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1、小学新标准英语外研版(三年级起点)第三册 山东省潍坊市青州市谭坊镇南魏小学王文红 目 录1. warm up2 new words3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6 Guess Daming Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summaryLets say and do the actions:swim,swim,swim in the sea.boat, boat , row a,basketball,play,football,play footbal

2、l.chess, chess, play,pictures, take pictures.LinglingDaming目 录1. warm up2 New words3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summaryNew words and expressionsChinavisitfromIm from China.visit my grandpaWere going to go to Hainan tomorrow.tomorro

3、w来自拜访 看望Im going to go by plane. Were going to go by plane明天乘飞机中国名胜相册点击打开目 录1. warm up2 New words3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summaryLead-in and taskWe like travelling旅行. Amy ,Sam and their parents like travelling, too. This class we are going to

4、 learn Module7 Travel Unit1 Were going to go to Hainan. After this class you can make a plan for your winter holiday. First, lets listen to the tape and find out where they are going to go?目 录1. warm up2 new words3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6 Guess Daming Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summa

5、ryquestions目 录1. warm up2 New words 3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summaryQuestionslisten again then answer the questionsv1 Where are they going to go tomorrow?vThey are going to go to Hainan .v2 What time are they going to get up?vThey are going t

6、o get up at 5 oclock.v3 How are they going to go there?vThey are going to go by plane.v4 What are they going to do in Hainan?vThey are going to swim .exercise text目 录1. warm up2 New words 3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summaryact目 录1. warm up2 New

7、words 3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summary Read and actvRead the text, then act out Xiaoyong and Sam s dialogue when they meet in pairs.读课文,两人一组扮演Xiaoyong 和Sam 见面时的对话。目 录1. warm up2 New words3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 m

8、ake a plan8practice to say9 summary Guess:lWhere is / going to go?lHow is he/she going to go?lWhat is he/she going to do? 目 录1. warm up2 New words 3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summary Daming is going to. Hes going to go by Hes going to 桂林山水动作提示目

9、录1. warm up2 New words 3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summary Lingling is going to. Shes going to go by Shes going to 相册动作提示点击打开目 录1. warm up2 New words 3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summarymake

10、a planvWinter holiday is coming.vNow you can make a plan in each group then tell us “ where you are going to go and how you are going to go and what you are going to do there”. v寒假就要到了,各小组制定计划,组长汇报。 音乐Im going to go to . (地点地点)Im going to go by . (交通工具)(交通工具)Im going to . (做什么事)(做什么事)Practice to say

11、. 游遍中国游遍中国厦门公共汽车下棋福州自行车看望爷爷上海飞机拜访朋友北京飞机参观天安门台湾轮船 by ship照相新疆火车拜访朋友云南小汽车看望外婆香港海南飞机游泳公共汽车打篮球起点起点目 录1. warm up2 New words 3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summarySummaryvModule 7 Travel Unit 1 vWere going to go to Hainan tomorrow . vWere going to go by plane.vWere going to swim.vIm from China.目 录1. warm up2 New words 3 Questions.4 text5 exercise6Guess7 Daming8 Lingling7 make a plan8practice to say9 summaryHomework v1. listen to the tape 3 times. (家长签名)v2. Finish AB P19 Ex.1 and 2.v3. Make a plan with your families.返回 plan



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