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1、八年级英语(仁爱版)下册语言知识点归纳 unit5 Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces? 一. 重点词汇: (一)反义词 happy-unhappy/ sad lucky-unlucky poor-rich kind- -cruel popular-unpopular smart- stupid/silly interesting-boring (二)表示情感的形容词 excited 感到兴奋的 surprised 吃惊的 happy 快乐的 unhappy/ sad 伤心的 angry / mad 生气的 worried 焦急的 afraid/ frighte

2、ned 害怕的 disappointed 失望的 proud 自豪的 lonely 孤单的 nervous 紧张不安的 interested 感到有趣的 (三) 重点词组 1. one of my favorite movies 我最喜欢的电影之一 2. spend the evening 过夜 3. say thanks / goodbye/ hello to sb. 向某人道谢/道别/问好 4. tell a short story 讲一个小故事 5. a ticket to 一张的票 6. wish to do sth. 希望做某事 7. get enough sleep 得到足够的睡眠

3、 8. win a medal 获得一枚奖牌 9. feel proud/ lonely 感到自豪/孤单 10. set a table for 为摆餐具 11. have a temperature = have a fever 发烧 12. be able to do sth. 有能力做某事 13. ring up 给打电话 14. care for= look after/ take care of 照顾 15. because of 由于 16. cheer up / cheer on 使振奋、高兴起来 / 为 喝彩、加油 17. play the role of sb. 扮演某人的角

4、色 18. be on 上演; 放映 19. at first 首先 20. fall into 落入 21. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 22. in/at the end = at last 最后 23. go mad 发疯 24. come into being 形成 25. be full of 充满 26. be popular with 受喜爱 27. make peace 制造和平 28. end/begin with 以结尾/开始 二. 重点句型及重点语言点 1. How nice! 真是太好了! What a shame! 真可惜! Thats

5、 too bad! What bad news! 多糟的消息! 这三句全都是感叹句.它们的结构为: 1) How + adj./ adv. + 主语 + 谓语! 如: How moving the movie is! How fast the boy runs! 2) What + a/an + adj. + n. ( 可数名词的单数) + 主语 + 谓语! 如: What a big apple (it is)! 3) What + adj. + n.( 可数名词的复数或不可数名词) + 主语 + 谓语! 如: What interesting stories (they are)! Wha

6、t hard work( it is)! 2. Because he cant get a ticket to The Sound of Music. 因为他没有买到音乐之声的票. to 表“ 的” ,常见的搭配如下: a ticket toThe Sound of Music 一张音乐之声的票 the answer to the question 问题的答案 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太

7、了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?the key to the door 门的钥匙 the way to 去.的路 3. I think Mr. Lee likes it very much and really wishes to watch it. 我认为李老师非常喜欢它而且的确想去看. wish

8、/ hope to do sth. 希望做某事 与 wish 相关的结构还有: wish/ hope + that 引导的从句; 如: I wish/ hope (that) we will win. 我们可以说 wish sb. to do sth. 而不能说 hope sb. to do sth.; 4. Ill ring up Michael later. 稍后我打电话给迈克. ring up sb. = call/ ring/ phone sb. = give sb. a ring/ call/ telephone = make a telephone to sb. 当宾语为代词时,

9、只能放中间.如: ring me/him/her up 5.since they were not able to go. 既然他们不能去. can 与 be able to 二者都表“ 能;会” ,在指“ 一般能力” 时,常互换。如: He can/is able to work out the problem. 他能算出这道难题. 区别: can 只有现在式和过去式(could),没有数的变化;而be able to 有时态及数的变化. 如: I/ She couldnt swim three years ago, but now I / She can . 三年前,我/她 不会游泳, 但

10、现在我/她能. I will be able to see him next week. 下周, 我将会看到他. They were /He was able to climb the mountain, but now they arent/ He wasnt .Theyre / He was too old. 他们/他过去能爬得上这座山, 但现在不能. 他们/他太老了. 6. Im sure Mr. Lee will be surprised and happy! 我确信李老师会很惊奇也很高兴! be surprised “ 感到惊奇的”, 主语一般为人. be surprising “

11、令人惊奇的”, 主语一般为物. 类似的有:interested/ interesting; excited/ exciting; bored/ boring 7. The lonely father often became angry because of the noisy children. 孤独的父亲经常由于吵吵闹闹的的孩子们而发怒了。 because of “ 由于” ,是介词短语,后常跟名词或短语。如: He didnt come to school because of his illness./ because he was ill. 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣

12、三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?由于他的病,他没来上学。 We didnt go there becaus

13、e of the heavy rain./ because it rained heavily. 由于大雨,我们没去那儿。 8. Maria was able to cheer up the family by teachi ng them to sing lively songs 玛丽亚有能力通过教他们唱轻快的歌曲使整个家庭振作起来。 by 是介词,指“ 通过(某种方式)” ,后面跟名词、代词、形容词或动名词。 9. What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for? = Why did Maria go to the Von Trapp? 玛丽亚为

14、了什么目的去冯特拉普家庭? 10. and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere, 这位母亲是如此焦急,以致于他四处寻找他。 so + adj/ adv. + that + 句子 指“ 如此以致于” 三. 重点语法 1系表结构:Linking verb. + adj. 常见的连系动词如下: 1)be 动词:He is helpful. They are tired. 2) 表 “ 起来” :look 看起来; sound 听起来; taste 尝起来;feel 摸起来等等.如: 3)表状态变化的连系动词有:ge

15、t 变得; turn 转变; go 变; become 变成 等等. 如: In summer, the days get longer, the weather gets warmer. In fall, the leaves turn yellow. The mother went mad. He became angry. 2 because 引导的原因状语从句: because 用来回答 why 提问的问句,表示的原因语气很强,一般用在主句后面,强调因果关系. Mr. Wang lo oks tired because he worked late last night and did

16、nt get enough sleep. Kangkang is disappointed because his best friend is not able to come. -Why do they feel proud? -Because a player from their country won a medal. 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都

17、自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪? Topic 2 Why is Beth crying? 一、重点词汇: (一)词形转换: 1.badly(反义词)well 2.shy( 最高级)shyest 3.understand(过去式)understood 4.anxious( 同义词)worried 5.satisfaction( 形容

18、词)satisfied 6.surprise( 形容词)surprised 7.suggestion( 动词)suggest 8.stranger( 形容词)strange 9.advice(同义词)suggestion 10.either( 反义词)too 11.humorous( 名词)humor 12.sad(名词)sadness 13.unfair(反义词)fair 14.hit( 过去式)hit (二)重点词组: ( 1 ) “be + 形容词+ 介词” 的结构: be worried about 对感到担心/ 焦虑 be anxious about 对感到焦虑 be glad ab

19、out 对高兴 be nervous about 对紧张 be strict with sb. 对某人严格 be strict in / about sth. 对某事严格 be patient with 对耐心 be pleased / satisfied with 对满意 be bored with 对烦闷 be popular with 受欢迎 be angry with/at sb. 对某人生气 be angry at/ about sth. 对某事生气 be surprised at 对惊奇 be mad at 对气愤 be excited at 对兴奋 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张

20、不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪? be interested in 对有兴趣 be tired

21、 of 对疲倦 be afraid of 对害怕 ( 2 ) 课文词组: 1. do badly in 在某方面表现很差 2. talk with sb. = have a talk with sb. 与某人谈一谈 3. over and over again 反复地; 一再 4. wait in line 排队等候 5. fall behind 落后 6. get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事 7. at ones age 在某人的年龄时 8. try to eat less high-energy food 少吃高能量的食品 9. calm down 冷静; 镇静 10. h

22、ave bad experiences 有不好的经历 11. givea hand 帮助 12. in ones teens 在某人十几岁时 13. happen to sb. 发生 14. move to spl. 搬到某处 15. get used to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做)某事 16. be / make friends with 与交朋友 17. join in 参加(活动) 18. fit in 被他人接受;相处融洽 19. deal with 处理; 处置 20. fail to pass an exam = fail an exam 考试不及格 21. lose

23、 a friend or relative 失去一个朋友或亲戚 22. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 23. argue with sb. 与某人争论 24. have a normal life 过正常的生活 二、重点句型及重点语言点 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常

24、某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?1. Anything wrong? = Is there anything wrong? 有什么麻烦吗? 形容词修饰不定代词要后置. 如: something bad 不好的事情 everything new 一切新的事物 2. What seems to be the problem? 似乎有什么问题? seem to do sth. “ 似乎做某事” 常与 “It s

25、eems that + 句子” 转换, 如: He seems to know her name. = It seems that he knows her name. 似乎他知道她的名字. seem + adj “ 似乎(怎样)”, 构成系表结构. 如: You seem sad. = You seem (to be) sad.= It seems that you are sad.你似乎很伤心. 3. What is the teacher like? 那个老师是什么样的人? Whats sb. like? 常询问人的内在品质或性恪. 如: - Whats Beth like? - She

26、 is shy and quiet. What does sb. look like? 常询问人的长相. 如: - Whats Beth look like ? - She is nice with big eyes. be like 与 look like 常可以互换, 如: He looks like his mother. = He is like his mother. 他看起来像他的父亲. 4. It is important to talk to someone else. 跟其它人交流很重要. 句型 “It is + adj. + to do”中, “It”是形式主语,真正主语是

27、后面的动词不定式. 如: It is normal to feel tired after a long trip. 长途旅行后,感到疲劳是正常的. It is dangerous to swim in the sea. 在大海里游泳是很危险的. 5. , but I dont know how to get other students to talk with me. 但是我不知道怎样使他们和我交谈. get sb. to do sth. “ 使(让/ 叫) 某人做某事”, 相当于 ask / tell sb. to do sth.或者说 let / make sb. do sth. 6.

28、 It usually takes me a long time to become happy again. 通常要花我很长时间才能重新快乐起来. 句型 “It takes sb. some time to do sth.” 花了某人某时做某事. 如: It took me three days to finish this work. 花了我三天时间完成这项工作. 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真

29、单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?7. It is said that 据说 8. . when something bad happens to us. 当不好的事情发生在我们身上时. “sth. happens to sb.”, 指“ 某事发生在某人身上”. 是一种惯用句型. 如: A s

30、erious accident happened to his brother yesterday. 昨天,一个重大事故发生在他的兄弟身上. happen to do sth. 指 “ 碰巧做某事”, 如: I happened to see my friend Jim in the street yesterday. 昨天,我碰巧在街上看到我的朋友吉姆. 9. How time flies! “ 光阴似箭!” 是 How quickly the time flies! 简略句. 10. I have to get used to everything new. 我不得不去适应一切新的事物.

31、get / be used to (doing) sth. “习惯于(做)某事”. 其中是介词. 如: He cant get used to the weather here. 他不习惯这儿的天气. I am used to getting up early. 我习惯于早起. used to do sth. 指 “ 过去常做某事”, 如: He used to listen to the pop songs, but now he listens to the folk songs. 他过去常听通俗歌曲,但现在他听民歌. 11. I try to join in activities of

32、many kinds. 我尽量参加各式各样的活动. join in sth. 指“ 参加活动”, 相当于 take part in 或 be in. join 指 “ 参加某个组织或团体” 12 . How does Jeff deal with his sadness? 杰夫怎样处理他的忧伤的? Howdeal with? “ 怎样处理?” 相当于“What .do with?” 三、重点语法 同级比较 1) 表示两者在某一方面程度相等时,用句型 “as + 形容词/副词原级 + as + 比较对象”. 表 “ 与一样”. 如: Celia is as patient as Sue. 西莉亚

33、与苏一样耐心. Jim draws as well as Tom. 吉姆画得与汤姆一样好. 2) 表示某人或某物在某一方面,不如另一个人或另一物时,用句型 “not + as/so + 形容词/副词原级 + as + 比较对象”, 表 “ 不如”. 如: 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常

34、某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?Jim isnt as tall as Tom.= Tom is taller than Jim. 吉姆不如汤姆高./ 汤姆比吉姆高. Jim doesnt studies as hard as Tom. = Tom studies harder than Jim. 吉姆不如汤姆学得努力./ 汤姆学得比吉姆努力. The roads here are not as clea

35、n as those in our hometown. 这儿的路不如我们家乡的路干净. Topic 3 Michael is feeling better. 一、重点词汇: ( 一 ) 词形转换: 1.tense(同义词)nervous 2.true( 副词)truly 3.expression_r( 动词)express 4. husband(对应词)wife 5. choice( 动词)choose 6. relax( 形容词)relaxed 7.thought( 动词)think 8. decision( 动词)decide 9.safe( 名词)safety ( 二 ) 重点词组: 1

36、. have a bad cold 患重感冒 2. get injections 打针;注射 3. follow the doctors advice 遵从医嘱 4. stay at home alone 独自呆在家里 5. come over to 过来;顺便来访 6. at the end of the month 在月底 7. take it easy 别急;慢慢来 8. take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事 9. be happy for sb. 为某人高兴 10. in a good/bad mood 处于好/坏的情绪 11. stay/keep angry 保持生

37、气(的状态) 12. smile at life 笑对生活 13. plan a surprise 计划一个惊喜 14. make masks with different expressions 制作具有不同表情的面具 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造

38、而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?15. put on a short play 表演短剧 16. prepare for 为作准备 17. get along with 与相处 18. look up into the sky 抬头望向天空 19. at midnight 在半夜 20. on the way home 在回家的路上 21. give a speech 演讲 22. try out 尝试;试验 23. in high sp

39、irits 兴高采烈 24. think over 仔细思考 25. bring back a sense of safety 找回安全感 二、重点句型及重点语言点 1. Im feeling even worse. 我甚至觉得更糟了. much, a little 与 even 常用来修饰比较级. 如: He is much older than me. 他比我大得多。 Jim is a little taller than Tom. 吉姆比汤姆高一点。 2. Im afraid of catching SARS. 我害怕患上非典. Im afraid of getting injectio

40、ns. 我害怕打针. be afraid of (doing ) sth. 表” 害怕(做)某事/物” 如: I am afraid of snakes. 我害怕蛇. He is afraid of swimming. 他害怕游泳. 3. I stay at home alone. 我独自一人呆在家中. alone 表示 “ 单独的;独自的”, 指客观上的.只作表语,不能做定语. lonely 表示 “ 孤单的; 寂寞的”, 指主观上的. 既可作表语也可做定语.如: He lives alone, but he never feels lonely. 他一个人生活,但他从不感到孤单. He i

41、s a lonely man. 他是一个孤独的人. a lonely road 一条偏僻的道路 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变

42、变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?4. If we have time, well come over to see you again. 如果我们有时间,我们将会顺便再来看你. If we are alway s sad and worried, well become angry easily. 如果我们老是伤心,焦虑的话,我们就会容易生气. If we stay angry for too long, well be ill. 如果我们长时间生气的话,我们就会生病. if 引导条件状语从句.从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时. 5. I feel so lo

43、nely that my eyes are full of tears. 我感到如此的孤独,以致于热泪盈眶. 6. Suddenly the bus stops and cant move any more.突然公共汽车停下来,再也不动了. notany more = no more 表 “ 不再”, 指次数上不再. notany longer=no longer 表 “ 不再”, 指时间上不再. 如: You arent a child any longer. = You are no longer a child.你不再是个小孩了. We didnt visit him any more.

44、 = We visited him no more. 我们再也不去拜访他了. 三、重点语法 1. make + 宾语 + 形容词 “ 使某人怎样” It makes me so tense. ( Page 17) The nurse there makes me nervous. ( Page 17) We should do something to make him happy again. ( Page 19) Illness can make us sad and worried. ( Page 19) It sometimes makes us afraid. ( Page 19)

45、Sometimes it makes me happy. ( Page 20) Sometimes it makes me sad. ( Page20) I think it can make me happier. ( Page 20) And orange will make us happier, white will make us helpful( Page 21) Bright colors make me happy. ( Page 22) Dark colors make me sad. ( Page 22) Rainy days make me sad. ( Page 22)

46、 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?They make me an

47、gry. ( Page 22) 2. make sb, do sth. 使(让) 某人做某事 Some programs on TV make me want to sleep. ( Page 18) Many things can make our feeling change. ( Page 19) That will help make him or her get well soon. ( Page 19) They can make me feel very sad. ( Page 20) Our clothes can make us feel better about ourse

48、lves. ( Page 21) If one color cant make us feel better, maybe another will. ( Page 21) Rock music always makes me want to dance. ( Page 22) Sad movies always make me cry( Page 22). When I am happy, loud rock music makes me more excited and active. ( Page 22) But, when I am unhappy, loud music makes

49、me feel bored and angry. ( Page 22) Talking with others can make you feel less lonely and. ( Page 23) Unit6 Fun Cycling Topic1 Were going on a spring field trip 一. 重点词汇 ( 一 ) 词形转换: 1.discuss(名词) discussion 2.queen(对应词) king fortable(名词) comfort 4.safely (形容词) safe (名词) safety ( 二 ) 词的辨析 1. find out

50、/ look for / find 2. cost / pay for / spend on 3. other /else 4. raise /rise 5.each /every 6.exciting / excited (三)重点词组: 1.go on a visit to 去 旅行 2. make the decision 做决定 3.bring back 带回 4.go on a field trip 去野外旅行 5.decide on (upon) sth 对某事做出决定 6 see the sunrise 看日出 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之

51、一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?7. make a reservation 预订 8. come up with 想出(主意) 9.

52、 look forward to (doing) sth 期望 10. pay for 支付;赔偿 11. raise money 筹钱 12. book a ticket 订票 13. make a room for sb 为 订房间 14. have a wonderful time 玩得愉快 15. in the daytime 在白天 16. a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行 17.find out 查出 18. some places of interest 名胜 19. rooms with bathtub 带浴室的房间 20 a hard (soft) sleepe

53、r 硬(软)卧 21.my pleasure 不客气 二重点句型及重点语言点 1. I have some exciting news to tell you. 我有一些激动人心的消息要告诉你们。 to tell you 是动词不定式短语, 作定语。动词不定式作定语时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。如: I have nothing to talk about. He has a lot of work to do. 2. Sounds great!= It sounds great! 听起来不错。 3. We will go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai. 我

54、们将要去泰山玩两天。 go on a visit to 去参观/旅游 They went to a visit to Egypt last year. 类似有:go on a trip / go on a picnic a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行 a two-month holiday 两个月的假期 an eighteen-year-old boy 一个 18 岁的男孩 4Its hard to say. 这很难说。To say 是动词不定式作主语,It 是形式主语。 如: Its nice to meet you. 5. Ill ask the airline on th

55、e phone. 我将打电话问问航空公司。同义句是: Ill phone and ask the airline. 6. Bring back your information to class tomorrow and well decide on the best way to go on our field trip. 明天把你们查到的信息带到班上来,然后我们来决定最好的郊游方式。 bring back 带回。Please bring back your library books tomorrow. decide on/upon sth 决定,选定 Were trying to dec

56、ide on a school. 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪

57、?7.Its too far for cycling. 骑自行车去路太远了。同义句是:It too far to cycle there. 8.How long does it take to reach Mount Tai by?乘 去泰山要花多长时间? 9How much does it cost to go there ?去那里要花多少钱? How much does a standard room cost ? 一个标准间的价格是多少? 10.We have tickets at 120 yuan for the hard sleeper and 180 yuan for the so

58、ft sleeper. 我们的票价是硬卧 120 元,软卧是 180 元。 at 意为“ 以”,一般用于表示价格, 年龄,速度等词的前面,for 意为“ 供, 适合于” 。Ive got tickets at 80 yuan for The Sound of Music. 11.Id like to book 20 tickets for the hard sleeper. 我要预订 20 张硬卧票。 20 tickets for the hard sleeper= 20 hard sleeper tickets book tickets 预订票 book a room for sb/sth

59、为 预订房间 e.g. We want to book some rooms for 14th. 我们想预订一些 14 号的房间。 12 Please pay for the tickets before 5:30 p.m. 请在下午 5:30 之前付款。 Pay for 支付 pay for sb to do sth 付钱给某人做某事 e.g. Her parents paid for her to go to America.她的父母支付她去美国的费用. 13. I want to make a hotel reservation. 我想预订房间。 make a reservation 预

60、订 14. We have rooms with a bathtub 我们有带浴缸 的房间。 with 有或带着 a house with a swimming pool a standard room with two single beds 15.Its very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools. 在加拿大和美国的学校里筹钱是很正常的。raise money 筹钱 We can raise the money ourselves. 16.It costs each student one dollar to bu

61、y a ticket for the draw.每一个学生花一美元便可买到一张抽奖的票。 (1)each 作主语,谓语用单数 Each of the students spends one dollar buying a ticket. (2) 用于单数名词前, 作定语, 谓语用单数。 Each student has their own e-mail address. (3) 用于复数主语后,作主语同位语,谓语用复数。They each have their own e-mail address. 17. I am looking forward to hearing from you .

62、我盼望收到你的来信。 Look forward to 盼望,期待 They are looking forward to solving the problem. 三.重点语法 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开

63、见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?动词不定式 (1) 动词不定式常跟这些及物动词之后, want ,refuse, forget, need , try, learn , like, agree, help, hope ,decide, begin等。可用顺口溜(要想拒绝忘记,需要努力学习,喜欢同意帮助,希望决定开始) (2) 不定式的否定形式是在 to 的前面直接加 not. My mother decided not to buy a computer for me. (3) 不

64、定式可以和疑问词 who , which ,when, where ,how, what等连用。 Can you tell me what to say at the meeting ? I dont know how to get to the station. (4) 本 topic 出现的句子有: I have some exciting news to tell you. I want to make a hotel reservation. It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools. The b

65、est way to raise money is to sell newspapers. I think the most exciting way is to sell flowers in the evening. Kangkang helped us to book the train tickets. Topic2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs ? 一、重点词汇: (一)词形转换: 1.explore(名词) explore 2. east (形容词) eastern 3.north(形容词) northern 4. push (反义词) pu

66、ll 5.sadly(形容词) sad (名词) sadness 6. crowd (形容词) crowded (二)重点词组: 1.make a plan 拟定计划 2. make sure 确信,确保 3. come along with 和 一起来 4. at the foot of 在 的脚下 5. be surprised at 对 感到惊奇 6. be satisfied with 对 感到满意 7. out of sight 看不见 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚

67、枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?8. step on ones toes 踩着某人的脚 9. cant help doing sth 忍不住做某事 10. spread over 分布于 11.rush out

68、冲出去 12.raise ones head 抬头 13.ask sb for help 向某人求助 14.thank goodness 谢天谢地 二 重点句型及重点语言点 1. While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams.当你在旅行时, 我正忙于准备考试。 (1)be busy doing sth,/ be busy with sth 忙于做某事 Im busy preparing for my birthday party these days. (2)while 当 时候,引导时间状语从句。当一

69、个动作在正在进行时,另一个动作也同时进行。While my mother was cooking , I was watching TV. 2.Would you help me plan a trip ? 请你帮我定个旅行计划好吗? Would you 比 will you 语气更加客气,委婉, 类似还有 could you Could you come along with us ? 3. They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains at the back. 他们仔细勘测了整个区

70、域,确保这些陵墓是坐北朝南,而且在背后有群山环绕。 make sure 确信,确保 Make sure all the windows are closed before you leave. 4.Its about two and a half hours by bike. 骑自行车大约要 2 个半小时。 Two and a half hours = two hours and a half 5.Its to the east of Yongling. 它在永陵的东面。 to the +方位词+of (表示互不接壤) Japan is to the east of China. on the

71、 +方位词+of (表示相互接壤)Fujian is on the south of Zhejang . in the +方位词+of 表示在某一范围内的地区 Beijing is in the north of China. 6.They walked into Dingling and were surprised at the wonders. 他们走进定陵,对那里的奇观感到很惊奇。 be surprised at 对 感到很惊奇 He is surprised at dragons. be surprised to do sth 惊奇地做某事 She was surprised to

72、find she was lost. 7.so they had to look for space to park their bikes 他们不得不寻找停自行车的地方 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不

73、句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?space 空间 Can you make space for this old man ? 8. While the crowd was pushing him in different directions, someone stepped on his toes. 当人群从四面八方挤来时,有人踩了他的脚。 in ones direction 朝着某人的方向 step on ones toes踩了某人的脚 step on sth 踩某物 Dont st

74、ep on the flowers and grass. 9.When he finally rushed out of the crowd, he noticed his friends were both out of sight. 当他最后冲出人群时,他注意到他的两个朋友都不见了。 notice sb do sth 注意某人做了某事 notice sb doing sth注意某人正在做某事 10. As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up happily. 三个男孩一见面,就高兴得跳了起来。 as soon

75、as 引导时间状语从句 意为“ 一 就” He left as soon as he heard the news. Ill tell him as soon as I see him. 11.He didnt raise his head until someone called his name. 直到有人喊他的名字,他才抬起头。 not until 直到 才 12.They were so lovely that we couldnt help playing with them. 它们太可爱了,我们禁不住和它们一起玩。 cant help doing sth 忍不住做某事 When I

76、 heard the funny news, I couldnt help laughing. 13. I am satisfied with everything in China. 我对在中国的一切感到满意。 be satisfied with 对 感到满意 He is satisfied with my work. 14. We even asked the guard for help. 我们甚至向保安寻求帮助。 ask sb for help 向某人求助 The lost boy asked the police for help. 三.重点语法 时间状语从句 1。引导词: (1)

77、when, while , as 当 时候. when 后可跟短暂性动词也可跟延续性动词;while 后跟延续性动词;as 多用于口语,强调同一时间,或一前一后。 The students were talking in the classroom when the teacher came in. = While the students were talking in the classroom , the teacher came in. 学生在教室里谈话时,老师进来了。 Mother always sings as she cooks dinner for us. 妈妈总是边给我们做饭

78、边唱歌。 (2)not until 直到 才,主句谓语动词常用短暂性动词。 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?

79、获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?I wont leave here until the rain stops. He didnt sleep until his mother came back home. (3) after 在 之后,before 在 之前,as soon as 一 就 I went to sleep after I finished my homework.= I finished my homework before I went to sleep. As soon as the bell rings , the students will go into

80、the classroom. 2. 时态 (1)当主句为一般过去时时,从句常用过去的某种时态。 While I was doing my homework , the telephone rang. (2) 当主句的时态为一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时。 Unit6 Fun Cycling Topic1 Were going on a spring field trip 一. 重点词汇 ( 一 ) 词形转换: 1.discuss( 名词) discussion 2.queen( 对应词) king fortable( 名词) comfort 4.safely ( 形容词) safe (名词)

81、safety ( 二 ) 词的辨析 1. find out / look for / find 2. cost / pay for / spend on 3. other /else 4. raise /rise 5.each /every 6.exciting / excited (三)重点词组: 1.go on a visit to 去旅行 2. make the decision 做决定 3.bring back 带回 4.go on a field trip 去野外旅行 5.decide on (upon) sth 对某事做出决定 6 see the sunrise 看日出 7. ma

82、ke a reservation 预订 8. come up with 想出(主意) 9. look forward to (doing) sth 期望 10. pay for 支付;赔偿 11. raise money 筹钱 12. book a ticket 订票 13. make a room for sb 为订房间 14. have a wonderful time 玩得愉快 15. in the daytime 在白天 16. a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行 17.find out 查出 18. some places of interest 名胜 19. rooms

83、 with bathtub 带浴室的房间 20 a hard (soft) sleeper 硬 (软)卧 21.my pleasure 不客气 二重点句型及重点语言点 1. I have some exciting news to tell you. 我有一些激动人心的消息要告诉你们。 to tell you 是动词不定式短语, 作定语。动词不定式作定语时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。如: I have nothing to talk about. He has a lot of work to do. 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不

84、谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?2. Sounds great!= It sounds great! 听起来不错。 3. We will go on a

85、two-day visit to Mount Tai. 我们将要去泰山玩两天。 go on a visit to 去参观/旅游 They went to a visit to Egypt last year. 类似有:go on a trip / go on a picnic a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行 a two-month holiday 两个月的假期 an eighteen-year-old boy 一个 18 岁的男孩 4Its hard to say. 这很难说。To say 是动词不定式作主语,It 是形式主语。 如: Its nice to meet you.

86、 5. Ill ask the airline on the phone. 我将打电话问问航空公司。同义句是: Ill phone and ask the airline. 6. Bring back your information to class tomorrow and well decide on the best way to go on our field trip. 明天把你们查到的信息带到班上来, 然后我们来决定最好的郊游方式。 bring back 带回。Please bring back your library books tomorrow. decide on/upo

87、n sth 决定,选定 Were trying to decide on a school. 7.Its too far for cycling. 骑自行车去路太远了。同义句是:It too far to cycle there. 8.How long does it take to reach Mount Tai by?乘去泰山要花多长时间? 9How much does it cost to go there ?去那里要花多少钱? How much does a standard room cost ? 一个标准间的价格是多少? 10.We have tickets at 120 yuan

88、 for the hard sleeper and 180 yuan for the soft sleeper. 我们的票价是硬卧 120 元,软卧是 180 元。 at 意为“ 以” ,一般用于表示价格,年龄,速度等词的前面,for 意为“ 供,适合于” 。Ive got tickets at 80 yuan for The Sound of Music. 11.Id like to book 20 tickets for the hard sleeper. 我要预订 20 张硬卧票。 20 tickets for the hard sleeper= 20 hard sleeper tick

89、ets book tickets 预订票 book a room for sb/sth 为预订房间 e.g. We want to book some rooms for 14th. 我们想预订一些 14 号的房间。 12Please pay for the tickets before 5:30 p.m. 请在下午 5:30 之前付款。 Pay for 支付 pay for sb to do sth 付钱给某人做某事 e.g. Her parents paid for her to go to America.她的父母支付她去美国的费用. 13. I want to make a hotel

90、 reservation. 我想预订房间。 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句

91、?做故?豪?make a reservation 预订 14. We have rooms with a bathtub 我们有带浴缸的房间。 with 有或带着 a house with a swimming pool a standard room with two single beds 15.Its very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools. 在加拿大和美国的学校里筹钱是很正常的。raise money 筹钱 We can raise the money ourselves. 16.It costs each

92、 student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw.每一个学生花一美元便可买到一张抽奖的票。 (1)each 作主语,谓语用单数 Each of the students spends one dollar buying a ticket. (2)用于单数名词前,作定语,谓语用单数。Each student has their own e-mail address. (3)用于复数主语后, 作主语同位语, 谓语用复数。 They each have their own e-mail address. 17. I am looking forward

93、 to hearing from you . 我盼望收到你的来信。 Look forward to 盼望,期待 They are looking forward to solving the problem. 三.重点语法 动词不定式 (1) 动词不定式常跟这些及物动词之后, want ,refuse, forget, need , try, learn , like, agree, help, hope ,decide, begin等。可用顺口溜(要想拒绝忘记,需要努力学习,喜欢同意帮助,希望决定开始) (2) 不定式的否定形式是在to 的前面直接加not. My mother decide

94、d not to buy a computer for me. (3) 不定式可以和疑问词 who , which ,when, where ,how, what等连用。 Can you tell me what to say at the meeting ? I dont know how to get to the station. (4) 本 topic 出现的句子有: I have some exciting news to tell you. I want to make a hotel reservation. It is very common to raise money in

95、 Canadian and American schools. The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers. I think the most exciting way is to sell flowers in the evening. Kangkang helped us to book the train tickets. Topic2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs ? 一、重点词汇: 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个

96、小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?(一)词形转换: 1.explore( 名词) explore 2. east ( 形容词) eastern 3.north( 形容词) n

97、orthern 4. push ( 反义词) pull 5.sadly( 形容词) sad ( 名词) sadness 6. crowd ( 形容词) crowded (二)重点词组: 1.make a plan 拟定计划 2. make sure 确信, 确保 3. come along with 和一起来 4. at the foot of 在的脚下 5. be surprised at 对感到惊奇 6. be satisfied with 对感到满意 7. out of sight 看不见 8. step on ones toes 踩着某人的脚 9. cant help doing st

98、h 忍不住做某事 10. spread over 分布于 11.rush out 冲出去 12.raise ones head 抬头 13.ask sb for help 向某人求助 14.thank goodness 谢天谢地 二 重点句型及重点语言点 1. While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams.当你在旅行时, 我正忙于准备考试。 (1)be busy doing sth,/ be busy with sth 忙于做某事 Im busy preparing for my birthday pa

99、rty these days. (2)while 当时候,引导时间状语从句。当一个动作在正在进行时,另一个动作也同时进行。While my mother was cooking , I was watching TV. 2.Would you help me plan a trip ? 请你帮我定个旅行计划好吗? Would you 比 will you 语气更加客气,委婉, 类似还有 could you Could you come along with us ? 3. They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south a

100、nd had mountains at the back. 他们仔细勘测了整个区域,确保这些陵墓是坐北朝南,而且在背后有群山环绕。 make sure 确信,确保 Make sure all the windows are closed before you leave. 4.Its about two and a half hours by bike. 骑自行车大约要 2 个半小时。 Two and a half hours = two hours and a half 5.Its to the east of Yongling. 它在永陵的东面。 to the + 方位词+of ( 表示互

101、不接壤) Japan is to the east of China. on the + 方位词+of ( 表示相互接壤)Fujian is on the south of Zhejang . in the +方位词+of 表示在某一范围内的地区 Beijing is in the north of China. 6.They walked into Dingling and were surprised at the wonders. 他们走进定陵,对那里的奇观感到很惊奇。 be surprised at 对感到很惊奇 He is surprised at dragons. 生气的焦急害怕失

102、望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?be surprised to do sth 惊

103、奇地做某事 She was surprised to find she was lost. 7.so they had to look for space to park their bikes 他们不得不寻找停自行车的地方 space 空间 Can you make space for this old man ? 8. While the crowd was pushing him in different directions, someone stepped on his toes. 当人群从四面八方挤来时,有人踩了他的脚。 in ones direction 朝着某人的方向 step

104、 on ones toes踩了某人的脚 step on sth 踩某物 Dont step on the flowers and grass. 9.When he finally rushed out of the crowd, he noticed his friends were both out of sight. 当他最后冲出人群时,他注意到他的两个朋友都不见了。 notice sb do sth 注意某人做了某事 notice sb doing sth注意某人正在做某事 10. As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all ju

105、mped up happily. 三个男孩一见面,就高兴得跳了起来。 as soon as 引导时间状语从句 意为“ 一就” He left as soon as he heard the news. Ill tell him as soon as I see him. 11.He didnt raise his head until someone cal led his name. 直到有人喊他的名字,他才抬起头。 not until 直到才 12.They were so lovely that we couldnt help playing with them. 它们太可爱了,我们禁不

106、住和它们一起玩。 cant help doing sth 忍不住做某事 When I heard the funny news, I couldnt help laughing. 13. I am satisfied with everything in China. 我对在中国的一切感到满意。 be satisfied with 对感到满意 He is satisfied with my work. 14. We even asked the guard for help. 我们甚至向保安寻求帮助。 ask sb for help 向某人求助 The lost boy asked the p

107、olice for help. 三.重点语法 时间状语从句 1。引导词: (1) when, while , as 当时候. when 后可跟短暂性动词也可跟延续性动词;while 后跟延续性动词;as 多用于口语,强调同一时间,或一前一后。 The students were talking in the classroom when the teacher came in. = While the students were talking in the classroom , the teacher came in. 学生在生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电

108、影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?教室里谈话时,老师进来了。 Mother always sings as she cooks d

109、inner for us. 妈妈总是边给我们做饭边唱歌。 (2)not until 直到才,主句谓语动词常用短暂性动词。 I wont leave here until the rain stops. He didnt sleep until his mother came back home. (3) after 在之后,before 在之前,as soon as 一就 I went to sleep after I finished my homework.= I finished my homework before I went to sleep. As soon as the bel

110、l rings , the students will go into the classroom. 2. 时态 (1)当主句为一般过去时时,从句常用过去的某种时态。 While I was doing my homework , the telephone rang. (2)当主句的时态为一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时。 I will call you as soon as I get to Beijing. 本 topic 出现的句子有: 1.While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams. 2.He

111、 didnt raise his head until someone called his name. 3.While the crowd was pushing him in different directions, someone stepped on his toes. .4. As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up happily. 5.After they rode their bikes for two and a half hours, Kangkanf , Michael and Darren

112、 arrived at the Ming Tombs. 6.As they were exploring happily, the crowd became larger and larger. Topic3 Bicycles are popular with people 一、重点词汇: (一)词形转换: 1. death ( 动词) die (形容词 )dead 2 slow ( 副词) slowly 3.crossing(动词) cross 介词) across 4. success(动词) succeed (形容词 successful 5Pain ( 形容词) painful 6.

113、lead ( 名词) leader 7.final ( 副词) finally 8impossible ( 反义词) possible 9 courage (动词) encourage (二)重点词组: 1Slow down 减速 2. run into 撞到 3. avoid doing sth 避免 防止做某事 4. warn sb to do sth 警告/提醒某人做某事 5. ride into 进入 跻身于 6 get 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲

114、足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?used to (doing) 习惯于做某事 7. a sharp turn 急转弯 8. be popular with 受的欢迎 9. get a fine 处以罚金 10. go on doi

115、ng sth 继续做某事 11. the way to success 成功之路 12. obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 13.break the traffic rules 违反交通规则 14. be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事 15.be famous for 因闻名 16. be in danger 处于危险中 17.after a while 一会儿 二 重点句型及重点语言点 1I think traffic in Beijing is crazy. 我认为北京的交通很拥堵。 traffic 是不可数名词 2. If people o

116、bey the traffic rules , there will be fewer accidents. 如果人们都遵守交通规则,交通事故将会减少。 If we break the traffic rules, it will be dangerous and we will get a fine.如果人们违反交通规则,将很危险,我们会受到处罚的。 这是 if 引导条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。 3I feel a little more confident. 我感到自信多了。 more confident 是比较级 4. It can help us save ene

117、rgy and avoid pollution. 这样可以节约能源以及避免空气污染。 avoid sth / doing sth 避免做某事 You should avoid making the mistake like that. He ran into the wall to avoid hitting the truck. 5.Bicycles are popular with people. 自行车深受人们欢迎。 Be popular with 受欢迎 6 It warns us to be more careful. Warn sb (not)to do sth 警告/提醒某人做某

118、事 He warned her to keep silence. Warn sb about sth 提醒某人某事 7.Most people think bicycles are much safer than any other vehicle. 大部分人认为自行车比其他交通工具要安全些。 8.However, his way to success didnt go well. 然而,他的成功之路并非一帆风顺。 The way to success 成功之路 success in doing sth 在成功 I didnt have much success in finding a jo

119、b. 我找工作没什么结果。 9 Like the other challenges in his life, Lance faced it head-on. 像面对生命中其他挑战一样, 兰斯迎头面对。 10It seems impossible to beat him. 打败他似乎是不可能的。 beat sb 打败某人 win a game /match/ a gold medal It seems +adj+to do sth 做某事似乎 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚

120、为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?She always seems to be sad. 三.重点语法 条件状语从句 1.条件状语从句由 if(如果),unless(除非)等 引导的,谓语动词常用一般现在时表示将来,主句

121、用一般将来时。 主句 if 从句 Will (must, should, may) 一般现在时 如:I wont go if he doesnt go . We will pass the exam if we study hard. We wont pass the exam unless we study hard. 2. 祈使句+and/or 引导的结果句,祈使句在意义上相当于条件状语从句。 如:Hurry up, or youll be late.= If you dont hurry up, youll be late.=Youll be late unless you hurry

122、up. Study hard, and you will pass the exam.= If you study hard, you will pass the exam. Unit 7 Organizing a Food Festival Topic 1. We need to make some money 一、重点词汇: (一) 词形转换: 1.success(形容词)successful 2.invitation( 动词)invite 3.tooth( 复数)teeth 4.friendly( 比较级)more friendly 5.Russia( 形容词)Russian 6.Afr

123、ica( 形容词)African 7.India(形容词)Indian 8.sandwich( 复数)sandwiches 9.supply(复数)supplies 10.post( 名词)poster (二)重点词组: 1. hear of 听说 2. make money 挣钱 3. be pleased to do 很高兴做某事 4. think about 思考,思索 5. think over 仔细考虑 6. make a poster 做海报 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚

124、足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?7. Organize a Food Festival 举办美食节 8. turn to sb./sth. 求助于,求教于 9. chat with sb. 和某人交谈/聊

125、天 10. whats more 而且 11. never mind 没关系 12. work hard at 在方面努力学习 二、重点句型: 1.Do you know about Daniel Igali ? 你知道丹尼尔 艾格雷吗? know about“ 了解” ,know a lot about“ 对某事了解很深” ,know a little about“ 对某事或某人了解一些” ,而 know 是“ 知道” ,“ 认识” 之意,如: I know her.我认识她。I know about her. 我了解她。二者意思不同。 2.I have heard of him. 我从未听

126、说过他。 hear of sb./sth“ 听说过某人或某事” hear + that 从句“ 听说,得知” hear from sb.“ 收到某人的来信” hear“ 听见” listen“注意听” 3.Ill think over how we should organize the food festival. 我将仔细考虑我们应该怎样组织这次美食节活动。 think over“ 仔细考虑” think of/about“ 考虑,思考” think of 还有“ 想起” 之意 4.Lets try our best to make it successful. 让我们尽力成功举办这次美食

127、节活动。 try ones best=do ones best 尽力,努力 make sb./sth. successful 使获得成功 5.Whats more, Im sure that selling rice and dumpling dishes can make a lot of money. 而且,我相信出售米饭和饺子会赚很多钱。 Whats more ( 口语)而且,更有甚者 She is a beautiful girl .Whats more ,she is friendly to us. 她是一个漂亮的女孩,而且对人也友好 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点

128、词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?selling rice and dumpling dishes 是 v-ing

129、分词短语做主语。 6.Its a pleasure. 用于感谢的答语还有:Thats Ok./Thats all right./Youre welcome./My pleasure. 7.May I invite you to our food festival? Invite sb. to some place 邀请某人去某处 Invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做谋事 如: May I invite you to go shopping with me? 我能邀请你一起去购物吗? 8.Extension six zero zero six, please. 请接分机号 60

130、06。 相当于 Can I have extension six zero zero six ,please ? 或 Please dial extension six zero zero six. 9.Keep trying. 继续努力吧。 Keep(on)doing sth. 继续/重复做某事 Keep sb./sth.doing sth. 让某人持续做某事;让某事持续进行 如: He kept writing all the night. 他整晚在写作。 Ill try not to keep you waiting.我会尽量不让你久等。 10.It has very few schoo

131、l supplies. 学校设施简陋。 句中 supplies 是作名词用。如:very few school supplies, 这里 supplies 是名词复数, 译为“ 学校设施简陋” ,supply 作为动词用,意为“ 提供” 、“ 供应” 。如: The school supplies books for/to the children.=The school supplies the children with books. - 学校提供孩子们书籍。即:supply sth.to/for sb. 或 supply sb. with sth. 11.Our students wil

132、l sell many delicious international foods in order to raise money for a village school in Nigeria. 为了给尼日利亚一所乡村学校筹钱,我们学生将出售许多美味的国际食品。 in order to意为“ 为了” , 它引导的动词不定式短语作目的状语。否定结构 用 in order not to ,比 so as to 正式,也可以用 so that 代替。如: - Hell try his best to work hard in o rder to/so as to catch up with his

133、 classmates.= Hell try his best to work hard so that he can catch up with his classmates. 他将尽全力努力学习为了能赶上他的同学。 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而

134、获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?raise money 集资,筹款 三、语法学习: 1. 宾语从句 宾语从句在句中起宾语的作用。它可以作动词的宾语,也可以作介词、不定式、分词、动名词以及某些形容词的宾语,宾语从句可以由连词 that, whether, if, 代词 who, whose, what, which 和副词 when, where, how, why等引导。现先着重介绍连词 that 引导的宾语从句。下面就举例说明: I th

135、ink he will be all right in a few days. 我想他几天就会好了。 Im afraid (that)you are wrong. 恐怕你错了。 I dont think(that)you are right. 我认为你不对。 I hope that youll be bett er soon. 我希望你很快康复。 I heard that he joined the army. 我听说他参军了。 Im glad that you are ready to help others. 我很高兴你乐意帮助别人。 学习宾语从句应注意几点: (1).引导词 (2).时态

136、(时态一致) (3).语序(陈述) 2. 征求对方意见或提建议的句型。 提建议、征询对方意见的四种表达方式 (1) Shall I (we) ? 常用在提供帮助,提出建议,要求给以指示和征求意见,常译为我(们),好吗? 如:Shall I (we) open the window? 我(们)把窗户打开,好吗? (2) May I? 常用在征求对方意见的句子中,常译为“ 我可以吗?” 如:May I invite you to organize the Food Festival with me ? 我可以邀请你和我一起组织这次美食节吗? (3) Will you ? 常用于请求对方完成某一动作

137、,同时征求对方意见,常译为“ 请你好吗?” 如: Will you please call me this evening? 请你今晚打电话给我好吗? (4) Would you like to? Would like to do sth. 想要做某事。如: Would you like to eat another mooncake? 你想再来一块月饼吗? 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了

138、三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?四、日常交际用语:谈论社交活动中有关常见的日常交际用语 Shall we have a food festival to make money for his school ? May I invite you to our food festival ? Id lov

139、e to, but Im afraid I have no time. Will you please tell me something about? Whats up ? Thank you for inviting me to your food festival. Topic2 Cooking is fun 一重点词汇: (一)词形转换: 1.cook( 名词)cook/cooker 2.fine( 副词)finely 3.gentle( 副词)gently 4.noise(形容词)noisy 5.noisy( 副词)noisily 6.hot (名词)heat 7.polite(反义

140、词)impolite 8.proud( 名词)pride (二)重点词组: 1.be ready to do sb./sth. 乐意/准备做某事 2.be kind to sb./sth . 对某人/某物友好 3.slicefinely 精细地把切小 4.for a few minutes 过了一会儿 5.fillwith 用装满 6.drink to somebody 为干杯(或祝酒) 7.finish doing 做完某事 8.sit down at the table 坐在桌子旁边 9.at table 吃饭,就餐 10.start with 以开始 11.raise glass 举杯

141、12.take a sip 喝一小口 13.around the world=all over the world=in the world 世界各地 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去

142、句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?二.重点句型: 1.You often teach me to be kind to the poor and the old. 你经常教我要善待穷人和老人。 teach sb. to do sth.教某人(如何)做某事 be kind to do sth. kind 是形容词,译为“ 善待某人” 2.Would you like me to help you? 你需要我的帮忙吗? 该句表示“ 客气的请求” ,相当于 Would you like + to do? 或 Wil

143、l you please + do? 另外 like sb. to do sth.,这里 like 是动词,相当于 want,译为“ 要某人做某事” 。 3.Its very kind of you. 你真是太好了。 该句等同于 You are very kind. 4.After that, fill bowels 70% 80% full with bone soup slowly. 之后,慢慢地在碗里加 78 分的骨头汤。 fill with“ 用装满”,fill 用作动词,构成 be filled with 等同于 be full of 译为“ 充满,装满” 如: Fill the g

144、lass with water. 往杯子里注满水(强调动作) The glass is filled of water.= The glass is full of water. 杯子里装满了水(强调状态) 5.Its not impolite to smoke during a meal in France. 在法国,吃饭时吸烟不是不礼貌的。 During 是介词,后常跟名词或短语,而 while 是连词,后常跟从句。如: What did you do during the summer holiday? 在暑假期间你做了什么?这里不能用 while 代替。 6.what does the

145、 dinner start with ? 晚餐先吃什么? begin/start with 以开始,如:Lets start our class with Unit 1. 让我们从第一单元开始上课。 7.Never drink too much during a dinner. 就餐时千万别喝太多。 too much 是用来修饰不可数名词,too many 是修饰可数名词,而 much too 是修饰形容词和副词。如:too much water 太多的水,too many trees 太多的树木,much too tired 太累了 8.In parts of India, they use

146、 their fingers and bread to pick up the food . 在印度地区,他们用手指和面包来抓食物。 这里 pick up 译为“ 抓起,拾起” ,另外还有“ (用车)接(人或物)之意。如: 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制

147、造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?Ill come to pick you up. 我会开车去接你。 三、语法学习: 1.宾语从句(二) 宾语从句的第二种类型由 if 或 whether 连接词引导,语序要用陈述句语序,意思是 “ 是否”“是不是” 。如: I dont know if/whether it is fine tomorrow.( 语序必须是陈述句的) Do you know if/whether hell come? I

148、dont know if/whether hell come. (宾语从句用将来时态) 比较:If he comes tomorrow, let me know.(条件状语从句用现在时态) 注:if 引导状语从句,译为“ 如果” ;引导宾语从句,译为“ 是否” ,等同于 whether。当宾语从句后面有 or not 时,一般用 whether,不用 if。 2掌握并懂得正确应用 It is+adj. + to do sth. 句型 It is+adj. + to do sth. 句型中 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。通常若主语太长,为避免头重脚轻,可用 it 作形式主语,将动词不

149、定式后置。如: It is necessary to study English hard. Its polite to smoke during a meal in France. 四、日常交际用语:有关就餐前的日常交际用语 Whats the most popular in your restaurant ? .Whats your favorite Chinese dish? .Would you like me to help you? Of course. Its very kind of you. .How do you to make it? It sounds difficul

150、t. .Well done! Topic3. A wonderful food festival! 一、重点词汇: (一)词型转换: 1.sell (名词)sale 2.buy ( 反义词) sell 3.else (同义词)other 4.regular (副词)regularly 5.noisily ( 比较级)more noisily 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息

151、自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪? 6.neatly (最高级)most neatly (二)重点词组: 1.shine brightly 阳光灿烂 2.many different delicious food 各种不同的可口食物 3.on sale 上市,出售 4.kindhearted 心地善良 5.a table

152、 for two 一张双人桌 6.have the bill=get/pay the bill 结帐,付帐 7.go Dutch 各付各的帐/AA 制 8.main course 主食,主菜 9.go well 进展顺利 10.sell well 卖得很好 11.be worth doing 值得做 12.send to 把寄给 13.send for 派人去请 14.keep a balanced diet 保持日常饮食均衡 15.not onlybut also 不但而且 16.not all 并非所有的 二、重点句型: 1.enjoy yourselves! 祝你们玩得开心! enjoy

153、 oneself 相当于 have a good /nice/great/wonderful time 2.Anything else ? 还要别的吗? else 译为“ 别的”“其他的” 常修饰疑问词, 不定代词并放在所修饰词的后面。 如: what else, who else, nobody else, something else 等。other 也表示“ 别的”“其他的” ,但它修饰名词。如:some other people 其他的一些人,other 修饰名词 people,不能用 else 代替。 3.The Beijing roast duck smells nice and

154、tastes nice, too. 北京烤鸭闻起来很香尝起来也香。 这里 smell 和 taste 都是系动词, 后面加上形容词 nice 表语, 构成系表结构, “ 系动词+adj.”构成系表结构,这类动词还有 look, feel, sound, seem, get, turn, become, grow, make, keep等。 too, also, as well 和 either 都可以表示“ 也” ,但用法不同: also 较正式,位置通常接近动词,不用于句末:too 多用于口语,位置通常在句末,前面 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过

155、向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?常有逗号隔开,as well 也多用于口语,只用于句末,以上 3 个词都不用于否定句,而 either 却用

156、于否定句。如 He also plays the piano. 他也弹钢琴。 He is a worker, too. 他也是个工人。 He plays the guitars as well. 他也弹吉他。 He was not there ,either. 他也不在那里。 4.We must remember that we should eat not only our favorite food but also other healthy food. 我们必须记住我们不仅要吃我们喜欢吃的食物,而且还要吃其他有益健康的食物 not onlybut also 不但而且,这种结构属于“ 对

157、称” 的句型,要求 only 和 also 尽量用同样的词语,如: She not only reads English ,but also speaks French. 她不仅能看懂英语,而且还能说法语。 5.The more regularly we eat, the healthier we are. 我们的饮食越有规律,我们身体就越健康。The+比较级,the+比较级表越就越。如: The more trees we plant, the more beautiful our city is. 我们种越多的树,我们的城市就越漂亮。 6.Not all students have a r

158、egular breakfast. 并非所有的学生早餐饮食有规律。 Not all 译成“ 并非所有的” ,是部分否定。如: Not all students like swimming. 并不是所有的学生喜欢游泳。 三、语法学习: 1.宾语从句第三种类是由 what, which, whose , whom, who, where, when, why, how等引导,应注意语序变化(宾语从句是陈述语序)这类宾语从句是由特殊问句转变而来的,要用 wh特殊疑问词来引导,意义即为疑问词本身的含义。如: Tell me what you want. 告诉我你想要什么? Can you hear w

159、hat I said? 你能听见我说了什么吗? You may ask him when he come. 你可以问他什么时候来。 Do you know who will come at the meeting?你知道谁要来参加会议吗? Tell me how she looked after her operation. 告诉我她术后恢复的怎么样。 注意: (1)宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序, 尤其要注意 whether, if 和 wh 疑问句引导的宾语从句的语序,即按照主语,谓语的顺序。如: Do you know why winter is colder than summer?你知

160、道为什么冬季比夏季冷吗? 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?I d

161、ont know who all those people are.我不知道那些人是谁。 (2)宾语从句要考虑“ 时态一致” 即当主句是过去时,从句也要用过去的某一时态。如: He asked me which my favorite Chinese dish was. 他问我最喜爱的中国菜是那一样。 Did you know who they were? 你知道他们是谁吗? (3)若宾语从句跟在动词 think, believe, suppose, except 等后面,表示“ 要” ,“ 认为” ,句子的否定在主句上,称“ 否定前移” 。如: I dont think you are ri

162、ght. 我认为你是不对的。 You dont think he is right, do you? 你认为他是不对的,是吗? 2.副词的比较级和最高级的构成 (1)规则副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则。如下表: 单音节词或少数双音节词 构成规则 一般在词尾 加 er 或 est 以 e 结尾的词加 r 或 st 以辅音字母+y 结尾的词, 改y 为 i,在加 er 或 est 例词 fast faster fastest late later latest early earlier earliest 多音节词和部分双音节词 构成规则 在词前加 more或 most 例词 slowly mor

163、e slowly most slowly carefully more carefully most carefully 少数不规则副词的比较级和最高级的变化形式如下表: 原级 well badly little much far 比较级 better worse less more farther/further 最高级 best worst least most farthest/furthest (2) 副词比较等级的用法 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲

164、足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?a. 同级比较:表示两者在某一方面程度相同时,用“as+ 副词原形+as” 的句式;但表示前者不如后者时,用“not so(as)+ 副词原形+as” 的句式。如; The boys are lis

165、tening as carefully as the girls. 男生们跟女生们在一样认真地听。 He didnt dance so(as) well as Jim. 他跳舞没有吉姆跳得好 b.比较级:表示一方程度比另一方更高时,用“ 副词比较级+than” 的句式。在这一句式中,当 than 前后的动词相同时,通常用助动词代替后面的动词。该动词或助动词可以省略。副词比较级前常用 much., a little, still, even 表示“ 更” ,这也可以作为判断比较级的依据。如: I sing better than she (does). 我唱歌比她唱得好。 My brother

166、did much better in his lessons than I. 我哥哥功课学得比我好多了。 c.最高级:表示三个或三个以上的人或物的比较时,用副词最高级。结构为“the+ 副词最高级+比较范围。” 其中的 the 常省去,比较范围常用 of 或 in短语。如: Maria speaks English (the) best in our class. 在我们班上,玛丽亚英语讲得最好。 He studies (the) hardest of the three boys. 这三个男孩中,他学习最用功。 四、日常交际用语:有关就餐时日常交际用语 Here is the menu fo

167、r you. May I take your order? Would you like to try?/start with? Id like,please. Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or tea? Anything else? No, that s all. May I have the bill? Lets go Dutch. 生气的焦急害怕失望自豪孤单紧张不安感到有趣三重点词组我最喜豪欢电影之一过夜过向影某人三道不谢别问好点讲喜豪个小故事票希做得足够睡眠单做获枚枚足奖牌枚枚焦枚为摆餐具发讲足烧能力过给打三制造和和平以结尾开始二眠结获不句型及制造语言真单不是太了三可惜多糟得消过息自不这全眠都自具不结叹制造奖它们构主谓如数眠名自具票复或因他没买名获眠不主得音乐声表始常某获乐见关还还三引结导获从说票制造而获稍词后向话迈不过过说克当宾代眠时见只放开见开不句制造始代中间既然去句获复与影者会在三眠指般互换获结算出难单题区和和现眠式变变眠化态?获始?眠?获买眠?开故?不开制?获复眠始句?做故?豪?



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