It took Mary 2 hours to go shopping yesterday.It took Mary 2 hours to go shopping yesterday.玛丽昨天花了玛丽昨天花了 2 2 小时购物。小时购物。It took me 2 hours to do homework yesterday.It took me 2 hours to do homework yesterday

69、.我昨天花了我昨天花了 2 2 小时做作业。小时做作业。2 2、It cost somebody +It cost somebody +钱钱+to+do+to+do某人花费多少钱做某人花费多少钱做It cost him 20 dollars to buy this shirt.It cost him 20 dollars to buy this shirt.他花了他花了 2020 美元买这件寸衫。美元买这件寸衫。It will cost me 8 dollars to buy a brush-pen tomorrow.It will cost me 8 dollars to buy a bru

70、sh-pen tomorrow.明天我将要花明天我将要花8 8美元买一只毛笔。美元买一只毛笔。3 3、物、物+ cost somebdoy + cost somebdoy +钱钱某物花费某人多少钱某物花费某人多少钱This brush-pen cost me 8 dollars.This brush-pen cost me 8 dollars.这只毛笔花了我这只毛笔花了我 8 8 美元美元4 4、 (1 1)人)人+ spend+ spend+时间时间( (钱钱)+on sth)+on sth某件事情花费某人多少时间(或钱)某件事情花费某人多少时间(或钱)Mary spends 2 hours

71、 on homework everyday.Mary spends 2 hours on homework everyday. 玛丽每天花玛丽每天花 2 2 小时做作业。小时做作业。I spent 8 yuan on this brush-pen yesterday.I spent 8 yuan on this brush-pen yesterday. 我昨天花了我昨天花了 8 8 元买这只毛笔。元买这只毛笔。(2 2)人)人+ spend+ spend+时间时间( (钱钱)+(in) doing sth)+(in) doing sth 做某件事情花费某人多少时间(或做某件事情花费某人多少时间

72、(或钱)钱)Mary spends 2 hours (in) doing homework everyday.Mary spends 2 hours (in) doing homework everyday. 玛丽每天花了玛丽每天花了 2 2 小时做作业小时做作业I spent 8 dollars (in) buying this brush-pen yesterday.I spent 8 dollars (in) buying this brush-pen yesterday. 我昨天花了我昨天花了 8 8 美元买这只毛笔美元买这只毛笔感叹句型感叹句型1 1、how +how +形容词形容词

73、缩写:缩写:How bad.How bad.多么坏多么坏扩展:扩展:How bad the weather is.How bad the weather is. 天气是多么的坏!天气是多么的坏!How bad the boy is.How bad the boy is.这个男孩是多么的坏!这个男孩是多么的坏!缩写:缩写:how silly.how silly. 多么愚蠢多么愚蠢扩展:扩展:How silly he is.How silly he is. 他是多么的愚蠢!他是多么的愚蠢!How silly the dog is.How silly the dog is.这只狗是多么的愚蠢!这只狗

74、是多么的愚蠢!2 2、 (1 1)what a/an+what a/an+形容词形容词+ +可数名词单数可数名词单数缩写:缩写:What a handsome boy.What a handsome boy. 多么英俊的一个男孩。多么英俊的一个男孩。扩展:扩展:What a handsome boy he is.What a handsome boy he is. 他是多么英俊的一个男孩。他是多么英俊的一个男孩。缩写:缩写:What an interesting story.What an interesting story. 多么有趣的一个故事。多么有趣的一个故事。扩展:扩展:What an

75、 interesting story it is.What an interesting story it is. 这是多么有趣的一个故事。这是多么有趣的一个故事。(2 2)what +what +形容词形容词+ +可数名词复数可数名词复数缩写:缩写:What beautiful girls.What beautiful girls. 多么漂亮的女孩子们多么漂亮的女孩子们扩展:扩展:What beautiful girls they are.What beautiful girls they are. 她们是多么漂亮的女孩子。她们是多么漂亮的女孩子。(3 3)what +what +形容词形容词+ +不可数名词不可数名词缩写:缩写:What fresh milk.What fresh milk. 多么新鲜的牛奶。多么新鲜的牛奶。扩展:扩展:What fresh milk it is.What fresh milk it is. 这是多么新鲜的牛奶。这是多么新鲜的牛奶。缩写:缩写:What clean water.What clean water. 多么干净的水。多么干净的水。扩展:扩展:What clean water it is.What clean water it is. 这是多么干净的水。这是多么干净的水。



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