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1、数词数词Numerals表示数目多少或顺序多少的词叫表示数目多少或顺序多少的词叫数词,数词分为基数词和序数词。数词,数词分为基数词和序数词。表示数目多少的数词叫表示数目多少的数词叫基数词基数词;表;表示顺序的数词叫示顺序的数词叫序数词序数词。21 基数词(基数词( cardinal number)1 one2two 3three4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten111213141516171819 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen

2、nineteen2030405060708090100 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninetyone hundred 基数词的构成基数词的构成1)112,独立成词。独立成词。onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve2)13-19,由由39+teen构成。构成。14fourteen16-sixteen17-seventeen19nineteen特殊拼写特殊拼写:13thirteen15-fifteen18eighteen3)2090,以以-ty结尾。结尾。20twen

3、ty30-thirty40forty50fifty60-sixty70-seventy80-eighty90ninety 4)2199,两位数,十位与个位之间有两位数,十位与个位之间有“-”。21twenty- -one55fifty-five99ninety-nine5)101999,三位数,百位与十位,三位数,百位与十位/个位之间加个位之间加and。101onehundredandone840eighthundredandforty693sixhundredandninety-three 5297hundredand基数词基数词三位数三位数 的构成的构成6 twenty-nine729 h

4、undred and and seven 035hundredand再来一个7 three503 hundred and and five 基数词基数词三位数三位数 的构成的构成8 hundred and and 百位数百位数 十十/ /个位数个位数个位数个位数four hundred andand thirty-twoone hundred andand seventyeight hundred andand sixty-fiveone hundred andand nine109432170865作业作业3391262034517041789268547031513093267036513

5、07428注:注: 1、1000以上几个的词,每三位数加以上几个的词,每三位数加一个逗号,第一个逗号前的数为一个逗号,第一个逗号前的数为thousand,第二个逗号前的数为,第二个逗号前的数为million(百万)(百万),第第三个逗号前的数为三个逗号前的数为billion(十亿),第四个(十亿),第四个逗号前的数为逗号前的数为trillion(万亿)(万亿)888, 888,888,888,888eight hundred and eighty-eight trillion, eight hundred and eighty-eight billion, eighthundredandeig

6、hty-eightmillion,eighthundredandeighty-eightthousand,eighthundredandeighty-eighttrilliontrljn万亿万亿billionbljn十亿十亿millionmljn百万百万thousandaznd千千hundred hndrd百百29,43150076,thousand,hundredmillion,billion,and6)1,000以上数目以上数目,从右向左每三位用从右向左每三位用“,”分开分开,分别读为分别读为thousand,million,billion 千 百万 十亿基数词的构成基数词的构成12基数词

7、的构成基数词的构成6 500 431 7296 500 431 729six six billionbillion, ,five hundred five hundred millionmillion, ,four hundred and four hundred and thirty-one thirty-one thousandthousand, , seven hundred and seven hundred and twenty-ninetwenty-ninefour thousand, three hundred and twenty-oneseven million,six hu

8、ndred and fifty four thousand, three hundred and twenty-one7,654,3211,987,654,32143214,321one billion, nine hundred and eighty-seven million,six hundred and fifty-four thousand, three hundred and twenty-one1. hundred thousand (表示具体数字表示具体数字) million billion2. hundreds thousands (表示概数表示概数) millions bi

9、llions三三. .基数词的用法基数词的用法数词数词( (several)+)+ ofthe/some / many/these/thosethe/some / many/these/those hundreds of基数词的用法基数词的用法1、表示表示具体具体数目数目,hundred,thousand,million不用复数不用复数表示表示不确定不确定数目数目,用用复数。复数。即即hundredsof(数百数百),thousandsof(数千数千),millionsof(数百万数百万)+名词复数。名词复数。1)Ourcountryhasapopulationof1,300millionpe


11、aregirlsinourclassATwothreeBTwothreesCTwothirdsDSecondthree3.-Whenwasheborn?-Hewasbornon_.A.secondofOctoberB.theOctoberthreeC.OctoberthesecondD.threeofOctober181. If a = 3, b=4, whats the answer to the problem, a+2ab+1=? the answer is_. A. twenty eight B. twenty-eighth C. twenty-eight2. In our schoo

12、l about five _ students are able to surf the Internet . A. hunderd of B. hunderds of C. hundred3. _ sheep were killed in the accident. A. Thousand of B. Thousand C. Thousands of4. There are over nine _ workers in the factory, but _ of young people hope to work in it. A. hundred 0f; hundreds B. hundr

13、ed; hundreds C. hundreds; hundred5.5. people in the world are sending people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.information by e-mail every day.A.Several million B.Many millionsA.Several million B.Many millionsC.Several millions D.Many millionC.Several millions D.Many million A

14、1 基数词(基数词( cardinal number)序数词的构成序数词的构成1)13,first,second,third。2)419,相应基数词相应基数词+th,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,thirteenth,fourteenth,fifteenth,sixteenth,seventeenth,eighteenth,nineteenth.3)2090,y变成变成ie+th,twentieth,thirtieth,fortieth,fiftieth,sixtieth,seventieth,ei


16、字后跟两字母。(序数词构成规律)24基数词基数词序数词序数词基数词基数词序数词序数词oneonetweltwelvevetwotwotwenttwenty ythreethreetwentytwenty-one-onefofou ur rfortforty yfi fiveveone hundredone hundredsixsixone hundred one hundred andand five fiveeigheight tone hundred one hundred and twenty-and twenty-ninenineninnine eninnine eteenteen一一

17、. .基数词、序数词基数词、序数词firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixtheighthninthtwelfthtwentiethtwenty-firstfortiethone hundredthone hundred and fifthone hundred and twenty-ninthnineteenth时间类型时间类型表示法表示法例例读法读法整点整点基数词(基数词(+ oclock) 1:0030分钟分钟分钟分钟 + past +小时小时 2:10= 30 分钟分钟half + past + 小时小时3:3030分钟分钟(60-分钟)分钟) + to +(小时(

18、小时 + 1)4:40分钟逢分钟逢15即即 一刻钟一刻钟a quarter5:156:45简化法简化法按顺序读基数词按顺序读基数词7:50one oclockten past twohalf past threetwenty to fivea quarter past fivea quarter to sevenseven fifty表示在几点钟用介词表示在几点钟用介词 at数词的表示法数词的表示法 时间时间1. Its already 7:40 now. When will the film start? _. We still have five minutes. A. A quarter

19、 to seven B. A quarter to eight C. Seven past forty-five 月日年月日年 在在1998年年10月月1日日数词的表示法数词的表示法 年月日年月日on Octorber the first, nineteen ninety-eight日日the+序数词序数词月月(首字母大写)(首字母大写)月日与年之间月日与年之间用用 ,分开分开年年(两位两位读)(两位两位读)on August the ninthin May, two thousand and ten天日用天日用 on 年月用年月用inon Oct. 1st , 1998月日月日在在8月月9日

20、日月年月年在在2010年年5月月 1. The accident happened on_. A. April 5, 2001 B. 2001, April 5 C. April 2001, 5 2. I was born _. A. in March 8, 1993 B. on July 9, 1994 C. on May, 199520世纪90年代in the 1990s/1990s在他50多岁时in his fifties数词的表示法数词的表示法 1. 1.年代世纪年代世纪in thein ones + 整十基数词复数在某人几十岁时nineteen nineties2、“基数词基数词+名

21、词名词”的的合成形容词合成形容词作定语,作定语,中间有连字符中间有连字符“”,当中的名词用当中的名词用单数单数。a3yearoldgirlaseven-dayholiday3、表计量、表计量-“基数词基数词+度量单位度量单位+形容词形容词”Theclassroomis7meterslong,6meterswideand3metershigh.311. There will be more chances in _ century than in _ century. A. twenty-one, twenty B. twenty-first, twentieth C. the twenty-f

22、irst, the twentieth2. The city changed a lot _. A. in 1980s B. in the 1980s C. in the 19803. He graduated in _ of _ century. A. the sixtieth; twenty B. sixty; the twentieth C. his sixties; the twentieth4. She got the prize _. A. in her fifties B. in fifties C. in her fifty5.The winner is _. He is an

23、 _ boy . A. eight-year-old; eight years old B. eight years old; eight-year-old C. eight-years old; eight-year-old6.He came to China _. A. at the age of 20 B. when he is 20 C. at age of 207.The river is about _. A. 6,000 meters long B. 6,000-meters-long C. 6,000-meter-longbe+数词数词+度量词度量词+形容词形容词15分子分子基

24、数词基数词分母分母序数词序数词one fifth27分子分子 1分母分母 + stwo sevenths14分子分子a分母分母 quartera quarter34three quarters12a half13three and one third3基数词基数词 + and + 分数分数数词的表示法数词的表示法 分数百分数分数百分数80 %基数词基数词 + percenteighty percent百分数百分数 + of + 可数名词复数可数名词复数 谓语动词用复数谓语动词用复数百分数百分数 + of + 不可数名词不可数名词谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数Seventy percent of

25、students in our class are girlsOver seventy percent of the earths surface is covered with water1. _ of the students _ boys in Class A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; are C. Two thirds; is2. _ of her money _ spent on clothes.A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; is C. Two third; is3. _ the teachers in our

26、school is about one hundred, and _ of them are women teachers. A. The number of; two thirds B. The number of ; two third C. A number of; two thirds一个半小时一个半小时两个半小时两个半小时 two and a half hours= two hours and a half one and a half hours= one hour and a half数词的表示法数词的表示法 半的表示法半的表示法1. The boy always stays t

27、here for _. A. three and half hour B. three hour and a half C. three and a half hours2. The old man drank_ beer. A. two bottles and a half B. two and a half bottle C. two bottle and a half一倍一倍 onceonce,两倍,两倍 twicetwice,三倍三倍 three timethree times s ( (三倍或以上三倍或以上 基数词基数词times)times)数词的表示法数词的表示法 倍数倍数Thi

28、s box is five times as big as that one.=This box is four times bigger than that one.A + be + 倍数倍数 + as +adj.原原+ as +B. A是是B的的 倍倍A + be + 倍数倍数 + adj.比比+ than +B. A比比B 倍倍 1. This building is _ that building. A. three time as tall as B. twice taller than C. three times as taller as 2. 我的箱子比你的重六倍我的箱子比你的

29、重六倍! My box is _ yours.2.What a table! Ive never seen such a thing before.It is it is long . A.half not as wide as B.wide not as half asC.not half as wide as D.as wide as not half six times heavier thanseven times as heavy asC一般编码用一般编码用 名词名词 + 基数词基数词207房房 三年级一班三年级一班第五部分第五部分第一课第一课3 号汽车号汽车第一中学第一中学Room

30、 207 Class One Grade ThreePart five = the fifth partLesson one = the first lesson Bus No.3 = the No.3 busNo. 1 Middle School数词的表示法数词的表示法 编号编号1.My mother lives at on floor.A.Room Six;the second B.Six Room;secondC.Room six;two D.the room six;the secondA(1) (1) 小数的读法小数的读法 小数点左边的数通常按基数词读,若为三位以上的数,也小数点左边

31、的数通常按基数词读,若为三位以上的数,也可按编码式读法读出,即将数字单个读出;小数点右边的可按编码式读法读出,即将数字单个读出;小数点右边的数通常按编码式读法单个读出。如:数通常按编码式读法单个读出。如: 6.86 six point eight six 6.86 six point eight six 14.15 fourteen point one five 14.15 fourteen point one five (2) (2) 小数中小数中“ “0”0”的读法的读法 “ “0”0”在小数中通常读作在小数中通常读作noughtnought(英)或(英)或zerozero(美),也可(美

32、),也可读作字母读作字母o o。如:。如: 0.08 0.08 (noughtnought)point nought eight point nought eight 或或 (zerozero)point zero eight point zero eight 小数表示法小数表示法 6+511 Six plus five is eleven 或 Six and five is eleven. 11-65 Eleven minus six is five. 或 Six from eleven is five. 4520 Four multiplied by five is twenty. 或 F

33、our times five is twenty. 2045 Twenty divided by four is five. 或 Four into twenty goes five. 3 Three squared is nine. 2 Two cubed is eight. 加减乘除式的表达方法加减乘除式的表达方法 23表示“大约、接近”,常用nearly, about, some, almost, around 等。 about 700 people some fifty years ago 表示“左右”用or so In the past five years or so “少于”用l

34、ess than Less than 30 years old 不到30岁“多于”用 more than , over More than a year ago over 70 years ago约数表示法约数表示法(1)序数词作定语,前面要加序数词作定语,前面要加the;ThefirsttruckiscarryingafoodbasketJohnlivesonthefifteenthfloorSheismyfirstEnglishteacher.(2)有时加有时加a/an,“再一再一”,“又一又一”的意思的意思WellhavetodoitasecondtimeShallIaskhimathi

35、rdtime?WhenIsatdown,afourthmanrosetospeakTheyhadasecondchildin1988序数词的用法序数词的用法46选择填空。1March is _month of a yearA a three B the third C a third2We will have a meeting at 8:05_Afive to eight B.eight to five Ceight o five3Eight plus eight is_.Asixteen Bsixty-four Cone4He is an _boyAeight years Beight-y

36、ear-old Ceight-years-old5We will have a_ walkAten minutes Bten minutes Cten-minutesB the thirdCeight o fiveAsixteenBeight-year-oldBten minutes6The wall is_.Afour meters long Bfour meter long Cfour-meter long7Whats the date today? Its_AMarch the eight BMarch the eighthCeight,March8It happened in the

37、1040sA in the forties of the eleventh centuryB in the forties of the tenth centuryC in the forty9About_ of the earths surface is covered with water.A. three-fours B. three-fourth C. three-fourthsAfour meters longBMarch the eighthA in the forties of the eleventh centuryC. three-fourths10. He went down to the village which was _miles away from the city.A. three hundreds B. three hundredC. three hundreds ofB. three hundredHomework1.Grammar focus textbook(p30)exercise1-22、Workbook(p19)exercise450



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